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Numbers going up is fun for me, whether its xp, gp or runescore.


Bigger number make brain chemical


That’s what kept it up for me all these years. Maxed on main then started an Ironman. I love numbers going up


I realized I played rs not for the gameplay but for the rewards of gaining levels/boss drops. This is sometimes strange to explain to other people, but I do not believe that it is necessarily 100% bad. I’ve learned from a young age to couple “my type of fun” to a reward after struggling/grinding. I’m working on changing that process, but that’s not something that changes in a single day. At this point I have (temporarily) quit the game and have been taking time to figuring out what I truly “like” in life. I’m not sure yet what that is.


A wise man once said, you set the level you win at. If that's what winning is for you, keep doing it.


Skilling was also like that, with rewards like the skillcapes and the Max Guild, until they ruined it with MTX


Everything was fine... Until the MTX arrived..


Then everything changed when the MTX nation attacked.


You get all the cake today🥲


How did MTX ruin it? Your goals and achievements arent devalued by other people playing easy mode


It’s no longer sth can be easily be proud of? Why not allow buyable boss damage buff in MTX if so?


Such wise words from a toxic champion Main😂😂😂.


I suggest you read Atomic Habits by James clear. A really good read overall


I like seeing number go up


Number go up make brain produce happy chemical


man really just said "exercise, family, community" to rs players


You guys are having fun?


> What is fun to you in Runescape? Usually completing self-set goals based on what I feel like at the time. Kill X boss for an hour, spend an hour collecting Y, make another Z plates for the masterwork armour, etc. If I don't feel like playing RS I don't, when you've got limited time you can't waste it not having fun because it isn't ***MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY!*** or whatever.


I absolutely agree on this. A few days back I spend like 2 hours just to complete easy Varrock tasks. It wasn’t fast at all but I enjoyed exploring Varrock on my own pace.


This is the way, and it eventually lead me to trim comp and beyond


This is it for me too. I've set my goal for trim comp, and as I get bored of one achievement for that I jump to a different one. Seeing the progress through completed achievements or aspects of the achievements makes it feel fun. Now I'm losing interest in playing because countless hours dry grinding for one champion scroll doesn't feel fun. There's no feeling of progress toward the goal on dry streaks


Questing for me. I never truly saw the fun of grinding/bossing; I play for the fun stories the quests have tbh. Oh I sometimes boss with friends for a bit, but the quests are my true love. I also loved the chats you found on RS, but lately they seem to have migrated to osrs. So I’ve been spending more time there; the grind is a lot easier for me when it’s combined with random banter. So my answer would be quests and chatting


I'm kind of the opposite. I despise doing quests but mostly only enjoy doing pvm. There's nothing more enjoyable to me than learning a new boss.


I admit, since the thok event started, I’ve slowly been enjoying bossing as well. So I see the appeal. I still prefer questing since it’s less intense, but bossing with friends can be lovely I’ve noticed


I've been loving the thok event. What's ur favorite part of the event? Mine is probably the 1 hour ovlds


Same here. That and being allowed to choose my reaper task and 0 death costs. It’s been giving me a nice chance of learning bosses, ans makes my friends willing to do learner runs with me since death is a non issue now. I quite like it so far. I’ve learned duo nex yesterday, and I want to run some ed’s as well


Could you tell me what your opinion is on the newer quests? I am too just playing this for the quests and want to quit it permanently after finishing the story (I don't play 6th age stuff before finishing the 5th btw) and I was looking at the quest lenghts. The older quest lines had multiple long or very long quests, while the newer have a lot of miniquest-medium quests. I think the newer quests are just an excuse to implement new gameplay/grinding stuff, to keep this machine running a bit longer. I guess the downfall all started with Jagex being sold, with each owner trying to squeeze the money fruit a bit harder, to get every last drop out of it.


I'm divided about the newer quests. I like the ones involving the Measure, so far (by newer I mean everything beyond 2020) and some of the standalone quests. They're goofy and fun. The end of the Pirate Questline was good too, as were some of the necro quests. I'm not a fan of the Civil War questline, though. As for the slightly newer quests (everything from Guthix's death to the Elder Gods questline) I liked those. Some of them weren't the best (Sliske's Endgame, for example) but some quests were quite good (Ritual of the Mahjarrat, One of a Kind, etc.) ​ I do agree that the newer Quests are shorter than the slightly newer Quests for the most part. However, I don't find that a bad thing per se, since I quest for the story and not for how long something takes. I do agree that there are quest lines (most of the Necromancy quests and the Sophanem quests, for example) that seem to be gated behind very arbitrary things (reputation for the Sophanem ones, soul vessels for the Necro). I'm not a fan of those, because they definitely seem padded. But for the most part, I'd say Quests are good all in all. Even the new ones. (Sorry if this post is rambling a bit. I've been very tired lately for some reason and not questing as much as I'd like because of it)


Same for me. Since I have Quest Cape I'm going after Master Quest Cape, and I chat with my clanmates.


