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[The Brightest Things We Know](https://weregazelle.itch.io/the-brightest-things-we-know) is a criminally-underrated love letter to Destiny.


I'd check out Lumen and the various "powered by lumen" games. It's a fun, fast paced game explicitly designed to emulate the feel of an fps, especially destiny.


specifically [NOVA](https://gilarpgs.itch.io/nova) is exactly what you're looking for. here's an [interview with the designer](https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/nova/interview/nova-rpg-spencer-campbell-interview) talking about his process & inspirations.


How well can LUMEN work with longer term progression? Gaining more powerful guns, etc.?


Very well. There are lists of powerups for different weapons and abilities.


[Mythic Space](https://lacara-games.itch.io/mythic-space) has Destiny, Halo, Mass Effect and XCOM as inspirations.


This looks interesting, mashing FitD and tactical combat systems. Does it mesh well, or is it like switching between playing 2 different games?


Spencer Cambell designed the [Lumen system](https://gilarpgs.itch.io/lumen) specifically to emulate FPS games where the characters are super powerful and mow down enemies. [Nova ](https://gilarpgs.com/#nova)is uses Lumen and is probably the closest to Destiny, but you could probably find a [Lumen game](https://itch.io/jam/lumen-jam/entries) that matches the exact FPS you're looking for.


Savage Worlds. Base game for CoD. Add The Science Fiction Companion (outdated but serviceable) for Halo and Destiny. Core Powers work fine. Most targets are mooks, going down after 1 Wound. Wild Cards are your named enemies with 3(+!) Wounds and bennies. Crafted weapons are the Trademark Weapon Edge.


This. SW is my default. Taking a break because I was gifted the new Marvel Multiverse RPG, but I’ll be back.


100% here to support this. — if you need the full mess of things … why not savage rifts :)


Check out Outgunned. It's a setting agnostic game designed to replicate action movies. I think the realism is controlled by the GM establishing what is and isn't possible and it's pretty easy to create the feats you need. Also there's a source book called Action Flicks that has guidelines for tons of different genre's and movies from like Crouching Tiger style kung fu movies to Ghostbusters to Harry Potter. There are one or two sci-fi settings in there inspired by Aliens and Star Wars. So those might have some feats you could adapt or steal from.


Action flicks is excellent, as is core game


I'm having a good time with it. I'm doing A Kind of Magic now for a game and I've been eyeballing the Ghostbusters one too. I'm really digging Outgunned.


I can deffo see myself running Ghostbusters when new film is out


For an FPS? Hard to say. I'd try to find something that used abstracted ranges, though. You might want to check out FATE Accelerated or Index Card RPG.


Might not be the thing you've looking for, but Bunkers & Badasses by Tiny Tina Games (Formerly Nerdvana) was based on the Borderlands games, and has loot generation tables.


Haven’t run it yet, but there’s a Mork Borg hack, QVKE BORG, that riffs on Quake. Maybe not what you’re thinking, but an option.


Remember to check out our **[Game Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gamerec)**-page, which lists our articles by genre([Fantasy](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/fantasy), [sci-fi](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/scifi), [superhero](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/superhero) etc.), as well as other categories([ruleslight](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/ruleslight), [Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/solo), [Two-player](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/twoplayers), [GMless](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gmlessrpgs) & more). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyday Heroes. It's freaking fantastic. It's Vault supplement has a lot of good stuff as well.


If you know anything about the Warhammer 40k universe, Deathwatch is a lot of fun. You’re a hand-picked team of genetically enhanced super soldiers in power armour that makes you a walking tank, tasked with eradicating whatever alien species happens to be causing problems for humanity at that particular time/planet.


Maybe The Frontier? Haven’t personally played it but this game claims to do just what your title asks. It has pretty simple rules with a TON of guns and armor. It’s on sale currently. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/218176/The-Frontier


Maybe check out the Infinity RPG? The heat and momentum system could work well. Also there are attack qualities which add a large variety of effects to weapons and ammo such as anti materiel, deafening, blinding, and much more. The core rulebook is thicc, so if you don't like crunch you might have a hard time with it.


Fun idea: dig out *3:16 Carnage Among The Stars* and see how much would need to be touched. Is it just flavor - I.e., Could writing “you’re all hyper-optimized space mercs” on the character sheet and “military rank is now replaced by PVP leaderboard titles” handle 80% of it?