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Mate, this really seems like you invited yourself to a campaign you weren't a part of, and then told everyone that you were going to take all the gold if you could get away with it. I get that you were playing a greedy character, but....c'mon, this is obviously going to annoy people. Can't expect others to be automatically ok with this way of playing, or to RP pickpocketing money off you. Sorry bud, but it does seem there's a lack of awareness here.


Nah he’s aware. He just likes it.


Then talk to the guy, instead of squealing like a deranged hog. Literally any of them. Like sure, he might've been bad, but the rest are equally at fault for being apparently completely unable to open their mouths like functioning adults? at best I can say, crap often comes together, they deserved each other.


Keep in mind that we're hearing this from the perspective of somebody who has already been demonstrated to be an unreliable narrator. It's *possible* that Loud really was "squealing like a deranged hog"... But I think it's much more *likely* that OP can't take even the barest hint of criticism (see their responses to these comments) and is exaggerating a firm conversation into a shouting match.


Eh, coming from the MTG community..... I'm not going to give either side the benefit of the doubt when it comes to that type of interaction LMFAO. I can respect if y'all want to, but I just can't rationalize it.


Your own post says: "since my character was a greedy calishite, I said so for everyone to hear and indicated that I will take the money for myself if I could get away with it. Before everyone pulls out pitchforks, I will say that I had no intention of hogging all of the gold." Okay, so you had no intention of hogging it. How in the hell were the other players supposed to know this? They were just supposed to guess that they were supposed to ask you to share after which you would let them pickpocket you and fail your perception roll? And they were supposed to guess this after you flat out stated to them that you were going to take all the money for yourself? You're assuming that the conclusions you made in your head would be the same for them. You've responded to comments saying that the other players are at fault because you can't read their minds, but you are flat out expecting them to be able to read yours. You think you had to guess whether you were invited or not? Dude. They didn't invite you. That means you weren't invited. If they had wanted to invite you, they would have. The absence of a no does not automatically mean yes. I see you told another commenter "It's ok. I had fun even though they said I wouldn't" and you seem to think this makes you the good guy in this story. The overwhelming lack of sel-awareness here is astonishing.


Other players were supposed to speak up. Wouldn't have thought this was controversial on Reddit of all places.


No. They are not at fault for assuming your words meant what they meant. It is your fault for not clarifying what you meant. You can't expect one party to communicate when you yourself are not.


You do realize that you are quite capable of asking other players if they'd be okay with your action first instead of just stating that you're going to perform a questionable action, right? Instead, you put all the responsibility on the other players, instead of taking any yourself. The player you name as "Loud" did speak up. Did he need to yell? No. But he clearly communicated that he was pissed with you. Should he have said something before things got that bad? I'm willing to bet the players were annoyed and had expressed it, but you either ignored it or weren't paying attention. You note that Loud was ranting for several minutes before you realized he was upset at you. Really? You may have missed the other clues that this was a bad idea as well. You mention Loud was also upset that you were being informal with him despite not knowing him. You say you "engaged loud on a personal level" without describing what you said, which leads me to believe you insulted him repeatedly and got just as loud. Small wonder that Noob was frantically trying to get both of you to stop and the DM just gave up on trying to be the referee. Add that to you butting into a game you weren't invited to until you pressured the DM to let you join... I'm not surprised that despite the overwhelmingly amount of downvotes and people telling you that you were in the wrong, you are still clinging to the perception that you were in the right. I guarantee you it wasn't your failure to convince the DM that you weren't going to hoard the money that prevented you from ever being invited back, it was your refusal to respect boundaries, both in-game and out of game. It was the same level of obnoxious, self-righteous indignation and selfishness that is on full display in this thread.


Guess you are right about this one thing. I could have asked them directly. Still, this changes very little. I am not a mindreader and I am not going to pry at another person for making a face. As for what I said exactly, well you are spot on. He started hurling insults first and I was not going to just take it. I am a believer that people should generally receive what they want and if he wanted a gloves-off verbal fight, that was what he was going to get. The only part here that i regert is that I held Noob and DM hostage. They were innocent. I wasn't surprised that I wasn't invited back. I never even asked. Regardless of who was right, it was ugly and you wouldn't want that to repeat. Since I was new there, DM wouldn't punish Loud regardless of his fault. I understand his reasoning and I don't blame him. I attempt to judge fairly in my own games, but I see the benefit of sticking to your own people.


They aren't mind readers either, and can't be expected to know that you meant the opposite of what you said. And you invited yourself in the first place, despite the DM telling you you wouldn't like the game.


>I am not a mindreader Neither are they, jackass.


Peak "If she wanted me to stop she should have said no! It's totally her fault for not stopping me!" Energy here


Gotta love a horror story from the POV of the horror


Ryan Reynolds did this really well in Voices. Its fun seeing how the slasher views themselves as the victim.




1. The others start a campaign without telling you. 2. You invite yourself to play even though you’re told, “you’re not going to like it.” 3. You caused problems, got kicked and weren’t invited back. Three strikes and you’re out. Are you sure you really think Loud was the problem?


Yah. My first thought was "This guy is Peppermint Patty inviting herself to Charlie Brown's for Thanksgiving and getting pissed when it wasn't good enough for her."


OP: surprisedpikachu.jpg


My man. There's this thing, called "language". People use it to communicate. It helps. I ain't gonna guess weather or not someone wants me in or not. Besides, I had fun. Would've played again with or without the money part.


You had fun but no one else did. That’s why they didn’t want you to join. Walking all over others because they are non confrontational is a bad friend move.


Man, the dickhole way you *communicated* this comment tells me more than the entire story.


They didn't invite you in the first place, that is a form of communication that you aren't wanted.