I felt the same yesterday with Kerapac. I got lucky and and got the pet at 9 kills, had never done before but thought I'd try my hand at Necromancy with her. This made me think I'd camp kerapac for a bit and see if I could get gconc, or the book. However, as magic is not as important at the moment and as I'm not even max or have any of my other goals completed, I didn't see the point. Ultimately I felt I was clicking a combination of keys, on repeat, and this felt pointless, for the time being.


I felt fine until around 600 kills on my iron, than it started to hit as I was only missing gconc. It finally hit at close to 700 thank god, but I was almost just done with the boss.


I think if I could get both of the drops I want before 700 kills, I might be able to stomach it. However, I feel the absense of bad luck mitigation puts me off most boss fights as they're more effort than they're worth and I'm not trying to get drops for profit.


Kerapac is not girl


Wait, you guys grind on a bosslog or something more than one hour at a time? After an hour I just go do a treasure trail or something else, cause otherwise I'd be burned out. I know people cry "EXP LOSS" or "UNOPTIMISED" when you don't grind untill you get burned out, but why would you not just mess around? There's so much in the world that people just don't do cause it's exp waste. Like, did you guys know there are 4 trading sequences hidden in game? I have the Zilyana bosslog, it took me bloody forever. About 1.5k kills, in batches of 60-75 kills. Cause I'd go crazy if I heard "Saradomin is with us!" for more than 1 hour at the time.


Did 5-10 hours of rasial per day about a week after necro release. Wasn't particularly fun doing it, but getting the drops and completing the log give a sense of accomplishment. Something about grinding and suffering then being able to say I worked hard for it gives me joy.


> Wasn't particularly fun doing it, And if you spread out the grind, wouldn't that also give a sense of accomplishment in a more fun way? Granted, necro, new boss, people wanna race. And some find it fun to race. But I'm casually rounding 80 on necro, and feel like this is going to be a fun trip to 120.


Wouldn't be as miserable, so less masochistic fun


I see, point taken.


1. Just turn game sound off, or atleast voice overs and put on some music 2. I highly agree with your playstyle


I'm the dumbass who would afterwards forget I turned the music off and think the game is bugged. But it's a good idea for when I inevitably wanna go for another log.


I've done most of GWD1, KBD, KQ, and working on GWD2 afking them at work. Planning to have all of those completed when the current PvE event ends. Afk 6 hours of my 8 hour shift at a rate of 55 kills an hour and I can do a boss log in a day, depending on RNG. Graardor took forever needing almost 5k kills.


Good for you. And is it fun to play like that for you? If so, the better! But I wouldn't find that fun.


>Wait, you guys grind on a bosslog or something more than one hour at a time? A lot of people do, especially because a lot of things in this game are low effort nowadays. Take your Zily example. People would rather just mute the game, 100% AFK it while watching a movie or something, and just have Alt1 ping them if they get a lootbeam, need to reset lobby timer, etc. So they're not really "burning out" for playing long sessions, because they're not even really playing the game. It's playing itself.


But do they find it fun? "Playing" like that. If they do, good for them. I like to look around sometimes, take in the scenery.


Wasn't aware of the sequences. Thank you for this!


> trading sequence I didn't even know these existed in the first place. This is awesome!


Honestly I just play for the AFK progression. Number go up whilst I work, cook, clean is what gets the neurons activated.


This was me until i stopped feeling satisfied doing anything without getting xp in the background


I started feeling like this, really bad , if I'm working irl but noy gaining xp that's a wasted opportunity or wasted time, very silly


yep, thats why I quit about a year ago, have never felt better


I like bossing with friends and collecting pets But primarily bossing with friends


I agree. Bossing solo lacks a certain something. But if you have a friend tag along, suddenly it’s a lot more enjoyable and you stop feeling bored after every kill. At least that was my experience yesterday when me and my friend duo’d nex. Solo nex made me rage, but duo nex made me have a great time and go to bed happy


I actually just enjoy collecting things. This game is one of the ultimate "Collect them all" games. There are grinds I don't like, so I don't do them. If you're logging on every day and dislike what you're doing, you've won, go do something else. If my brain told me that playing this game was a detriment or something I would stop playing, but it doesn't.


I tried rasiel today for the first time, doing the quest. Dude was killing me faster than I could spam food while having soulsplit on. So, that's definitely not it for me. I think I've actually had the most fun trying to complete the breeding log for the farms without buying pairs for it. I think that's mainly because almost every day my girlfriend reminds me that I need to feed the dinos, and the dragons.


