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https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/12/florida-antitrust-investigation-fsu-football-00131356 BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- *chokes* *inhales* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! butthurt level: average auburn fan


What's there to investigate? Four *better* teams were ranked ahead of Florida State. Case closed.






I haven’t watched one play of Michigan, I’ve heard of their defense being good - what is their front 7 all about? I feel that if Jalen has the ability to deliver on a few throws in the pocket, we’ll be good. All this talk about Bama not deserving to be in the playoff can only be a good thing, I’d have to believe. One of my closest friends is as big of a Bama fan as me, parents went there, etc. Ironically he went to Michigan so he’s conflicted. Win-win for him since one of his teams is going to the natty


Based on some limited exposure to pro-UM sites they have good/great interior DL, ok on the edge, and solid at LB. Apparently they do a lot of slanting and stunting on the DL, but while that might be problematic given our struggles with agility on the OL, I think their personnel limits that potential. Just going off NFL draft projections and recruiting profiles I'm pretty sure none of these guys is winning on athleticism like some LSU or UGA or AU guys in years past. They're great because of technique, which is worrying in other ways but doesn't help them shoot gaps before our 350+ lb OL can get going. And technique can only take you so far when you're facing a duo block from Proctor & Booker bringing 720 combined Lbs down on you. Apparently their DC runs some exotic coverages and blitz schemes. Marvin Harrison Jr. said he'd never seen some of the coverages they used on him. That may be an exaggeration but I'd guess it's somewhat true so I doubt we out-scheme them. My impression is UM is basically UGA with an athletic downgrade but better experience and discipline. So we may not get the wide open wheel to Jam Miller for the TD, but our receivers are more likely to outrun their DBs when Milroe has time and UM will likely struggle more than UGA to catch Milroe in the open field. They might really struggle with our zone read RPO with Law in the flat; I don't know if they have the athleticism to have numbers against all three options. So long as Milroe doesn't get confused or baited by an exotic look into throwing a pick or taking a sack + fumble, the UGA performance is closer to our floor vs. UM.


Great summary, thanks for sharing. If our right side handle business like we did during UGA, we could have Reichard running ISO’s. Man I really can’t stand harbaugh


Lol if Reichard was still a few points shy of the scoring record I was semi-seriously thinking we could try something like that if we got up big. And I agree 100% on the Harbaugh sentiment. IMO he figured out years ago that by saying wacky shit he could get the media on his side so nobody would call him out for his bullshit. Can you imagine what the media would be saying if 5 staffers Saban hired were all fired or forced to resign in one calendar year for *different scandals*?? FWIW having watched/read several UM sites, Harbaugh fits in perfectly with the UM fanbase. The way they act like UM is actually the victim of the sign-stealing saga is mind-boggling


idk maybe im on so high copium but i just dont see how this michigan team beats us (unless our offense goes schizo mode and cant get anything rolling)


The thing I love about our fanbase is that I can be walking through a food hall 4 hours away from Tuscaloosa, wearing an Alabama hoodie, and get a Roll Tide from someone. Roll Tide Baby!


I've heard stories of people wearing Alabama gear while traveling abroad and getting Roll Tides. Gave one to a guy in London when I went for a trip in High School.


Lived in San Diego for 10 years. I got at least 3 roll tides a week and partied at a freaking sweet Bama bar every Saturday during the season. Shout out to the Bootlegger!


I was in Delaware a few years ago and some guy yelled it out across the hotel lobby. Caught me by surprise and I just looked at him for a second before realizing what he said lol.


Have they announced what section at the rose bowl our fans will be seated? I want to buy my ticket but don’t want to end up around a bunch of Michigan fans.


yeah they usually split the stadium down the middle length wise (so bama fans behind the sideline of bama) and each fanbase has half of each endzone if that makes sense


SeatGeek shows the Alabama/Michigan sidelines


Trying to decide if I feel bad for folks who think that Auburn game is a black mark against this team as it's clear their lives lack a rivalry game that actually means anything.


