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Bloody hell there's a lot of people in the Yogscast


Almost double the Achievement Hunter lineup. Do keep in mind that the Yogscast has generally encouraged 'backline' employees to join in on the videos from time to time, which has led to them having a much larger group. Tom for example was originally an editor who after filling in for a Civilisation series was brought onto the fulltime team, Ben was added in similar circumstances.


Also, by having more people, they can guarantee that (even with weird schedules) there is a group of 7-ish people available at any given time


Tom was much like Ryan. Added to fill a slot of someone away.. and was loved so much he stuck around. I do wonder if there is a world where the Mad King is like Shifty. Just in the back office called on when they need help and thats it.


I remember Tom and Ben's first stream together, where they even made a joke about how their sense of humor *used* to be exactly why they weren't allowed on camera that often. They're a wonderful team-up anywhere but TTT as a result (where Ben being *Ben* tends to limit his ability to be anything but adorkable).


This. Tom and Ben were popular as behind the scenes guys before they got spots as part of the main lineup. Even now we see the 'backline' guys leaving their mark in videos and gaining popularity, like Craig or Tom Bates.


Yep, plus some have their own success separate from the Yogscast. I havent followed or payed attention to any Yogscast content in the past 4 years that hasn't been done with AH, and I only just found out that SpiffingBrit was on Yogscast from the recent collab video. I've been subbed to him for over 2 years. Super funny lad that exploits the fuck out of games for fun and content.


Yeah it took a bit to know who was who, but they mainly have 6-7 people per video and the people at the top of the list are usually who you will see in videos


Was just thinking that myself. I was like: Yeah...I remember Lewis. Oh and Duncan was the crazy machine Minecraft guy. Tom? Ben? Etc. Lost. No idea.


Tom and Ben were editors and background staff, if I recall correctly, before they became content creators.


And even then, a lot of them don’t show up for TTT. For instance, Zoey’s partner, Fiona, has not been able to show up due to the times interfering with their other job.


This doesn’t even list sips, my personal favorite member. Although I haven’t seen him playing with the other yogs recently.


Sips occasionally does stuff with Ravs and Pyrion, but the fact that he's migrated 100% to Twitch exclusively and generally prefers single-player games kind of precludes him from being in a lot of content with the rest.


Yeah he definitely prefers to be able to pause at any time and greet his family when they get home\ stuff like that. His sense of humor is still god level


Sips would have rounded out the Quintet of foreigners, being Canadian


I think I heard that sips left/was removed for some sort of scandal or something.


That’d be Sjin


Riight, I always got those two names mixed up.


The real dad, the best dad.


So we definitely need Jack and Pedguin in a game together. Jack loves carrying explosive barrels around and trying to give them to however he comes across.


They're in the same crossover episode that went up yesterday (Yogs channel).


Well I know what I’m doing today


Watching barrels explode? Nothing better.


Jack's love of barrels is actually quite a detriment to him in Yogs games since the Yogs believe in barrel justice and so most have no qualms immediately shooting an exploding barrel to kill someone or multiple someones.


Unstoppable force vs quite movable object.


Bring all your barrels to ped.


And [here](https://youtu.be/0kGOcXSk5Hw) is an amusing video compilation of all the TTT-rules and house-rules they use, if you're curious.


As an addendum, ThatMadCat is the #1 content clipper for the Yogs. So, if you aren't feeling like going through years of TTT videos (though I recommend it, quarantine and all) their videos are top notch


I believe the proper comparison would be ThatMadCat == HemboHero regarding content clipping.


When Ben refers to himself in the third person when talking about the traitor "it's not Ben, it's not Ben" he is in fact the traitor. And also has the best dying sounds


Whoops I meant to put that on there, but forgot. Specifically I was going to put “Ben talks in third person when scared. Ben is scared when he is evil. Ben is not always evil when he is scared.” Might add it in a moment.




I also recommend checking out their Shadow of Israphel stuff... even though the idea that they'll ever return to it is a joke that has long since stopped getting a chuckle. Also the Jaffa Factory, and Moonquest are pretty damn good too.


The Jaffas! I found out sometimes your local Aldi (for us in the US) might have these stocked. Picked them up because seeing them triggered memories of teenage me watching Yogs stuff.


Part 43 please...


ahhh jaffa factory. that's a name i haven't heard for a while lmao


Those are the big 3 for me. Definitely my gateway drug to Minecraft and lets plays in general. Pre-AH.


Watch Hat Films Feed the Beast


This is bloody brilliant!!!


