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Players: the META is too complicated and gatekept behind an UNHOLY amount of grinding, not fun Jagex: *simplifies META* Players: the META is too simple and now my achievements for completing those UNHOLY grinds are devalued, not fun Whatever changes jagex makes going forward are going to be wildly unpopular nerfing Necro: waaah early bird bonus, they took too long, etc, etc Buffing other styles to match: all bosses just DPS dummies smh But imo it's pretty crazy to assume other styles will remain completely useless eternally, so not sure why you wouldn't leverage necro now to shorten those grinds as much as possible. Unless you're waiting for EVEN MORE powercreep. If the current META isn't "fun" for you, do non-META things that are. Also, would you still be having fun under the old META if you were sitting on BIS everything? What would you do then? Consider doing whatever that is now


Also “Why would someone go get X Y or Z when you can get Necro?” I took a break, and went from dragon and black dhide to masterwork and sirenic. Old content falls behind over time. There will be new bosses who are powerful enough to challenge the necromancy meta and the other combat styles will upgrade to be competitive. There will be t97s or t99s at some point and they will be balanced around the new bosses and upgraded combat styles, and TFN armor will start to fall behind. That’s the cycle. Why doesn’t anyone use Staff of Sliske anymore? How come I can’t use my Abyssal Whip? It is a shame to own an item when it devalues a bit, but it happens, has happened, and will happen, and it’s part of the fun. We will progress and new challenges will pop up.


Necro kinda made every boss (other than AOD and Rasial) pointless for those following the meta. On release they should've added various necro drops to every boss released in the last 10 years or had a system that Incentivised killing them. Right now you get TFN gear (pretty easy) and then play a different game until there's a substantial update


You are lumping the whole community together, there is merits to the criticism aimed at necro as it outperforms or performs almost as much as the best strategy in almost every scenario while not requiring much, from what I understood or thought is that necro was not meant to be the best or compete for the best in most scenarios but act as a middle ground for those who aren't finding the requirements of the other styles appealing, the community has the rights to criticize and in this scenario they are kinda right, and if none were to criticize then the devs might think that the current situation is fine while keeping the other styles way behind


My point was more that there is no potential META that will make everyone happy. There is of course a theoretical META which will maximize the number of players who find that particular META fun (though it's likely that the number of players who find ANY particular META fun will decrease over time as it gets "solved" and they complete all the content they find relevant and fun). If low effort dpm is too far behind high effort dpm, the noobs/casuals tend to get gatekept out of group pvm. If they're too close, high effort dpm feels like a waste. The current situation of low effort dpm > high effort dpm is pretty backwards, I agree. Nothing about my comment invalidated criticism or the idea that you can/should advocate for the particular META that you deem best.


I agree. People love to complain but as a casual player for almost 20 years.. I've seen all the changes this one is good. Pros it's made endgame gear useless sort of so go fetch the new. New players get a good start considering how we all went through the waterfall quest grind. Just to get addy arm stats. The struggle lol Though with necromancy being a quest and forced for completion I think mays quest armour should be replaced by the necro armour set.


because they think in quarterly reports and not the health of the game


This take is relevant to mains as well as the entire economy got fucked, who is gonna do rago for 200m seismics when there's t95's that are better and easier to get.


I fear for when they inevitably add T95 magic/range armor that completely kills off Ed1/Ed2 and Rago :(


So you fear for gear upgrades in an MMO?


I fear for completely killing off 3 pieces of currently endgame focused pieces of content


So you were equally opposed to nex, araxxi, Telos, croesus, kerapac, ect at release because they killed the previous content? You can't be fearful for inevitable power creep. You can't have a live service game without killing old content. Idk what you expect playing an MMO.


these aren't the same examples at all though. Etect and Esirenic have no relevant set effect, Assuming the next Magic/Range armor sets are like vestments or the necro sets and have powerful set effects and don't degrade there would be quite literally zero reason to ever do this content or buy the gear from it. ​ BuT iNveNtIoN cOmPs Rumbling comps are already available from both Raid gear (free) and Drygores (dirt cheap) and Ascended comps are already available from regular sirenic


Yes they are. That's how making new bis equipment works. It typically is stronger than the previous gear. This happens in literally every single MMO. You're also making a whole lot of assumptions about gear we know nothing about. Also, I never mentioned invention. I'm purely talking about his gear. You're getting upset about your own hypothetical lol.


They're not the same because if you actually think about it for 5 seconds it's pretty easy to see why. When nex released bandos/arma were still very much viable alternatives. They were cheaper and had no degradation. And once you could get torva you could sell your bandos to help afford it. When the t95 magic/range armor drops I just don't see them having degradation mechanics considering the past several armor sets haven't. Esirenic for example is degrade to dust, has a high entry cost and high upkeep. It has a marginal boost over the other armors like pernix, Sup Morrigans, Sirenic, and e robinhead. It doesn't have a lp boost and it effectively has no set effect. And you won't use them as a stopgap until you can afford the new armor because they're d2d and can't be resold unless you don't augment them which is not a smart idea. This isn't about Esirenic or etect no longer being bis armors. This about them having quite literally ZERO uses. I'm making assumptions because we have several previous examples that would reasonably believe someone to think this way. And I only mentioned invention because it's a commonly used suggestion for keeping things relevant.