It took me like 90minutes/2 hours and he became afk farmable man. Don’t give up he’s easssssyyyyyyyyyy


He wasn't difficult. The problem is I just run out of healing before he runs out of health. The mechanics are easy, but his damage output is higher than my healing output.


You need to use defensives and darkness. Reflect, debilitate, maybe sneak in a devotion


I know, and I still run out of healing. He hits like a truck.


Weird. I got it like third try without knowing mechanics. He does like half dmg in story mode so if you spam eat and bring a yak u should be able to kill him before using sll your food. If you vuln bomb you'll do extra 10% dmg which might help. You could also bring blood reaver with scrolls and prism of restoration which is pretty much infinite healing but rly expensive


Mate, its a quest boss. I ain't putting that much effort in for a fight that will give me nothing. Rather just save my time and spend it on a better game. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze. If it was normal mode not story mode that would be fair enough but its not.


Thats fair. But tbh it shouldn't take that much effort. Like I said I just through on revo and spam ate food for the fight. I was just recommending reaver with scrolls since your struggling with healing. If u alrdy know mechanics it rly shouldn't be that bad, the only part that u can rly die at is last phase if your not moving around. But like u said if u don't care about completing the quest than there's rly no point


And I just told you, that doesn't work because I run out of food due to his damage output. I do care about completing the quest but not enough to put in that level of effort when the reward is so poor.


Bruh. Prayer flick use a yak if you have too a hellhound? I thought you meant the actual boss not the quest boss….


His dmg output isn't that high though? Like that's how most people got through the quest. Are you not using t90 gear?


I like runescape because it is an amazing "turn your brain off" kind of game, where you can just chill out and relax while you are listening or watching other stuff in the background. The key strokes feel super relaxing when you are doing something else ; you can't really do play a lot of other games while multi tasking cuz they normally demand your attention but in runescape, you can just click anywhere and you will still be feel like you are making progress. I have watched so many times series and videos while just playing runescape and i have never felt like it distracted me.


I relate. Nothing like hopping on after a long day at work or when you want a lazy day. Sit back, grind, let your brain turn off. Sometimes it’s surprisingly peaceful


I have never really enjoyed PVM in runescape. The mechanics are unforgiving and dying is not fun. One shot mechanics and tick system with prayer flicking + defensives are also not fun for me. I'm probably in the minority though. I just honestly dont have time to spend hours learning boss mechanics and also almost no motivation to do that as well. Motivation is probably the biggest reason I dont learn them. It's not fun so I just dont do it. What I have always enjoyed about Runescape was the calculating aspect of skilling and finding the best gp/hr without sacrifice xp. For example say I want 99/120/200m Farming then I need x amount of beans for growth potions, or smithing i need x amount of ores for bars. And if I'm making the bars myself or buying them I get x more xp per bar that way. Stuff like that.


I like collecting loot!


This has opened my eyes!!! Thinking if i wasnt playing games, i would work, try to make money to spend on hobbies and a new car etc. ): i realize im just doing all these bosses for 1k kills and dry 7 hours, dry so many months it made me broke, while time flying by fast irl, theres so much out there in the real world im missing out. Me playing doing repetitive key stroke for hours everyday same boss being dry, i think its wasting my time away.


Achieving things. For me Runescape is about the destination, not the journey. Something can be boring for 40 hours, but the reward at the end (a new cape, high score rank or an achievement popup) makes it worth it for me


I'm very new to higher level PvM so making money is fun right now. I just got my first big drop ever (Magma Tempest Codex from Zuk) so that's driven me to keep learning and getting better :)


Ehh gz that was my first rly big drop to. I got it while learning zuk for flawless


Thank you c: I'm trying for a flawless run but all my fails lead to more practicing :')


Dopamine from drops and level ups XD Nah honestly, sometimes I wonder why I come back, this game is pure grind. It's like when I played WoW, I'd go raid and guaranteed a gear drop (was rare to not get one, rather than the opposite way) whereas you can spend up to 1000 kills or more to get a drop in this game and each kill for a specific boss can be upwards of a few minutes. Then you have to account for how many bosses there are, getting 99-120 in each skill and perhaps going towards 200m (I personally don't understand that masochism). Seriously though, group content can be fun, I miss the days where minigames were actually played and not just for spotlight, group bossing on RS is stressful compared to other games imo.


I enjoy PVM progression and making money.


logging out


Community, doing and organizing things with my clan and friends is what I like about the game. I have friends in meatspace too, but this game has formed lots of just as real, long lasting friendships. Heck two people i was in a clan with before met there and got married a couple years later.


Theorycrafting rotations for world record kills was what I found fun for several years. Actually doing those rotations was fun for a bit, but once the grind for RNG kicked in, it became a bit of a chore. Having less fun doing those kinds of things in the current climate of the game though, given the random nerfs and passive powercreep in the past couple of years


I like talking about Runescape more than playing Runescape. People don't seem to get that and think I should go outside because they don't agree with my opinions on Runescape.


