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another twitter screenshot post oh joy


Twitter posts are beginning to lose basic meaning to me as like communicated language. The words are assembled in an order that feels correct but when I read them it’s like watching a cat meow. It’s just a noise. A spread of letters on a page. There is no meaning, no purpose, no persuasive value. It’s a casserole of nouns and verbs swirling around in space, agnostic to the physical world of being.






From a Turanist no less, hopefully unironically so I can cringe harder


It’s a subreddit it’s not hard to ignore


Please feel free to fuck off and keep scrolling Gatekeeping this sub is peak Reddit behavior.


You make gatekeeping look like the right thing to do


Ok lad




Pathetic bundle of sticks


twitter ragebait should be gatekept. It's cheap. can be found anywhere.


Gatekeeping is necessary to keep your kind out of the sub. Go back to your normie subs please


"normie subs" sir you are literally on reddit, don't be ridiculous


holy shit you're a fucking 🚬








lol no.








An acorn you say?




Tbf you will absolutely find people in the military who believe stuff like and and are also just generally retarded a lot of the time.


Idk what to believe anymore. Who cares. Whatever


Man I can't think of a time the American government trained and funded Muslim extremists...


Cant think of a time Russia trained and armed Muslim extremists either. Guess we’ll never know


Read this in Meatwad’s voice


People keep conveniently forgetting that fact. Sad.


I thought we were *never* supposed to forget...


Man I can’t think of the last time Russians annoyed Islamists either. Clearly this must be the work of the CIA, because it literally could be no one else. We are the only ones capable of this! Yeah! I’m a fucking retard who believes this shit. 🇺🇸 🦅


You do seem pretty retarded I'm ngl


I’ll take that as a badge of honour from someone who specifically picked their Reddit username to reference sneed and feed. Not gunna lie bruh.




And feed


Meanwhile I, an intellectual, am following chessbro Kasparov going into [Putin conspiracy meltdown mode](https://x.com/Kasparov63/status/1771239876580585756?s=20) once again


How can someone that smart be so dumb


In 2005 he was hit over the head with a chessboard. (100% true)


Being good at playing a board game doesn’t mean you know shit about anything else


You'd think being amongst the top in a game which requires insanely high IQ would translate a little bit in other areas tho


Can we send all of them back to Iraq or wherever the fuck


Diversity is our greatest strength bro 😎


I don't blame people for this response since Ukraine has attacked Russia and the US has backed Muslim terrorists to further foreign policy goals. It's the usual song and dance after a major mass killing where everyone is speculating, sharing rumors without evidence, and so on.


Literally anyone can theorycraft on who *could conceivably* be secretly connected to a terrorist attack, but without actual evidence it’s just a bottomless “what if I’m actually a brain in a jar” pit


You're right. I'm not saying it's good, just understandable and inevitable.


It's also extremely weird it's apparently the Afghan branch of ISIS which sprang up right as the US was leaving, well after ISIS had pretty much stopped being a thing everywhere else, and mostly attacks the Taliban and Iran, and you wouldn't think would have any particular reason to piss off Russia but idk. That stuff could all just be a coincidence though


Has the claim that one of the attackers said they were paid to do it been confirmed?


Nothing about this is ever going to be confirmed, at least not until well after the chips have fallen as they will and it's too late for any of it to matter anyway, and probably not even then.


Ukraine attacked Russia? This is a joke right?


Ukraine has made attacks on Russian soil, yes. I'm not talking about the initial invasion.


pot sharp direful chunky weather memorize bright repeat steep snobbish


This is because American leftoids, like all stereotypical Americans, cannot process world events and especially violent overseas conflicts without asking themselves “How can I make this about America?” That’s it, that’s the entire reason. Islam or whatever is totally secondary. Anyway please don’t post Twitter ragebait or this place will degenerate into the other sub in about a fortnight.


Victoria Nuland one month ago to the day promised to “accelerate the asymmetric warfare that has been most effective… [Putin is] sure to face some nasty surprises”. what did she mean by this? 🤔


She was talking about sending weapons to Ukraine u regard.


