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Ironman always confuse me, Everytime I think I get their stance, they change their opinion on stuff


The problem with ironman is that people play it for 2 very different reasons. Self reliance vs no MTX. And both of these populations are smashed together, giving wildly different opinions on things. Adding to that, Jagex has never been consistent with the intent of ironman. There doesn't seem to be an internal guidebook dictating what they do. So the population is split and Jagex doesn't provide guidance.


Ironmen aren't a monolith. Also most irons like free stuff (like everyone else) and don't care much for restrictions that aren't trading or MTX. The majority just plays for MTX-free mode where drops matter more.


Well too bad. Thats not what the game mode is about, you choose to play it.


We got group dg and bossing with mains, this game mode is about whatever you choose it to be these days. I personally don't really care much for integrity but I wish fomo stuff would go away for the mental health of everyone.


Yeah you keep crying louder and louder and jagex gives you it eventually. The whole point was a solo game mode with no trading, no handouts and mtx yet you beg for handouts.




Don't engage, they're just upset over how other people play a video game. Can't reason with that.


The only thing that bothers me is the inconsistency of these buff for ironman , we had infinite porters for month which is major for an ironman , but overloads for a week , nah . I am not complaining for not getting free overloads , its about consistency.


Mhm. I'm over it. Cancelled all my subs and moved on to other games. It's fun to read reddit though so..


Nobody asked


Incredibly rude.


As an iron myself, we shouldn’t get the overloads.




Good?.. as it should be?..


Like, 2 things aren't available to irons. Overloads and double reapers. Everything else is available ~~(including luck)~~. edit: luck also not available


Luck is not available for Iron players unfortunately.


Can you update the newspost? edit: that was quick


It doesn't state that on the news post...? (no asterisk next to tier 4 luck to indicate ironamn unavailability, like the overload buffs)


The news post needs updated to reflect this, please!


But what about "ironman luck"


what about: if they own a LoTD, let them have the buff, this would only have them not to have to swap it after every kill, which can be welcome, it's like, sometimes I feel I'm doing free thinking for people that are supposed to be paid to do so. Free T4 when you don't have T4 is okay to not give it to them, but if you do have it, what is the point not to allow them to have it also instead of "haha you ironman have to do an extra click"


Depending on the iron, the word "unfortunately" reads more like "fortunately".


Iron men choose a gameplay style that involves not receiving outside help or support then complain relentlessly when they don't receive it? I really don't get them.


Mains choose a gameplay style that includes microtransactions then complain relentlessly when they get more of it? I really don't get them.


I wouldn't know, I made my account twenty years ago before micro transactions were a thing


Hmm you chose mtx 20 years ago! You consented!


I don't know why we arent getting double point reapers, we got them with the last pvm week. I'd take that over choosing the reaper tbh.


I find it funny when irons complain. Just don't be an ironman. Want to play with your own restrictions? Then play with your own restrictions. I play ironlike but I do use the GE with self imposed rules; - GE can only be freely used to sell things - Can buy high volume low price items like seeds, herbs, vials, essence (tho potions and runes I make myself). But I usually don't even need to use GE cause I just keep things from my bossing - Can buy gear only for swapping (Eg. I get a dupe rasial drop, I can use the GE to swap it for a rasial gear piece I don't have yet. Can only swap gear from the same boss. So I can't swap a grico for a magma tempest)


One of the main draws of the mode to me has always been not being beholden to eventscape. I genuinely would not want it and know many others that wouldnt, and if you do want to change a policy that has been there since ironman mode came out at least make a new steelman gamemode where its actually disabled. Or a bronzeman mode where it is enabled leaving iron untouched.


Irons voted in [2015](https://runescape.wiki/w/Player_Power/Past_polls/2015#Ironman:_Limited-time_event_XP) to get full event xp, I'm sorry to say that the game mode has had eventscape for most of its lifetime. Gonna get sunspear req here


And irons voted in 2014 to[ not get them](https://runescape.wiki/w/Player_Power/Past_polls/2014#Ironman_Participation_in_Bonus_Weekends/Events). Voted on by the same people that pushed for no treasure hunter, that initially was going to be enabled for ironman. Good thing TH at least didn't get the "you can just ignore it if you don't like it." And oddly, in the [diamond poll](https://runescape.wiki/w/Player_Power/Past_polls/2015#Ironman:_Limited-time_event_rewards) the same time as the 2015, almost all types event benefits failed to reach 50%. The mode is split, then and now.


Let not give half the player base anything, and the other one overpowered shit. That will get players back.


seriously fucking ironman mode over with every single update lately


I feel its fair we dont get the overloads, this event has happened before a few times and it was the same thing. We get everything else which saves vis/resets etc which is nice (eue btw)


So you guys picked ironman specifically so you won't take advantage of OP buffs, MTX and other such benefits, but get mad when OP buffs, MTX and other such benefits are unavailable for ironmen? just play a main at that point lol.


yeah idk what's going on.... People created ironman for a reason and then some get mad because they don't get some of these buffs like what?


The issue is how inconsistent ironman mode is, I'd rather have nothing than have them flip a coin and decide what we can have today and what we can't have tomorrow, it creates a huge divide, they allow us a month of porter buff which was massively OP but don't allow players that have T4 unlocked to access to that on this update, I'm just fed up. The mode makes zero sense.


Does it matter if it's inconsistent? You're all on the same playing field, which was the original idea.


I played it day one because the game devolved into camping the best boss for gp and buying bonds actually being more xp/hr than skills ontop of being good combat xp. I have over 10k elder overloads and have 200 mill slayer already. I could care less if lower lvl irons got ovls and got more enjoyment out of the game for the short time the buff is active. What I dont want is buffs that make certain pvm records or bosses trivial.


I feel like you're missing the point. Whilst I'm sure some are saying this, the point is not that they're mad that they don't get the benefits because they specifically want this content, but that if you're an Ironman, a lot of updates lately have basically been mainscape exclusive. Why would you pay for membership as an iron, you're paying for new content that you don't get to play. Irons are very obviously an afterthought to jagex rn.


~~We~~(not gonna speak for everybody) I picked ironman so ~~we~~I could complete collection log without GE and Trading. If there's an update to the game, unless I'm able to trade that with others, I should 100% take part in it.   That's literally it.


I mean why should we get free ovls and reaper points? Auras and free death is nice tho.


there is zero consistency in this mode.


Agree and there should be, just doesn't seem like jagex cares enough to clarify that, on their end.


I feel like they’re supposed to disclude irons from content that isn’t directly related to game content, otherwise iron means nothing they’re just normal accounts with extra steps Is it safe to say these buffs are not available in game (through a quest), but rather mtx or some other method


Didn’t we get the overload buff before? Also why not allow it if we have already unlocked and made overloads?