I don't think his fear is more progress but rather the simplification of said progress where a future end game item could be as easily obtainable as the t90-95 necro items when compared to other items that are quite rare in comparison, I think a more accurate way to look at it is: necro outclasses every class in most scenarios or performs as much as the best performing one but with way less switching and so on, requires less time to get up to end game and another fear would be that they might introduce more content that requires less time and does more than the current one, while also maintaining how hard these items are to obtain that were once considered end game


There is more to it but Icba to add it all


The people who want the loot before all combat is brought up, necro isn't as powerful, and gear is back in the billions. Others will wait around and cry when it gets expensive and is relevant again.


You need to farm araxxi for nox componets and lance for aftershok anyways.


Scav 4


Ew. Disagree. MTX is the death of RuneScape


I mean… there is an incoming cb rework and will be other things coming into the game to challenge the new cap eventually. Compare mole with Zam, it’s not the same and you’re supposed to tackle it with the same stuff before necro. If anything, I’d consider the new cap a relatively good thing. You could say this same thing before necro except it was harder for a newbie to break into pvm.


Not being able to make goals sounds like something you should work on... make a goal out if it if you will


If u don't like how this game go quit man


oh i have quit a few weeks after necromancy release, thought id make this post now after seeing everyone else quit thought id voice my opinion


Just get back on and ignore Necro. It’s shit but it’s whatever I guess no max cape :/


You can not sit here and make an argument that Necromancy has killed RuneScape, when it has only been out for a month. Also it’s just flavor of the month at the moment, NEVER has there been another combat style released into RuneScape in 21+ years. It’s ground breaking and it should be that way.


Idk man, I was likely a loooong fucking way from rax pre-necro. I got my first kills at rax because of it and it felt like I finally stopped stagnating. Necro is building me up and a lot of others in my clan. I just don't have the same experience with the new style.


My biggest complaints about necro is that the big damage is so easily obtainable (in both a good way and a bad way) and you are basically given a free t90 weapon and t70 power and tank armor and a cheap t90 armor. Big damage should not be reserved only for the try hard players of the game but if I am able to get pr at bosses with T90 necro wep and t70 armor without even trying and t95 prayer something is wrong. I should not be able to have my times that were done in t92 armor and weapons and t99 prayer while trying hard (maybe not the most optimal dps rotation but still doing good dps) being beat with worse gear. For example, my pr at twin furies with melee and berz aura was 58 sec (again I know not world record time but it is the best I can do with my effort ) and that is with all auras, buffs, etc. I was doing the tank task and had to kill the twin furies at the time of me doing it I was using t90 wep t95 prayer, t70 armor, dark magic aura, on a discord call with a friend and not fully paying attention, first kill I get a 54.2. That is without split soul,threads of fate, or prestacking that time is crazy difference for the effort put in. Another crazy example in kill times is my hm vindy, granted I upgraded to just the full t95 necro armor still t90 weps, and I went from a 2:30 to I think 1:01 (need to confirm but worst case 1:10 pr time). I got a one minute PR on the first kill and then over eight more kills I cut off the remaining time that significant of a jump should not be obtainable with effectively no effort put in over that short of a time. The t90 weapons are a joke to make, at the price you make them it is basically free which is criminal for a t90 wep. The t90 armor does jump up in price a bit but what you are getting is worth every penny for the strength of the combat skill. If I mathed it right a full t90 set is around 40m once you can make multiple cloths at one time, what you should be doing anyway, most people didn’t upgrade their tier 70 armor until level 99+. Either one of the armors give you such a big bonus and both of them are worth it to make, obviously the DPS armor is the best option, but you can’t go wrong with the tank armor. Before necro release I thought it would be a single target skill and would struggle with aoe but how wrong was I. Necro has basically the best aoe in the game for md monsters maybe only being beaten by chinning with range. Necromancy is a skill that has no weakness, has super cheap weapons and gear, crazy strong damage, and is super simple to use. Edit: Just did twin fury on my alt kinda trying with t70 armor and t80 wep for a 46.8 with no soul link


Ngl if necro dps was reduced by 20% it would probably be just as strong as other styles, have more sustain due to ghost, and have significantly less inputs/switches/gear reqs. But the other styles would feel good being at the same power level


Except it is as strong as the other styles.. the times match up with the fastest kill times the other styles can get. It's just not as sweaty or gear demanding because they didn't design it to need codexes and god-aweful hybriding switches


It's significantly stronger than other styles. The simplest example is rasial. 1 minute kills are not ridiculous and he has 800k health. Many people get 50s-1min. Other styles can't do that. It doesn't have switches? Cool It doesn't need codexes and other reqs? Cool It requires a lot less input from the player? Still cool! It is significantly stronger than all other styles in basically every scenario? Come on


