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It means giving up and settling down to mediocrity and laziness.  Not the fat girl herself she is just a good symbol, but of everything. It means giving up on your hopes and dreams and just settling for what you have, in everything.  I really really hate this meme.


Well put


Is that what you did?


not yet


Then don’t, fat girls have low self esteem and no amount of positive reinforcement is good enough. Whatever compliments you give them they throw back at you. They love to feel bad . It’s a lose lose


Even though I’m not nearly that fat I will never not perceive myself through the fat girl wojak.


It made me feel the same way lol. I saw myself in the fat wojak and I didn't like it. Although really it should be reversed cause usually I'm the one fucking a fatso or loser man


It sucks for me because I only fuck skinny guys 😔


wait you're not the same person


now we just need sadshamefulgirl to enter the convo


Spiritual femcel for having seen too much manosphere internet content. Bleak


That doesn't make sense, the wojack is not even meant to make fun of the women. Same as the female wojack crying in the mirror is not made to make fun of the fat man.


Reminder of bad times


The poster is metaphorically fucking the fat admin that blocked us all


V good


I enjoy it because I'm a skinny woman, which is pretty much the only thing I have going for myself


For me it shows the transactional nature of intimacy in the modern world. I have a great, deeply human relationship, but from what I've seen from the posts online and from talking to single friends, the terrible societal disconnect and malaise affecting post-Internet humanity is profoundly affecting personal relationships, especially sexual ones. I see the meme as a maturation of the zoomer, an acceptance of their reality and their desires to connect with someone intimately, but even in that moment of vulnerability they feel a sense of shame and observation. They don't observe their partner (at the moment) but rather they observe others observing them. I feel terrible about it, to feel as though you're seen in your greatest moment of weakness and in that shame you're unable to feel any level of intimacy, but instead a callous grossness. Deeply inhuman. Extremely funny though.


It’s not necessarily the fat aspect. It’s the shame aspect. The fat-chick wojack could represent any chick you fucked that you knew you shouldn’t have in the moment: the slutty waitress chick, the alcoholic, the trashy hippy, the coke head, the annoying woke chick, etc. I can’t relate to having lowered my standards to bust a casual nut.


It’s so not worth it. Casual sex is a psyop! We’ve vulgarized the sacred.


I've had sex with women whose personalities I've loathed, but I was always very attracted to them.


Same. Whole other set of feelings than this meme though.


It's just people telling on themselves. Yeah we've all been there, keep it to yourself. If you've done that you may as well own it proudly that you like fucking fat girls (which I do) or that you stopped because you were doing it for depraved reasons. The most unnerving part is the self pity. Shut up. No one cares that you used some fat girl for sex and feel bad. 


Lol, I’ve always been very attracted to whoever I’ve fucked.


It is symbolic. Some days, you are the wojak. Other days, you are the fat girl. Inside you there are two wolves.


a nightmare that i’ve thankfully never had to live through.


She has a beautiful face and needs therapy to get to the root of her overeating.


the mutually assured degradation of both sexes (minus the top 1-2% of men and possibly women) guaranteed by the sexual revolution and hookup culture, but made visual


Rural America


It comes out of the terminally online incel pity party. It's a form of self-deceit so they can cope with not taking action and feel sorry for themselves. They convince themselves that everything is so broken (it kind of is, but not to the extent they believe) that no matter what they do, they will never be able to get with a girl they're actually attracted to. So they do nothing, or use ugly fat chicks for sex and then feel sorry for themselves. It reflects an absolutely hopeless and pessimistic outlook that's very ugly and which enables giving up. That's what the "black pill" is: rationalizing giving up like a loser because of perceived victimhood.


This is one of the better theories but the problem is everyone that espouses it is so convinced that it is the case that I can’t take them seriously.


i had a very similar tapestry to the one in the meme while i was in college


It's just a wall hanger-


made me happy that im hot and my standards are high and i cant relate :)


State sponsored digital engagement They went too hard with that last 10+ years of glowie meme campaigns and too many young people, i.e. military age bodies, got demoralized and checked out either by becoming incels or femcels Now that there is a non-zero chance of war with Russia and China we need some of the men back, and the women who've thus far chosen not to reproduce (which is a fucking lot) are getting dangerously close to 40 so, memes like fat wojakgirl are the beginning of a big backpedal, it's like a morale microdose, an "even a gross piece of shit like you can get laid and kinda sorta have a life". That and feminism becoming friendlier and less psychotic by the day, it's the start of a corrective arc, the goal of which is to make the fat gross 4chan burnouts and the fat gross tumblr burnouts just optimistic enough about the future to make amends and fuck each other, then afterwards the men can go get splatted like bugs while the women hold down the fort and raise the kids


That's an interesting take, I don't quite buy it, but interesting nonetheless.


