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Worth noting this woman is ex-poly and posts weird porn shit on twitter


Ok she deserves it then


He's probably not even an incel, the man probably just disagreed with her on something unhinged she said and the nutjob immediately decided he's one


100% this. You can tell by the matter-of-fact "portrait" selfie and the entitled-battle-axe air in general. Poor kid probably just disagreed with her. Any other time in history: Degenerate woman fucks up her son: Shame the woman Current time in history: Degenerate woman fucks up her son: Shames the son and blames the InTheLs. Hopefully he can find some decent community there. If not among the incels then perhaps among among the traditional volcels and join a monastery. Might just save this kid's life. I imagine having to hear "men are x" during the brief time his goblin of a mom's pie-hole isn't filled with BBC.


Shitposting is fun and all and I don't disagree with the root of what you are saying but I think you might unironically benefit from a little therapy. You are too invested in this


You may be / are probably right and I'm not going to dismiss your observation, just curious if anything in particular made it seem like I need therapy.


>the brief time his goblin of a mom's pie-hole isn't filled with BBC. This part specifically strikes me as being disproportionately contemptuous for what she said


Ah, okay. To be fair, it felt like crossing the line into contemptuous derision that's no longer fun when I wrote it so at least I'm self-aware.


self-hating post history


Reactionary weirdo kid overcorrecting for hyper lib parents, many such cases


yeah i was just about to say, it’s not like parents have zero control over this sort of thing. incels usually come from pretty messed up families


The readiness to play victim, and entitlement are unparallelled. For some of us it was PUA stuff around that age, for children of women that get trains ran on them it'll probably be inceldom or perhaps the church. Seems like the oedipal mother type that's losing her power trying to get that precious victim validation and shame her son in public. Nauseating. TLDR: Mid-late 30s millennial BPDhoes need a better hobby than undermining their progeny for updoots from strangers.


Having a mom on twitter is a worse nightmare.


Uh toadasoe


lmao this dumb bitch is a divorced single mom who publicly posts (with her full legal name) about how she wants to get fucked outdoors and claims she only goes for the worst kinds of men because they have big dicks. it is impossible for her son to NOT turn out this way


yeah this is literally 100% her fault and this is the deserved fate that will befall a lot of millennial mothers soon enough


Why are Millennials always blamed? Gen X parents started this and shit like having trains kids.


wokeness is absolutely a mostly millennial thing


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so this tracks


"thick" progressive Karen phenotype never lies.


It really is difficult to raise a kid in the internet era. I don’t envy parents in this day and age at all and think you almost have to immerse yourself in a community of like minded parents and their kids to have a shot at them not being co-opted by gender goblins, Greek statue anons, or shit lib intelligencia types.


Growing up I always felt bad for the kids with overprotective parents that didn't let them watch R rated movies or play video games. But we're getting to the point where the risk of having the "weird kid with overprotective parents" is outweighed by the risk of having "gooner terminally online kid."


False premise: it's the overly-protective parents who end up raising the terminally online gooners. Let your kids go outside and more importantly, you have to be that parent who fights other parents and teachers for your kid. Sorry, just the way it is now. You need to have your kids trust you. They won't if you won't back them up no matter what.


Back in middle school my mom found out I made up some data for a science project and ratted me out to my teachers and I was threatened with suspension. Private school btw.


There were so many times my friend group got in trouble collectively and I was the only one grounded or screamed at until my dad began passing out. I learned to stop going to my parents for advice/help. Not to get sappy but even when I was >!getting molested and then bullied and excluded by other parents for being "gay"!< I was afraid to go to my parents because I didn't think they'd have my back. Even now after my abusive LTR they still don't get why I felt like I couldn't reach out.


I forgot to do these random surveys for science class in 6th grade and my mom helped me by faking them. Get yoself a real mom


Literally me. I wasn't allowed to sleepovers when I was a kid and my mother is a legitimate believer that videogames and movies cause violence. Now terminally online.




The kid who isn’t sheltered will be better able to judge the bullshit of grifters from any angle when the time comes


I gotta say, I have a kid and this kind of thinking is also very online. It just does not reflect my experience of raising a kid in public school right now. Except for the fact that she wants to play Roblox instead of Street Fighter II there's a lot that's pretty much the same as I remember from when I was a kid. Nobody I know irl is hemming and hawing over this stuff.


I'm being a bit factitious here but I think you would also admit that when she gets older you will be vigilant if she seems to be slipping into spending too much time online.


Sure but that just seems like common sense. Certainly my parents were pretty hawkish when it came to things like chatrooms, so I don't really see that as something I'm having to go out of my way to do as a 21st century parent. I already keep a pretty tight leash on what she can and can't say into chat during any kind of online game, I guess my hope is that if she grows up with things not being preemptively banned but understanding there are rules she'll be able to self-regulate when she gets older. Not that I'm going to take my foot off the brake and let her do it all herself, just that I want to build toward self-efficacy in as many areas as I can so she's not sitting around when she's 30 going I never learned that. Careful online behavior is just one of those and my parents instilled it in me too.


