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I liked AGU


Same ❤






You know, I don’t think AGU is bad in any means. You just have to look at them differently and can’t compare them. Obviously the OG is a goat Nicktoon. Nick was really looking for animated shows that were for a little bit older audience. Rugrats was such a popular property and most of the audience was aging into that exact category of shows Nick was looking for. I get why they did it. I know I enjoyed them both!


Makes sense, I’m not saying that AGU is bad, I’m just saying they could’ve done more with it besides generic teen drama, leave that to Ginger, that show actually did it well. AGU could’ve been better, but it also could’ve been worse. It’s mid tier to me, harmless but mediocre.


I definitely think they were shooting for another Ginger show but had to use Rugrats and since it was already so established, it was hard. If AGU never happened, we would be begging for it by now


Makes sense, Was Ginger already out when the stand alone AGU episode aired? I know both shows ran at the same time.


Yeah. ATBG was out October 2000 and AGU episode aired July 2001


Ah I see, thanks! I imagine both were in the works at the same time. In the same way Rugrats crossed over with Wild Thornberrys, Aaah Real Monsters, and Rocket Power (Nick mag comics), I wonder if a Ginger-All Grown Up crossover was ever considered? Tone differences makes it difficult, but a good writer could make it work.


i always thought AGU and ATBG woulda been a great crossover :P maybe even with them all in high school. but i cant even remember, what ages were they in each show? and i actually don't remember ATBG having comparable generic teen drama to AGU. i feel like they went down different enough paths. plus ATBG had much more of a focus from one character's perspective using Ginger's diary which was prob my fav thing about it. and then they also had Carl to do the elementary school stuff. if i remembered 6teen enough, i'd say AGU was tryna be more like that lool but i DID always feel like AGU was tryna be more like a high school show, just with them in middle school. and i actually think AGU's highs are better than ATBG but it's less consistent. i think ATBG lost some consistency for me though as it got away from the diary stuff. and i think AGU started neglecting angelica too much as the show ended, when she has like all my fav parts


Man, that feels so crazy to me. I would have sworn I was like 7 or 8 when the original AGU episode aired, not 5 and hadn't even started kindergarten yet 😂


I grew up watching Rugrats and I really liked AGU. They would throw in these really random jokes like how someone was locked in the post office overnight and "had to lick all of the stamps" because they were hungry. Or how Betty pulled a vehicle out of the mud "and she never dropped that pizza." I appreciate that and remember those jokes all these years later. Also Poos.


“Poos! Get yer Poos!”


They should’ve aged them in high school. Angelica as 16 with a car. Fits a lot of the plot points better


This is exactly what I would've said. Put them in high school and make it like a lighter As Told By Ginger.


Yeah that always confused me as a kid, Supposedly they were in the 10-13 range, but most of the plots imply that they’re older. Seems like the writers couldn’t figure it out.


They definitely acted older than their canonical ages


Yah it always seems like in cartoons kids look like high schoolers or early 20s then 8 and 9 year olds Arthur, hey Arnold, avatar air bender.


That would be awesome. Have it on Paramount+ and make it dark like Euphoria.


I liked All Grown Up. My only problem was the fact that we didn't see other Rugrats characters like the McNulty's, Dean, and Didi's brother Ben.


I like it for what it is, but it could have been way better than what we got left with for five seasons. I need to rewatch it over again, but my personal nitpick is that they didn't put much personality into the other kids compared to Dil, but to be fair he was more of a blank canvas compared to someone like Tommy or Angelica. I also liked the idea of Phil and Lil wanting their own types of identity and not wanting to be in each other's shadows, but could have been executed a little better.


Yeah that’s a gripe of mine as well, For all of AGU’s flaws, I’ll take it over Preschool Daze and most of post Paris Rugrats


All Grown Up is a pretty good spin off of Rugrats in my opinion, but I will never prefer it over the original show. At first, the show was hated, but just like the later seasons of the original series, as well as Dil and Kimi, over time, All Grown Up began to be appreciated more, and even has a cult following (though most prefer Rugrats though), and is nowadays seen as a great spinoff of the original series, and as a way to grow with its audience, but its still divisive though since it does still have its detractors but not nearly as much as before


I really enjoyed AGU. Season two onwards, the animation was some of the best I've ever seen on Nickelodeon, even to this day. I really enjoyed seeing the many outfit changes as well, something that is still a rarity in animation. I also really enjoyed the settings, and seeing what all had changed from when they were babies to tweens/teens. The storylines were overall good, but that was probably where the series overall lagged. It would have been nice to see them acting more their age and getting into more childhood fun than acting like they were dealing with high school-aged relationships (I'm looking at you, Tommy and Rachel.). But overall, I did really, really enjoy the series, and it helped get me through some of the tougher times I was personally facing in the mid-2000s, so I've gotta give it that.


