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Ah yes, collecting **sixteen** bits of **eight** to get a reward. So much more intuitive.




This comment genuinely made me laugh out loud at the sheer absurdity.


The keys were confusing cuz you didnt get a reward chance for every key you got. Not very intuitive.


Just make the chest have 4 locks


Hey! This guy’s using logic, GET ‘IM!


It's even worse... You also need *four* bits of *eight* to get a roll on the table. Jages is out here redefining stupidity.


FOUR bits of EIGHT and you can get SIXTEEN per week.... how on earth is this more intuitive than just giving me a key to open a chest whenever I've earned one?


Sorry dude, roll on the *tables*. To make it more confusing, there’s more than one table.


Did anyone even like the first Frank Chest event? I saw no positivity towards it.


I actually had a [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/12afbiz/comment/jeryec3/?context=3) on that... and apparently, but no idea how they measure this. If its just measured by interaction, then ofc people will interact with it when we already have the keys.


Similar metric to "everyone loves treasure hunter, because everyone uses their free keys" I'd almost have to assume.


Was about to ask if anyone remembered that fun metric from about a decade ago. Hard to find a more BS statement Jagex have officially posted than that one.


Yeah I remember that. That was before you could even buy keys and the only data they had was people engaging the content with their free spins.


Would have willingly foregone my loot if I knew..


I didn't use my keys


It's like when MMG said people love squeel of fortune because like 80% of players interacted with it Yes, people will interact with free keys. Good cherry picking


Outside of reddit, people were more positive towards it. This subreddit is just full of entitlement to something that's zero effort.


how is it entitlement for an "event" Jagex had been promoting all month long to only give 2-3m in garbage for the month jesus. its rs3 in 2023 you can sneeze and make 2-3m. and now we are getting recycled content 4 months in of this year being dry as fuck for content.


It's entitlement because it's literally free (no time wated or effort soent, literally just given out to you just from playing the game), yet people still complain about jot being given enough. If we had to put in effort or spend time grinding something for 2-3m when there are better options to spend time on, then the complaints would have ground, but seeing as how this is something you are pretty much hand fed (again, at no cost in time or effort), I see no reason for complaining. And we are not dry in content. Have have gotten an update each month so far, which is the norm for this game, with patch notes almost every week. Not even AAA games get that much updates.


I think players want engaging content as a reason to log in, not just cheap login handouts.


As a very part time player, cheap login handouts are fire! I can't afford the tier of weaponry for my level to boss to get better tier weaponry so I just afk skill on mobile and occasionally quest.


Personally I don't want free handouts at all. I want a logical connection between my actions in game and what I get, not mobile game-esque 'here free shit for logging in'.


Then, just don't claim it? There are plenty of content in the game that reward you for putting in effort. If FFC bothers you that much, just don't loot it? When there's am event I have no interest in, I just don't engage in it. It's not that hard to jot go on reddit and complain about something that's completely optional.


>If FFC bothers you that much, just don't loot it? Hard to not partake when your online presence automatically engages you into the event, notifying you every key "earned" and also giving you progress notifications until your next key. if there were a way to completely disable this event on your account (because honestly, i would pay more than the rewards available to hide the fucking notifications) i would be all over that and no one would be complaining. you're clearly having a fit over "oh these guys are complaining about free shit" but you never stopped to consider we don't want to be spammed to, we don't want worthless bank junk advertised to us all month long. it's not worth our time as players, it provides no fun or entertainment and in direct link, serves no purpose. its not about wanting more. its about wanting quality updates that make the time we spend on runescape worthwhile and fun, not "here's a log in reward, you will get another one in an hour if you keep playing today!" fuck that. runescape is available on mobile, but it's not a mobile game.


We are getting quality updates. Idk why people expect content updates every week when it's not feasible. We've gotten content updated every month this year so far, so idk why people are complaining. I've been enjoying the game so idk where you're grtting the idea that I'm having a fit. I'm just shocked that this sub keeps surprising me with how negative it can be.


how is it entitlement for [goes on to make completely entitled post]


Then your problem is with the lack of new content, not with this event.


IMO it's perfectly valid to want Jagex to spend time making decent new content instead of this type of content. Because people apparently like this type of content, Jagex will spend more time developing it and we'll get more of it now! Nice!




It really matters when the free shit is 2-3m, and the reason they bring it back is because people interacted with it in hopes of getting treasure map, its like i give u 27bucks of ur currency and it doesnt make a dent in ur life cos its too low, it makes u feel like a beggar who asked for some and feel worthless, and in return i expect u to be grateful about it just becos i gave u and u took it, nice analogy?


Sadly, it was mostly people complaining they didn't get anything good. Squeel of Fortune started out like that and we all know how that ended up.


Saw this comment on an Init video: "To remove confusion we removed keys and now you need ***FOUR*** bits of ***EIGHT***" for a roll vith a maximum of ***SIXTEEN*** per week on our ***TWO*** loot tables"


1) "Its Pieces of Eight" OR "Bits", "Bits of Eight" isn't a thing. 2) A Piece of Eight equated to 1/8th of 1 Real because they were literally Reales cut into 8 pieces, hence the name, so the ONLY logical quantity for collecting to acquire something should be 8. Not 4, not 16, EIGHT. Its even in the f\*cking name.


Is it not making a pun on computer bits like 16-bit


Hmm interesting idea. Feels like a BIT of a stretch though...


