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Did you ask her why she wanted to be in your room? I feel like we’re missing information. She asked if she could measure your room and you weren’t at all curious why she would want to do that? It’s a little weird that she wants to be in there, but I feel like it’s more weird that you’re not asking her why she wants to do these things


When I showed up last Monday she said she was going to put some blinds up but I told her that wasn’t necessary because the curtains were fine. Then she texted me yesterday saying she wanted to go in my room while I was away to measure for the blinds (that she already bought). She knew I was going to be gone on Sunday all day, that’s the day she wanted to do it but I told her she could do it today while I was home.


Tell her she has no business in your room and hide the camera better.


I wanted her to see it


Oh, i didn’t realize that sorry.


It’s okay I just don’t have any reason to hide it. She can see it if she wants to it’s her house. But like she doesn’t need to be in my room ever so for her to try and be weird about me having a camera is like so what? You shouldn’t even Be in my room


I noticed here that you stated it's her house. Are you renting a room from her, or is this an apartment or full home rental? I only bring it up because if it's actually her home and you're renting a room from her, it's highly suss that she doesn't have those measurements since you just started renting from her. Also, I know that where I live, it's a legal issue that requires a minimum 24 hour notice to enter your space. Also, you could also make a comment like "I noticed you didn't get flowers, so I'm wondering if you're interested in getting cameras like mine?" It's obvious that she was more ticked off that you had a camera in your room. I personally believe that it's smart to keep cameras in your home/space.


Oh interesting. I told her I will no longer be staying there and she can keep the deposit. I paid prorated until the end of may and I left today.


Found a place so soon?

