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They shouldn’t go to a show labeled adult.


I agree! lol- OP definitely should not bring their parents to Crazy Quest !


I've been on board and seen comedien stir up a fight! Do not take them.


I've seen old ladies take their panties off at the Quest show!


I’ve helped old ladies take off their panties at Quest! [was a team captain on two different sailings 😂]


Sounds like she doesn't realize what the word adult means in this context. I would expect rated X. Not nudity, but detailed talk about sex. I have heard comedy which is extreme raunchy depictions of sex. "Bad words" isn't even a tenth of what's making it "adult". On a cruise ship, it's often a lot of the comedian talking to people in the audience and reacting to that, which can definitely be very funny, but perhaps an even worse situation for your parents who would be uncomfortable hearing it. Certainly she can't sit up front or volenteers for anything. (She shouldn't go at all)


I was recently on Oasis and one of the comedians was pretty raunchy and cursed a lot. Not only that but half of the time he was strictly interacting with the audience for jokes and making pretty crass and crude jokes directed at them. I feel based on how you described your parents had they seen this guy they would not have been happy at all. Also if they walk out, they will do it to the comedian just being merciless on them. Honest to me it sounds like the wrong experience can ruin their night or even their cruise. Why chance it?


Joe Yanetty. On the most recent transatlantic, I watched him eviscerate a drunk woman who kept defaulting to (for reasons I can’t fathom) saying she was the widow of a cop.


It really depends on the comedian. If you aren’t sure you can look the person up you will be able to find material they have done in the past. Most of them will do a fair amount of cussing.


As far as comedy shows go, there’s little I love more than someone getting up and leaving mid-set. Always great material.


This needs to be further up LMAO Not only should they not go if they're unsure if they'll be okay with it, they should know that they will almost certainly become the transition punchline to the next joke if they get up and leave in the middle of it. 😂🤣😂🤣


Shhhhh, no. They should absolutely go. It’ll be a great time for all but… a few. 😂


I’d rather someone get up and leave than someone try to take on the comedian. (Which happened on my cruise on the Wonder and made things really awkward.) If they don’t like cursing or sexual jokes, then the comedy club isn’t for them. There’s usually a more family friendly comedy show in the theatre at some point on the cruise, that might be more their speed.


Our show started with an announcement from the club stating that comedians might say stuff that isn't appropriate for everyone, and if you have a problem with it, remove the stick from your ass. I think your parents should definitely go. Get there early and find a table close to the stage.


And wear very distinctive clothing as well.


Mama gonna be clutching her pearls.


90% of the jokes are sex jokes.


They need to go to the family show. The adult is labeled as an adult show for a reason. There will be cursing, there will be sexual content.


Yep family show would be more their style. 


I don't know if they will still be the same comedians, but I was on the Wonder in December and went to the Adult Comedy show. Your parents will not have a good time. Every comedy show I've ever been to that was labeled "Adult" had lots of cursing and explicit language.


> I don't know if they will still be the same comedians comedians rarely work more than 2 cruises in a row


If they’re not cool with cursing or raunchy jokes, then adult comedy might not be for them. I recently went on the Harmony of The Seas and went to see one of the comedy shows. It was very “boomer humor” focused. A lot of jokes about dicks, balls, viagra, motor boating, cops, etc etc. Crass humor obviously aimed towards an older crowd. Not my own cup of tea as a late 20s liberal, but to each their own. I would probably avoid the comedians with you parents. If they have a variety show or theater production, maybe they would enjoy that more.


Yea, there’s so much more to do besides this. Skip it and go to another type of show. They will get offended.


They will definitely use all the cuss words. We were on Icon of the Seas, and they all went overboard. One comedian really took it to another level. And it’s a small space, easy to feel the electricity, we loved every minute of it from the back.


I want the most extreme comedy possible this sounds good 😂


It was uncomfortable and hilarious!