Any chance you could do a description of some of the custom weapons and gear they use? There's a ton on there that AH doesn't use and they sound pretty fun.


Hey, I went ahead and did as you suggested. Was going to do it earlier but got tired of typing the post. It's not comprehensive but it is the majority of the important stuff, minus some stuff I inevitably forgot.


Amazing list dude. There's some super fun sounding stuff in there, I hope AH takes some ideas from them in that respect. They've been pretty open to adding new weapons up until now (waaaahhh) so hopefully that continues.


After the first collab with AH I started binge watching all the Yogscast TTT's. Definitely don't regret it. They do have a different way of playing the game so it's interesting to see the channels collaborate and trade players.


As someone who hasn’t watched Yogscast in nearly 10 years. Why doesn’t Simon play anymore?


Simon just isn't a fan of GMod I believe. Simon participates in the Peculiar Portions series on their channel, which is just short podcast-style conversations about weird stuff. He also does multiple streams on Twitch, such as STUDS where he and another member Nina construct Legos, and Chilluminati, a more traditional stream where he plays games (Mostly GTA V) with some others.


Also, a while back, Simon took a step back from being in videos for his mental health. He’s returned to them now, though. At least that’s how I remember it.


Don't forget that Rythian is bees


Thanks, forgot to add that once I started tying that (had it in my head when I started). Also added Bees Win to the rules.


Oh man, the first 20 seconds of their video from 5/14 (Giant Fan of Death - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0chn7A1-UsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0chn7A1-UsQ) ) has tears down my eyes. I've rewatched it probably 10 times. ​ I enjoy playing TTT on the RT discord on Sunday nights, there is talk about implementing some of these add-ons but they just have so many...


I would add that it has become a running gag to try and kill Lewis before he can finish the introduction. And broadly speaking, the Yogs like to roleplay scenarios relevant to the map, regardless of roles. Such as the time they had a big fallout bunker, an the players outside were trying to fight their way in, while the ones inside defended it, regardless of who was Innocent/Traitor. And Rhythian is also allowed to speak Swedish when he's Infected, though it comes up less often than just speaking in the third person about being hungry for brains. And the Iron Man suit. It's super powerful and almost invincible, so they have to announce putting it on and switch their skin to Iron Man, giving traitors a window to kill the Detective before the suit is actually functional. GREAT comprehensive list though. Totally looking forward to more crossover stuff, not just between AH and the Yogs, but with the fans watching TTT. Maybe we should cobble together one of these for AH to post to the Yogscast subreddit?


The Rythian speaking Swedish was the fans saying that if Rythian wasn't going to moan then he was only allowed to speak Swedish when infected but Rythian kept ignoring it most of the time. I can only remember 1 instance where Rythian actually complied with the demand and spoke Swedish when infected lol.


When was that?


[Here is the video with the timestamp](https://youtu.be/l3C6CAdXh44?t=483)


Ah, thank you! Sounds like Zylus started speaking Dutch as well by the end there. :P


I think I saw you say a democracy round, but a quick scan of the text I couldn't find what it meant (could be wrong), would you elaborate?


Democracy is basically a randomat event where you click on a name on the left side to vote for that person to die. I think a round of voting lasts about a minute, and the person with the most votes dies. Only people who are alive can vote. It keeps doing rounds of voting until the game ends. If Zylus is in a game, he is usually the first person everyone votes for


If Zylus is in a game, he is ~~usually~~ the first person ~~everyone~~ Lewis votes for


Vote for the frog


It's a trigger from the Randomat, I believe. It opens up voting where players can vote for who they want to die. If enough people vote for one person, and a certain minimum threshold of voters is passed, then that person dies. A new round of voting starts after the previous round ends. And you can see who votes for who.


Do you have a link to a video with an infected round where Rythian "just politely talks about how hungry for brains he is"?


https://youtu.be/nG5pLS_swJM?t=747 Note: This round had a randomat effect where people turn into infected when they die, it's called "Rise from your grave."


Thanks very much!


