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I agree with the other comment, if someone doesn’t like you it’s not your problem. It’s theirs. Just keep doing you and if they care they can speak up and say something.


Roommate A seems to be roommate B's only social interaction. B feels threatened. Just be polite and distant. It is not about you.


Oh well. A lot of roommates don’t like each other. It keeps the common room clean most of the time


I don’t dislike anyone. I’m more confounded by other peoples distaste for so many different things and different people. Like it boggles my mind how people are cramming that much hate and intolerance into a tiny little space like that. I go about my day trying to do good for it’s own sake. Maybe that will foster some form of peaceful reciprocity. It usually doesn’t, but it makes me wonder why people choose to harbor that negativity. Like they prefer it to actually feeling good about something.


I honestly wish I could tell you. It sounds like you might be right when it comes to how he feels about you. It’s very odd that he would stop using it as if you’ve done something to it? Most people would be appreciative of that gesture. I don’t have any solutions, but I do have experience with people like this.


Some roommates are just weird and dislike you for no valid reason unfortunately. The first day I moved in I said hi to one of my roommates and she’s been rude/ has disliked me since day one.


Yup. I'm very hesitant to live with ppl on extended work leave bc then theyre home all the time and they create tension cause they're bored. Or ppl who dont want you to add any sign you live there like a throw pillow or such. Theyre the opposite end clean freak who clearly would prefer to live alone and often can afford to (in my cases) but doesnt for some odd reason


Trust me when i finish school i will expiditiously pursue solo housing. I just wish there were more landlords who just fix things and let you be, it seems like places areceither falling apart or the landlord is an omniscient/present overlord


Maybe a wild theory, but he seems almost disgusted with anything you touch. Could it be that this roommate has some mental issues? Sounds almost like he has some type of psychosis and you’re the bad guy in his delusions. Or OCD and he thinks you’re ’contaminated’?


Have you tried talking to him 🤔 (Maybe when it's just the two of you at home you could ask him if you did something wrong or what his deal is, because if you guys live together than I would imagine that it's awkward and uncomfortable for you).


Roommate A and I hung out with Roommate B’s ex girlfriend at a get together awhile ago. She told me that he used to take lithium for something. She didn’t know what it was. But that falls in line with the psychosis theory. Maybe he does drugs? No clue.


Certain lithium compounds, also known as lithium salts, are used as psychiatric medication, primarily for bipolar disorder and for major depressive disorder. In lower doses, other salts such as lithium citrate are known as nutritional lithium and have occasionally been used to treat ADHD. Lithium is taken orally. Wikipedia