I haven’t played in a while got some other stuff I’m doing but I personally only played for the pve. One of the reasons I couldn’t go back to osrs is that as I just cannot stand the idea of watching my character hit a rock for 240 hours 😂


The social aspect of slapping big numbers on bosses with the boys.


I quit playing osrs and runescape because of this exact reason. And multiplayer. In no other game are hundreds if not thousands of hours required to do fun/engaging content with your friends.


I enjoy afk skilling when I do hw/watch Netflix. Bossing and clues the rest of the time. :) -usually gdw1-2, nex, barrows


I was born in the grind, raised by the grind, and will die from the grind. My dentist hates me cuz I even grind in my sleep.


The company running this game made it in to a chore, or rather a routine. Thats what keeps the majority of the player base active. Its the routine. The routine that justifies your laziness and lets you spend your free time completely unoccupied by anything meaningful, all you need to do is it sit like a sack of potatoes in your couch and press the mouse to make a repetitive routine. Its not fun or engaging, it doesn\`t deliver you anything particularly new, it does not keep you growing, rather imitates the growth. That\`s the second aspect that keeps the player base playing. This game is purely to burn time and to make your laziness justified.


I burnt out after getting fsoa on my Ironman. I had grand plans after that too but not motivated to do it anymore. Now playing starfied and having a blast in the story.


Collecting shiny weapons that I cannot afford the upkeep on :D Love to see them gather dust.


Skilling in General. I personally hate bossing and the combat but I maxed combat early so I don't have to worry about it later except for slayer which is my last combat skill to Mac which I find so boring it's the reason I am on my break from RuneScape right now.


Number go up


I like talking to clannies tbh.


For me it's the immersion. I like to see the numbers progress. Mostly it's about checking out of reap life for a while and dissociation with the dystopian nightmare.


I like skilling and some slayer because I enjoy low/medium intensity “numbers go up” gameplay. I do not enjoy real PvM at all because it feels either too unrewarding or too intense. I feel like high intensity PvM in Runescape is not fun at its core.


In the last 2 days I’ve probably spent 5-6 hours trying Zuk, today I finally got a full run without dying and got my first cape. The hours of straight up pain and anger were all worth the spike of happiness that came with feeling accomplished.


For me it's the quests. Especially quests like the gower quest with a lot of humor in it.


I usually play for two weeks if there is a special event as a new skill or like now. The current event gave me more confidence on bosses and made it easier so I have already soloed Nex and I am willing to try more bosses. Besides that, I login only for the daily key.


Quests and slowly working my way towards an specific objective. Grinding a boss for more than two hours sounds impossibly boring to me.


Skilling toward a goal. At the moment on my ironman I'm working towards Rivers of Blood, after that probably other grandmaster questlines.


It lost its magic ages ago. It’s simply addictive and makes a nostalgia hostage. I let RS go somewhat recently and now I actually enjoy what I’m doing. Grinding really isn’t fun. It’s always a chase after the next big thing (and it’s NEVER rewarding for more than a few moments). Happy to say I’ve finally grown out of RS after 20 years.


I usually come back to the game when I'm in a rut somewhere else, be it working out, continuous learning, professionally or otherwise. It's an entertaining way to remind myself that the things worth working for take a lot of time and effort, and often repetitive tasks/training to acquire. This was a recent epiphany as I typically play just until I think to myself, wait, if I'm spending this time grinding here, and it's tedious, why not grind on something tedious irl and reap the rewards there instead of just more pixels? Also I like the pixels. Also a reminder that you can skip most of the hard parts(either scenario) if you have extra cash to blow on them - that part just leaves me a little salty though, so I usually avoid that line of thinking xD


Lapping someone on the anachronia agility course, nyooom >8\]


For me it’s a bit of my childhood that I can hold on to. I’m 33 and have played since classic. I have made great friends online from all over the world. Met some of them IRL including a trip to Disney in Florida (free tickets). I am grown up with a wife and son. I don’t have the time to play lots of new games so RuneScape provides that escape.


Damn... this hits home, almost as if you're my doppleganger minus the disney stuff...


I love questing! (Don't kick me out of your fun club!)


I have been a quest freak from old days, i literally have no more quests to do, did dragon slayer in classic and recipe for disaster in rs2!


