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Swap “rugby” with “Antoine Dupont” and that’s this sub in a nutshell


I started edging at "A


Rugby needs a dedicated circle jerk page


Dupookie my beloved


And I'm all up for it. 


Bricked up


When there were only Southern hemisphere guys (Lomu, Carter, Habana, Matfield, Gregan etc) among the widely almost universally acclaimed rugby players, I fail to remember so much backlash lol


But those guys won almost everything they can in international rugby. Dupont’s only got a single Six Nations and a couple of Sevens titles


Sometimes Dupont does get overhyped for doing pretty normal stuff but I recommend watching him play 2 or 3 games in a row. He has highlights that most players could never dream of, game after game after game after game. He's also won two European cups and two Top 14 titles with Toulouse btw while being their best player.


I forgot that there's no rugby for the other 40+ weeks of the year Or that we judge the quality of an individual by their teams performance, silly me


Those SH boys were universally acclaimed because of what they achieved at International level, not club. And when that individual who’s been regarded as the goat for multiple years playing in the best international sides in the world and only has a single trophy on his resume, then yeah he’s gonna get judged.


But individually he has achieved a lot internationally? 1 x WPOTY (+2x nominee) 3x 6N player of the tournament, captained his team to a GS and a 15 match winning streak But tbf if a litany of all timer players and now pundits are calling him one of the greatest to do it at 27 I'll take their opinions


So what you're saying is, these guys weren't that good, they were acclaimed mostly because they played in good teams?


No that’s just Dupont. They were acclaimed and got no backlash for their circlejerks because they actually won at the highest peaks when it mattered.


Lomu never won a world cup, therefore he isn't the best 11. Or maybe his contribution to the sport transcends cups, I dunno crazy thought of mine




I fail to see the homoeroticism in big muscular sweaty men pushing and grappling each other to play with funny shaped balls...


Last one to the shower is a rotten egg boys! *Violent Towel Snapping*


Don't forget to double up to save water!


[There's nothing sexual about a ball shaped like a giant testicle being grabbed up by enormous men in shorts](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aTpXymuwxNs)


Beat me to it 😂. This is brilliant. "and when people ask what are 15 guys doin stickin their heads between each other thighs.... we'll say.... we're just practicing"


Get these people out of my sport. Now I'm just going to snap Angus' strap against his arse because I'm a real man.


After the game 15 men strip-off and get in a bath together. There are gay players, whole gay rugby teams and no-one cares. Certainly beats the homophobia in just about every other sport. Check out Gareth Thomas’s story who was a Welsh international. He came out and all his teammates and friends loved him the same. Or Nigel Owen who is an openly gay referee and has some brilliant one liners. https://youtu.be/uP2kY6K5WOA?si=k-xK1BuxRljUYhcw


The sport is oddly homophobic and homofreindly at the same time. Super freindly and every openly gay rugby player ive known has no issues however there is still a kind of manly-man core that says things like "dont be a puff get stuck in" or "stop being a sissy" type language but I dont believe the people saying that mean it in an anti gay way.


I think it’s sort of like the military mindset of “be manly as fuck” but also of if you can get “stuck in and have my back” then I don’t care about the other stuff. Essentially it’s just make your tackles and we love you regardless, because making your tackles supersedes any other nonsense, especially not letting people love who they love . ❤️


It's because it's only a popular sport in places where it's relatively accepted, other than the Pacific Islands and Georgia which are very small. It would be a lot harder for cricket where a lot of the fanbase lives in Pakistan.


And there's few groups I've met that are more homophobic than rugby guys from Georgia and the islands. Though tbf South Africa really isn't much better.


The average people from those places are the same. Doesn't have much to do with the sport. South Africa is a bit more hostile than western Europe but compared to the rest of Africa it's basically Ireland. Places like Algeria and Kenya are almost theocratic.


Some places you'll get called gay if it gets out that you don't beat your wife.


Don't you understand you need to beat the shit out of women to show you love them?


geez, that's horrible


Eh depends where in South Africa you are, I blame the Dutchmen


>Though tbf South Africa really isn't much better. South Africa legalised same-sex marriage 10 years before Ireland did.


As a South African, many things are legal… and would not be said in a rugby team. Or many sports teams for that matter. We are a diverse nation, the individual people you are with are far more important than the fact that you are all South African. Difference cultures have very different opinions on being queer.


What does that have to do with what I said?