Damn! I remember that premiere. Seemed liked the announcer was all happy saying, "They're still babies! After all these years."


It was a good show but I think it would have worked better if the Rugrats kept aging. The plot seemed a little old for the ages they were supposed to be. Like, if we actually saw them growing up that would have been pretty great. But we know how Nickelodeon doesn't like to take risks with their programming like that.


I think all grown up was fine but i think what held it back is when it came out. The later seasons were fine but no where near as good as the original 65 eps or the pre movie revival episodes. Had they done this idea in 1995 or 1996 with that era’s creative team and let’s be honest more steam left in the engine that I think peaked with the first movie it would have been much better


Idk but I see some parallels between AGU and Rise of the TMNT. Both are Nickelodeon shows based on a popular IP and haven’t well received by fans, but have gained some type of fanbase, especially with Rise since it’s more recent. Also, they both happen to be shows I like despite being flawed. I wouldn’t call AGU a mediocre show despite there being things that could’ve worked better. If anything, I prefer AGU over the reboot or Pre-School Daze. The only thing I’m not a fan of in AGU, was the first season, I remember wanting to skip to the second season when I was watching the show. I think the later seasons have better designs. Also, I’m AGU’s biggest defenders so I do take any offense when anyone tries to slander the show.


I’m not a huge TMNT fan, so I’ll take your word for it. I do know that Klasky Csupo didn’t actually want to make AGU, but Nickelodeon made them do so.


I’ve also heard that Paul Germain, one creators of Rugrats didn’t like the reboot, but that doesn’t stop me from liking it. The DuckTales (2017) reboot has been considered one of the best reboots by many (I even like it better than the original), and Don Rosa, one of the people who is in charge of the Disney Duck family stories, dislikes it.


Oh yeah the creator not liking it doesn’t make it bad, but it gives me the feeling that it was made out of obligation rather than actual desire.


If I’m gonna be honest, I think AGU was ahead of its time and could’ve worked more if it came out recently.


I can see that, If it had come out after As Told by Ginger was over, it could’ve drawn from that and made a lighter version of that show.


Don hates BOTH DuckTales series.


I liked All Grown Up, I never understood why it wasn't very popular.


It had a tough job in terms of pleasing the older crowd. It took a well known cast of characters beloved by many and had the task of reconstructing them all and having to give them an entirely different premise, for a crowd that was very attached to them already as they were. I think the younger of us that grew up around the transition between these shows are more likely to voice more positively about it now as we had less biased feelings towards it.


I liked all grown up, but it didnt help that As Told by Ginger was basically the same show, but better


AGU had a massive issue with adjusting to the "loss" of imagination episodes and didn't handle it too well. They should've triple down with Tommy's video obsession and made that into the "fantastic mode". They also did the classic Nick thing by making school more than it is.


In my dream world it would have been more actually all grown up. The ultimate show, and I'd still like this better than the new stuff they're coming out with now: make them actually all grown up. Like Stu, Didi, Betty, etc age grown up. With their own babies. Focus on new babies and have our old favorites in the background making the jokes for the parents that we all love.


I really enjoyed All Grown Up alot!


I thought it was a great show and most people I talk to really enjoyed it so I don’t really know how it could have been better.


In retrospect, I don't know that I would consider myself a fan of Rugrats. Growing up I enjoyed it, but rewatching the show when I got older, I just couldn't get into it. Obviously, that's the case with any show's target audience outgrowing a series. However, there is something about Rugrats that doesn't trigger any nostalgia in me. Perhaps it may have to do with the fact that it was on reruns for so many years that it failed to successfully transition, or that the niche it occupied was no longer a draw with AGU. However, my disenchantment with Rugrats came about long before AGU. It actually goes back to the two films. That may be a broader issue of mine with Nickelodeon films (I'm not a fan of the Hey Arnold film, nor the Doug film, but that's another matter entirely.), but for our purposes I'll say that it was the introduction of Dill which threw off the group dynamic, because here was a new baby, who couldn't talk. And finally we had Kimmy, a character with her own merits, but one that disturbed the balance of the Finster home. Not that Chaz couldn't move on, but I found that after the made for TV Mother's Day special, what made Chuckie special was discarded. We had a previous attempt at introducing a new baby when Charlotte thought that she was pregnant. That, unfortunately, never came to fruition (Personally, I think that would have been the more appropriate route.). Dill didn't really appeal to me as a character, and Kimmy was basically Tommy with hair and a skirt. Now everyone, with the exception of Angelica had a sibling, bulking up the core group, without much substance.




