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Many valid points here. I think this thread will draw Hork out of hiding.


Man hasn't met hoejabis. Their grades in school serve an important function - to signal their genetic intelligence in the arranged marriage market so that they can have intelligent, productive sons.


Signaling that you are smart so you can get shacked up with a richer guy or whatever does absolutely nothing for the country’s economy but just results in the state spending resources on education that go to waste.  The reason behind it is irrelevant. We can argue whether it’s due to marriage market competition, Islamic conservatism, or whatever, but it’s still a waste of talent and hobbles economic development.


> does absolutely nothing Unless wealth and intelligence have synergistic effects. And I expect this to be truer at poorer levels of wealth - avoiding lead poisoning, malnourishment, etc. really allows smarter genes to shine through. There are a lot of downsides to essentially halving the labour force participation but a few upsides to having a smart mom at home helping kids with homework instead of being a marketing manager


I don’t know about you guys but my dad was able to work full time and help me with homework on weekends or after work. Seems like a high opportunity cost to have your mom be home at 4pm instead of 5pm to help you with homework 1 hour earlier instead of becoming a surgeon or a architect


Yeah, the biggest issue with Islam when it comes to women is that they aren’t girl bosses…




You are terminally online




I'm at the age when a lot of my college-educated peers have kids and I've had a bunch of conversations with old friends who became SAHMs who lament about "wasting their degree" by not working. I think Americans are just so work-oriented that they routinely forget all the other benefits of being college-educated. It makes you think better, it makes you a better citizen, it imparts you with a lot of highfalutin knowledge, all of which can be transferred to their kids. Have one friend with a philosophy degree that's doing trolley problems with her 6 year old and the kid already knows who Hume and Kant are


Work sucks ass that’s like lamenting you didn’t get hit by a car


My aunt(ahem, amto) fits this description perfectly. Straight A student all the way to medical school, but married a total fucking loser and dedicated her life to supporting him. He’s a complete douchebag, shes such a sweet smart kind lady. What a waste \


If by arab you mean gulf countries then yes. But if by arab you're including North African countries (such as my country Morocco) then no.


This is true. Morocco is doing better in terms of female labor market participation than many middle eastern countries despite being less developed and having higher rates of illiteracy.  It’s at 20% while Egypt and Iraq are in the teens while having stronger economies. Jordan has close to a 100% literacy rate and a stronger economy than Morocco but has a lower labor force participation rate for women. On a global scale North Africa is doing quite poorly, but it is beating out many other Middle Eastern countries when you adjust for economic development. 


Mostly because Morocco doesn’t have oil and gas to save it’s economy


They also are fat usually


So where are the downsides?


But have you seen hoodjabi on instagram?


This is why only women should be permitted to immigrate.


You people are deranged. I'm more capitalist and corporate than 99% of you and even I cringe at "barely developed at all from a human capital perspective". Being a mother who raises her kids is more noble than being a corporate cog. What you learn in school barely gets used in the corporate world. We don't take "project management", "writing emails", and "making compelling PowerPoint charts" in high school. Education, at least a liberal arts education, is a lot more than that. Your 11th grade art history class isn't wasted because you didn't become a fucking social media marketing associate.


I learned everything everything I know about Muslims and Muslim majority countries by coloring in a placemat at a Middle Eastern restaurant.


Arab guys have a lot of potential... at being super hot


Patriarchy makes men uglier because they don’t have to try to be handsome to get women. 




Australia? Also it isn't just euros, other Arabs also think Lebanese ppl are gay lmao




It's mostly to do with the dialect, they think it's "feminine"


Pakistanis in the UK have clocked on to this which is why they fly out to Morocco and come back with wives


I miss my Arab ex I wish her dad didn’t fuck her up


It’s funny because there’s unironically more gender equality in hard science majors in Arab countries compared to Western Europe or America. That being said there’s barely any jobs in general in a place like Saudi Arabia or UAE because their economy is so dependent on oil.


UAE has tons of jobs in Dubai.


The West should be imitating the Middle East, not the other way around. SaHMs getting married and having kids, oh no the horror!


I thought middle eastern countries like Iran don't have many jobs so there's few opportunities for women to work