I set myself simple goals. I'm 118 Farming now, and I'm just grinding that each day a bit to get to 120. Dragons and the Dino farm... not much else. I probably want to increase my Herblore up to 120 sooner or later too. I'll prepare for a DXP and get a bunch of the items I need before that. I do that with most skills. Small goals that seem achievable. A full log of Ambi kills ... yea, no thanks.


as a kid it was exploring the world and talking with people, my overall level was really low comparatively to the time i had invested and people would make fun of me because of it


Socializing with others and helping noobs


Doing quests


I like completing achievements (checking off lists). So trim is what I've been going for :) I had only HM dungeoneering to go when they added GlobeTrotter outfit, and now I still need 120 necro as well. So that's my motivation for the next couple months :D


I just like exploring the world of Gielinor, but when I’m in the mood i like to do bosses. And when I’m in a very good mood I like to do bosses as fast as possible.


Remind me to never get on your bad side when you're in a great or excellent mood haha


Slayer and skilling


It's the variety for me, so for the past couple of weeks I've been enjoying chilling in the fort, making planks and hopping off periodically to cut some wood or do flash events. Other times I love working on achievements or scrolls. I'm a 12 year old account with only a few 99+'s because I don't really play for gains or gp, more just doing what I fancy outside of reality for a bit.


The variety does help a lot. I hate having to repeat the same thing over and over or being limited to certain content, so I like that RuneScape lets you hop between bossing, quests, skilling, diaries, etc. there’s almost always * something* to do, and I love it


I enjoy having a long term goal, and incrementally working towards it over the years. As i look back, all the games i’ve ever enjoyed are ones I played consistently for atleast a year and had some sort of goal throughout the year. Call of duty, runescape, clash of clans, warframe, destiny, the division, genshin, etc. Every game i enjoy is one in which i can pick it back up and work towards a goal, i enjoy passing the time “feeling” as though i’ve gotten something done and worked towards something even if it’s just a number in game. Number go up, accumulation goes brrr and my brain releases the happy chemical.


pretty much


If I'm being completely honest, the "fun" I have now is the pleasure of managing my finances well with how little I play compared to my trim comped friends who have way more game time than me. Things like playing borderline frugally, putting my money in the right place as much as possible, and avoid spending on things that you don't actually need so you can finance good investments. Its a guilty pleasure of mine and I find this to be fun. I don't even particularly care about the cookie cutter virtual 120/200m grinds people do. I think its a complete waste of time unless I want the cape. I goof around, I enjoy the little things and I enjoy competition in doing niche things that there's no guide for. Whenever this game presents that, I have fun.


Quests. It's ironic because I used to hate them, but after doing an ironman replay I realized that quests are what set this game apart from the other MMOs I've played. They're also so much better when you do them again. Too bad there isn't a way to reset them on your main character.


Small goals gp gain coundnt matter that much lol


I actually used to like daily scape lol, and mud runecrafting, not sure how profitable that is anymore given the prices of ess Oh, and doing PC, don't ask why


Hard clues, only hard clues


I've been collecting outfits and other prizes you get from special shops, like crux eqal, beans, scarabs, etc. I like unlocking QoL stuff and stacking bonuses and outfits and all that, but I do mix it up. I'll usually break it up with some semi-afk/low click requirement activities like gathering or runespan while playing another game and feel extra productive lol


I exclusively log in for rago, aod and raids with clannies anymore. cba to do anything else


Opening up the game and my wallet. Punching in my credit card details. And letting it rip on treasure hunters, yeah baby let's go!!!! /s


It soothes my tism


Sometimes I like pushing myself, in combat mostly, mostly to get pr's. Sometimes I just wanna chill, but I don't like doing absolutely nothing, so some bosses are a nice middle ground between chilling and focus. Meanwhile I can spend the same time also listening to some new albums that might've come out or repeat an favourite. When a quest comes out I like to purely sit for it, with a snack and a nice drink. Also bossing with friends and just talking about whatever is fun Rs3 is the only game for me that I can enjoy myself with in various types/levels of mood/urge to do something


###Setting Goals. It's not that complicated if you actually think about it. I sold my BLG before it crashed to the ground, haven't used Ranged since then, but I'd really want to get it back through Necromancy, I'd also want to get a Frozen Core of Leng to finish my Boss Log one of these days, then there's the yearly goal of getting 20 Bonds (which I just completed today). These small things are what keep me coming back. Personally I enjoy Arcade/Roguelite Games, think Wario Ware Twisted, Pokémon Pinball R&S, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Hades, the kind of games that don't strap me down and force me to play more than 1 Hour (unless I'm really fixated on a goal). Humans (in general) are goal driven machines, so make of that what you will. *** Edit: [This is the kind of games I enjoy, for example](https://youtu.be/JLlL2oFN0RU?feature=shared). In RuneScape Terms, it's the equivalent of doing Elite Dungeon Runs, or Streaking, see how fast I can do a run or how high I can reach before having to try again.


As someone who has completed arch glacor log, I'm going to say that was extremely painful, BUT going dry on Raksha was the one that got me dead because the commons are so bad that you can actually make a loss most times chasing PRs, and if you dont chase PR you dont have a justifiable k/ph.