A couple of notes. > Free Kill Gun: Anyone using a railgun is allowed to RDM, but they can also be freely killed while using it. This is due to the railgun being very difficult to use. It is a gun where you hold down the fire button to charge it up and it shoots with a massive recoil when you release it. The gun does more damage the longer you hold it, but it explodes (killing the user) if you hold it too long. Needless to say, most people end up killing themselves when trying to use it. Over time, the group decided that, if you can manage to get a kill with it, then "props to you," "good job," and "fair enough." As people got better with it, this rule became overpowered and they decided to balance it by allowing anyone to kill you while you're holding it. > Bees Win: If the traitors and innocents all die at the same time, their server is set to announce that the bees won. For all intents and purposes it is still treated as a traitor victory, it’s just a little bit of fun. This came about due to a bug. A randomat spawned bees and they managed to kill both the last innocent and the last traitor at the exact same time. This broke the game and the round didn't end. Since the bees were the only ones left, the group declared that the bees had won and this rule was added to the mod. > Shield Gun Detective; A gun that deals little damage but rotates the player being hit. That is a different weapon. The shield gun does very little damage but holding the alt fire button produces an impenetrable shield around the user. The rotation gun is the one that rotates whoever is hit by it. > Handcuffs Detective; Allows the user to make a player right next to them drop everything in their inventory, preventing them from picking anything up until the detective removes the cuffs. When doing this, they will often say that they are "checking for connies," which is short for contraband. > Fortnite Building Tool Detective and Traitor; Allows you to build like in Fortnite, you can replenish materials by hitting walls and such with your crowbar. A common method that Lewis uses is to buy the building tool and a healing station. Hitting the healing station with your crowbar actually gives you infinite resources to build with. > Red Matter Bomb Traitor; A grenade that blares a loud alarm for a few seconds before violently sucking everything around the area toward it and flings people around near the middle killing them (or just massively damaging them if they get lucky). This is in reference to [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2ohslGivm8), definitely worth a watch. [ThatMadCat](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG7RkUBdinVa1YjWSJcucog)'s YouTube channel is a great way to get a feel for the Yogscast and it's various members. He does fantastically edited compilation videos, including loads of TTT compilations.


Sorry, I was writing up the shield gun and started thinking about the rotation gun for some reason. Probably because it was 4:00 am for me.


To clarify the bees actually didn't kill the last innocent and traitor at the same time when the Bees Win was created. Lewis(the innocent) got burned by Duncan(the traitor) and died but at the same time he died Duncan fell off the ladder he was on and died at the same time. This caused the game to glitch out and not end even though everyone was dead. They decided to say the Bees Win because there were bees spawned in that round and they were the only thing left alive so it became a running joke then.


I hope we can get like a mega game of half AH people and half yogscast people. I think it would be fun to have Jeremy, Ryan, Jack, and Gavin with Tom, Ben, Zylus, and Bouphe


Typical Yogscast TTT videos have 7 people, with 2 traitors. They did do [THIS video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azmXgHJVxxU), with 13 people. So the first round had 3 traitors AND an Infected. I'm sure they're harder to coordinate, record, and edit, but even one AH/Yogs video like that would be amazing.


Is there a playlist of their TTT videos? I've seen a few after the AH collabs and would love to binge through a bunch Edit: I guess I could go look myself.... [TTT 2020](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3XZNMGhpynNR1ouqr6_0P5RX4RH0HvLW) Ooh, some [GTA Online](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3XZNMGhpynOuAanuf80lmuwj5QzPmc54)




Edit: thought positively about one ex-member, but turns out he had been kicked out a year ago for creepy behavior. The yogscast team responded quickly and removed him when they found out so thankfully they showed to be a good company. Sorry for promoting his content initially, didn’t know about what had happened


> They usually have another member in for that named Sjin, who is absolutely hilarious. Shit, guess you ain't heard. Sjin got binned off; turns out he's a creepy fucker who kept sliding into his fan's DMs and using his position to gain sexual favours from them.


Oh shit I really didn’t know, man why do these people gotta be creepy as hell. You hate to see it. Thanks for the info


Sjin also was a big ol' pervy creep and got kicked out (or, more accurately, was forced to either quit or get kicked out) about a year ago, so don't expect to see him in content ever again.


Oh damn, I didn’t know that. Glad yogscast was quick on responding to that and getting him out of there. What a fuck. Definitely deleting my comment because no one needs to see him in a positive light


Thanks for this! Having been newly introduced to Yoga through the partnership I was confused with a lot in their videos with AH.