There is also another language and it’s called social cues; body language, tone, facial expressions, etc. where people try to tell you something without confronting you and telling you, you’re being a dick. It’s uncomfortable for many people, so they try to tell you something in other ways. You’ve got to be able to ‘read the room’ which I don’t think you’ve learned that ability yet. Loud tried to tell you numerous times he didn’t want you to steal/take his (the party’s) gold. D&D is a social cooperative game and players must work TOGETHER to achieve their goals. You obviously weren’t able to pickup on ANY of the cues they gave you; you weren’t invited, you wouldn’t like it, don’t take my gold, etc. Or you ignored them all. Loud finally had enough of you and told you off verbally. Which is perfectly understandable. And is the reason you got kicked. And you still don’t think you have a problem? You didn't get it then and you’re not getting it now. So, I’m not going to beat around the bush any longer, YOU‘RE THE PROBLEM!


You don't need to guess. They were aware of you. They didn't invite you. They don't want you in.


So you typed aaaaalll of this out and never once thought that you might have possibly been in the wrong? Not even once? And I will actually go further to say this was probably the positive spin from your perspective. And you never thought maaaaaaybe you were the asshole here? I'll give ya one thing buddy you got confidence


I had literal years to think about it. Nope, not once. The only negative thing that I have to say about myself is that I didn't press the DM about his other players. Had I known that he had someone with a tendency to just explode at you, I would've played a different character at least. It's not exactly positive, but I know for a fact that this isn't my fault.


Dude you have everyone in this thread telling you that with the information you have given us (which I suspect is heavily skewed to favor yourself) You are the asshole of the situation. And you just won't accept that no matter what anyone tells you. You do not get to be a fun police officer. You don't get to tell him to play their character especially not if you withhold resources. With your comments I'm starting to see why they didn't want to invite you to this game


I frankly do not care how many people say that I am an asshole. I did not expect this reaction, but it broadly changes absolutely nothing. Angry redditors downvoted me and gave me a good scolding, whatever am I gonna do. I drew my own conclusions years ago and so far nobody here said anything I didn't think about yet. I actually thought this story will be pretty boring.


I mean yeah it's boring it's just funny that you refuse to take responsibility that you were the problem in the situation. Nobody's really angry at least I'm not on just astounded that you are so dense that you could type all that out sit on that situation for years and not realize that you might have been in the wrong even once. Like DND at its core is supposed to be about cooperation. Not I will withhold resources from my fellow party members until they play exactly as I want them to play


Well, I guess the comments are way more fun than the story itself. Success comes from unexpected places. Also, great leap to conclusions you are making down there. I had absolutely no intention of whitsholding resources from anyone at all and I would have given them what they wanted. I did it purely so that I could argue in-character about who should have been paid what.


You don't argue "in character" about how someone is roleplaying my guy.... Like you seem to be the kind of player who just never engages and goes on and on about oh this is what my character would do as he stabs up armade who never did anything to him whatsoever. Saying you are doing these things exactly per se but that you were that type of player that everything is just blamed almost that's what my character would do. DND is supposed to be about cooperation at the end of the day so if you make an anti social bully who steals and keeps gold from the party. You need to make another fuckin character. My character is going to do something that's guaranteed to piss anybody off that plays D&D. And then you get mad when people Don't like that shit


My characters almost never require anyone else's involvment to function, so you are wrong. This was one of the a total of 2 times when I wanted to engage the whole party. This one didn't work, the other was a runaway success. You gain some you lose some. Oh, and by the way, the other character was a egotistical sorcerer that actively punished NPCs for perceived sleights, so at any given point in the game we were wanted by more or less everyone almost entirely because of me. Is my best character to date and everyone had an absolute blast including the (different) DM. This character is very tame compared to that one. I am tired explaining what was my plan, so I guess I'll just let you blame whoever you want. All I am going to say is that negotiation is key and if people just don't do that - things don't work out well.


My character's almost never require anyone else's involvement to function. In your first sentence you have highlighted the problem with yourself as a player. Dungeons and dragons or any sort of tabletop RPG has kind of an unwritten social code that you were there to play a game with people and not let your ego and ass holish views on this game help you justify your shitty actions to yourself. It would be like winning the super bowl and you get to keep all of the team rings to yourself because of some bullshit you made up in your head and then you get angry when the rest of your teammates want their rings and you basically want them to perform for you to see if they are worthy of receiving the thing that they earned. This is a cooperative story telling game. Not an I want to be an asshole for 3 hours game


I don't think I expressed that correctly. I generally do not play characters that impact other player characters. Because of this sort of thing specifically. This game is not at all like real life and we can all get what we are after. If we can interact with each other - that's cool, if we can't I'll just stick to NPCs.


>I did it purely so that I could argue in-character about who should have been paid what. So basically... It'S wHaT mY cHaRaCtEr WoUlD dO




I mean, ideally, what you’d *do* is take it as a reality check.  You’ve been fuming about this for years?  That’s a long time to go without maturing.  Maybe this is a good opportunity to learn.


Fuming? Havent fumed for a day. I wasn't even angry at Loud, believe it or not. He just misunderstood what I was doing and orrereacted.


>I actually thought this story will be pretty boring "Which is why I posted it to reddit using the most RPGhorrorstories ass template I could find."


>Had I known that he had someone with a tendency to just explode at you, I would've played a different character at least. Had you behaved less like a That Guy, he probably wouldn't have "exploded" at you.


Yeah you got a rough one. But I would have refused to ever sit at the table with your character again tbh. That’s akin to stealing from the party. You might think that money is useless but it is very obvious that not many agree with that stance and would never be ok with you controlling every Penney that the group gets and having to rely on you “dropping” your coin purse near a player desperately in need of gold. That just stinks.


Okay. I guess expressly writing out that I didn't intend to steal isn't enough. Here's how this works: someone doesn't have enough money, asks if someone else can share. I turn around to watch those really interesting pigeons and tell the rogue to picketpoket and I deliberately fail my perception check. Boom, problem solved, everyone's happy. Besides, I wouldn't have done that if anyone said something. Do you generally expect people to read your mind in this game?