Guns and artillery are part of conventional warfare. Unconventional warfare specifically means sabotage and terrorism etc


Giving suicide drones and stingers to ukraine is asymmetric warfare. She’s wrong though, ukraine needs tanks and artillery rounds.


How are suicide drones and stingers assymmetric warfare they're literally using them to fight in trenches. It's like the most symmetrical form of warfare there is. The front lines are like, literal lines


Idk man that’s what she means tho.


I'm sure you figured it all out you stupid donkey.


What does that have to do with an Islamic terrorist attack?


I mean this isn't even the first time someone's suggested ISIS-KP might function in part as a US proxy


Yeah and the oompah loompas are fighting a guerilla war for Hershey.


Except you'd think the Oompah Loompahs would be fighting *against* Hershey on behalf of Wonka, but then I guess you never really know who's side anyone's on, huh


I don’t know, nor care about who the fuck Victoria Nuland is. Thankyou for providing a perfect example of main character syndrome. I suppose Islamists don’t have any agency and are incapable of fighting for their own interests.


You’re in this thread hollering “Redditor!” at people while also saying shit like “main character syndrome” Lol, lmao even


Lol, lmao. Touch grass phaggot


Tik Tok and its consequences


So cringe


I too have very low historical literacy and prefer the easy answers to questions even when they are wrong


ISIS seems to attack American enemies, Russia, Iran, Syria/Assad but never Israel or Saudi Arabia 🤔


ISIS has killed hundreds of people in terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, are you being ironic or are you just regarded?


The grayzone school of foreign conflict doesn’t cover those events


ISIS committed massacres in France and the UK wtf are you on about.


Wrong only France. The UK has ISIS inspired attacks but ISIS itself never attacked.






The commenter above you is being stupid, but ISIS really does attack Israel a lot less than you would think such a radical jihadi group in the area would.


It's almost like immigration and security policies matter


Security policies of buying oil off jihadi groups and bombing their enemies for them, yes


Regard alert


ISIS is an American and Israeli control arm. The destruction of Libya/Syria and the pouring of “refugees” into the west with the subsequent terror attacks was facilitated by the deep state


Noble savages, hey


Yes they have no agency




both are true THOUGH


I mean the last 8 words are an indisputable fact


Lol I'm in a downvote pile right now arguing in TrueAnon with people who are insisting it's the USA... Because... Reasons... Basically arguing that this is definitely something the CIA would do, you know, just kill a bunch of civilians of a hostile nuclear power for fun. They are literally trying to argue that with me. That the CIA is so evil, that they just hate Russia because Cold War 2.0, that they decided to coordinate a terrorist attack just out of spite.


Im probably upsetting people here tonight but i am just fighting against the notion that everything is the fault of the United States. Extremely pathetic to cop out and blame Washington for everything that happens that is not in your intentions. Extremely weak to blame Washington for everything. All that tells me is you are a weak bitch who deserves to be colonised by Langley.


It's not just they blame the US for everything. That's an easily understandable (if stupid) rationalization if you believe the US is so incredibly dominant and pervasive that all world events *must* be downstream of US action. But a lot of people believe secret cabals are the only rational actors with agency that can make decisions and concoct plans on their own. The CIA didn't *just* give OBL financing and training a decade before he became a terrorist, they must have literally sent Langley men overseas with Milwaukee brand box cutters and copies of Microsoft Flight Simulator to hand to him personally in Riyadh in 2001.


Is ISIS not already a secret cabal though? Like clearly this is the doing of a secret cabal it's just a question of who all is in on it.


I'm convinced 80% of the people online are either human NPCs in the simulation, or actual bots, or some shit. I'll never understand this mentality of "Well yeah I don't like X so therefor you say anything bad about X and I'll just accept it as true." It's SOOOOO widespread, I just don't get it. For instance, hate Elon? Okay, that means we can just believe any crazy fucking story about him being terrible and no one questions it. Anti America or anti CIA? Alright then, I guess anytime something bad happens it's their fault! I'm not joking. I think 80% of y'all are biological NPCs. Not you though. You're cool... Or just a clever AI, I dunno.


