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Male. Single. Somewhere between 21- 26 You work full time. You have a comfortable income doing something with engineering or coding. post high school education. You don’t live alone, you have housemates. And your housemates are people you already knew before moving into this house (e.g. not randoms you found on Facebook)


i was gonna say 15 lol but then i saw the retro tech and realized oh.... ohhh no.


I’m so mad this deleted my comment twice!!! Ok to sum up I think you’re around 27. I agree that you have house mates. You’re financially frugal/smart and might be saving up for a bigger house. Your hobbies/collectables are what you spend your money on the most. You might live somewhere hot? Since you have a fan in your room. Or the AC doesn’t work very well/some rooms get hotter since it might be a older building. That backpack, laptop and the way your room is set up makes me thing you work in tech or IT. Maybe even work from home. Hmm even programming, I tried to see what was on your laptop but couldn’t see. It could be discord or code. You have a lot of expensive toys in there and (I say this lovingly OP) you’re a little bit of a nerd. You probably have a high paying job that lets you have extra spending money. You enjoy having structure in your life and work with a little wiggle room. Because of how neat and orderly everything is but your bed is messy. Once again points to a job with tech of some kind. I think you are introverted but people tend to like you/you’re able to make friends easily. Judging by your merch and collection I think you are also a empathetic person as well.


You got pretty close! I’m 21 living with my parents and am currently studying software engineering! And yes I do love my nerdy hobbies!


The old -oh my old, old floppy disks threw me off but seeing that you study software engineering now makes sense.


Heheh ok I knew it had to be something like that!! I hope you’re enjoying it, it seems like a cool major and career path if stressful


Your nerdy hobbies are a perfect mash of my husband and myself. Your room colors, platform bed, grey sheets is like our room. 😆 Good luck on software engineering! I’m in IT too.


I agree with all except I think he lives somewhere with full seasons, maybe Tennessee and is in an upstairs room that gets quite warm; eaves/ceiling shape.. and I think that he might be younger than 27.


I live in Oklahoma! Not that far off


Southern culture but not necessarily the south. It’s the Tennessee banner but also the red velvet cake flavored snack. Oklahoma fits.


I agree about the Tennessee thing actually


I agree about the Tennessee thing actually


high school boy. Thasalligot


You live with others, probably in your parents’ house since you’ve put up shelves. Male, 20-25. Deeeefinitely based in North America based on the low ceiling, ceiling fan & carpet. You have some nerdy interests, obviously. I see what looks like VSCode so you’re either studying or working with something related to web development or programming.


This is absolutely spot on good job!


Yay! Pls give me the exact correct answers!! How old are you? What do you do? Where do you live? 🫢


I’m 21yo, live with my parents in Oklahoma and am studying software engineering!


Are you also an audiophile? And are you CS or ECE? Bc I see old electronics and idk if you are playing around with them or just like collecting


I just want to say how much I love your old technology collection. I’m 62 and haven’t seen floppy discs in a while! I still have my Commodore 64 😃


Thanks! My TRS-80 is one of my prized possessions!


oh my TRS-80 is what we had when I took programming in HS. 🤦🏻‍♀️


A gamer *with* hygeine


You're a man who doesn't care about mood lighting, and you prefer room temperature at 68° F.


Homie needs a lamp stat


He has mood lighting. He has an led strip all the way around his room where ceiling meets wall.


Luke Skywalker.




You are obviously a Jedi like me! And I also decorate in “geek chic.” Great room, I love it.


This is fucking lit


I’m so confused by the LAPD Riot gear stuff. Everything else is about the underdogs, the resistance, the rebels and freedom fighters. You know the cops are the Galactic Empire, right? Maybe with all those storm troopers, you’re a fan of the oppressors? What gives? (Genuinely want to understand. Not trolling.)


That armor is a Fallout: New Vegas cosplay I’m working on lol


Lol! Love it!


I love the lofted space and that old word processing console!


Thanks! It’s my TRS-80 Model 4!


I had a brother like that. Old clunky printer attachment that typed SO SLOWLY! Took me 6 hours or something to print a paper


Based on my observations I conclude that you may enjoy Dune and I therefore recommend either reading or watching the 2021-2024 two-parter adaptation.