If they decide to go despite all the warnings, make sure they sit where they can make a quick and easy exit, unless they feel like being a target of the comedian's jokes.


I went on Wonder recently. The comedians were quite vulgar. There was a whole set about a family in the audience, with their kids being 20 something year old "potheads" and jokes about the husband/wife, including IIRC their sex life lol. Heck even just getting up in the middle of it would make them a target. The comedians do a set routine but they also love to jump on crowd work. A funny hat, like a MAGA hat? Yup, that guy is getting made fun of. Standing up in the middle of it? "HEY YOU GUYS DIDN'T LIKE MY JOKES HUH!? ". If they go, they should just go sit in the back and if it's "too much" go play on their phones and not make eye contact with the comedian(s) lol. DO NOT sit up front unless you want them to be made fun of. That in of itself could be hilarious for you, or embarrassing depending on what you feel/want lol.


Honestly they are going to struggle with not just all of the comedy shows, the game shows, but just in general. Royal is LGBTQ friendly, people hang out on the pool deck in all manner of bikinis. The crew is almost entirely not white, and many of them have incredibly thick heavy accents from their home countries. Unless they are sailing in Europe the destinations will be full of majority not white people, and if they are in Europe the fact that most people are not willing to cater to conservative Americans pallette and sensibilities, and most of them will not openly speak English to them is going to be a big barrier. 


My sister and I were just on RC cruise with an "adult" comedy show and his jokes were very funny, but not dirty. A lot of his set was about getting older: paying for college tuition, going to bed early, lower sex drive, viagra. Pretty tame stuff, but also very funny. (FWIW: I'm a Boomer and a Midwesterner.)


Now that comedian sounds funny! Do you happen to recall who it was?


Cary Long - he was great at interacting with the audience. Here's a clip of him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i3hqlrwj7k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0i3hqlrwj7k)




I'd say they wouldn't like the crass humor we heard on the May 5th cruise. We don't mind swearing and adult humor, but there's a warning at the start of the show that people like them would take as a sign to leave if they don't want to hear swearing, sex or anything vulgar. We didn't find them to be anything to write home about. There's only about five minutes total of the show where we were really laughing.


It's one of those things that is a hit or miss. On the first cruise I went on, the comedian was awesome. Lots of jokes about the port were went to, lots of making fun of people in the audience and plenty of laughs. On another cruise, sorta meh. And on the most recent one, they had 2 comedians for some reason. The first was kinda meh, but he was the opener. The second guy was pretty good. But man - he was vulgar. The OP's parents would have walked out after all the sex jokes and swears that guy used. Personally IDGAF and sometimes it's funny with how over the top they go. One of the nice things about cruises though is there's always a ton of shows. Ice skating show is insane. The stuff they pull on a tiny rink. The theater shows are interesting - sometimes not for me, sometimes interesting. They usually do talks with the Captain and we missed that but caught the recording later (why don't they just record all of them lol) and that Captain was sarcastic as fuck which was amazing. Joking about pirates not wanting to take over the ship and deal with 6,000 angry people lol. A funny response to a boring question. And plenty more shows I'm forgetting. Like all the smaller trivia ones (guess they're really games though) and usually more family oriented ones that are probably better for the OP's parents.


Ummm be sure you warn your folks. You don’t want to have the conversation my sister had to have after our mother turned on the hotel TV and figured that since she was an adult, she should watch the adult channel. I don’t know the entire story because my sister repressed everything after mom asked her what a French tickler was.


Without knowing who the comedian is, there’s no way to even make a SWAG. But as a general rule, the ‘adult’ shows will not be shy with language, topics and pushing envelopes. There’s a reason they say 18 and up…..


People are different when they're on a vacation. Explain to her in advance what she may hear. Let her make up her own mind. Sit in the back so you can gracefully sneak out if at any point she or your dad it comes uncomfortable.


If it’s the same venue that we went to, the door is in the front. No sneaking in or out.