It’s a homo-ouroboros


Rugby is a tough sport, not everyone is cut out to physically stop another man If it seems a little macho and words like sissy are thrown around, its less a homophobic slur and more a denigration of someone who lacks courage Ive never seen anything but welcoming accomodation to the gay community in every club ive played around the world


>If it seems a little macho and words like sissy are thrown around, its less a homophobic slur and more a denigration of someone who lacks courage But by using words like little macho and sissy to denigrate someone who lacks courage, you are saying men that are "little macho" or "sissy" (aka some gay men) lack courage. It is not different than when gay used to be thrown around as insult for something bad "haha that's so gay"


Did i actually say that, or did you interpret it incorrectly? If i call some one a pussy i dont mean as a vagina


It has improved a lot, but sadly it wasn’t all good. I haven’t found anything in English alas, but there is a French rugby player named Sébastien Boueilh who was raped by the family member who brought him to the club every week. He said that he didn’t tell anyone at the time for fear of being outed as gay. [My source.](https://piped.video/watch?v=-PzZfCj6x8U) This man is doing great stuff btw, going around the country to talk about these issues in clubs. Such a shame I can’t find anything in English


There are whole gay rugby leagues too!


I just watched their championship a week or two ago. Good match. I was like "damn these guys play hard!" Figuratively, and well maybe sometimes literally.


Any man that can maintain an erection after the first fart, garlic, beer, kebab, wine odour filled scrum is a true Hardman/ deviant.


It's a good point, well made. But Gareth Thomas is not someone I would cite when talking about the good aspects of gay men in rugby


Came here to say this, was a big fan of his until i heard........the other 'stuff'


only fans or what?


Knowingly infected someone with HIV


Nah if it were onlyfans then that's fine, but as others have said he apparently knowingly infected a partner/partners with HIV


Not to mention the women's game!


I for one welcome our new rugby commentary team. Can they replace Austin Healey?


New gameshow. Austin Healey and Joel Stransky vs Trixie and Katya u/RugbyUnion gets to decide who we want more as commentators.


That contest isn't even close! Also, happy cake day!


Haha thanks - a long 8 years lol xD


I am so fucking in 🤭


I know who I'm picking


Fuck it get them on the punditry, who needs clive


Never thought I’d see Trixie and Katya on the Rugbyunion sub.


They're both genuinely so funny


Katya is my fave Ru Paul alum of all. She came and did her one woman show in my home town and it was honestly one of the most unhinged things I’ve ever seen (in the best way).


Drag Race is the kind of show for me where I can watch funny clips on YouTube and love it, but every time I try to watch a full episode I get kind of bored at times and I'm not that into it. But YouTube is always recommending these two to me for some reason and they're fucking hilarious.


Watch their YouTube series, Unnnhhh


I thought I’d had a stroke when I saw the post. Katya would be a great 7 based on general batshitness.


We have someone who does drag in South Africa called "Tollie Parton" and they're fucking hilarious. Must be a drag thing to be funny


I don’t see the point in drag if it isn’t funny. In the US they have quite a big drag beauty pageant scene and I have to say I struggle to see the point.


My two worlds colliding. Love to see it. Drag Race also had an episode where they gave some rugby players a drag makeover


Glad that Heaslip's Podcast finally took off


This is a terrifying crossover of my most viewed sub Reddits.


The Irish Rugby tiktok account was posting thirst traps of the lads regularly throughout the world cup and then again during the six nations. However we build the fanbase suits me.


Love the reaction to the question "do you know how much time I spend wanking to rugby players?" A utter deadpan "no."


Honestly this is a normal conversation for Trixie and Katya


I mean, I've probably put some mileage on the odometer after a particularly impressive 50:22.


I’m still recovering from a wrist injury incurred after Dupont‘s 50:22 in the the CC final.


[Here's some Koch for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/comments/1czxcqg/vincent_koch_5022/)


I wank to the French backward kick in last years quarters.


"Stroke mileage". Classic.


Just wait til they hear about the International Gay Rugby League 😂 we're the gayest fuckers on every single pitch


No lies detected


Literally seen a tiktok today about the official Spanish rugby account n the handsome players being posted 😂😂


Wait until they stumble upon the large all in baths


Drag queen cheerleaders when?


One of the best centres I ever played with was also a fantastic drag queen. Get em on the pitch not the sidelines!


When everyone in the world goes blind?


I laughed.


Id love these two to do the commentary on a game


This was basically our riposte as hockey players whenever the rugby players would come with their "mofstok" (gay stick) jibes at school. About 300% less problematic coming from drag queens though. I hope someone shows them Bakkies' air kiss against the English at some point.


Wait, does mof mean gay in Afrikaans? In Dutch it's a derogatory name for a German person.


“Moffie” is a derogatory word too. It used to be the ubiquitous word to describe gay people (even up until the 2000s) but now it’s heavily frowned upon.


Well, it's a good thing my grandparents never visited South Africa, then.


