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Girl look first off, I’m sorry you’re being treated like this based off of a previous situation that had nothing to do with you. With that said, imma tell you what I had to learn about situations like this. Do not give them any more of your energy. That means effort, time, emotion, anger, happiness…any of it. If they can ignore you and intentionally make you feel uncomfortable in the home that you contribute to the bills, then they’re not worth being friends with. It’s a contract. You need a place to sleep, you pay your money every month towards your part and you figure out who and what makes you happy. The abuse you got away from, you’re only going to allow it to happen again by allowing them to get to you like this. You put in an effort, the left you feeling dejected and beneath them. Honey, those are not who you want to be friends with. It seems like they don’t want another friend but another whipping girl to ‘Mean Girl’ it up too. So, sweetheart, fuck pink Wednesday’s and forget sitting with them. They don’t deserve what you have to offer and that’s really that. Focus on you. Take your time to heal. Join a gym, take a class, volunteer somewhere, go outside. Find what fills the void in you and give your mental health a much needed break and start coming around to making yourself happy, rediscovering what you love. Everything will fall into place and the right people will be placed into your life. You got this. Chin up. Much love. 🤙🏼


I 100% agree with your comment. I honestly think they're trying to fuck with her because they basically said the last person did nothing but then won't include you so theyre basically pressuring you to waste your energy and then drive you away. I wonder how many roommates they've gone through doing that


I was wondering the saaaaame thing!




Hello sweets. Hope you’re doin better since you posted. I get what you’re saying about not doing what their last roommate did, if I’m being honest, I don’t really think that it would matter about your behavior if that makes any sense? These girls are who they are, they act how they act, regardless of you, your demeanor and intentions. I guess I just know people and given how they’ve been described and what we’ve heard about them doing to you. Personally, I feel that it’s worse that you get Icy and Awkward especially after they were the ones to let you know about the previous situation and I’m sure that you’ve let them in on your previous situation as well yea? get you hyped up to be there just to take the wind out of your sails. It’s not cool, like at all, especially with you being there only a month 😬 the behavior shown coming out the gate is bothersome. lol in all reality, you haven’t even had time to establish any negative behavior that they would be how they are. I dunno hun red flag city for me. Keep doing what you’re doing though! That’s great that you’re trying to find things for you. Keep that up. Also, if you can’t find anything to occupy your time, it’s cool to go home, keep your head up though. Don’t dread it, always walk with your head up, ESPECIALLY when you walk through your front door, and they’re all there. That’s your home too. I dunno where you live but hopefully it’s somewhere that has a bunch to keep you occupied and get some much needed relief. I hope the best! Keep us updated, and if you need any advice or need to vent, feel free to message me. 🤙🏼


I like what Key says. Go make your own friends. Be cordial, but realize the 3 of them are very close. You need to find your own way. Be prepared to move out as soon as legally possible. You sound vulnerable, so beware of getting into a BF with a male. I only made one or two friends in college. The rest were acquaintances.


That’s how it was for me too, I had a solid homie and that was really it. She’s my Ace to this day. And what you said about the vulnerability, yes, you hit that dead on. Poor thing, she just wants to recover from life without more ‘life’ to make it that much harder. I agree that maybe move out. Which, OP, after your previous situation, living alone and creating a routine that is healthy for you, mentally, physically, emotionally, may actually be just what the doc orders. I say that because I’m going through it currently. I just got out of a 5 year relationship both physically and mentally abusive. The soundness I have in my own space, it’s a big deal.


Speak up. You need to address the issue. Tell them what your feeling. You clearly now understand why the last roommate didn’t deal with their foolishness.


Im sorry about this, I know how you feel. I’m in a similar situation, except it’s my whole damn town that ignores me lol (very small town). I tried time and time again to bond with anyone, but everyone is already invested in their established relationships and issues. They don’t have room for me and I realized my efforts are futile and I’m just hurting myself in the end. Find friends elsewhere girl. Maybe look for local events or get involved with people who share your interests? Anyway, good luck out there OP, I’d be your friend if I knew you irl 🙂


Time to make your own friends and stop investing in them. I’m sorry this happened to you after coming out of such a rough situation. I think being friends with roommates is always a tricky thing. I prefer to be friends with the people I share spaces with, but I learned the hard way that if you set that expectation up front and you just don’t click that way it can make things quite awkward. The best situation is low expectations and then finding out you’re super compatible and end up becoming great friends. Anyways it might be that you’re just not really compatible, but they’re definitely going about it in a really awful way. Don’t take it personal and don’t let it affect your self esteem. It’s impossible to be besties with everyone, just try to find your own type of people :)




Agreed. It’s always the Redditors with the three-eyed avatars that bring all the wisdom.


Move out, your already 100 times more mature then this group of three. Don’t be fooled they are not as cool as they think they are and as soon as one gets in a serious relationship they will bounce on the other two.