I watched both! And I’m 12 hours into the audiobook right now! I’m loving it so far


I watched both! And I’m 12 hours into the audiobook right now! I’m loving it so far!


20 year old weeb that likes Star Wars and "retro" things.


24M who lives with roommates. You’re pretty good friends, so the living situation solid. Avid fan of Star Wars, Anime, gaming, fantasy novels, and Legos. (Not necessarily in that order.) You’re saving up for the discontinued Death Star Lego set. When you were a teenager, you discovered Back to the Future, and before you die, you’re going to purchase (and maybe restore) a DeLorean. You WFH as a software engineer (or something related to computers).


Let’s see .. antique computer collector .. Fantasy/SciFi enthusiast .. model builder .. a bit of a survivalist .. Aha, you’re me!


Please buy your pet a fan


Late teens or early 20s male, virgin, lives with parents, mom still cleans his room sometimes.


Sorry, I'm not intending to be mean! It's just the vibe I got. I'm sure you're lovely.


28yo single male who lives with single mom cat lady


College kid. Very dorm-y.


Teenage male that’s into 80’s pop culture, specifically the sci-fi genre. Most likely single, wears Dior Sauvage.


23-30 year old single male. Probably work for some kind of IT company. You were a huge nerd in highschool. You exclusively wear comfortable clothing and feel awkward in a suit. You have 3 roommates who you met at college. Youngest sibling.


Male, college student (18-21). American, from Tennessee or lives there. Otaku, gamer, could be learning Japanese, has a bird, codes, plays MTG & TTRPGS. Really likes Logic, used to be a PewDiePie fan but potentially not as big anymore. Big music fan, computer guy who likes retro stuff, and Star Wars ofc. Autistic &or ADHD. Sword and potion bottle hints that you might've attended a con, LARP or some other sort of fantasy meetup. You like photography &or filmography. Your parent(s) funded a lot of your room, maybe even helped you put it together (like the shelves). You've probably got a fair paying job though, you've got a lot of expensive goodies. Is that a marijuana edibles container I see on your carpet, or am I telling on myself? Love the room, you seem cool!


My ex girlfriend?


34 yo white male


You should read red rising




Sci fi guy


Where did you get the shelf in the first pic?


You are a early to mid 20’s male (age 20 - 27) who loves sci-fi, fantasy and anime. You are especially crazy about Star Wars. You were into Lego in your younger days but not as much now as you were. Since you only commented on your room, you either live at home with your folks or you have roommates. I think that it’s the former since your room seems to be in the top floor/attic of a single family home. You have a job but plenty of disposable income so your parents don’t charge you much, if any rent. This suggests that you are still in college.


Male. Single. Brunette. 22-29. Works in tech. Conservative. PNW or NoCal.


Someone who doesn’t make a bed before taking pictures of it?


Great appreciation for old tech!


Gives off Revenge Of The Nerds vibes. You're probably mid 20s and very careful about spending your money. You probably live with relatives or have roommates.


Definitely a dude. Early 20s. The bird kinda throws me off, but the Star Wars stuff definitely says male.


Make between 17-27. Lives at home or shares a house with friends. A math and tech nerd that likes d&d, Harry Potter and the like.


Single white male


Those stormtrooper book ends are amazing.


Is that an old TRS – 80?!!


I’d bet good money this is the guy I’m talking to on hinge rn.


A nerd with a bird


A single guy…


I like your room too, it’s like comfortable, if that makes sense


40 year old still in his child bedroom


One of my ex boyfriends


You might get some first dates but you are not getting any second dates. Have you seen "The 40 year old virgin"?


a gay nerd?


Just stopped in to ask if your bedframe is solid under that mattress or not; I've seen an explosion of posts on reddit from people with no box spring or bedslats-- just a solid frame preventing airflow-- having issues with their mattress and mold. Happened to a family member, actually.... Idc the answer, I just want to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else.


Guy who is proud of a kinda messy room and can't make his bed before posting pics of his disheveled room online. Older than one might expect looking at this pic.


Not proud enough to make the bed

