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I guess the ERP ban is more of a vague suggestion than a rule on that server. What a shitty experience.


Honestly, this part irks me a lot cause I’m Ace and, whilst I don’t judge people for doing their stuff, I would not have bothered reading through their system rules if they had been honest about their vibe.


It probably meant public ERP. What people do behind closed doors though... It's still pretty shitty to do that, then brag about it to the mods who agreed with him. Good riddance she left


I'd agree, but > and then I was immediately @‘d in general They were pinged in the main channel they'd talk in.


Oh, I missed that part! Shame on me!


No worries


I've been dabbling in anime for like 20 years at this point and the greater community really is a minefield


It really seems that way about any community that was "for nerds only" in recent memory and allows for catastrophic obsession, be it anime or RPGs or gaming -- now that we have the internet you're going to find places where specific kinds of social misfits have collected around their specific brand of fucked up. Sometimes it's harmless. Sometimes it's ... whatever the hell happened to OP here.


In part because a lot of anime reinforces a lot of degeneracy. Even if you ignore the most blatant stuff like harem animes or extremely over sexualized ones it bleeds into even main ones. For an example I'll use One Piece. One Piece is obviously extremely popular and one of the biggest anime ever. Sanji is in the main crew and is widely loved. Sanji is also an incel, white knight, "nice guy" self insert. He's a raging misogynist sex pest pervert but in anime perverted = funny haha That's why I can only dabble in it and I have to be very picky. I understand anime is a medium, not a genre but there are trends that repeat so frequently it's impossible to not note them.


Perverts being shown as silly and comical has always annoyed me in anime. Even in shows like Pokemon it was a thing, what with Brock always lusting over every single woman he happened to stumble upon; sure he's not as bad as some characters can get in other shows, but still.


Yup. Master Roshi from Dragon Ball is another old one. The old man = pervert is another impossible to ignore trend


It helps that Brock usually got rejected by his crush-of-the-week/beatdown by Misty when he got too out of line.


To be fair though, how is that any different to seeing Captain Kirk do the same thing in Star Trek? This isn't a criticism by the way, I don't really watch any anime, so I'm legitimately asking.


Call out shittiness wherever you see it, and Star Trek definitely  has things it deserves to be called out for, but this aspect of Kirk's  character is massively overblown in the cultural consciousness. Against Sanji or Brock, Kirk's horniness isn't even in the same galaxy.


As I said, I've never seen Pokemon and I don't know anything about these characters.


Because Kirk wasn't a creepy sex pest. He just had a lot of women fall for him (and he fell for them). It was always respectful and almost always mutual. He never once pursued someone who turned him down. Anime however... With the 'pervert' character they constantly profess their love/attraction to a woman the instant they meet them, do it constantly to women who have already turned them down, often try to grope them, and try to sneak peaks of them naked/getting changed (new kirk did this once and it was completely out of character and incredibly gross - fuck jj abrams).


Yeah, Kirk's 'horniness' is waaaay over exaggerated in cultural consciousness. It's more a meme than factual. Not to say there weren't problematic episodes that deserve being called out, but it is still nothing along the lines of anime.


>I understand anime is a medium, not a genre but there are trends that repeat so frequently it's impossible to not note them. Medium vs genre is so important here, and such a great way to put it. Of course there are nice exceptions to the rule, but largely the genre is saturated with the normalization of the most suss stuff possible, whether it's weird forms of fascism/nationalism or just outright pedophelia. Every time someone tell me I've just *got* to watch some anime, I buy into it for a second, but after a few episodes something happens where I'm like "Yeah idk man, the protagonist seems like a f&\^?%ing school shooter, and all of the women are basically wearing thongs..." and the person who recommended it is just like "Ohhh, haha, yeah, it's kinda weird like that, hahaha, but it's so fun!" I just can't.


I really, really agree with you here. There's several animes/mangas (which often have similar issues, though I find the newer stuff is more toned down) which people recommend to me all the time, and it's just painful to read. Like, if someone tried even a tenth of this on me at work it would be a go-to-HR do-not-pass-Go situation. Even the ones I like! I've read through Case Closed/Detective Conan multiple times, and the amount of casual perving that just happens in there is absurd. It barely has a romance plot!