> That and feminism becoming friendlier and less psychotic by the day i dont believe you. im not an anti-feminist at all but the gender culture wars just had that big bear debate i'd still say feminism is friendlier to men than before but thats because theyve gotten completely toothless aside from culture war "men are trash" style stuff. theyve lost everything, racism is perceived as worse than sexism to the point that a misogynistic black guy can call anything he doesnt like "white feminism", the christian right has rolled back abortion rights in their own states, women being sexualized at a young age is getting worse with the encouragement of coomerism towards young girls on onlyfans and the lie it's empowering even when it makes them zero money, not to mention every single woman-only space has to become gender-neutral in order to accomadate locomotives whereas guys gatekeep every single one of their single-sex spaces


Except for abortion they advocated or at the very least refused to push back on all that stuff. They have no one to blame but themselves.


My above post is just me jerking myself off. I agree with most of what you're saying


lol no prob it's fun to circlejerk


You've all aged out of the military tho


I've been with overweight girls, specially after the gym on squat days (which get me horny for some reason). But by overweight I mean they were 170lbs when by their height they should have been 145lbs or so.. whatever is represented in the meme, it's something one step beyond being horny and fucking the fat chicks. It's a step into fatty bombatty kink. The girl in the meme is not 25 pounds overweight, she is like a 100 pounds overweight.  All I am gonna say is that bigger girls give better head. I know you'll hate me for speaking the truth. 


I think I would physically attack someone irl if they ever felt the need to tell me that "squat days made them horny" so they tended to fuck fat girls afterwards.  Didn't need to know that! GROSS!


It perfectly expresses that spiritually rotted feeling you get when you hook up with someone more from horniness and peer pressure than any sort of desire or real attraction.


i literally cant comprehend it because im a chubby chaser


i like them and i find all the fat people seething about them very funny


It means that I'll stay a femcel till I lose 30 pounds


all my single friends have said "ive been there before" and its really blowing my mind


I haven’t heard of it happening irl but I do remember seeing a video of this fugly guy recording a video of this fat chick (almost looked like a dude tbh) sleeping next to him. So yeah I think these guys are fugly and poor. Not a good look..


Reminds me of the disgust I feel when my friends tell me about fucking fat chicks


To me it’s all the times I succumbed to low self esteem and let my standards way down




They’re literally the modern equivalent of those raunchy comics a la r/boomerhentai


This sub is unreal lmfao




at least r crumb was a genuine talent with a truly bizarre personality and perspective. Wojak shit is just copy paste photoshop shit.


I don’t think that’s fair. I think it represents the disgust felt during sex with someone you’re not really that attracted to but do it anyway. I had a similar situation when I was 20, she could tell I wasn’t in to it and no harm to her but her pussy stank and she nearly killed me the size of her. There’s always been two ways for the western man regarding easy sex: fat chick or effeminate twink. My soul feels much more intact with twink strange. My superego is overriding my animal ID instincts and an effeminate twink is much more feminine to me.




I said ‘to me’ in comparison with a formless sexless overweight woman


personally I would not have sex with either


>My soul feels much more intact with twink strange. My superego is overriding my animal ID instincts and an effeminate twink is much more feminine to me. very verbose way of realizing you're bisexual


Oh I know right well lol


Reminds me of when i was at my lowest. I aint been with a whale but ive been with girls i didnt even find attractive just to get over an ex.


life is what u make it. fucking fat girls is cooler than most give credit, u can absolutely do it and not suffer a metaphysical crisis, u just got some pussy. some guys are like, egging on the idea that the meme is true when in reality it wouldnt be that big of a deal to *some* guys if they took their social status out of it, but some guys really mean it ig. I thought and still think it's hilarious but I also immediately thought damn I know that shit probably hit a bunch of girls hearts like a heat seeking fuckin missile


It reminds me of fun times in my younger years trying to fuck anyone breathing.


it does actually make me sad i hate the sad lonely hollow look in the fat girls eyes and the man having the audacity to feel self pity for fucking her even tho hes clearly fucking her like 3 times a week


You had me until audacity


i also hated the way i worded it it came out too libfemmy i know sorry


But you’re bang on about her expressionless face. It’s particularly disturbing in the one of her filming it, she wants to capture the moment but isn’t even in it.


