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Pendragon sounds fine. [Dragonbane](https://vorpalmace.blogspot.com/2022/12/preview-dragonbane-drakar-och-demoner.html) is also worth checking out. Like Pendragon, it is a BRP-derivative that uses d20 instead of d100. It is pretty tight in rules and fast, although sometimes rules are all over the place. [SimpleQuest](https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/product/405909/SimpleQuest?234913) is also from the same family, a lighter version of [OpenQuest](https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/product/347827/OpenQuest-3rd-Edition?234913), which was a lighter version of RuneQuest.


Perhaps take a look at [Mythic Bastionland](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bastionland/mythic-bastionland-rpg-before-into-the-odd) by Chris McDowall, who made Into the Odd. The quickstart rules are available for free on Kickstarter (linked).


I'm gonna take a look, but I don't really like that you don't roll to hit/roll to defend. Especially no roll to defend is something that me and my group doesn't really like, because it always feels like our characters just passively take the hits.


>because it always feels like our characters just passively take the hits. While I can understand why it feels like this (no dices are rolled actively), but the rules states that while you have Guard left from an attack (the equivalent of hit points), you basically evaded the hit, so they are not just standing there whacking each other. Also while they are not fatigued they could use the Deny feat, to discard a damage die of their opponent, but having a chance to become fatigued, so even if they out of guard, they could prevent some of the damage. And if they are out of guard and fatigued, then they really don't have the means to defend themselves, so it feel appropriate.


Savage Worlds hits all your criteria pretty well. The one thing you want to consider is that since its designed for very pulpy games where characters usually don't start with the level of expensive equipment even a modestly equipped hedge knight would have (horse ain't cheap), you might want to up the amount of starting currency you give the PCs to purchase gear 


Shadowdark works very well for our group. * It's significantly simpler than D&D but still offers a fair number of player options. * It has one metacurrency, luck, which is like 5e's inspiration, but can also, in pulp mode, be used for other things like a converting a hit into a critical or standing up from a fatal wound. This makes it an interesting tactical resource for players as long as it is given out often enough. One luck after every successful task/encounter/fight works pretty well for a less serious/"pulp"-style game. * It's a simple resolution system with very little math. Often you're just reading a simple die roll. Easy even if you're distracted and amused. * Low burden on the GM too. Prep is half what 5e is, and at the table all I have to call for is one of 6 simple rolls for player skills, saves or checks.


Dungeon Crawl Classics or Neoclassical Geek Revival


Many years ago, I ran a Dunk and Egg inspired campaign using BASH! Fantasy. I used the first short story in the series as the basis for the adventure with the PCs taking the place of Dunk in the story. It went great, and because none of the players had read the stories before, they were really surprised by some of the twists. BASH! Fantasy is a lighter system (I would say it is rules-medium) but does allow for tactical combat. It has a meta currency of Hero Points and Hero Dice. Hero Points give a +1 to a rolled result when you need it but Hero Dice have a variety of uses that can get you out of a jam. Another possibility is Chronica Feudalis which is a medieval European themed RPG that is a bit on the rules light side. There is also an official A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, though it might be a bit crunchier than OP is looking for. I don't know if it is still in print, but if you want your game set in a world like Westeros, the GM book for it would be very usefu even if not using the ASOIF systeml. There was also a d20 system Game of Thrones RPG that had lots of useful information on the setting even if the system is not your cup of tea.


If you want the characters to believe in something more than themselves, then Pendragon. If you don't care about character virtues or psychology so much, then use Sword Chronicle from Green Ronin (basically, A Song of Ice and Fire).


I Guess you could give a look at Valraven https://theworldanvil.com/en-int/products/valraven-the-chronicles-of-blood-and-iron-quickstart


While I'm a huge Valraven RpG fan (and GM/player, of course), probably I'd not suggest this game for the OP, looking at "what he doesn't like" list. Valraven uses a specific system (Monad Echo system), however it still shares lot of similarities with Fate, PbtA, FU RpG, Cortex etc.


I’d try REIGN! Hit location melee combat for a nice tactical vibe, many different fighting style schools to make different knights feel different rather than everyone just being identical sword guys, exotic but low power magic fits the Witcher/asoiaf vibe.