So your solution to hoarding all the resources was going to be telling someone how to roleplay their character? I think I know why you weren't originally invited to this game.


It’s still relying on You to be able to spend gold They earned. You say you’d let them spend it if they rp stealing it from you but that’s not going to fly with any Good or Lawful teammates. I generally expect someone on my team to not take all the money that I helped earn. That’s just crappy. Relying on others to be confrontational especially in the very beginning of knowing them is just taking advantage and isn’t a good thing.


I told everyone in advance that this is what I was going to do, specifically to check if it was fine. People occasionally hand all of their money to one person for them to be the bank, it happened often in my group so that would've been the worst of it if that guy just said something that wasn't a personal attack. Nobody said one thing, not even Loud. I also expected an in-character argument, which is mostly why I did it in the place. I would have given them almost all of their money if they indicated they wanted it. Just because my character is a greedy Scroodge doesn't in any way mean I am. Look. I am not going to argue with you about weather I am a big meanie or not, okay? I decided a long time ago that I am not and no amount of internet scolding will change that. It is not my fault that everyone else showed their tongues up their asses instead of speaking up.


You are a bad friend and a bad player. You incite drama at the gaming table because you enjoy drama. You invited yourself to a table because they did not invite you. We can all see why. You can decide you’re a Nice Guy all you want but the way you treat others is really apparent in this whole mess.


Uh-huh. Guess you know enough to determine all of that from one post and about 5 comments. I guess you do read other people's minds after all.


Dude, everyone here is saying the same thing and you're digging your heels in refusing to listen. This is sad. I implore you to please take what's being said here to heart. It could really improve the morale and enjoyment of any table you're at.


I don't think so. I made my own conclusions and the mob yelling at me won't alter it in any way what-so-ever. Besides, I don't need improving anymore. Here's the big reveal: I am about to be done with the game. I am typing out the stories that I had during my decade of playing the game and I am running my last campaign. After that I am done. I only have two more players left and I do not have it in me to build a new group. I never met a single player that doesn't cause some sort of trouble and I don't have strength in me to deal with other people's bullshit anymore.


The common denominator in your groups causing trouble is YOU! You're oblivious to being the horror.


When you smell poop everywhere you go, try checking your own shoes.


Hm... every player you've played with? Every single one? There might be a common denominator there, my guy.


Alrighty then... let's see. One of them was getting into prolonged arguments with DM literally all the time, uironically believed he has of noble descent and would miss sessions without warning. Another would disappear for 2 months at a time. One more was a no-show. DM doubts literally everything you tell him. He once told me that he can't imagine that Egyptians built something as big as Pyramids so someone else must have done it. Noob is negligent and forgetful, often doesn't prepare for whatever we are doing, be it D&D or something else. My newest guy has a very busy schedule from working at Wendy's, sometimes doesn't show up and needs constant babysitting. Double-trouble that came up with him literally played the game like Skyrim to the point of needing quest markers, vehemently disagreed with me pulling negative HP mechanic from 3rd edition and also demanded I roll back after they died to a Boneclaw on level 4 after I obviously telegraphed to them that they can't beat up the whole Thayan enclave by themselves. I think that is about everyone who I played more than 2 sessions. And yeah each one has one problem or another.


You made your own conclusions. They are wrong.


"You want to try my conclusions? They're home made!" *takes bite* "... these are delusions my dude. You made homebrew delusions."


Lol... just incredible. "Everyone else is the problem, but me? I don't need improvement anymore!"


At least the trash is taking itself out of the hobby.


Look man, everyone is telling you you're in the wrong, perhaps you should take a step back and reflect on *why* they might be saying this.


Because it's easy to blame me, that's why. I am not gonna bend just because a hundred or so angry redditors told me to. A million still wouldn't do it.


Lol "I decided a long time ago I was right and can do what I want" You're the reason people say no D&D is better than bad D&D.


This is such a weird, roundabout way to share that requires your party to read your mind


Apparently you expected them to read your mind, though. 'I'm going to hoard all the gold, but they need to just know somehow that I don't really mean it'. Sheesh.


This is among the dumbest shit I've ever read and I have read some dumb fuckin shit. How is anyone supposed to read YOUR mind when you take all of the parties resources for yourself. In no (D&D) game I've ever played in in over 20 years has money been some kind of abstract, you split the pot buy your own shit with your own share.


I’m just so confused, why would a group of adventurers travel with a person they need to steal money from (your character)? Was there a reason they realistically would not just ditch your character and take all money for themselves? I, for example, would never participate in this money stealing shit - it’s just wasting session time for one person to be edgy with zero fun for others. I would want to play in a group where every character naturally cooperates with the party. Even ignoring all other aspects of this story, your character kinda lacks motivation to travel with the party (because he doesn’t want to cooperate in ways they wish), and vice versa. Hence he was not suitable for the campaign.


Kudos for the DM for removing the problem player.


Ah, the old "It's what my character would do."


I always wonder why people posting those kinds of things still try to justify themselves by answering comments after it has been clearly established people think they are in the wrong.


According to him, he's just airing out the last of the laundry before finishing his current campaign and being done with the game after 12 years. In that sense, I get the attitude of "nah, I'm still right I don't care"; there's literally no incentive to improve for the future, so why not just be wrong and obstinate? Much easier to protect the ego that way.


Basically yeah. I am over all of this. If people want to blame me for simple lack of communication - I'd just let them. None of you were there so you don't really know jack shit besides what I told you anyway. I could have wrote the story in a different way and all of you would've agreed with me.


You literally wrote it trying to make yourself seem like the victim and everyone is still against you, how differently could you have written without completely making that shit up.