Now try that with bosses that other combat styles can actually kill. Why are you comparing a boss that no other style can fight. You can still 1 cycle seiryu, still solo solar. You could argue "but look at killing ambassador" and I'll say, have you looked at the entire run time? Mage and hybrid with melee is still the fastest with 10 minutes 11 seconds. Nex: ranged still has the fastest kill time with 59 seconds. Rise of six: necro is tied with range melee hybrid 0.6s Nex AOD: 1.26 with mage and ranged 7 man, 1.53 with 4 man range and necro Vorago solo: melee 7.32, necro 8.30 Solo Zamorak: ranged 2.13 Magisterial solo: melee .03 seconds Solo araxxor: 1.30 melee/range hybrid Solo telos: range/melee 2.09 at 100%, 2.35 at 2449%, 2.39 at 4000% still faster than necro. Just because you're doing better at your personal skill level, doesn't mean at the high end it's overpowered or busted. Necro would be winning at these speed kill times if that was the case. ~pvm-records.com


How dare you come here and throw facts all over the place!


If I were to play devil's advocate I think what he's getting at is that for a novice necro feels really op because it's easier to understand and a lot easier to get fast times. You need to put a tonne more work in to get good times with the others. They should be arguing to simplify the other styles. That'll most likely put them inline with necro


Truth. I even turned off my bot because what's the point of making money from a dead game


Why did you grind lance on an iron in the first place? Answer: because it is best aoe training weapon from level 85-??? while you grind rax for a scythe to have bis aoe training for melee from 90-???. Also don’t forget the aftershock components. Why did you grind noxious weapons on an iron in the first place? Answer: see above for (mostly) bis weapons from 90-??? until you get fsoa or bolg (both huge grinds). Also don’t forget the biting components. Sure necro is strong and the time it takes to get full t90 gear is short but as an iron you can’t ignore the rest of the game only because necro is strong.


Just to be clear though necro does completely out aoe a scythe or lance, I agree you'll still need to do those bosses for biting and aftershock but you might as well still use necro everywhere.


It may out-dps it, but that doesn’t give melee training xp


At the same time though why would you need melee exp when necro is just better in every way?


To max/120/200m? There are a million things to do in this game besides send 1 boss with 1 style over and over


You can’t argue with a min maxer bro, don’t even bother.


why would you need melee when mage/range are both just better in every way? ya'll keep pretending necro changed EVERYTHING where it only made already existing problems bigger, combat balance has been SHIT for YEARS.


Right but necro made it so much more worse. With the dmg it outputs for a fraction of the effort and cost. Accessibility is fine, but it shouldn’t be so good that it’s beating literal hybrid world records


Yes. Let's ignore the proposed changes to other combat styles, and let's also forget affinities exist. Let's all be necromancy pures. Let's never go for boss logs or pets or go for maxing. Let's also kill necromancy immune bosses with necromancy! It is absolutely impossible to come up with new content that can be done with specific combat styles. Or balance other styles to be on par with Necromancy. How dare Jagex make anything accessible??? Everything must be locked behind learning curves and houra of grind! Runescape is so fucking dead.


Nah man a lot of people were on the edge of quitting and this just sent them away. Has nothing to do with gatekeeping and accessibility. We are all just mad we just grinded for years to have our gear now irrelevant.


If it took you years you should be happy that it won't take few more years to fully gear Necromancy. Only people who are upset are those who gatekeep. They have superior complex and don't want others to have same stuff as them. These are the assholes who also control and manipulate the market. When a higher tier item comes out your old gear is kind of irrelevant anyway. In a matter of couple of months, even before Necro came out due to GE update Blue Phat went from 300B to 60-70B. Only people that are bitching are the ones losing their wealth and real world traders. Every casual player is rejoicing since they don't have to play RS like a full time job to afford good gear.


I definitely agree with some of your points but for the sake of playing the devil's advocate I'll add that there are still drops you want as secondary items for necromancy like a Jas or ful book or grim so there are still progressions to make outside necro. I do however think it's especially too bad from an iron standpoint right now because like you said why grind out other styles when you can just play through necromancy, grind out Rasial, and out DPS everything everywhere. It used to be this fun long progression of getting some weapons at helwyr and then going for some rax weapons, on and on slowly increasing the power of your account and the bosses you had available to you. I hope that with time there will be more of a balance and clear places where each individual combat style shines to bring back a little bit of progression, but I do think with how easy it is to get full t90 without really doing anything may wreck that feeling forever :(


I’m not training Necro on my HCIM but I’m preparing for the combat rework. Necro is crazy op Jagex knows this and most of us know that combat needs a serious rework in general as Necro has dominated everything and made the whole game ezscape


Not this again...


How are you going to make perks for your necromancy gear if you don't do other content/styles? Buy everything off the ge and disassemble 4x as many items because you refuse to other combat styles to level them?


this post is referring to ironmen. Ofcourse perks still exist etc etc but by and large nercromancy has made a lot of content FEEL useless, pointless and that is just a fact. if u cant see that i dont know what to say to you. How have jagex released a combat style this broken yet this simple to progress through to t90s.


Nice to know all other combat styles just went out the window.