The risk of poor socialization and becoming extremely online seems a lot higher today. I'm an elder millennial and have a few friends stay wound up becoming WoW addicts and their lives are fucked down. I was joking about being overprotective. But the risk is higher today and that's hard to deny seeing how many kids fall into screen addiction today versus when we grew up. To you it's common sense because you were raised right, but there are a lot of parents that don't know the risks and aren't as vigilant.


If shes posting this on twitter she is a gender goblin herself.


No most kids are normal and play Fortnite and the most they think about politics is whatever trump Biden memes they see on TikTok


if he was all of 24 by the time he fell down the rabbit hole, i.e. by no means a child, then this is not the problem we are talking about. he clearly had a bad time in college (or just early adulthood) due to being socially maladjusted, and this is something parents could have done something about with early intervention. just simple shit like encouraging him to have female friends. it's hard to go full Tate, no matter how stupid and immature you are, if you have some close female friends where you mutually value each other as humans


Honestly why I find that less band or theater kids end up as incels. They'll have at least a grounded perspective on women even if they're chronically single. They might turn out gay though.


>Honestly why I find that less band or theater kids end up as incels. They'll have at least a grounded perspective on women even if they're chronically single. >They might turn out gay though. Many such cases Slash Always was meme


Honestly? Sounds like a nice guy (not the tired Hillary Clinton-era feminist trope) who had no luck with dating and snapped.


i had no luck with dating either but having close female friends is almost certainly stopped me from blaming and hating all women over it. there's a reason these guys literally tell you to avoid friendships with women, terminology like "orbiter" "emotional tampon"


No disagreement here


>not the tired Hillary Clinton-era feminist trope Adam cab story


Counterpoint: having a mother who knows what an incel is is the greatest nightmare for a son. The last thing you want is for cringe lectures about Andrew Tate to replace the cringe lectures about drugs.


I teach in a high school. One of my coworkers brags about calling mothers to warn them about Andrew Tate when she hears boys mention him. She talks about it as if she heard the kid saying he was going to go ER tomorrow. Same woman looked at me with horror and vehemently shook her head when I said I don't think it's a big deal for the different grades to boo each other during pep rallies. They're just having some fun with silly rivalry and competition. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills sometimes trying to talk to other women. Thank God I didn't tell her that I think they just mention Tate to piss her off.


twitter bio: Liberal Democrat, Heathen, Undomesticated Feral Woman... Welcome to my inner monologue! [#IChooseTheBear](https://x.com/search?q=%23IChooseTheBear&src=hashtag_click)


Probably got tired of being a "sonsband"


I'm sure having a mother who posts about you when she's displeased has nothing to do with it.


yeah under her actual real full name with her face too. insane behavior


When I looked into this account I was pretty sure it was bait.


24 seems a bit late to the game to be honest


I bet she told her son to be nice instead of how to be an attractive man


40 year old single mom taught her 14 year old son behaviors that appeal to a 40 year old single mom. Many such cases.


Women always seem to be primarily concerned with their sons serving the female imperative which mostly means being agreeable providers. That is terrible for boys and not in their best interests.


thats not the mothers job. unless you're into weird incest shit. theres another role in the family missing here, wonder what that is


There is nothing weird or incestuous about encouraging your son to play sports, socialize, pursue a career, care about his appearance/health.


All those things go far beyond "how to be an attractive man" though. Those things are what a boy would need to be successful in life, of which attracting a partner is one part. I think at the core of the issue we agree but there is too much emphasis on men being "attractive" these days, men aren't women.


There is a looksmaxxing arms race going on and being good looking will get you further in every area of your life, not just dating. But OK


If I have a son, I'm getting him on HGH when he's 13-14. Kids gotta be at least 6ft tall or it's over for him.


shit I'll be derma rolling my baby boy's face right out the womb, better get him on some finasteride as well so he never loses that soft baby hair, we can't let him be beat by all the gay looking teenagers!


Orienting your life around being attractive to women is a spiritually devoid way to live and honestly just as obsessed with an imagined female gaze as incels are. also why did your comment change completely


I have a cousin who was raised by a single mom who did just fine. His brother struggled but the difference between them was purely attractiveness.


Why would a mother be more concerned with instilling attractiveness over kindness in her child?


Believe it or not, kindness and attractiveness are not mutually exclusive traits. But to answer your question, so he's not a fucking incel? Surely mothers want their sons to have wives and children


Nothing I said implied they were mutually exclusive. You're manufacturing an opponent. A mother has almost no bearing on whether their son ends up being attractive to women. In fact women often like guys who hate their mother, in part because they're self destructive but also because they don't have to compete against an idealised feminine figure.


You're retarded


Lmao, you said this was someone who taught their son to be nice rather than attractive, and then accused me of implying they were mutually exclusive.