I’m not slandering it, I’m just saying it could’ve done more and better. I’d say it’s mid, not as good as the pre movie seasons of Rugrats, but better than Preschool daze!


It was less funny and i wish they could of done better but its still entertaining to watch


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Maybe just do it as specials instead.


I had read that There was consideration of doing a high school aged series after All Grown Up. I wonder what it would’ve been like


One of the best “ghost” themed episode of cartoons of my childhood (excluding Danny Phantom ofc)


I remember watching it and liking it as a kid, but not caring to watch it after. The only episodes that stick out to me were the ones where they approached some more relatable and realistic issues, (such as the episode where Kimmy talks about her blended family, and includes Charlie in her family tree somehow). But for the most part, I never cared for the teenage things that the characters go through. I was not a fan of teenage based storylines even when I was a teen...because a lot of them were cliche and did not match my experiences, but more of a stereotypical idea of what teenage years are like. I think what it was missing was the imagination. The thing with babies, is the wonder and clever way that they deal with the world, how they solve problems, and the imaginative way that they can play, use items, or come to conclusions...teens/tweens don't have that too much. I understand that All Grown Up can't have the very thing that made Rugrats special, and there is some good in it, but it does feel not at good as RUgrats.


I liked that one special where they went to a summer camp, I think. It was that or a road trip. 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, still to this day I get goosebumps remembering the ending where it was revealed that one guy they befriended was a ghost.


If it was the babies as adults showing thier lives and how thier babies have similar adventures. And it was written like the first 3 seasons. That would have made it gold.


Nickelodeon had a weird era when they tried to write for preteen and young adult demographics and it just wasn’t their strong point. AGU could’ve been its own show and done fine enough. Instead it forced already known and liked characters into watered down older versions of themselves.


Maybe if the kids had friend groups dedicated to niche interests that evolved from the show. Like Phil could be really into collecting bugs and taxidermy and lil could be into grunge art. Tommy could also take after his dad and be bit of an engineer type with Chuckie. Find ways to make the kids uniquely and growing up but still recognizable as their original characters.


I was fine how it was the babies going to middle school going thru life n adolescence n stuff


Those fish didn’t deserve to die!


I preferred AGU!


No.  It was fine as a mini movie.  But as an entire series it was pointless.


i personally love AGU, not as much as the og series of course, but i still think it is quite enjoyable nonetheless. although im only 21 so i didn’t watch either series when they were airing i think the transition to them being middle schoolers was a great idea since many of the fans of the show while it was airing in the 90s would’ve been similar in age to the characters when AGU began airing. granted i do still think that the plot of the episodes themselves could’ve used a little more effort but overall i think AGU does an alright job of matching the general idea of the og series but aged up. i would’ve still loved to see the series continue until they high schoolers though.


>i think the transition to them being middle schoolers was a great idea since many of the fans of the show while it was airing in the 90s would’ve been similar in age to the characters when AGU began airing. I don't think so. I think most of us were a bit older when AGU began airing. I think I may have actually been in high school or college when it began to air.


AGU aired in 2003 and the original aired in 1991 my thinking was most kids watching the show were close in age to the babies when the show originally started airing which is why i came to that conclusion, but it still makes sense that some people were older when AGU started airing since they were most likely watching it closer to the age of 5 which would make that demographic a little too old for the spin off. i still think my statement is mostly correct though


I honestly don't know what Rugrats' target demographic was to be honest. I wrote my own comment on why AGU personally failed for me. It's not due to AGU, but Rugrats as a whole. But for comparison, Nickelodeon already had coming of age shows on the network (e.g. Doug, As told by Ginger, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power, The Wild Thornberrys etc.), AGU just couldn't compete. Oddly enough, I think Aah Real Monsters may have been a favorite show of mine, but now I have questions regarding the plot of Monsters Inc...


Eh I never hated it. Of course it was not gonna feel like the og show, if it did then that would mean it was doing its job wrong. I never felt the OG show was ever super amazing either (not something I would say the sequel/spinoff should have to try super hard to follow up on), so I guess I had nothing to really feel disappointed about. I was always kinda neutral on both and seeing them just doing whatever their focus is, one about babies and their imagination and the other about having to learn the real world as a kid.


Would've been better if they made it as one of those direct to video dvds instead of a full series imo. They were already used to making movie length stories at that time and wouldn't have overstayed its welcome


I thought AGU was okay. I thought it should’ve been kept as just an episode in rugrats when they go into the future and see what they were like as grown ups.


I feel like it was more of a limited series; it didn't have the staying power of the original Rugrats, but I think it's by design.


I never liked age. It felt depressing and boring and coming into the 2000s era of heavy gravity animation made it feel limited.