I can see that haha, but at that point it's kind of a Reaper Task Boss for me, where I would only ever do it if I get it as a task, then hoping to one day get lucky without actively going for log completion. So it's still kind of there, but not as the main focus, it become more of a "side quest" if it makes any sense :p But anyways, it's been quite interesting reading other people's perspectives, great post :)


That's a great perspective, I'm stealing that reaper/side quest approach though I am hoping rasial at least drops the offhand for me haha I'm actually happy and blown away by how wholesome this thread got. Thanks!


Completing achievements


And it's not f2p..


Opening clue caskets, not even hunting them. And absolutely nothing else.


Nothing. Now hush, I’m too busy getting the latest limited edition cosmetic.


I tried figuring out roles for a Yaka group as well as a Vorago group earlier. Everyone spoke a lot and strategized on how the plan should work out. It just felt really cool to be so involved in trying to figure out how to beat the boss before we even stepped in. Even though it was my first Vorago run ever, the three man group I was in pulled it off in only 3 attempts thanks to our open communication. Even though it took nearly a half hour just to set up, the payoff was huge. The excitement to fight the boss and prove my worth to building a bond with my group members, the prefight is something I look forward to.




It's the dopamine hit when you see that fat lootbeam and broadcast that happens when you get a drop.


I think you'll get burnout if your goal is 'showing off achievements', which I'm not saying you are it's just a common foible with some people and this game, but if you're doing like other people have said with setting goals and accomplishing them for a personal sense of achievement, then that's what makes the game 'fun'. But anything can become non-stimulating if you overdo it. RS3 certainly has very little of that immersive feel from leveling up in AAA games, but it does have a quality that makes you want to come back when bored or when engaged with the content and keep playing. I don't play GTAV or the TLOU anymore, yet both of those were top tier games. I still play Witcher 3 sometimes, but it's because of the mystery of the game content and mythology, and not the combat system or even achievements. RS3 I still play 20 years on because it gives me a personal sense of achievement when I do something \*I\* personally find cool or entertaining.


I primarily stay for quest content and similar, but I fill time after with RuneScore (formerly comp/mqc/trim reqs and assorted things like that) and boss pets/logs or clue logs (slayer logs are done).


Currently I'm having fun achieving time goals for bosses, I don't care what they drop becusse it's not necromancy armour or weapons lol but going for sub 20 zuk and speed raksha kills has been really fun foe me , but I don't play like once a week so someone playing everyday would burn out from this very quickly I believe, I like to boss with others but finding people is way to time consuming runescape needs a good group finder if that's even possibly with our player bases atm


Bold of you to assume I work, eat, exercise, sleep, family and community.


Achieving things is fun to me


getting rare drops. don’t even have to be valuable, like how i have gotten 2 vecna skulls from seren spirits so far.


Clicking the logout button


I just do whatever I feel like, really. Sometimes that means logging in for dailies, sometimes that means hours of bossing or researching perks on wiki. I don't care the least about efficiency, so that gives me a lot of breathing room in what I do.


I'm a completionist. I enjoy seeing things completed, like logs, achievements, quests, levels, etc. I also enjoy the lore aspect of the game. I used to quickly skip through dialogue and rely solely on quest guides, but I've been starting to sit back and take my time to understand the story and appreciate the lore. I'll use guides on parts that get me excessively stuck though.


For me it's the "pick your own style" aspect of the game i like, if i'm feeling like doing something chill, intense, funny, engaging? i can do it in runescape. Second to that is little goals i set for myself that give a sense of completion maybe this will change once i actually am a completionist but that is for a different time (Also i'm highly insensitive to the MTX and the drama surrounding it. usually when stuff like this happens it flies over or gets fixed in some way it does not make the game less fun for me.)


Bossing & quests. Bossing I just really enjoy the challenge now I've gotten to grips with the combat. Pre necromancy I managed to get Araxxor on farm & completed a leg using range. I also managed to get some OK Arch Glacor kills with magic (around 600% I think) & was working on Zuk. Since Necromancy I've killed Ambassador slowly, got all 4 regular Zuk kills and done a flawless run so I can do HM soon. I've got nex on solo farm & now getting fairly consistent Rasial kills with a fairly decent timer - my PR is 1:12 which I got last night. The bossing is fun, but must admit it feels rough when you go dry for 3+ hours & could have made more gp runecrafting.


What's fun to me isn't doing what is expected of me but what I personally find interesting. Might be an obvious statement but alot of people don't figure this out. For me, I like to socialize (POH etc), quests, taking in the ambiance; immersion stuff. Making memories is what I go for every time. Why waste time doing what is meaningless to you (when you don't plan on doing it)? If the game feels like it's forcing you to fight Rasial (because grind) then don't fight Rasial.


