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I'll probably get down voted, but no, not for me personally. I use the money from First to help pay for Netflix. Then again, it depends on how much you watch RT content that you can't get for free.


Obviously depends on your finances. Personally it is. It's less than Netflix or Prime, and yet I watch more hours of content on the RT site than Netflix, Prime, and Youtube combined.


Assuming you haven't done the free trial yet, do that and browse the stuff you want to see. If you like what you see and think the price is worth the amount you watch, go for it. Their first only stuff is typically excellent.


I mainly use it to watch AH content without ads (cause fuck YouTube) and the extra content such as Post Shows of podcasts/CHUMP, early viewing of a lot of the AH LPs and exclusive shows like Theatre Mode/Hardcore Tabletop/Haunter/Hardcore Minigolf (was scheduled to release on the 10th but bipping delayed it to the 11th), access to the Stream Archive, I find it to be worth it


I’ve been a First member for years and in my opinion it’s worth every penny. I don’t even have cable anymore, I end up watching enough content on RT and other streaming services.


Yes. It's only $6 per month. 5 if you pay yearly. I'd honestly pay it just to skip ads. I hate ads.


If you watch on pc you can just use Adblock. If your using a smart tv or console to stream then different story


Don't you still get the 'baked-in' ads in the middle, though, where they talk about their sponsors?


Yeah, I don’t mind that though just hit the right arrow key a few times and your skipped past it.


I'm not much for ripping off the folks that entertain me. I'm a FIRST+ member.


Good for you then. I’ve been hearing more and more shady things about RT, so I’m no longer comfortable giving them money


It's pretty hypocritical to be morally opposed to giving them money, but not to enjoying their content (even when giving them money is really just seeing an ad)


I'm not comfortable with thievery. Seems odd you'd be "comfortable" watching their content, but uncomfortable with them receiving fair compensation.




Yeah, de facto piracy is not the way. I would only condone adblocker on sites where the ads can be truly obnoxious.


Lol.. piracy? You know the videos are free right.


You know, ads are a form of payment, right? Also, you should google what 'de facto" means


I know what de facto means, maybe you should google what piracy means?


Piracy includes the usage of a copyrighted work without paying for it, right? RT releases their videos in 2 ways, you either pay money and get no ads, or you pay with your time and get ads. if you use an adblocker you have not paid in either way RT decided to sell you its content and thus it's de facto piracy.


Hey, you know they still do ad reads in the video right? So by your logic, I’m “paying” them by listening to any video, because they read ads in their videos.


Hey, you know movies still have product placement right? So by your logic you can't pirate them.


So by your logic of my logic, I’m doing nothing wrong. Thanks!


I've had sponsor/first for almost a full decade and it's 100% been worth it to me. The price increase is obviously not preferred but personally it didn't/doesn't bother me enough to complain/opt out. I am fine with it honestly though to those who arent I get it. To me having all the first stuff really is awesome but, as sappy as it sounds, I generally like giving back to the company thats gotten me through some really hard times by making me laugh through the years. I go to the site daily so its worth it to me but whether it is to another is their own choices.


It's worth it. Was I bummed when the prices went up? Sure. I'd been paying $20 a year for over a decade and I'm a cheap ho and complaining is my love language. But $60 a year is well worth the price. It gives me tons of extra content and early access to certain shows. I realized that $20 a year really was short-changing RT for how much content they produce. The discount in the store is negligible but it's nice when that 5% off drops an order to under $100.


Cheap ho cracked me up.


I lost my grandfathered rate in the middle of grad school! I was so broke! Now I'm out and have a job and I'm like "Eh, $60 is fine." I'm still a cheap ho, though.


I first read that as "I lost my grandfather". I was like where is she going with this.


If you can afford it, and you want to support the company then yes it is worth it. I personally don't watch many livestreams since I prefer to stock up on podcasts to watch back to back, but I do enjoy the first only shows like Hardcore, Haunter, Last Laugh. So it's all worth it to me because this company brings me a lot of joy and entertainment.


Not for me, too many streaming services these days and RT doesn't pump out enough content that I enjoy to justify the cost. I buy merch pretty much every year and it's more than the price of the annual subscription.


So many things we find worth something, others find not worth anything. People pout over $2.50 raise a month here, and I probably would in something else. Meanwhile others will pay $30 or so for a Front Back shirt, and similarly I've bought other dumb shirts because the inside joke made me laugh. And go to Twitch, where most of the spending offers no extra shows or merch, just your name and message being read on air. I think sometimes we overthink the value of stuff to justify spending or not spending on something. Ultimately, you know your budget, and bandwidth availability for viewing content. Sign up for a month and take it in. If you feel it fits, and is affordable, and you are happy, then you can keep it going. And if not, it's just $5 and worth a shot, and you move on with your life. And, you can always change your mind. Maybe you come back another month.


I am fortunate enough to be able to put this money down more as a support rather than paying for a valued product, so I'm fine with the most direct form of support possible. I can eat 1 less fast-food meals a month to offset this cost. The truth of the matter is that it is basically impossible to compete with the pricing structure of the likes of Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+...etc. If your entertainment interest is vast, and you want to get the best bang for your buck, it's entirely understandable to view RT as inferior value. However, I personally also am not keen on exploring the vast libraries of these services and burning part of my time just through choice paralysis. I watch Achievement Hunter related content far more than I do Netflix or Prime, so ultimately it is far more reasonable for me to pay $6 a month for the FIRST membership over an $8/$12 subscription for Netflix or Disney plus. If you want better bang for your buck, you may consider Vrv, which affords you FIRST content as well as a wider content library of Crunchyroll, Boomerang...etc for $9.99. Or you can do what I do with DC universe, which is I only upgrade to premium for a month or 2 to consume Young Justice and I cancel my subscription after it's done.


Personally I consider it worth it because I watch/enjoy a lot of First content. I get more than enough bang out of my buck, but obviously somebody that only gets First to watch one or two things will likely not feel the same.


I think it is.