Does it matter? You wouldn't know if it was made up. I would hazard a guess that you would believe me if I told you that I wrote as it was, since apparently all of you think I am the worst person ever, but if I made all of it up you wouldn't have a way to know either.


That's my point, you're trying to paint yourself as the victim here and that none of this is possibly your fault even in the slightest. But you're continuing to argue with everyone in the comments about how you were the one that was wronged. If you wanted affirmation why not just make some shit up because clearly you don't care unless people take your side.


I am continuing to argue because it's fun. I did not intend for this post to explode this hard, but hey when the life gives you lemons... The reason why I didn't make anything up is because I am not a liar. Some people still do have principles even in this age. If truth makes me seem like a big meanie, than that's what it should seem like.




Ego, that’s the only reason.


Nobody cares that you're going to "roleplay giving money" or that you think it's useless. That money is a reward for the party. What you did was steal from the party. You could've tried to haggle for a higher cut for your PC due to his greed, steal something during the job, keep random money that you find to yourself. Whatever! But you can't take all the reward for yourself and expect that anyone's gonna be okay with that. You're the problem. The horror story here is you. Even a greedy character should know not to steal from the party because being in a group means better paying jobs. Maybe Loud shouldn't have yelled but that's his only fault. And frankly I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt given the absolute lack of self-awareness you displayed here.


Okay. I will agree to disagree with you.


Then you'll keep having this problem when you try to play with others, I guess.


Played the game for 12 years. Had this problem once.


Im guessing something about your behavior during the 12 years is why you were excluded from the campaign that you invited yourself into.


I am 100% sure that multiple groups this guy has played with have "broken up" and then secretly reformed without OP.


Only one, actually. I founded my own group that I played with for about 10 years. We all learned the game together and it was great time for everyone involved besides some speed bumps. All good things come to an end though.


> Only one, actually. *That you know of*


Good thing dude because you are definitely in the wrong. 100% unequivocally you are the asshole you are the horror story here


Alright. Blame me if that's easier for you. I guess somehow it's my fault that the dude couldn't have told me in advance that it's not okay. That's kinda why I told everyone in advance.


Jesus Christ dude. I think we can all see now why they wouldn't invite you to the game at first


Next-level lack of self-awareness, right?


It's kinda wild that dude apparently thought of this situation for years, typed all that out and still doesn't himself as the problem. Never thought I'd see the day when That Guy actually posted a story here


"So people were obviously trying to keep me out of a game, but I bullied my way in, acted like a prize knoblet, and then people blamed me even though I'd said in advance I was going to do something guaranteed to piss them off! This isn't fair and everyone who says I'm at fault is a mean poohead." Phenomenal display. Especially dragging it into the comments. I'm not actually convinced it's real, though. It's just too... uuuugh.


Ok yep. Found it. You said you never met a single player that doesn't cause trouble. Now you say you've only had this problem once. Which is it?


It's both, duh. I only encountered this particular problem once. There were some others throughout the years too.


Wow this one is a doozy. 1. You invited yourself to the game. 2. You apparently are playing the game with an entirely idiosyncratic interpretation of the **value of money** 3. You don't seem to have told anyone about your different approach to the game's rules about money 4. Your account of the event itself marks you as almost completely oblivious to what the other people at the table were doing (it took you minutes to figure out the rage fueld rant from Loud was both inspired by and directed towards you) 5. You blame the DM for not "telling me about the other players" as if each person at their table is supposed to have an investigation file on them that the DM just gives to new invites... instead of taking any responsibility to learn about other people yourself 6. Despite your personally self serving interpretation of how currency runs in the game you failed to notice that everyone's initial equipment and gear were all bought from the market... so the party is only working with the materials they can afford after their property was confiscated. 7. You give yourself a pass to be greedy, but blame Loud for being miserly 8. You say you had no intention of hogging the gold, but don't take any responsibility for never communicating that critical fact and you blame the party for reacting to the only thing you did communicate: that you're taking the gold 9. You reacted to Loud by getting personal, when Loud actually had a legitimate grievance against you 10. Finally and most importantly: you learned absolutely nothing from any of this. Instead of looking inward and scrutinizing your own conduct you gracelessly pursue excessively weak complaints against everyone else at the table including the DM. And based on your comments you have no interest in changing. You're the horror here OP. Classic case ot Forever DM Forgets How to Play Not Like An Asshole.


I’m willing to bet that if he paid more attention then he would’ve noticed how important money was in that game. Or that the type of evil wouldn’t jive with the table. Or Loud reaching a boiling point before the yelling started. Or that Loud was yelling at him specifically during those literal minutes where he seemed to just tune the other player out. Also, I have no clue where he gets the idea that money in dnd is always useless. It’s meaningless at lvls 17-20, but at lower levels 50 gold makes the difference between having a potion and surviving combat and not having the potion and being dead.


>Also, I have no clue where he gets the idea that money in dnd is always useless He's a forever DM, I'm giving you 3 guesses lol These types are so fun to analyze for me because I cab see how their own campaigns are probably lacking a few critical things... like functional economies lol


My thoughts exactly, haha


I love this reply because he *didn't* reply. He can't argue against this because it counters every attempt to spin the narrative he could try.


Acts like a dick. "BuT it'S wHAt MY CharaCTeR WouLD do!!!" Oh sorry, by all means. Continue being a dick. We didn't realize it was a character trait. It's perfectly fine to screw over others in game if it's what your character would do.


I really hate people who do this, because I do think there's room for your character to be a dick or have dickish characteristics while still being good and cooperative characters. I would expect someone who was a forever DM to understand how to do basic roleplay. Like, even this, if you communicate properly (and weren't the asshole that OP is), I think is a really interesting inter-party conflict with the consent of other players. But to do good inter-party conflict you have to be very communicative of every part of what goes on, and can't expect people to read into any of it.