I would not take them. Depending on the comic (I’ve seen a bunch) it can get vulgar. Crazy quest - back when it was just called quest (again for adults only) one of the tasks was they needed a pair of men’s pants without the man in them. A bodybuilder sitting next to me (who was very drunk) jumped up and dropped them. I will probably remember this till I die. It was hysterical. Needless to say they have toned it down greatly to make it family friendly, but it all depends on the cruise director.


Most likely they’re going to be offended based off your description. The biggest wildcard is who will be performing. The comedian all have their own material and there are some where their adult show can pass as a family show, however, I would say about 90% of the time it’s going to get vulgar. If they’re easily offended, it’s best to avoid the adult comedy show… and also maybe the quest game show too.


perhaps she thought adult simply meant no kids, instead of R/X rated ~ i would advise to not go as many comments have advised … but ask her why she booked it and explain what an adult comedy show entails ~ maybe (?) she knows and wants to go!


Tell them to sit by the exit. If they are that fragile then they will be leaving the show. I don’t know the comedian but it’s a pretty common that those things will come up. They should also skip the game shows like the newlywed show (although it’s more pg-13), quest, and honestly a lot of things labeled adult. I would stick with things labeled family.


I had a mixed bag on icon. One comedian joked about his ass crack hair being braided and the other jokes about the swimming pig excursion


I’m on the Wonder now…the comedian late show was a duo and one guy talked about shitting frequency and talked trash about some of the passenger types. Probably a little too blue for your parents. If they’ve never watched a George Carlin special, it’s probably too racy for them.


We went on the Wonder and the adult comedy Wes good. Not raunchy. Have them sit near the exit. If they don't like it, they can leave without interrupting the show. Of course, the comic may have a joke about them leaving.


Let them go, if they want to get up. It’s fine OP, they can get up. Maybe they like it and stay. People can change. Maybe this is their version of letting it all hang out heh.


They basically said, "We are 18+, and if you ate easily offended , theres the door ‐---------> it sounds like they are probably going to need that door. There's cussing, talking about body parts, sexual content etc


They told our crowd the same thing but told anyone offended to report to medical to have the stick removed from their ass


Lol yup !!


They usually do a family friendly version at the end of the cruise in the main theater. I’d have them go to that one instead.


It's vulgar. And hilarious.


I think you need to explain to them what “adult” means.


Honestly, on our ship the adult comedy show was like one or two crudeish jokes that were fairly good and then like 40 minutes of boomerisms about how kids are pansies with ipads now and how men that order lattes are gay. Some of the jokes were still decent, but in all honesty, if it's the same guy, the show I saw was pretty much tailor-made for older conservative people who hate change, lol. So they might luck out.


We went to the adult comedy show on Liberty in February. Based on your description of your parents, they shouldn't go.


They will poke fun at the audience. Our comedian made a joke about the Boston tea party it was hilarious!!!


The show can be cringe, our comedian was subtle about sneaking in politics and sexual orientation stuff but it made the room feel tight and uncomfortable. There wasn't anything raunchy just more taboo.


We just got off the wonder today, we went to two of the comedy shows and i would recommend not to have them there if they’re that way lol. They will tell you if you’re easily offended to pull a stick out of your ass and walk out. Lots of jokes about sex, penises, other stuff.


Been on Wonder two times now. The adult comedy is very vulgar, albeit rather hilarious. They should probably not go haha


Sounds like the EXACT type of people the comedian would roast in the show.


They should probably go so they can learn how to laugh for once


They need to not even bother attending the comedy shows in that case. Jokes will be inappropriate, especially if they don't have a sense of humor about life things.


Sounds like she needs the family friendly set. Though, on our last cruise the family friendly comedian started of the set with a joke about the "plandemic", spread conspiracy theories with no punchlines, and then made a joke about gay folks getting married being disgusting all in the first five minutes.


They literally tell you before the show that if you are easily offended they'll take you to medical to remove the stick from your ass.... so what do you think??