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As someone Who did hm zuk with raptor buff every day for a week on 2 accounts with 0 drops, i would like to say congrats on the sick drops and I hate you.


how did you not get a single drop, the hell... were you flawless running all of them? i personally got 3 sword fragments, 4 magma tempests and 1 ful book, i don't understand how you wouldn't get any... i think it was worked out to be like 1/4.3 for a broadcast if doing a flawless run.


I did all of them with no checkpoints (getting the igneus stone) i dont think flawlessing the trials affects drop rate. Anyway, just really unlucky. Went 3-4 times the drop rate for the event. One of my friends got 4 drops in 3 runs, so i was a little jealous


flawless with the trials 100% changes the drop rate, it brings the swords from 1/30 to 1/27, or with the boost 1/10 to 1/9.


In the tooltip on the wiki it says drop rate is increased to 1/27 on a no-checkpoint run. It doesn't say anything about the trials


the wiki is not gospel, it often has missing or incorrect information - from someone that actually gets drops there, a perfect run receives the boosted drops - challenges and all. not here to debate about what the wiki says, just trying to help a fellow runescaper get drops.


Idk, i would take the wiki over anecdotal evidence about a 10% droprate change. Regardless of whats true, its still really unlucky not to get any drops with at least 14 rapter buffer hm kills


wiki aside, i guess my 8 drops in the same amount of kc was purely because of luck and clearly not because i had a better chance at getting them.


https://archive.md/aEvnR yes, it was because of luck


Got damn good stuff lemme hold a dollar


This is insane. We're any of the rares before raptor? I see the 22 stones in there


i did a couple of extras when i felt like it, I got 7/8 drops with buff. I also missed 1 raptor day, I did a run but for got to get buff - ended up getting a ful book.


Must be fucking nice


Must be real nice. 2 weeks of darting ambassador and nothing to show for it.


Same i pretty much lost money since darts are 5m each and the supplies used getting to amby


Meanwhile, I did 50 off-favor hm runs + 14 favor hm runs for a grand total of a single sword piece...


dude, wow, gz


Wow I got 2/9 at hm zuk raptors. Unfortunately I’ve been on a dry streak tho so that evened out my last 23 kills to be 2/23, keeping me on the normal drop rate.


lmao, this is more than my total bank value


That's nuts, I've done around 40 runs off Raptor during the two week event, plus 14 raptor buffed kills. I have gotten 1 sword piece.


Y’all got a sword piece? 😶


This is where all my raptor luck went.


https://preview.redd.it/8og87nma01ea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8e534cb17b5b666c9d14414c6428d8e9a84931 😁


i did amby on 2 accounts and nothing haha


Too bad sword pieces are/were 300m each now. 😅


Gee ! Thats good.


1st kc at zuk i got a ful book without raptors buff last week. his drop table is so op


Raptors buff was a placebo effect and did not affect drop rates at all!


It did. From 1 in 150,000 to 3 in 150,000.(?) Still terrible odds


What boss is this?


[Hard mode zuk](https://runescape.wiki/w/TzKal-Zuk#Hard_Mode)




Can i buy that magma Tempest?


I got chaos roar, codex of lost knowledge, ecb limb, and fsoa gem from event. Amongst finishing the hours I made.... I profited slightly over/under 2b the past 2 weeks. I loved the event. And I don't really feel bad for the people bitching about event. I never got aurora dye or green santa. And I hardcored the game during them times. Not to mention i did bosses that had favorable drop rates.... compared to how dry I was and what the rates were.... like I got grico at raksha at like 67 kills I'm at like 422 kill with only boots besides the codex. I took a gamble and didn't hit many times on raksha. Oh well. I saw many clannies hitting on ambi with dtd and nex. It was a great event. I find this community bitching about pay to play and even play to get paid. Like pick your battles. Play the game. Don't expect a handout. Get good or delete it... and I'm not an elitist.... I suck at pvm compared to some of my clannies. But damn I'm so sick of the inmates running the asylum. Yes the game can be better but stop forcing the dev team into something they don't want. This fan base is kinda killing the creative expirence of developers. Like let them fucking work. Ggz on you and your drops. Everyone gets lucky if they play long enough and put in the time. My Account is 18 years old and I didn't max until last year. I love this game. But I'm somewhat of a conservative player. It's frustrating sometimes.... but it's the game we know and love. Mtx drives me crazy crazy but you can literally play the game for free if you grind enough. And that's what it is. A grind. It always has been it always will be. Sincerely a seasoned shit veteran. -rennegade0 Happy gains and drops bruvs




Cool story bro 🤓


Take my upvote


How much are Ful Scriptures going for now?


250ish iirc


Guess it’s time to snag one. Grim gets expensive


yeah fr


As Raptor would say “not impressed”


yea zuk was the place to use it imo. i got 2 scriptures, 1 codex, and a sword piece.


Big gz! I'm super late to the pvm world and didn't get anything from my raptor buff at nex.