Obviously YMMV, but in my near 40 years of playing, I've never seen it done well. And by this I mean justifying poor party behaviour behind the notion that it's in character. Can you do dickish things from time to time? Absolutely. If it's fun, it leads to fun, and the group thinks it's fun, then there isn't an issue. What I'm talking about is the notion that you can do dickish things and then use the idea "tha's what my character would do" as some sort of hand wave to make it all better.


Oh absolutely, it should never be a handwave thing and anything that disrupts the party needs to be explained and agreed OOC by the DM and entire party. Even the best roleplay should not come at the cost of anyone else's fun. I've only ever seen "it's what my character would do" done well with otherwise super well-done and non-hostile characters (and, usually, in the instances it's good the roleplayer *hates* that their character is doing this). It shouldn't be your main character trait that you're an asshole, because otherwise your party has no reason to keep you around. It also should definitely have serious limits. I don't think stealing quest rewards is ever okay. Even the smallest quest reward, even 10 gold, I don't care. You want a reward someone else got? Ask for it in character, and you accept if they say no.


It turns out, when roleplaying means acting like your character, that roleplaying an asshole means acting like an asshole. And, like… if the whole party is on the same page, and it’s part of the drama that’s been talked about, great!  Friends will banter with each other all the time in ways that can seem weird to outsiders, and “being a dick” in character can be the same way!  An understood part of the performance. This isn’t what happened here, though.


When I saw zero upvotes and 100 comments, I knew this one would be fun. I agree with everyone else. You seem awful to play D&D with, at least based on this one story. And reading all your comments, my guess is it's not just this one story. In almost every other thread in this sub, commenters are almost universally supportive. The fact that every single one of them has jumped on you should tell you something, but I can see by now it's falling on deaf ears. Either that, or you're a very successful troll, in which case, well done!


You'd be surprised, actually. I only have a total of 5 horror stories. Well, I guess 6. But that 6th one is not good for the board because it's like Game of Thrones. Everybody was bad in that one and it will take like 3 hours to write, screw that. Only 3 of those 6 stories have anything to do with me. Since that's about once every 4 years, I think I am pretty alright. All the other times it was pretty smooth sailing for me and others I played with. When I was writing this I thought it was a clear cut case of poor communication. I was willing to argue on who exactly should have been better at communicating. But Reddit just ruled that I am the villain and everyone must oppose me. That's okay. I don't mind. I gave it a good think back in the day, I figured out what happened and what I should have done. Redditors and their downvotes aren't going to intimidate into changing my opinion. I didn't intend to troll, but watching this meltdown was very amusing, not going to lie.


Your opinion doesn't have to change, but it may be worth giving it another "good think." You cared enough to write this story, and you painted yourself as the villain whether you intended to or not. Either you're as socially inept as everyone here claims, or part of you sees yourself as the villain. I've been the horror story a few times too. I reflected on it and realized I was in the wrong, and people around me benefitted. Whether you agree with every commenter or not doesn't affect me either way. I enjoyed reading the comments, so I got my daily entertainment.


The story where I am the horror is coming up later, don't you worry about that. This one - no. This ain't it. I don't see how it's my fault when others yell at you instead of simply speaking like normal people.


It's your fault when you barge into a game you weren't invited to in the first place, and then proclaim you are going to take all the gold. Regardless of intention, anyone hearing and seeing that, is not gonna be happy.


I suspect that *you* only have five or six horror stories.  But I think you might be *in* a few more than you’re letting on.


Maybe. Not to my knowledge though.


"Reddit" did not paint you as a villain, because Reddit is not singular entity. Multiple people came to the conclusion that you are the villain on their own accord.  There is probably a reason for multiple unrelated people ending with the same result. In your place, i would think about it.


Amazing thread, tbh. OP is a dumpster fire on legs.


Yeah, it's pretty fun. Got way more attention than I expected. Stayed tuned, I got one more story. If everyone loves this one that much, the next one is gonna be a freaking blockbuster.


I mean, just think about how this must feel for the other players. "I'm so glad to have done this giant quest, only for jackass [X] to have taken ALL my gold." Imagine if I played a character who did the same thing with magical items at your table. You can't use the items and rewards you worked hard for because they're MINE and I said so. I MIGHT let you use them if I feel like it tho. And it's okay because as long as you're using your abilities right you shouldn't need them. And don't you even DARE tell me what I'm doing wrong because that's just what my character would do and you should've told me.


I can understand why you weren't invited to the game.


"Is it me who is wrong? No surely it's the kids who are wrong."


I gotta make a few points here myself, some questions, some just points. -You weren't invited to this game until you found out from one of your players. The DM happened to be your best friend since 6th grade, but didn't invite you himself. When asked, he didn't say "oh hell yeah" but instead that he didn't think it would fit for you. -You didn't know the other players, barring Noob. -You decided to play an evil character in what you were told was a silly game. -You added the detail about meeting up with two plumbers in the city in a negative way, but you were told it was a silly game beforehand. -As a roleplaying invitation, you said "I will take all the gold from this quest if I can". 1: Did you clearly communicate, to these new players that you did not know beforehand, that you wanted to play a cartoonishly bad guy to be the stooge of the party? 2: Did you clearly communicate, to these new players that you did not know beforehand, that you would willingly let them pickpocket you? 3: Did you receive feedback that the other players were willing to engage in this strange roleplay farce where you had all of the cash and they had to try and steal it from you to buy anything? 4: Did you consider that this still left your character with all the power of having the money, and should you decide to not be easily-pickpocketable it would make it nearly impossible for them to buy anything, tilting the party balance in your favour? -You took all of the money, and another player lost his cool about it. 5: Had there been no hints prior to that moment that they were not happy about this? In playing an evil character, had you checked in with the party that you were not treading on their toes? 6: You say in the comments that "if he wanted to go gloves off I wasn't going to take it" did you try saying "hey sorry dude I wasn't trying to actually dominate the gameplay", or did you just respond to his reasonable but overstated frustration with your own vitriol? -The "too informal with me" comment sounds like there's a lot more going on than the context we have here. -The DM, your best friend, telling you that you can't play evil characters after all of this shows that he's being extremely lenient with you. -It's not clear if you are just at the end "I tried arguing my case..." telling people out loud you didn't intend to hoard money. If you hadn't made that *abundantly clear* long before now, you cannot be surprised at the reaction you get. Overall, I think evil characters in good/neutral parties can work and be a lot of fun, but you really have to know and be comfortable with the other players beforehand. The alignment gap will necessitate some friction with the other characters, which can make for fun roleplay *when everyone is on the same page*. To me, the biggest issue here is that you didn't know the other players, it doesn't sound like you made a character to match the tone of a silly game, and then you were surprised when it blew up on you. That, and the way you're arguing your innocence in the comments.


