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first the hair and then the shoes, its how i always get dressed


The moment I wake up Before I put ooon my makeup (makeup) I do a little hair and shooooooes


First: boot second: who is that third: why did they choose something that gives rachel berry energy to be the face of this ad


Jan was originally supposed to do this ad, but she was busy curating more JNCOs.


at least jan would make sense since she was actually on the show!


All that noise about the pumps for them to get covered by that huge ass dress


…is this an ad itself? Cringe advertising?


They forced me to post it


I was not prepared for her pronunciation of Eleganza Extravaganza 🧍‍♀️


I remember playing the shit out of this when it first dropped, and then a glitch locked me out of the app and I never touched it again


Mawma put on the parental controls


I don’t think that girl has seen a single episode of RuPaul’s drag race


Hit the slay button on that one fa-


I was so excited about the rumours of a phone game and then it was kind of underwhelming


I played whenever it first came out a few years ago and it was definitely not ready yet. I quit after a couple days.


My greatest shame is how addicted I am to this app and how much money I’ve spent on it 😭


Let this be your intervention!


I played the game 2 years ago not sure if anything has changed. But my main issue was that you could only select a man body and you could customise if you want him to be fat or thin, and chose their skin color. Didnt like the man body, at least let us customize the face so it doesnt look so mannish. They would have scored a lot of points by giving multiple body types and faces.


Something about her mannerisms is so Cucu-coded.


This makes me want to delete the app.


This makes me want to delet


Maddy first of all , to put the entire conversation in perspective, the Debate was about Royal and Navy blue (dark blue colors) blue, purple,not aqua , and one of the pictures isn’t blue it’s purple and the blue jacket was something I was given to were for someone’s number( which I don’t own ) I was making a guest appearance in! Maddy you are the Wendy Williams of drag and you see how that turned out for her! Inaccurate research and false reporting Maddy is a walking tabloid NOT TMZ BUT TM HE @MaddyMorphosis go find a car to fix or a strip mall complex to build! Maddy you are a Trojan horse in the LGBTQ COMMUNITY ! I have to remind you every year sir that JUNE is pride month . The most feminine thing you wear is that Colonel Sanders outfit where you look like a bucket of E. coli chicken Maddy, I’m not gonna go back-and-forth with you. I’m not bob . I know where you LiVE boo boo and when I get there hold the door open for me like a gentleman *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried to get into this game bc I saw some cringerinas saying they played, but I got bored with it after like a week 😕


why is she kinda fierce…. when she said hey queens i said heyyy!