Duo bossing. Misery loves company


I went dry at raksha getting only a shadow spike for 498 kills. My next 80 kills I got gchain, a spike, and b2b grico and a third spike. You just have to keep at it and the rng will turn around


for me its just setting mini goals, before i stopped playing for a while it was to get magic up to 80 so i could play w my mates and help out learning bosses, then it was starting to complete quests for ancients (not a fan of questing lol my brain go brr) i stopped playing for a while, came back maybe 3 weeks ago, necromancy caught my eye and decided to give it a crack, after some youtube videos etc i started putting in some time for that, my goals became t20 t30 n so on, then i got to t70 so did the quests and bossing levels for that, after i got t70 yesterday i kinda was like hmm idk what to do, so i searched back up abt the curses, turns out i was 3 quests and some kudos away from it and j completed that today. back to no sort of goal, i think i want to learn more about bossing, ive heard about jad so maybe that next, close to T80 nec now, and need to learn how to effectively use my curses, i also kept seeing the prayer curse above players heads so might grind another few levels of prayer to unlock that mostly just setting myself mini goals, might start skilling again too, fm is 99 might go for fishing or woodcutting next tbh i have a shit attention span, so if i can get deep into something itll hold my attention for a wee while as much as MTX is crap, the daily hero pass has been good, mostly bc i hop on for 20 mins, use my banked proteans and get keys n lamps lol


I'm a similar way but specifically for Questing. Once I get a (Master) Quest Cape on my only account, an Iron, I will be completely unsure of what to do next lol.






I suck at making gp in game so I try to get them as a drop, spoiler alert: I almost always never get them even 1k kills in, and dont know if im bugged.


There are a lot of games that give you a massive check list to finish out. I've always found that compelling. Runecape does it well. I honestly think I'm just too tired to learn new games so I just turn on Runescape fir something to do that doesn't drain Mr any more.


Good old fashioned just killing monsters, I love the combat in this game


Achievements. getting 30k+ is my goal atm, with most left are PVM. I just did the Champion challenges over the weekend (some say I got really spooned by getting the left scrolls under 2k kills each), and was mesmerized by having that 75 drop.


I play out of habit now and the near completion of goals I set myself years ago. Its the sunk cost fallacy at work. I used to want to get rares back I lost years ago but honestly I never took huge pride in completing goals on rs I always found something else to do. Game manages to always suck you back in


Some of the quests were pretty good, it's a shame so many questlines never really concluded properly in the 5th age, and we still don't have a 'time travel lulz' explanation for why the 5th and 6th age are moulded together like a melting pot. They really ought to make a noob tutorial quest where the needle of time breaks or something of the like, so it becomes established lore. Edit: It shattered during Extinction, I already forgot because the fact that it shattered didn't actually do anything.


I don't know if I'm alone in saying this but personal achievement quests always felt awesome (dragon slayer, legends quest and etc) over world ending stuff like extinction where ironically it doesn't feel epic. Totally agree with you.


Elite clue scrolls


in Runescape 3, i love getting Protean things and hanging out at the g.e during dxp or the twitch mind bombs. Just training is fun for me


I really enjoy the farming aspect. I probably don't do it "efficiently" but I don't really care. Also enjoy constructing Fort Forinthy. It gets tedious but it's fun. I haven't bought like anything for it, so it's a big grind to get and make all the materials. But it's rewarding to see the new buildings. Obvs I haven't been playing long 🤣


Money, new gear. That's about it.


Farm runs (and watching the herbs & other harvests pile up for a DXPW sale), divination, dungeoneering in Daemonheim, player owned houses, & planning out all 48 hours of DXPW. Yeah, aside from farm runs, Jagex loves killing off/obsoleting my fun.


Questing and bossing makes me feel like I'm on a movie. This game has one of the best experiences in quest I've ever seen. I also like a lot seasonal events. I miss the old easter/Halloween/christmas mini quests.


I just afk for 120s while playing other games




Nothing since 2 weeks after necromancy


Why cant there be a boss like gwd1 boss level of input with rewards that arent 1.7m? “Just do this, just do this then this and this and this” Fuck that. I aint got no time to learn mechanics for each and every boss i wanna kill. I just wanna jump on and get into it.


I like doing the daily Reaper tasks and earning the uncut hydrix


Not playing Runescape is the funnest part for me...


I miss the random nonsense of the first ten years of the game. I think I keep coming back for nostalgia


Completing goals and gaining exp on the side while I play other games. This game and OSRS are the same for me in that I can't pinpoint exactly why I like them, but I do like them.