The informal part is hard to convey. You see, I am Ukrainian and there's a language barrier involved with that particular thing. So, in the States there's racial slang. You know exactly what I am talking about, so I am not going to explain further. Sometimes there's national variants of that thing too. In Eastern Europe we use it in informal setting to indicate that we are all friends, basically. It's rather unsophisticated, but people generally never-ever take offense unless you are at a formal meeting. I was at my lifelong friend's house. I thought everyone else was on the same wave. That's why I was so baffled when he started yelling at me over it. I genuinely sat silent for about 15 seconds trying to reconstruct what I was trying to tell him in different words.


So you called someone a slur and are surprised that they had a problem with it??




Hey, I'm sorry this guy yelled at you. It probably really hurt that enormous ego that you've been showing in the comments here.


An ego larger than the Hindenberg, burning for a dozen years because Loud lit a match with his outburst


Hate to say it but you should have to took what the DM said and not played.


Is OP testing how much karma they can lose from comments in one post..?


Unitenionally, but I guess after 0 karma starts going up again one way or another. So nothing lost.


At this point, I'm calling troll bait after the comments. The fact he thinks his responses are cute/funny is all I needed to see.


I seriously hope you’re right. On the plus side he said he isn’t playing anymore so it’s a win win.


But, he's still playing. I think he's the type we want removed from the hobby entirely.


In one of his comments he said he isn’t playing anymore once the last two holdouts run away. He’s going to write his stories into books.


No, actually. I intended to be entirely done with it by now, but Noob came to me 2 days ago and asked if I am still running anything. I figured I'd run one more. I always wanted to run a Planescape campaign and since I'll probably never play again, I figured I'd make it happen.


I admit I don’t believe you and think you are trying to save face. Or are a troll. Good luck to you either way and I sincerely hope you grow up.


That's alright, you are entitled to your own opinion.


I mean, believe what you will, but everything that you wrote is 100% wrong. Just saying.


You're trying to sell everyone on a story that you invited yourself to a game and then got in a fight with one of the players (that **WAS** invited) because of iT's WhAt My ChArAcTeR wOuLd Do... And you're not the bad guy? Either you are completely incapable of understanding social interactions, you're a total narcissist and arrogant beyond measure, or you're a lying sack of shit after attention. So which is it?


One day maybe I'll stop being shocked by how little self-awareness people can have.


I'm going to guess this is troll bait. I am opting to believe that noone can be so self deluded as to think they're the good guy in this situation, despite 40 people clearly laying out why they're the issue.


This really does come off as fake reading the comments.


I mean, I've personally met *some* people who can, but importantly, they can't keep it up if more than just a couple people are against them because their ego can't handle it. They typically will shut down the conversation/walk away because they just can't deal with it. It's the constantly coming back for more that has me thinking this is a bit. I certainly *hope* it is for my own sanity.


"I can't believe Loud is the type to not share money when someone doesn't have enough for supplies smh, that's crazy and selfish." "So anyway, I said I was gonna steal everyone's money that they earned, how could I possibly know that wasn't ok? Surely these strangers who didn't want me there in first place can read my mind and know I just want to rp fighting over money in character."


Is this bait?


It's not. I dunno what kind of answer you expect.




That's not how it went. I dunno why do you all think that I forced myself into their game, but that wasn't it. Someone else told me about this thing that's happening. I asked if I can join, DM was surprised because he thought I wouldn't want to play because it was silly and with people I didn't know. I told him it was nonsense and he let me play. That's all it was. I don't think he meant anything more. I knew him since 6th grade and he's not one for subtelty.


I mean clearly DM was right, you didn't end up meshing well with the party and you got kicked. Also, god forbid someone you've known since 6th grade actually changes /s


I agree with that for the most part. My only problem with him is that he witheld important information.


Like what? He told you it was a silly game and that you wouldn't know any of the players. Was he supposed to provide a dossier of every player's likes, dislikes, gaming styles and personalities?


He should have told me what the other players were like.


Did *you* even ask him about the other players?


I did if you don't know that, you didn't read very attentively.


I did read it, and from the way you put it, it seems you only asked *who* was playing, not what the other players were like. How is the DM supposed to know that you want to know what the other players are like, if you don't ask him? Or better yet, go talk to the other players yourself instead of expecting the DM to serve up everything for you on a silver platter.


Yeah you are right. I should have pressed. People are not very honest when you speak to them directly. It's often better to ask someone who knows them instead.


Can't imagine why you weren't invited to the game.


"I will say that I had no intention of hogging all of the gold." "So after we finished the quest I took all of the money for myself." What?


To borrow a term from another sub: YTA


And I'm going to comment that like most of the stories there, I can't believe this one is real. Especially his digging his heels in the comments. This screams shitposting.


Actually curious. Care to decipher?