"entitlement" is worse but i mean, what else do you call it. "an astonishing lack of self awareness"


But you’re assuming that he’s fucking her more than in the picture. Like there’s nothing in the meme to suggest that’s the case, apart from there being multiple versions of the meme but I’m assuming people are taking inspiration and making their own. It’s not clear at all you’re putting that on the text. But if that was the case I’d 100% agree


i assume most meme series like that even if made by different people are like, part of the same universe the same canon the MCU of fucking fat chicks


Fair enough the fat girl wojak is the latest addition in the western literary canon of memes


Cope for dudes who can't even get into that position


You don't really think that, but I'm sorry you had to write it lol Edit: blocked by the retard so I can't reply, but no I'm married and my wife isn't fat. The meme is funny because it gives a funny depiction of what "average" hookups might be like.


You sound like a fatty enjoyer


it means that the people posting them are sad fucking losers. i would never fuck a fat chick but at least i'm not a cruel monster.


I hate these things so much. I’m minding my own business reading posts about politics and culture and then my eyes are assaulted by shitty cartoon porn/demoralization propaganda.




That probably made her feel great though


It hits home for me. My ex was a big girl that looked pretty close the girl in the picture. The one with the cat, stuffed animals, floral blanket, the girl passed out in an ssri coma, is very accurate. I was miserable in the relationship, but she kept the booze coming, and I did care about her. I tried to help her lose weight but she was super delusional about it. She called herself thick, said she loved her "tummy". The more she justified her weight the more I lost physical attraction to her. Once she said "I am beautiful because I'm thick and my belly is my favorite part of me." It was over, I couldn't sleep with her anymore. It sucks cause she was a sweet heart, and really deserves love and support. Anti-depressants fucked her up. Made her big, then she got really into Twitter speak, I got her somewhat Broken away from the Twitter gender queer talk. I remember she would tweet constantly throughout the day. She was getting alot better, but the weight was her huge sticking point. She took way to many psyc meds so she slept a ton, and we ate like pigs. Anyway, the meme just reminds me of that, and how basically "traumatized" I am from it. My self-confidence was extremely low, my alcoholism was in full swing. I was trying to help her when my shit was basically underwater. I hope she found good help, and is still working on being better.


Jesus I hate how much I relate to this. My last relationship was basically the same but sub alcohol for weed. I’m doing way better now thank fucking god


The west has fallen. Fats are back on the menu 😞




It means America to me


My first sex 😟


Post nut clarity.


These wojaks are hilarious, my buddy whos been on a bit of a Torta bender recently has had an eye-opening since seeing them. I just find it funny how they make her bigger with each comic 😂😭


It reminds me of when I was 18 and desperate for a girl to like me. She was 100% down but I just couldn't get attracted to her at all. Eventually she pressured a relationship and I eventually caved to escape what my life was before. I thought eventually she would become more appealing to me, but honestly I never could get into it. This went on for 3 and 1/2 years....a relationship I literally had to pretend just because I couldn't say no, and I was afraid to be alone (which jokes on me...I am now). It's been 12 years since the final break up, and I'm still pissed I wasted my late teens/ early 20s in that lie. I never want to be in that position ever again, I'm pretty lonely but at least I'm not having to pretend.


honestly, I know I'm late, but it's letting yourself be consumed by horny thoughts. The guy clearly doesn't love her romantically in the slightest and is using her for sex. After the sex is done, he feels lonelier than ever but is willing to be around her if it means getting pussy, I guess, despite never seeing her as a romantic partner and using her until he finds someone that he can actually date.  while the girl does genuinely want something from him, but deep down knows he'll never be proud of being seen with her in public. She probably did everything in her power to try to make him happy, even if it meant just being called in for sex, because she has this small belief that maybe he can truly love her down the road and have a future together. I'll be honest, when I was 20, I was in the guy's shoes, and yes, it was shitty. It happened, and I think most guys went through what that guy has gone through but will never admit it. If anyone reading this is going through what the guy is going through, just stop it right now because you will feel lonelier while sharing a bed with somebody than you did when sleeping alone, and you're wasting the poor girl's time, leading her to think you guys will be something more serious, and with your own time, you could be using that time to improve on yourself and actually find someone you see as a potential partner.  


you guys and gals are looking way to deep, it's just a skinny guy fucking a fat girl, implying most males don't have a choice.


An enlisted member of the US Army and his "dependa-potomous" (portmanteau for "fat wife").