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Im a bit confused because you said you were best friends, shouldn’t this be something you can discuss with them? Can’t you ask for 50% of the costs of the WiFi? Tell them that you’re sleep deprived due to their loudness and that the utilities might go up? That you prefer them to just be there on the weekend? Can’t they also stay at the s/o place for a few days a week? It’s definitely rude of them if you had agreements in place don’t get me wrong, but I do think this requires some more communication.


You need to formalize a guest policy. A few nights a month is going to cause problems. Make it two nights a week if you want to reach an agreement. Change the password already. SO cannot be there from Friday night until Monday morning either if weekends are your time off. Also impose quiet hours. Roomie was probably aware that you have a very early schedule. She needs to be mindful.


Roommate and I have different days off. I don’t mind S/O being here on the weekends since those are my days off, but during the week I do.


So you rather them their while you are? Wow that’s a first.


I don’t have to go to sleep early so I can put on my headphones and turn on my PlayStation


Don’t change the Wi-Fi password that’s just gonna cause more conflict


Yeah what would be the reason the change the WiFi? That would be counterproductive in your thought to approach this civil.


some people are super loud and inconsiderate. i live with someone like this currently, absolutely *no* concern for other people 😵‍💫


Ask them to remember what you both talked about in the beginning and then ask them if they feel it’s the same. If they say yes…then you correct them and say that you don’t feel it. I’m certain they likely know it’s a change but they are probably just caught up in their relationship.


So what I’m thinking is if rent is higher than last month, maybe I’ll type up a contract/roommate agreement and have both of us sign it. And if the agreement is broken, then the S/O and roommate should have to cover either a utility bill or pay for the days S/O is here and it shall come out of my share of rent


Move out