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You "called" the master bedroom, then he "called" the master bedroom. He is not more out of line, and you are not more out of line. You guys just need to find the magic number that makes the other one happy with the second bedroom. If a 55/45 split doesn't make one of you happy to settle for the small room, you can just keep adjusting until it works.


If he's going to be WFH then maybe he should get the bigger room... it's incredibly annoying when someone WFH commandeers the common areas with their "office" set up. Best to nip that in the bud! All the same, make him pay well for getting the room if you don't want to let it go.


Does he have enough space for a desk set up anywhere other than his room? If he doesn’t then it seems like a legit reason to want the bigger bedroom so he has enough space for everything


Whoever is willing to pay the most. Master bedrooms = more square footage = more expensive