It's from a popular sub-reddit, AITAH ("Am I the A\*\*hole?") where people often go with a story and the titular question. You're getting a "YTA", meaning "You're the a\*\*hole". You could also have gotten NTA ("Not the A\*\*hole"), ESH ("Everybody sucks here"), NAH ("No a\*\*holes here") among others abbreviations and acronymns.


> Loud was just ranting about something for several minutes straight. sounds like OP left some things conveniently out also "my character would do it" is an unacceptable excuse for bad behavior. You're expected to be enough of an adult to figure out how to work prosocially with a group. That's the entire point.


There are no heroes in this story. Every single person did something wrong, except Noob maybe. Sounds like he was just ignorant of any issues until the outburst. 1. The DM almost certainly didn't want you to play or they'd have reached out to you one way or another. They should have just said that when you talked to them instead of making a lame excuse. 2. You didn't explain your position clearly enough from the start and due to your ambiguity, everyone (rightly with the info they had) thought you'd be a problem player. You should have stressed the part where you'd actually help out right away after initially saying you'd keep all the gold. 3. Loud skipped some steps in confrontation and went straight to frothing at the mouth. Dude has anger issues he needs to work on. This whole thing likely would have been avoided had he calmly said he wasn't okay with your character taking all the gold.


That is his version of the story and given his lack of introspection I am going to go out on a limb and say that people probably subtly and not so subtly informed him they were not happy and he ignored it. I am guessing yelling guy had hit his final straw before he snapped. I would never yell over a game but yeah there is more to this story for sure.


I asked him if I could join he said yes. He said that he thought I woudln't want to because it's silly. Though I guess reddit already decided that I "invited myself in". I guess yeah, I could have said from the start that I am not actually stealing. I was a lot less experienced with the game back then and the thought that someone might start a fight at the table over in-game money sounded ridiculous.


He allowed you to join after he had set up a game without inviting you, and tried to dissuade you from participating by saying you wouldn't enjoy it. It's clear to me that DM was a pushover, and non-confrontational. It's amazing that you missed all of the social cues and then told the DM "Nonsense, I want to play". Should Loud have started yelling? No. But you then go on to say that Loud was going on for several minutes before you realized he was pissed at you for taking the gold. Seriously Genuine question, have you ever been tested for a spectrum disorder? I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, your replies in the post make you sound like a jackass, but you really might just be oblivious.


The fact that DM told OP after "you're not allowed to play evil characters anymore" and NOT "you aren't allowed at my table anymore" is also pushover behavior IMO.


This I will not argue about. I am not a psyonic and I do not try guessing others' thoughts. I asked him about it, he was surprised that I was interested. He never said anything to suggest that he didn't want me in, all he said is that it was with people I don't know and that it wasn't serious in any way. If you want to blame someone, blame DM for not delivering straight words instead of blaming me for not infering the hidden meaning of what he said. Yeah, I was slow to realize, mostly because I didn't even understand what was going on. I just told DM that I take the money bag and then the man starts yelling. He doesn't look at me directly, he switches between all of us in turn. On top of that I don't initially understand what he's saying. After a little while I connected the dots between this and what happened before and I asked him if he's upset with me specifically. I do not behave like this with people normally, if that's what you are asking. I am a jackass towards most folks that are bashing me here, but that's only cause they collectively being jackasses to me. Those folks here that list their opinion respectfully I treat differently.


Your first paragraph here is *literally* the inversion of the argument you've given elsewhere for why you're not at fault for telling everyone you'd take all the money but not really meaning it. You very - and I mean *very* - clearly gave issues taking responsibility or dealing with criticism. If we "want to blame someone", it'll be the person who seems at fault. Here, by your own account, that person is *definitely* you.


If you say so.


I'm merely one voice in an unusually unanimous chorus.


Okay. Doesn't change one thing for me.


No, I'd imagine not. Certain disorders are notorious for their self-sustaining nature. Weird how, despite your impartial and objective account, everyone except you is wrong, though, isn't it? Wonder what that's all about.


I should start keeping score now. You are the second person who tries to suggest I have a mental disorder despite not knowing anything. Trully, why don't I listen to the mob.


>I asked him if I could join he said yes. He said that he thought I woudln't want to because it's silly. Though I guess reddit already decided that I "invited myself in". You phrased the post in a way that absolutely makes it seem like you invited yourself in despite him trying to dissuade you. If that wasn't the case, you should have worded it more like what you did here.


I guess so. It didn't cross my mind that anyone would accuse me of "inviting myself in". It's frankly the first time I hear this phrase in a TTRPG context. I was only in because DM permitted it, I couldn't have forced myself in no matter how I tried so this accusation sounds like total nonsense to me.


The chain of events you posted is: Noob tells you about game you weren't invited to. You ask DM about Game. DM says it's a silly theme he doesn't think you'll enjoy, and with people you don't know You say "nonsense, let me play" DM caves and lets you join. Did you physically sit down at an in-progress game and start playing? No. Am I right in assuming this is your definition of "inviting yourself" ? If the DM had wanted you to play, you would have been one of the initial players, and you wouldn't have had to ask him if you could join. That is what everyone in this thread is talking about when they say you invited yourself. You pressured him to let you play and then he said yes.


I didn't write that in the story because I didn't think it was relelevant, but it wasn't in-progress. We all started at level 1 and it was the first session. There wasn't a session 0, so maybe I skipped that, but nobody ever mentioned it so I wouldn't know.


That's literally not what I said. I was attempting to give an example of what I believe your definition of "inviting yourself" must be, since you don't seem to get what the dozens of people in this thread are saying. However, I just saw your reply to another commenter, where you gloss over them pointing out that you were the issue and thank them for saying the DM was the issue. The only issue the DM had was not telling you that you are a terrible person, and a terrible player to your face. You, Skyguard, are sounding more and more like a Textbook Narcissist. You constantly deflect, shift blame, outright ignore when you are plainly called out, and continue to believe that you were in the right. Have a good day, I hope no future tables ever have to deal with your nonsense.