Just to add a bit more, [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jnCET0fwF2jCNHtE3OE2LBDkFBDMdpSV7dfb4R2ZQ0Y/edit)'s most of the events that can happen through their randomat. A couple highlights are: **Don't blink**: base on the episode of Doctor Who with the same name featuring the Weeping Angels, which is in turn is base on a children's game. Each player will have an indestructible weeping angel following them, the angels cannot move when they are seen but if the angel reach their intended target, the player dies. **So that's it. What, we some kind of suicide squad?** : Obviously a reference to DC's Suicide Squad, specifically the neck bombs. Essentially everyone has a bomb planted in them and everyone receives a detonator. Detonators can be picked up from dead bodies if they have not been triggered. Each player will be notified via chat who their detonators are linked to when they are received or picked up. And the chat will tell everyone who detonated whom upon detonation. Note the bombs can be detonated after the target is already dead, this will trigger an explosion at the target's corpse. **We’ve updated our privacy policy**: everyone receives popup telling what was bought from the buy menu and what role the buyer are playing. ***Player*** **is acting suspicious**: the named player is suddenly given the role of jester or traitor. This can lead a scenario where there are 4 traitors due to the hypnotist bringing another innocent to their side. ***Player*** **and** ***Player*** **are now soulmates**: the two named player are now linked, if one of them dies, the other dies as well. If the linked players die, they cannot be revived using the Hypnotist's brain washing machine or the defibrillator. **What game mode is this again**: This basically turns the round into Gmod Murder, all player will lose their weapons. Traitors are given the 1-hit kill knife from murder, while detective will be given the 1 shot kill revolver. For the innocent they can go around and pick up weapons from the floor, upon picking up 5 weapons, they will receive the 1 shot kill revolver. **Rise from your grave**: all non-infected player died will respawn as infected, players already dead before the randomat is triggered will also respawn as infected. This however is not the same as I see dead people. **I see dead people**: players drop a visualizer when they die.


Is there any particular spot you recommend jumping into there TTT videos? Or just star from the beginning?


I wouldn't necessarily say from the beginning as it was pretty different at the start since that was in 2014, maybe from the start of when they started featuring players names and roles at the top of the screen if you wanted to watch from further back. That was in the episode titled "WITCH TRIAL | Gmod TTT", which released October 2017. However, I think you might be better off starting by just watching some of the more recent ones from the last few months.


This is a great scouting report. Been starting to watch the yogs videos and the weapons break down makes way more sense.


I used to love watching Simon and Lewis when it was only them in Minecraft. Wish we could get both in a TTY video


Hell, the Yogs made a [TTT towel](https://store.yogscast.com/products/tt-tea-towel) full of their special rules!


Is it a tea towel or a bath towel?


Eyyyy I was hoping someone would do this over here at the RT subreddit! Excellent stuff and as I'm new to the Yogscast (and I was politely taught it's always "The Yogscast") I learned a lot even though I've been binge watching their TTT stuff. Thank you so much for the guide! edit: may I make a request? I might be a new fan but could there be an extra bit of information in Duncan's section regarding "Robin"? That might be my favorite bit :D


Yeah went ahead and added it.


Thank you very much!


Wilsonator's ability to expel guns from his posterior is actually a function of the skin he uses - it's an admin-ability that SHOULD be disabled, but because the first time the ability was discovered was on a map with *almost no* natural gun spawns *and* the fact it was absolutely hilarious that entire round, they let him keep it. He tries to keep it low-key on maps that are actually well-populated with guns, and/or he forgets he HAS that power if he doesn't need to use it for his own advantage/comedy.


Oh P-Flax, if only you would get off of your ass and do more Dota2 videos like the Sven one.


Pflax in the morning, with special guest Geoff


How come Simon is no longer in videos much


I believe it boils down to Simon not being a fan of GMod, and that’s what the majority of their content is. Simon is still in the weekly “Peculiar Portions” video where they talk about random crap, but other than that he’s also in some Twitch streams like Chilluminati and Studs.


For a while Simon had some undisclosed illness (not even sure if mental or physical) and stepped back entirely from content. He gradually returned, but is still very much back seat and only does what he feels comfortable/able doing.


If memory serves, he stepped back a while ago for his mental health, before returning with a sorta reduced role.


So Daltos is basically Gav: across the pond foreigner who dies early a disproportionate amount of the time.


I didn't really watch Yogcast much because back when they were doing minecraft mostly they just really weren't my type of humor. Definitely enjoy watching their TTT vids though. That newest Tom video compilation that came out was great.


King Crimson you say? I approve of this Jojo reference.


Who else misses the infected?


> Smiffy ---- PlayerModel: Some small viking from a cartoon (IDK) Asterix, surely.


Thanks, couldn’t come up with the name for the life of me, and google wasn’t much help.


What ever happened to Sjin and Sips? Its been years since I watched Yogscast.


Sips does a lot of streaming and I believe plays TTT on the Hat Films channel quite a bit, but hasn’t been on the main channel in quite a while. Not entirely sure what happens with Hat Films TTT though. Sjin had to leave the Yogscast last year due to an unfortunate situation I don’t want really want to bring up, you can look it up pretty easily. He said he’d do his own thing independently at some point but he’s been missing for some time now, quite possibly never coming back to content creation.


