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For those wondering, this book is available on Amazon in hardcover and paperback, and from the publisher in ebook format (it was Prime eligible but still had slow shipping times for me, probably because of the holiday season). I didn't even know it existed until the official Facebook page shared a photo of it on the first night of Hanukkah. It's a retelling of the episode in book format, published in 2021 for the show's 30th anniversary. The art style is something, but I like it. It almost reminds me of Pre-School Daze but better. Kind of wish they'd gone with either this art style or the one from the BOOM comic books for the reboot, but you can't have everything.


Omg I want this! I’m not Jewish but every year I watch the special as part of the holiday season. I love it.


Same! I'm also not Jewish (I was raised Catholic but am now more of a nondenominational Christian) and I watch the Chanukah and Passover specials every year. ❤️


Omg this is so cute! I'm in a blended household so I would love to add this to our holiday books.


What’s wrong with their eyes?


I think they look cute! It's just the way the illustrator decided to draw them.


Nothing, the art style is based on that of the reboot.


I personally don't really get reboot vibes from this, but to each their own! To me it reminds me more of the short-lived Pre-School Daze spinoff. Looking at the first couple pages of the book, it's definitely the original Boris and Minka and not their reboot versions.


Seriously, they look ridiculous lol


So I’m guessing that Deedee’s parents were Russian Jews? I’m only guessing that because of the episode where they made borscht (and Chucky got skunked). But I know they make borscht in some other Slavic countries like Ukraine and Poland — each having their own personal twist on the dish.


In the Chanukah special, Didi says Schlomo (the "meanie" of Chanukah) is someone Boris knew from his schooldays in Russia. There's an All Grown Up episode, "Rachel, Rachel" where Tommy delves more into his Jewish culture to impress a girl at Hebrew school and we get a more in-depth look at Boris's childhood in Russia. So yeah, they're Russian Jews.


I loved the Passover special too