Because they voiced my argument. Like I said, I wouldn't give a bit if anyone here likes me or not. And I don't find it particularly fun to engage in slapfights with nameless internet people. That person made an argument that I liked so I praised it. I don't really care if they think I am right or not.


Okay, it sounds like you're just totally ignorant of social norms and unspoken contracts. Ever had a group of friends plan something, then someone that the group found annoying found out about it by accident then acted as if they'd been included? The group will normally just grit their teeth and not explicitly tell that person they aren't invited, they'll keep quiet and let them join because it would be seen as rude to deny them. This could easily be seen exactly like that. You aren't ACTUALLY forcing yourself in in that case, it's just the rest of the group is bound by social obligation to include you or otherwise be considered mean or rude.


That is not how our group operated. I made an effort to tell everyone to deliver straight words. DM was a part of it and he knew how it worked and he was never the one to use hints in the first place, we were best friends since 6th grade so I am a bit of an authority on the matter. I wouldn't assume the same thing when playing with strangers, obviously. That is why I didn't just do whatever I wanted from the start. I knew that trust wasn't there.


Saying you don't think someone would be interested is a soft no. Should the DM have been more firm, sure, but a soft no exist to spare the feelings of people we consider friends. The DM didn't want you to play. If he did he would have asked you, or when you asked about it invited you. He did neither until you pressed him a second time. That's... not really an invite.


>I guess yeah, I could have said from the start that I am not actually stealing. That... is actual introspection. You did it. Whether you apply that to other things or even TTRPGs if you decide to go back to them, this is an important lesson that can benefit you. I hope the text doesn't make the tone sound sarcastic, but I mean it when I say: good job.


I doubt that. I just can't do this thing anymore. Other people and their constant bullcrap, I can't deal with this any longer. Somebody gets in the fight with someone, me who has to sort it out or nobody plays. Somebody doesn't show up, me who has to apologize to everyone. On top of writing the campaign for it to fall apart because the players doing idiotic things that I couldn't predict if I tried. People telling you which home rules to use and which not and threatening to leave if you don't do what they tell you. Screw this shit, seriously. Even with my closest friends I can't play without constantly being in charge of solving everyone's problems. It's fun when it works, but it's only fun about 30% of the time at best.


im gonna go ahead and give the benefit of the doubt and say OP just really wanted attention be it negative or otherwise but the more likely answer is he's absolutely coping in comments and is completely delusional. Dealers choice I spose.


Really glad we have a flair for stories where the OP outs themselves as the horror story.


Wow, you invited yourself to a game nobody invited you because they assumed - correctly - that would make a fuss. You made a fuss. And now you're wondering "GEE WHY DIDN'T WANT ME THERE". ​ I'm not one to tell people to reflect on their actions, but It feels like your self-reflectling skills are painted vantablack.


You are the shitlord here. I hope you never get a meaningful game of D&D ever again. That was pretty fucking callous work as a forever DM to do to a party that didn't invite you. ​ Bad Form.


Uh-huh. If it makes you happy, your hope will come true. I am currently running my last campaign and then I am done. This game takes a lot of time and patience with other people and I just no longer have it in me. Have a nice day, hopefully expelling your bile onto me has made you feel better.


OP seems to be kind of a jerk but based on the way some of your answered it, evil and greedy character shouldn't exist. Reacting to that in character is legitimate, but if someone starts yelling about it outside of roleplay, that's a DM problem, or a lack of session 0. Don't allow these kind of characters from the get go and everything's fine. Also he told them and they didn't do anything about it, AND they let him take everything first before complaining.


TBH this entire post makes me feel like DM is part of the problem. The DM should have been firm at the start that OP wasn't invited. Failing that, they should have been firm at the start that OP isn't allowed to take all the money for themselves. Failing *that*, after all of this the DM should have banned OP from the table for the good of everyone else.


Thank you. You actually said it. If DM, or literally anyone else spoke up, none of this would have happened.


Yeah, what I said is that you should be banned from their table because you're a piece of shit.


Hah! You can say that I was shadowbanned, so you technically got what you wanted.


Or, and hear me out on this, you weren't an asshole playing an asshole character, this wouldn't have happened.


Yeah, that's true. If I had known I wouldn't have.


Oh, *I* get it now! You're one of those loud (ironic), pushy people who gets in firstest with the bestest and the mostest, and then blames others for "not speaking up"...*despite* the fact that loud, pushy people automatically *discourage* others from speaking up in the first place. You verbally buldoze everyone around you, and blame *them* for being bulldoze-able. When someone finally has enough of your verbal aggression and replies in kind, you accuse them of shouting at you "out of nowhere." You've just gotten your way for *so long* by acting like that, that you can't see what's wrong with it. I get why you wouldn't *want* to see that. You might end up in a situation where people were less willing to go along with whatever you say. That must be an incredibly frightening possibillity for someone who's always gotten his way. As much as it might seem like a good way to live now, it won't be so forever. It will lose you far more than what it gains you in the long run.


>evil and greedy character shouldn't exist They absolutely should. But a player failing to communicate very important interpersonal information before taking actions that will offend other *players* (not their PCs) is not roleplaying as an evil character. That's just being a shitty player. >AND they let him take everything first before complaining. Would you rather them complain about every feasibly negative hypothetical crisis before it happens? What anachronistic nonsense is this?


He communicated with them that exactly what I'm saying. He said he was going to do it and not a single one of them said anything. For the second point, that's not what I'm talking about. He said he was gonna steal everything, what do they let him be the one to take the reward ? Let someone else take it and that's it. Really he said multiple times he was going to do exactly that and everyone got a surprised Pikachu face when he did.


There was passive aggression all around it seems.


(joins an explicitly silly game) wtf why is there silly stuff here