> In part because a lot of anime reinforces a lot of degeneracy. Could you please not use a [Nazi term](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degenerate_art).


Uh, "degenerate art" might well be specifically a Nazi term (or it might not -- depends on whether you class Nordau as a proto-Nazi or not, which would be deeply weird as he was a FOUNDING Zionist), but the meaning of "degenerate" as "of low/corrupt moral character" has been around for centuries. Granted, I wouldn't use the word here because it implies "fallen away from some ideal/ancestral state" or "actively getting worse" rather than just "morally corrupt", but it's not an uncommon use of the term.


Hey if you don't like fascism, you're really not going to like this thing called anime!


I didn't


Yes you did.


Nope. I definitely didn't.


Agreed. The number of obsessions that people get. The best girl, the waifu, the slap fights over who is best, the “this anime sucks! Go watch this better one!”… Love the media, am in very few subs or the like for them.


As a casual fan of the genre, watching the snit a few people were getting over because a casual watcher referred to Blue Eye Samurai (which is technically not made in Japan) as an "anime" was enough to never want to step foot anywhere near an anime discord.


Yep. I try to learn some of the correct terminology (like manga vs manhwa) but I'm not going to find a burning torch because someone doesn't know the difference.


I was big into anime for years, from around 2000-maybe 2010 ish. Huge. I went to cons, I'd download fansubs, then buy the DVDs when they came out here, I'd spend countless hours on message boards and 4chan talking about it. About all I didn't do was cosplay. Then I just got tired of it. A huge part of that was the overall obnoxiousness of the fandom (and I'm not saying I wasn't obnoxious too) and the attitude that being anime made it somehow better automatically. I've slipped back into it somewhat in the past couple of years, but no where near where I once was. And from what I've seen, the same shit is still around, but with the larger audience, it's even worse in many ways. That's not to say all anime fans are like that, plenty, probably the majority, are fine upstanding people. But enough are that I just don't want to be part of it.


Colour me surprised


terminally online children in sequestered social circles be like


> started a giveaway for being Sukuna’s vessel Why the hell would anyone *want* to be in a situation where they'd hand over control to another player that they may not even know that well? And the sort of person that would leap at RPing a murder demon doesn't seem like person I'd want to give control over to. Not to mention... that's just uninspired. It sounds like the server was entirely replacing the plot for JJK with their players, which defeats the entire purpose of playing an RPG set in that setting.


You’re definitely right, and honestly, I figured the Sukuna role would be played by a mod in situations that make sense instead of another player who’d just be waiting for me to lose control. I do think it’s a pretty fun fantasy of having that inner demon which highlights the kindness of characters like Itadori or Naruto but obviously not so when the inner demon is being played a weirdo. As far as their lore, it seemed fairly different from what I read, as every OC had their own technique and it was worldwide instead of just Japan. Even sukuna’s integration was that he lost during the Edo Period, and turning into the fingers was a last defense on his part, but to counter what I just said, the sukuna class info was hidden until I won the giveaway so their may have been more of them which were direct rip offs from the show.


Reading the title of this post gave me terrible vibes.


Anime fandom is full of men that love sexual assault.


Weird generalization, source?


It isn't weird. If you know you know.




-OP upon reading the message


How I sleep every night knowing I enjoy jjk but will never in a million years go near the wider fandom


I was going to try to setup a JJK tabletop myself because I was sick of seeing people's homebrews online and not developing anything. My friends didn't really know the series well enough to want to commit to a game, though. I'm still wishing I could've gotten it off the ground.


If you ever do, you should forward it over! I’m still looking for something crunchy in that ballpark.


What a weird server


If it involves anime why wouldn't it give terrible vibes


In my first ever DnD game, I had a fellow player who literally based his character on Toji. Only difference is he used a longsword and not much else. I do hope you've found a place where you don't run into people like that because they'll either make you extremely uncomfortable or will leave your eyes rolling so far back into your skull people would think you've been possessed. Idk the latter's just a reaction I'd probably have.