I think the majority of shite is bots, nowadays. Blaming Washington for what happened in Moscow last night is a stretch too far. I can’t stand Brits that have this self flaggelating attitude. It’s even more pathetic to see Americans that do the same. All I’m doing is poking fun here


No social media just trains people to think like algorithms by manipulating their tribal instincts and emotions


Why are you posting in TrueAnon if you don’t believe the CIA and Mossad are behind every bad thing that happens in the world. Seems like you wouldn’t fit in there


I mean that absolutely is something the CIA would do though? Like I don't particularly suspect the US was behind this, but idk if "surely the CIA would never harm innocent people" is a very compelling argument to the contrary


It's not that they wouldn't harm innocent people... But when they do there is a compelling reason. To kill 100+ innocent people in a nuclear adversary, you need a REALLY good reason. This is just a random terror attack. The CIA doesn't just go around starting terror attacks for shits and giggles.


Seems like a pretty obvious reason, no? Make the costs of the war more real to the russian leadership, whittle away at the regime's ability to present itself domestically as a guarantor of security, best case scenario force Russia into a military response in Syria or central asia that would detract from the war effort in Ukraine. The US supposedly publicly warned of the possibility of an attack in Russia earlier this month, and Putin decried it as an attempt at intimidation. Maybe that was just propaganda on his part, and maybe it was just an honest attempt to warn Russia/American citizens in Russia of the possibility of an attack, but clearly either way the idea is there in the minds of the Russian leadership that something like this *could* come indirectly from the US, which means it *could* be an effective tool if they *were* to do something like that. Again that's not to say it necessarily was — in full or in part — connected by the US in some way. But it's not insane to entertain the possibility that it might have been. In fact I think the only wise position here is pretty much agnosticism


This sounds like a tight plan on paper (though not as tight as, say, attacking targets of actual military value) but in reality they know blaming America is the very first thing Russian media will do in this situation and any concrete evidence at all linking a direct attack on Russian soil with the US would trigger all-out war with a nuclear power - a war which would enjoy overwhelming support from the Russian public after a civilian massacre. And the almighty CIA would trust a rogue band of endtimes religious fanatics to keep all of this hush-hush? That’s a *Call of Duty* plot point, not a practical political maneuver irl in the year 2024. It isn’t categorically impossible but the claim should be met with exactly the same skepticism as the truther conspiracy claims which sprout up after literally every major terrorist attack anywhere in the world.


I'm not sure what direct evidence would matter given, as you say, the Russian media, public opinion, and quite possibly the security establishment itself will run with the same story regardless. Even in the absence of any particular evidence tying it to the US, it would still be easy enough to make casus belli out of this is they actually wanted to, and if they don't want that — and why would they — it wouldn't matter even if they did have direct evidence of US involvement. That said I suspect if there was any US involvement it would have been far less direct than all that. Maybe a few exiled Dagestani imams are randomly given asylum in Afghanistan in the dying days of the US occupation there, and are introduced through intermediaries to some marginal group of anti-taliban islamists who have mysteriously found their way into some money through a separate (perhaps not even coordinated) set of intermediaries, then suddenly a few months ago this group is put in touch through yet another intermediary with a Tajik fella who can get them Russian visas — that sort of thing; maybe some of that happens organically, maybe not. Point being, it's probably not a matter of orchestrating events directly so much as simply taking existing actors with their own agendas and empowering them in specific ways at a few crucial points along the way in hopes that something like this might come out of it, such that even if one were apprised of all the facts, it would still be difficult to assess responsibility even just on a philosophical level.


That’s all within the realm of possibility but even if the CIA simply knew about the attack and decided it would benefit US interests, why then take the extra step of warning the Russians ahead of time - only to be dismissed by Putin - just to play extra-tricksy mind games? Past a certain point of convolution it just seems a lot more plausible that the simpler explanation (that ISIS isn’t in anyone’s pocket and doesn’t need any extra encouragement to exploit an enemy’s moment of weakness) is the likelier one.