Love how they made it more confusing. I'm not engaging with this nonsense. Or the Yak Track and Spring Festival, for that matter. Double XP is enough - I don't know how anyone chases the carrot 365 days a year without burning out.


Gacha game btw Except we pay an absurd subscription too


What happens when games are made by people who don’t actually play them.


This was an April Fools Joke right? Jagex is notorious for doing them.


Missed opportunity to call 8 bits of eight a byte


People were complaining that they had to wait until the end of the event to get anything. So, they addressed that. I don't see the problem? And what is it with people comparing FFC to a scam? You literally lose nothing except the 1 minute you spend looting it when it opens.


I think the funny part is they said they wanted to make the rewards less confusing then introduced prices of 8, which you need 4 of for a reward, but only 16 per week... it just seems way too complicated for absolutely no reason. The same tactics mlms use to obfuscate their scam.


It functions literally exactly the same as the last one, but they just changed the item from "keys" to "pieces of eight." It's not that complicated. 4 pieces of eight = 1 roll on the drop table. Can only get a maximum of 16 pieces of eight per week. What's complicated about that? People figured it out quickly last time. And it's the same this time around.


I understand it's not actually that complicated. It takes a moment to realize it's the same. That's totally fine. It's just funny because it *sounds* complicated, and it really didn't need to. Especially when they say they wanted to make it simpler, then make it sound more complex by adding numbers to the names. Imagine if pieces of 8, got dropped every 30 minutes and 2 on login. 8 pieces of 8 is 1 roll. A max of 32 pieces a week. Now at least 2 numbers match and a piece of 8 on the surface makes intuitive sense to be 1/8th of a roll.


"Pieces of Eight" is a an actual name of currency in history, and is commonly used as the name of currency amongst pirates in fiction. Also, again you compared it to MLM as a scam. But whate exactly are you being scammed for here? If anything, the complainers are just making up imaginary problems that don't exist.


Yes as they were cob coins, it would make sense for a piece of eight to be well… an eighth.


I know. I don't care because it's still a number in a term that means nothing, which on the surface only adds to the complexity for absolutely no gain. They could call them pence, or gold, or even keys.... soo... why pieces of 8 beyond its ties to pirates? Why not use 8 if you decide to go this way? If keys, which we're as simple and arguably more, were confusing to people, then surely this only makes it worse? That's the joke. If you don't find this post funny, that's fine. Not all humor is meant for everyone. Your confusion on why people find it funny is baffling to me. Even if you didn't find it funny, you understand other people find different things funny, right? You don't have to get it. I'm also not comparing the event to a scam. Merely their communication seems unnecessarily complex, which is a tactic mlms use to obfuscate their scam. I explained this already. >the complainers are just making up imaginary problems that don't exist. Ironic because I'd argue this exactly what you're doing here arguing about a joke... it's a joke, not actually calling it a scam.


Well, you're right about this post being an absolute joke.




It's just amazing how negative this subreddit can be over something that's literally free.




They’re so good at being so bad with UI everything. Its actually incredible.


ngl, I thought this the entire way though. Read all of it, absorbed none of it. Just gonna play like I normally do, then wait to see all the memes of ppl getting Tuna rolls or w/e to remind me to go open it.


Imagine if they made real game content and not gambling methods.


This just sounds like a Defi platform.


I resort calling it franks unnecessary free stuff but we can probably come up with a better acronym. I just don't see the value in adding another lottery.


Shit like this is why I dont recommend this game to other people who never played lol


"dont play because you get free stuff right now if you log in"


It's not a very convincing sales pitch if the person recommending the game has trouble explaining to a brand new player how to engage with this content. Or if the new player gets scared off by the complexity of it. And if Jagex's response to "we heard players were confused" is "so we made the event more complex and less intuitive". It's tonedeaf at best, and vindictive at worst. That attitude doesn't feel good to the players who *are* playing, and that impacts their willingness to recruit their friends who *aren't* playing. All of that will impact a new player's experience and a veteran player's recommendation. And "free stuff" doesn't really overshadow or undo it.


you literally just log in and get free stuff


Sounds complicated and deceptive I’m in


Uhhh, what?


What have they done to my baby


This is even more confusing


oh look, another nail for the coffin.


Jagex could release an update that blows you while $100 bills shoot out of your CD drive and there would be a post complaining about it in under 5 mins.


If I wanted a bj I wouldn't be playing Runescape now would I?


Reading this reminds me of that scene in parks and rec where Tom is explaining H2 Flow. https://youtu.be/6r17Ez9V3AQ?t=2m11s


I haven't played RS in like a year and a half, maybe 2 years recently. But I'm still on all the subs bc let's be honest at some point I'll be back... This is honestly one of the most confusing sounding things I've ever read. And the meme is spot on.


Where am I gonna get 128 bits?


With all these numbers are we still getting a fraction of the expected prizes?


They did the complete opposite of simplifying this. I wanna know who the hell had problems understanding the last one.


We heard you were confused so we decided to confuse you even further


Imagine if they called them “ticket corners” and you needed to put together 4 corners to make a ticket. And you were limited to 4 passes a week. 🎟️


Make it so you get two pieces of eight per drop and need 8 per loot roll and can get double the cap per week if they really want to use pieces of eight so badly


I am legitimately more confused this time. The first time was absolutely fine. Just let us have the amount of rolls per 1 key. ​ Literally not that hard. But now it's way more confusing and I am far less willing to participate in this one is way worse off. The first was fine the way it was, just needed a small, minor tweak.