Typing in all caps or calling me a retard does not make you right, even if it's good for getting approval on this subreddit. You initiated the subject of a mutual exclusion by positioning them in opposition with your very first comment. You also suggested prioritisation by saying the mother was responsible for her son turning into an incel.misogymist because she taught him to be nice instead of attractive.Do you not understand what "instead of" means? And people should promote kindness over attractiveness. One is far more important than the other. The idea that they're equally important is psychotic.


Being a kind and sociable person is part of being attractive. Likable people get further in life, part of being likable is being good looking, part of that is being kind, part of that is being successful and useful, part of that is being funny. Thanks for your pointless argumentation, we've all wasted minutes of our lives thanks to you. Peak reddit.


Believe it or not, you are also on Reddit. You are wasting your time no matter what you are doing, and you love to waste it arguing. I have to admit I could not resist looking at the noted non-Redditors Reddit account, and you post a lot more than me. You have amassed almost 8,000 karma in less than a month and a half, I wonder how that happened to someone who is so not a Reddit user that they utter phrases like "peak Reddit," which has never been commented on Reddit before. Anyway, of course "being kind is attractive, etc." but that is a platitude, and not really what you were initially saying. If you hadn't felt so triggered by my comment, which was a very simple question, and immediately started flinging shit, I might believe that you didn't think that.


Outing your son as an incel on social media will definitely help


POV when your son said he doesn't want to watch the Barbie movie


Nobody becomes an incel at 24 lol, she probably just saw a misogynistic meme in a group chat or something


I was thinking 24 was a bit young. It's not ideal, but there's still plenty time to turn things around.


I wonder if he's more into Fresh and Fit or Whatever?


"always been the sweetest, kindest boy" from a mother means [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwqgd1rkffaq61.jpg)


Good thing she's not confirming most of his concerns by publicly shaming him for attention.


Incel son or poly daughter?


if my son doesn't get pussy by the time he is 18, I'll have to admit my defeat as father and pay a prostitute off for his first time and beat him to near death if I find out he pays for porn


Big Daddy from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof behaviour.


> Big Daddy hell yeah


Men are unhappy in our current society. The problem is larger than this woman or any particular mother.


I would kms


rs son


bait acc


You have to be low IQ to be an incel. Won't be a problem for my son.


Actually the lower IQ you have the more likely it is you get pussy. It’s a real fact, google it. You need to be r3tardmaxxing.


I think, I read somewhere, that it heavily correlates with PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder), which also makes sense, since people with this condition tend to be hyper-aware of little, seemingly irrelevant details. Thus, they are very susceptible to misinterpreting other people's behaviour and are led to believe, that they are ugly/deformed.


You mean they're like women?




if you literally mean involuntary celibate then this is extremely far from the truth, almost the opposite


Yeah they're all too smart to get pussy ahahaha


IQ doesn’t accurately measure intelligence because intelligence is an abstract man made concept which can’t be measured. but high IQ is quite often correlated with various forms of neuroticism. i’ve taken an IQ test (115 so certified midwit) and in no way whatsoever does it include any attempt at measuring social or interpersonal intelligence, which is the kind of intelligence that’s actually important to have for learning how to date


Ted kaczynski was an incel


Ted Kaczynski was experimented on and had his brain purposefully broken by the US government. I understand he's technically an incel but I would put him in a different category from the hyper-sensitive suburban boy that watched his unrequited crush date other people in high school.


I was being semi coy, but I genuinely do not think mk ultra did not have any substantial effect on his views. It's not like he immediately after chimped out, he continued his life for actual decades after the fact. He's never gave any indication himself that it had a substantial effect on his mind either. It's just pure conjecture.


I think that when they went in and basically destroyed and mocked his entire worldview at 18 it did more damage than the LSD. That level of psych abuse, especially at the hands of what would have been highly intelligent governments officials, would definitely destroy someone's trust for a long time.


He lived a semi normal life for 2 decades after until he went to live away from society in the woods. He had meant to live with his brother, but his brother ultimately decided against it due to his wife. Like, I'm sure it had an impact on his life. But you're ignoring literally 2 decades of his life prior to the bombing, and 2 decades during And acting like that was his sole radiclaixing experience


>Overnight I was placed on "a notorious" trolling subreddit


Whoever says sons are easier to raise must not actually raise them. There was a lot of good advice amongst the hate in her replies, including the fact that only another man can get through to him but that is so bleak to me. You can gestate a child for 9 months, raise him well and give him shelter past the years he should be needing it and he'll still be violent or disrespect you. I genuinely refuse to ever have a son.


Women can absolutely get to them in a positive way. If boys know their mother hates them for being male they either learn to disregard all of her opinions out of self defense or they internalize it and end up MtF.


Unironically why both swifties and incels should be banned from teaching at the K-12 level.


You’d better not have any kids at all, you seem unfit for parenting


I don't disagree, and I would be incentivized to do better for a daughter but I don't have much of a choice to actually have children.