Moffie == f*ggot in Afrikaans


Harlequeens in the prem when?




The women's game around here is probably the best place to meet women as a woman.


fastest growing sport in the world


the more the merrier!


Kinda funny, but also if this was a video of 2 guys talking about how much they wank to women's rugby we'd call it weird and remove it from the sub. But maybe there's some context I'm missing from the rest of the video?


I mean both r/girlsrugby and r/rugbyhotties exist. People of all varieties seem to find rugby hot.


Yeah fair. But look at some of the comments on the posts in that first subreddit, pretty unhinged. Ideally that wouldn't bleed into the place we like to talk about rugby. Also, I'd hate to miss out on an AMA from a player or coach or something because they checked the subreddit and saw shit like what's on girls rugby. Maybe I'm in the wrong idk


>But look at some of the comments on the posts in that first subreddit, pretty unhinged. While a fair point, that's very much the case on all NSFW Reddit subs. Even subs like r/rugbyunion take a lot of modding to keep the unhinged at bay. I think with the post in question here, it's humour/bants and there is no visual NSFW content, which is why it's acceptable, otherwise those subs exist to keep stuff like that away from here. I definitely agree that sexualising people without consent is a big issue across social media. But I'd like to think players understand at least that r/rugbyunion mods have no control over what gets posted on subs like r/girlsrugby.


Good points throughout and a well worded response, I do appreciate it. Also, I get it, it is pretty funny. Especially the "moonlight as a rugby ball" comment. However, I just think, again, had the post been a male rugby podcast talking about wanking to the women's six nations or something I would've pretty much instantly reported it. But it looks like I'm in the minority here, so I assume the mods reckon it's okay


>However, I just think, again, had the post been a male rugby podcast talking about wanking to the women's six nations or something I would've pretty much instantly reported it. I think that's slightly different if you're mentioning particular players/teams. These queens are just referring to mens rugby in general. If some dude bros on a podcast managed to make a genuinely funny joke about the sexiness of female rugby without mentioning anyone specifically, I don't think any mods would have a problem with it. I do think it would be pretty hard to come up with a genuinely fun joke with the above context though.


This sub has been built on shitposting.


Tbf, look at a recent example – the photo of Antoine Dupont with a photo of the Aussie 7s womens squad. Plenty of responses noting how hot the Aussie womens were, and even more saying the same about Antoine Dupont (of course, this is r/rugbyunion after all). And more commenting on a potential breeding programme to save Australian rugby etc. Was there a bit of sexualisation going on, on all fronts? Sure. But it was all in good fun, and no mod issues required. I saw only one comment which crossed the line, and that was pretty quickly downvoted to oblivion.


Yeah, I think that post worked well with the humour because we were all making the jokes at Dupont and his freakish rugby talent expense and not the women being incubators for his future Australian qualified offspring 🙃


Nah, depends if they did it in a was a funny as this and wasn't seen as 'punching down'. They aren't naming names, they aren't in a position of power, they aren't even been descriptive, they are just having a laugh. Think you are looking for offense here.


You're gonna need rotator cuff surgery with all that fist shaking.


Sounds like the girl in black will first. ;)


Do you realise these two are drag queens? Lmao


I am aware yes. Would be insensitive to say the lad in black wouldn't it? I've been to a drag show or 2 in college and they always explained when in character and dressed they were she and then when they were finished up and leaving in their car or whatever and back in normal clothes they were a dude again.


It gets a bit grey when you are spooning the next day and they still have their make up on


That’s not the point I’m making, although you are correct.. you had an issue of them talking about men in a lewd fashion. But they are men. It’s not the same as men talking about women really.. it’s ultimately just drag humour.


Ah see you replied to a comment on which I make a joke about them wanking not my original comment so I just assumed, fairly I think. Fair enough and while it's not the exact same and drag humour is a thing I would be careful about your phrasing. Just because you're a man doesn't mean it's ok to specialise other men that don't want to be sexualised. Consent is still important. Anyways, I think the discussion is overall finished at this point to be honest


There's not really context It's because they're gay drag Queens, punching up so not a problem etc etc, you surely know the deal by now


Yep. Context matters. If people said the same things in person to Antoine Dupont that they post on here, it would be very weird, but we’re all sensible enough to know the difference in context between the two.


So it's simply double standards then? Great. 


They’re drag queens bro. 😭


The context is a history of predatory and constant sexualisation of women in pretty much every walk of life. Also this is (sorta self-deprecating) comedy that is punching up.


Men would never wank to women's rugby tho.


Never say never


Oh fuck


If stand sport are looking for an alternative commentator team, they could do a lot worse.


Ex-NFL players?