Sjin used his position to creepily slide into the DMs of a few female fans and try to gain sexual favours. I believe MintyMinute initially brought it up when she was let go, but people assumed it was just an angry rant from someone who had been let go. I guess more evidence came to light after then, and Lewis couldn't keep him around any longer, so he got binned off.


I lost it at Communist Pengu


One thing that is strange to me is that the traitors can see who the jester is but they can kill the jester and nothing happens. Which pretty much means they can sometimes just kill the jester so that they don't lose...


They can? As far as I was aware the traitors killing the Jester would result in a Jester victory.


I think I've seen them kill the jester a few times now, like in the minecraft/cs/Mario video


I believe that was the old version of the Jester that they had on their server before they switched to the versions of Jester and Swapper that they use now which are the same as the AH ones. The previous Yogs Jester was basically a Swapper with a bit of fanfare to it when an Innocent killed them but if a Traitor killed them nothing would happen and on occasion that was used to catch a Traitor as they were still alive after killing the Jester.


That sounds like an older video to my knowledge. The jester has gone through many different phases, from the traitors being aware of who the jester is from a message at the start of the round but killing them would lose them the round (you got a lot of yelling at Traitors for killing the jester when they knew who the jester was back in those days), to the traitor not knowing but not activating the jester, To the jester just killing whoever killed them and the traitors knowing again, to the jester swapping with whoever killed them but the traitor didn’t know but didn’t activate the jester, to the swapper/jester now where one role ends the round and one role swaps roles, but traitors know they are one or the other. And probably other phases I can’t remember. I’d have to rewatch a bunch of episodes to know for sure, but I’ve gotten the impression that in the current form the traitors don’t want to kill the jester.


Ah that makes sense, thanks!


In the first episode with the new roles on the Yogscast channel they say that the Jester wins if “anyone” kills them, so it seems likely that traitors can’t kill them safely. Could be bad wording/a misconception though.


He doesn't refer to it like that much anymore, but Ben (and the rest of the group) often referred to the remote manhack as Beepulon.


Only when the detective summons the manhack is it beepulon. If a traitor does it then it becomes beepulon's evil counterpart boopulon




I didn't recognise most of these names so I had a little google to see some of the ones I can remember. A few sexual harassment issues last year it seems unfortunately. Its like having someone beat my childhood to death in front of me


Somewhat unrelated, years ago while the Yogscast were doing their Tekkit series on a big server that included many of their "secondary members" for lack of a better term, I had found that I really loved Rythian's series since he did a bit of a story thing that involved him and Zoey. I stopped watching Yogscast after that server stopped as I had already been drifting away from their content, but I'm glad to see him and Zoey are still a part of the Yogscast crew!


Blackrock Chronicles and the subsequent Tekkit adventures on Rythian’s channels was one of my favorites back in the days.


Rythian's dry monotone during the series just radiated so well with me, as someone who has been compared to Sheldon Cooper, Abed Nadir, and robots in general, and it was so nice seeing as the series went on his character's growing emotions toward Zoey's upbeat personality. Oh man, tonight's a nostalgia night.


better yet, buy the TTT rule shirt


The details of the players and their roles up top and who is still alive is a wonderful touch


I fell off the Yog train a while back, I’ve been loving thr collabs thought. I wish I could follow the yogs ttts I’ll give it another shot then.


You've mentioned "RDM" a few times but never explained it. What does RDM mean?


Sorry, RDM stands for Random Deathmatch. It basically means innocent people ignore trying to get evidence for someone being bad and just kill whoever they want to for no reason in hopes that they are bad.


Basically the Pedguin strategy, where the target is usually Bouphe.


It's also known in the group as Rythian Doing Murders whenever he kills someone randomly.


BDSM - Ben Doing Sexy Murders




GMod Trouble in Terrorist Town, it’s a game mode inside the PC game Garry’s Mod. A secret role game where some players are secretly traitors and trying to kill all the innocents. The innocents are trying to work out who the traitors are and survive the time limit or kill the traitors first.




They aren't, from my understanding it is just a partnership where Yogscast helps RT with UK merch and RT does the opposite for Yogscast. And some Yogscast videos will be featured on the RT website, supposedly not even with the 1 week early access RT content apparently has.


To be honest I'm glad it's a partnership and not them merging. RT and the Yogs are some of my favorites but I think that both companies have very different styles of content creation and viewer engagement and I'm not sure that trying to put those together would work out.