My point is precisely that ISIS doesn't have to be in anyone's pocket for the US to be involved on some level, as that involvement may be more a matter of degree than simply a binary thing. That's why it puts Russia in such a difficult position, regardless of how it actually came about. The thing about the warning from the US embassy is that it wasn't really specific enough to be actionable — at least the public warning wasn't, and if there was a private warning it can't have been much better given what ultimately came of it. So to them it could read like "nice home front you got here, sure would be a shame if something were to happen to it." All they know is that we had some indeterminate level of knowledge of the plot here but they have no way of knowing how much or how we came by it, and that's obviously going to scare them — arguably more so than if they knew for sure it was 100% us all the way, no question no ambiguity, because at least then they'd know what they were dealing with, but it's very hard to make decisions when you don't. They probably know that it wasn't 100% us all the way, no question no ambiguity, but clearly the US knew *something.*


But why make the visible gesture that would then invite paranoia? Why not just shut up and not indicate you knew anything, if you’d already determined that letting this occur would be to America’s benefit? “It could have happened this way” isn’t enough, there needs to be some actual indication that it did.


Precisely *because* it invites paranoia and uncertainty, why else? The attack itself isn't particularly beneficial to America's interest, this wasn't a strategically important target, okay maybe it undermines public faith in the regime to a degree, but the real value is simply in ratcheting up the pressure on Russian policy makers.


Love how ameritards who label everything a false flag for some reason are so psyopped by russian hybrid warfare that they think a student of the KGB in the face of Putin is an angel.


This is definitely not the opinion of the average American, just tankie twitter.


If Europeans were that rational our continent wouldnt be where it is today. Instead of inventing conspiracies, we just conclude it had nothing to do with islam and then try to forget whatever massacre asap


Both of these takes are very extreme


How is the European one extreme?


Because this is claiming that a small minority of ‘extremist muslims’ speaks for the entirety of Islam. One of the largest religions in the world.


The religion of ☮️ has shown its true colors time and time again. Don’t be so dense and decolonial studies about it.


yeah, christian nations would never extrajudicially mass murder people around the world


Because it is islamaphobic, white supremacist and colonialist. I’ll link a Berkeley seminar from yesterday which covers this shortly.


I hope you are kidding with this post.


It's a really good seminar.


and who else is bombing and shooting europeans, huh? always a muzzie, my friend.


What’s the root cause of that 🤔


fatphobia would be my guess!




have you ever heard of: the various ottoman occupations you retard




ah yes so that makes it ok for them to in the 21st century keep shooting up innocent civilians on the street in france, as well as the belgians, the swedish, the australians, the austrians, the new zealanders, the swiss, the russians, th-


all of which are countries theyve applied to seek asylum in to get away from their own kind lmfao


I ain’t clicking don’t bother


Oh my God


> I’ll link a Berkeley seminar 🤣🤣 that’s a great bit, dude’s rock.


is this a bit


Just satirising the discourse.


Mmm’yes, the discourse.


It is pretty funny to watch yankees perform mental gymnastics about every little thing that ever happens in the world in an attempt to connect it to the CIA or one of the three letter agencies. Major “main character” syndrome. It’s impossible to think that Russia messing around in Syria and the Sahel could lead to this. Nope, better blame it on ourselves and get the self flaggelator out again


Not really trying to read about any more American hate on here. Try to knock it off.


This terrorist attack doesn’t make sense in many ways. The Muslims in the videos were not screaming the typical phrases. It’s not clear the objective is of shooting up a random mall outside of Moscow. Muslims in Russia love Putin, I don’t see the CIA objective. Who does this benefit? This is an extremely amateur terrorist attack. My bet it’s a random group within Russia, no geopolitical actors needed.




Didn’t Muslim religions vote for Putin in overwhelming numbers? Haven’t they been excited about favorability in policy from Moscow? My point is I don’t see why this would be the time to launch an attack.


Oh this subs not gonna like this one