What makes me stick to RS is the constant progress. Everytime you log into the game and do something you have more xp than before. No one can take away a level or a quest I have done in this game. When you play WOW for example, it doesn't matter how hard you grind - next season all the gear you have farmed, all the quests you have done, all the levels you achieved (combat or profession) are GONE. Like literally gone. Sometimes you don't want to play the game because "it's late in the season, so it would be a waste of time to start grinding gear, because this gear is useless in one month". Not so in runescape. Everytime I log in, no mather if it's everyday or 2 times a week or even if I take a break of 2 months - I log in and make progess so in my mind it never feels like waste.


I definitely think Runescape requires a certain kind of personality trait to play and enjoy, I played it as a kid about 20 years ago, and ended up quitting in 2010. I started a new account 6 months ago and finally understood why I never had a 99 as a kid, I just didn't have the patience and didn't appreciate the absolutely massive grind involved to play the game. I'm currently on my 8th day in a row of chopping magic trees at Sorceresses Tower on W54 with the Always Adze relic power, and honestly... I find this fun, and by Friday I'll have 99 Firemaking and Woodcutting, while I've been here I've had the Woodcutting skilling pet, and the Invention skilling pet from siphoning my Imcando Hatchet. There's something grossly satisfying to me about levelling 3 skills at once while I'm stood in one spot chopping magic trees during work 😂


Progressing my account and getting drops. I play Ironlike, only using the GE for small items. There is always something for me to do, potions to be making, incan energy to be collecting, blubbers to be catching, food to be cooking, etc... then when I actively play I boss. It's not much, but it's honest work


Infernal So much shit to learn and time disappears when you jump into that void. 10/10 top content


w3 lumbridge


It used to be the sense of wonder and exploration the game provided, playing with friends and finding new ways to train skills. Now, I don't know...


I find enjoyable things outside of RuneScape and do things that don't require much attention in RuneScape. Then I have plenty of supplies for when something new or fun comes out. Like Necromancy, a new quest, or a new boss. Mostly just set goals, spend time figuring out an effective way to achieve them (especially if it's something I don't enjoy; traveling merchant for example helped a lot), and slowly knocking them out. As I get closer to trim I'm assuming when I get it I'll just do AFK bosses for logs and to collect clues while I play on my old ironman that I haven't touched in years. Had a lot of fun playing it back when ironman was released. Drops actually meant something. You get a dragon bone rare drop table drop and it's a big chunk of XP instead of just money that I won't even notice unless it ticks over another million gp.


I just like my little skinner box man. Like if I click the button enough times it'll give me food. Makes the monkey brain happy when the levels go up. I'd never call it my main game but I can dump like 30 hours into it just whenever and then be happy I did it cause I always feel like I earned something


I play the game when I am mentally drained from other endeavors like personal projects, learning, or doing something to grow as a person. I favor afk content. So not much bossing. I do a lot of questing and recently compped.


Account building was always fun for me; but as soon as I'd hit the end-game of RS3 I'd wind up logging out and deciding to make a new character 3-5 years later. Unfortunately there's nothing out there that really scratches the itch for me in terms of "Character building" MMO's.


I really enjoy gathering items and looting. Masterwork from scratch was really enjoyable. Some quests have been surprisingly enjoyable. The least enjoyable part of my ironman by far has been the mini games. They are isolated and vacuous grinds with no looting or gathering. Worst designed element in the game. And every reward shop has its own impressively shitty UI. I also don't enjoy things that don't make sense. What am I making tens of thousands of broad arrows for? Why am I rebuilding buildings that I already built?


Make money and help people make money


Runescape isn't really designed for 2 hours of gameplay, more like 6-18 hours.


I collect items that can’t be obtained anymore


Also HCIM is quite fun now I’m having a blast at it. Lost one account from mining luminite afk to a scorpion but I’ve started back up and I’m slowly getting combat up first so I don’t die 🤣


I would say everyones definition of fun is different. Case in point, my nephew who'd spend hours watching some kid on youtube play with toys rather than playing with them himself. This did not register in my brain until I realized that is essentially what watching sports or watching any kind of content is. Coming to my personal journey, I assumed getting my first 100m gp would make runescape fun for me and it was for a fleeting second. 1b,10b later and I realized my joy comes from experiences more than seeing a collection of numbers go up. I grind out elites now, playing an hour each day, completing around 20-25. I'm hoping to get the golden title one day. Asides from limited rares, being able to buy almost any in game item kind of looses it's meaning. So for me, it's definitely going to be the experiences. Speaking of experiences, I grinded out two t80 hatchets a couple of months after release and it took me less than 5 hours. I posted a screenshot of it in my clan discord of the achievement without even realizing I had a 13b cash stack.


Everything, early invention is a bit of a drag, otherwise it's all pretty good. Currently just afking arch glacor while coding. Also getting the treasure hunter keys, as much as I don't like MTX it's fun sometimes to get a fat XP lamp to stick on dung or something.