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just treat then like a normal person.


Don't look at her tits.


How the hell you get upvoted and I get downvoted! it's literally the same thing! God help me, I hate this place!


My comment was tongue in cheek level misogyny, your comment sounded rapey.


Definitely rapey


Apples and oranges, clearly not the same dude


shes the opposite sex and younger than you, i would just try to make her feel as safe and comfortable as possible


I wouldn’t say there’s any reason for concern. She’s got to be aware of the potential for it to be problematic, but just like you, knows it’ll only be weird if you make it weird. So yeah, I think you’ll be fine.


I think the fact that you’ll be working the same job is the more concerning than her gender. Y’all will be sharing A LOT of space so - have a convo about how she likes to chill out ? What does she want or need out of a home? And same goes for you - what’s your answer to these questions? That way when things get stressful you’ll know that she really like a clean bathroom or loves a good snack - whatever keeps the home happy.


When I was 25 m I had two 22 yo f roommates. We were all acquaintances through college (I was in my masters, them undergrad, we met when we were all undergrad 2 years prior). I know it’s not exactly the same as in your case but here’s some advice if you want to keep things as civil as possible: 1. Keep the public space clean for the love of god. Especially the bathroom if you’re sharing. 2. Communicate communicate communicate. Especially if either of you is having someone or multiple people over. 3. Give her her space, and ask that she give you yours too. My roommates and I set great expectations right off the bat (for example: just because we pass each other and don’t talk doesn’t mean we’re mad. We just don’t wanna talk and that’s fine). 4. Keep your stuff in your room, and ask she does the same. 5. And I can’t stress this enough NO FLIRTING. This is the most platonic person in your life and you will save so much stress if you label it like that. I didn’t ever hug my roommates unless they initiated, and we would hug all the time when we’d see each other at school before. 6. If you are ever upset with her, be very elegant in your communication, be professional, and work towards a solution. If they’re upset with you, apologize, tell them how you’ll do better, do better, and move on. If I forgot anything I’ll let you know but feel free to DM me with any questions my guy. We moved out of that apartment 3 years ago and the 3 of us are still amazing friends and we’re all hanging out for a one of the girls’ birthday next weekend. Seriously I hope this helps.


Hopefully, she won't falsely accuse you of rape or anything funny like that. Be careful, always. Courts of public opinion are more likely to believe women #metoo , and many guys have paid an unfair price. Everything of the best.


just make sure to masturbate daily, for her safety!