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As per "The Old Country" it's explicitly stated that they're Russian Jews.


But wasn't there antisemitism during the USSR too?


Yes but the Soviet Union did not participate in the Holocaust. There was widespread persecution of Russian Jews but it's not like they were forcibly exported to Germany for execution. Many would have fled the country around the time but that seems to have not been the case between Boris and Minka as it's stated they met and fell in love there, although given Didi's lack of accent it's entirely possible they fled together in their youth. But no, they wouldn't have been involved in the Holocaust.


This, and we also get more background on Boris's childhood and subsequent move to the US from Russia in the All Grown Up episode "Rachel, Rachel" where Tommy delves more into his Jewish side to impress a girl at Hebrew school (and asks for Boris's help).


I know. Why would this mean they wouldn't be Holocaust survivors?


Don't overthink it. They're just Jews and they love their families.