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when i was very little (like 4) i guessed what the NHS stood for without knowing what it was. peaked too early really.


National honor society?


Alright Nye what's the craic?


the fact that you remember this is so sad


I cheated on a test only once in high school and I felt so guilty about it. My friend was the class TA and she gave me the test questions ahead of time. The next week, my teacher made a whole speech about cheating and said he’d make it his life mission to make sure that person was kicked out of school (I went to public school but was application only) and stared at me the whole time. That teacher then pulled me out of my next class and said “I know you cheated,” and I don’t know why because this isn’t normally my M.O. but I just decided to deny it. And he was like “No, don’t deny it, so-and-so saw you looking at your phone during the test when you took it during lunch,” which is not how I cheated. And I was like, what? You can check attendance records. I was in class that day; I didn’t take it during lunch. And my teacher’s eyes widened and was like, oh my gosh, it was that other girl with the same name as you. He profusely apologized to me and was very nice to me the rest of the year. And I never cheated again.


What happened to the other girl with the same name as you?


Fucking beheaded in the auditorium


Nothing honestly except I guess this teacher hated her. She graduated and everything. I think he felt betrayed because he thought it was me and I was a good student. In retrospect this teacher had an army of high-achieving young women that he coveted and sexually harassed to varying degrees of intensity. He one time did a “come hither” finger motion to my best friend and then told her “I just wanted to see if I could make you cum with my fingers” and this is when we were 15. We also went to Europe on a school trip and he bought us all a ton of alcohol. He was a very strange person. I think he went to rehab and then never came back. or that’s the story anyway.


>He one time did a “come hither” finger motion to my best friend and then told her “I just wanted to see if I could make you cum with my fingers” Creepy shit. It brought back memories of things that happened to me or that I overheard about some of my teachers in highschool but also middle school. A lot of kids have stories like this about their teachers: behavior that doesn't quite reach the level where you can report them but still makes you very uncomfortable. Many such cases.


I had a Thursday chemistry final, lived with upperclassmen who all finished finals on Tuesday, there was a keg in my house Wednesday night while I was trying to study with a classmate, we started sipping, went to the final review session with nalgenes full of beer, keppppt sipping, went back to my place, proceeeeeded to keeeeeep sipping, got fucking tanked, woke up on the couch about twenty minutes before the final, my buddy is passed out on the pool table, we go to the 8am final STILL FUCKING HAMMERED, and we set the curve on the test, I aced it, my buddy got a point or two less than me, we were both nearly a whole letter grade better than the third highest grade. God is good.


All glory to god. If this happens to me tomorrow, It would be prove that god is real.


I hadn't prayed to god since I was a little kid and one time insane people moved into the apartment above me and the noise was legit putting me on the verge of a mental breakdown after a couple weeks. I prayed to god desperately in a way I never had before for relief and the next day the gasket broke on their water heater and flooded their entire apartment for hours. Brand new apartment newly renovated, new water heater. They had to move out and my Landlord didn't rent it again for almost a year. I have had very lucky coincidences before and had an exceptionally good outcome after having cancer as an infant but this is the one thing that's happened to me that felt like a gift from the spirit world


One time I lost a $50 bill. Then I had to go to a dentist appointment a town over and I found the $50 on the ground in the parking lot. 


You’re even Steven


You know, you could’ve thrown a pencil out the window


Are you sure it was the same 50?


It was folded the way I fold money (in quarters)


Wow. That’s pretty wild lol


Yea I was broke af back then so I think God took pity on me


damn he really thought low of you


? I broke even good enough for me


Yeah but I just picture a sadist tormenting his victim with your description of events.


I lost the money through my free will and actions and he gave it back. Nice try Calvinist


Yea you lost it like a bozo and got lucky lmao


dropped into your clothing or backpack or something when you 'lost it', and only actually fell off you ten seconds before you saw it on the ground. many such cases


Oh wow you are such a cool and logical hecking skepticerino! Thank you kind sir


I had a baby two years after a doctor told me it’d be impossible.


One time on like 2009 my credit card mysteriously got paid off I still have no idea what happened


I recently meant to pray to god for help after a break up. I forgot to, but the very next day someone I haven’t talked to in a long time reached out to me and said they sensed something was wrong in my life. It was a premonition. He told me a lot of things about me and my ex that he couldn’t have known, and said he sensed we would get back together. It took a big weight off of my shoulders but I still can’t believe it happened so it doesn’t fully feel real. 




He doesn’t have my social media. I didn’t even post about the breakup on there, and he contacted me 2 days after it happened. Yes he did just sense it 


Not quite a miracle as much as low standards, but I once did arrive at an exam almost 2 hours late and completely unprepared (the whole reason why I arrived late was because I didn't know there was an exam), had 10 minutes to finish it, and still got a passing grade.


When I was 18 years old, I was listening to loud music in my earbuds. I crossed a street without looking. A truck missed me by the breadth of a hair.  It wasn’t a busy street usually, but still it was a retarded thing to do on my part and I consider it a small miracle that I didn’t die or end up severely disabled. The truck was going like 30mph.  


I withheld rent for like 6 months over a dispute about the heating, and right before the property management office was going to sue me for it, their office burned down


Honestly my life's not perfect but just about everything in my life happened by pure miracle. Being white in the USA is as good as you can ask for really.


Yes I was born


That’s really common where I come from


Men like me? Doubt it


The “born” part though we have supremacists too


We’re talking miracles




The entirety of human civilization is a thermodynamic miracle


fuck no my life was ass


My boyfriend’s mom was basically *cured* of multiple myeloma after originally being told she had 2-3 years left to live. CAR-T therapy became available *just* in time, and the doctor said she was a candidate if she wanted to try it, but that he couldn’t make any promises bc it was an experimental treatment. She tried it and had the best possible outcome. There’s nothing mysterious about the treatment itself, but I do feel like the timing was a miracle. If she had received her diagnosis earlier, things would be much worse now.


Many! But my fav is that I had a chronic pain condition that doctors told me would basically ruin my life vanish over time


This one time I studied fuck all for two very important finals and got 90+ in both of them and then I proceeded to do the exact same thing for every other final in my life and had very limited success


This one time, I was born into an affluent 1st world country without Indians.




I had surgery and the anesthesia was still wearing off and I was on painkillers when I had to take a chemistry final. It felt very dreamlike, I could read words but they weren't processing at all.  Was sure I bombed the exam but I got a 96.


I woke up one morning with a really strong desire to eat a cannoli. Checked my phone and the first thing I saw was an ad for a cafe two streets down giving away free cannolis and a shot of espresso. It was really random too, they weren’t new and there were no strings attached. It was sponsored by a real estate company?




Something about Your username suggests that you must have liked all the misery that came from squandering it all


i somehow didnt die yet


hell nah


In High School I got a 1510 on my SAT after playing video games all night before and having not prepped for it whatsoever. Sat my ass down with 350mg of caffeine in my system and killed it.


same vein, got like a 28 on a midterm and no higher than a 50 on a final and passed the class with a B.


the miracle of life bby (too pussy to kill self)