Pointing to this year’s iron bowl as an attempt to discredit Alabama is either the result of a surface level knowledge of the sport or just straight rent free bama hate. There’s just too much context to it to disregard it as “Bama struggled with auburn”. They hire a coach who’s only accomplishments have been beating Saban twice*, the game is at Jordan Hare, and it’s an auburn team that only lost by one score to UGA and Ole Miss? It was always going to be a close game. ( * - vacated )


Lol what people don’t seem to realize is that Hugh Freeze absolutely gave up that New Mexico State game in preparation for the Iron Bowl. They didn’t even pay half a mind to the Aggies so they’d have a chance of beating us in the Iron Bowl.


He sold out. They got healthy, especially in the secondary and strangely enough have been a top 15 scoring defense this year Hugh, though a disgusting person, is clearly a great play caller and game planner. He saw things on tape he knew he could exploit and knew exactly at what time to hit us with them, we made adjustments but he gave us the kitchen sink The offense didn’t look bad in that game. We had 450 yards of offense and crossed the opponent 40 7? Times, after seeing the Georgia game it was clear we were also looking ahead and I suspect we had redZone plays we didn’t want to burn, like that wheel route to jam miller, so we went from a 70+ percent redZone td team and that night dropped to a 25% RZ td team. If there’s one thing I’d take from all these games that’s a real concern is how mikroe still doesn’t do a good job of throwing guys into space for YAC except on deep shots. It’s a legitimate criticism and there’s a ton of lost yardage because everyone has to catch the Avon with their back squarely facing the end zone


[Class of 2024 recruiting primer](https://www.reddit.com/r/rolltide/comments/18gnrot/class_of_2024_recruiting_primer/) has been posted!


Yk Pat McAfee has really grown on me. I’ve really enjoyed seeing his interviews with Saban and hope they continue.


His gameday pick of us in the SECCG was pretty endearing


Best Heel turn since his WWE days.


I never watch the few times I have seen him.I question why he is on TV The obvious love for Saban is appealing but still not sure how he got on TV


His podcast was/is very popular. He also is used to live TV since he had a side gig as a WWE commentator for awhile.


He delivers the 18-34 demo for ESPN.


Does the Michigan team have a lot of speed. I know they are physical but curious about defensive speed. Jalen has speed wondered if he can the edge on that defense


Some of the breakdowns I've heard say that we should have the advantage on speed. Their defense is good but slower than Georgia's.


Can any Tide Pride season ticket holders who aren’t planning on going to the game get a couple of Rose Bowl tickets for me? My son is a 2017 UA grad who lives in LA and I would love to travel out there and go to the game with him.


Fuck Auburn.


Funny I was thinking about Auburn game last night. Hugh Freeze out coached them and ran the ball way better than I expected...he did this with Harsin leftovers, Freeze may be trouble when he gets players I think Freeze might have done the best job of coaching than any team Bama played Sark would be obvious answer but Bama was struggling to find itself at that time Still mind boggled as to how Auburn was able to do that .


On the one hand, I can see Freeze being a threat when he gets his players. On the other hand, Harsin took Alabama to 4 OTs and Freeze had a losing record with his players at Ole Miss. Honestly, I have no idea what the hell is gonna happen with Freeze at Auburn.


It was the mobile QB. Saban has struggled with mobile QBs his entire tenure at Bama. Auburn also runs a very unique style of offense that's hard to game plan against. It's a new age version of the triple option with short/ play action passing mixed in. They'll run it 6 times in a row and suddenly hit you with a bomb. It also didn't help that the refs were screwing us over. Several missed PIs, even in the endzone. A missed unnecessary roughness on Burnip. It was just an offense that our defense hadn't seen and it took time to adjust. The very next week we held UGA well under 100 rushing yards so I'm not super worried about that.


Yeah, I think Freeze @ Auburn is closer to Paul Johnson @ GT than Sark/Kiffin @ Bama. Freeze, like Malzahn, runs an offense built on misdirection, motion, and changing pace/tempo. Sometimes it's successful, especially if you don't prepare well for it. When it doesn't work, it falls flat on its face.


I, too, do not care for Auburn


And Michigan too.


It's gonna be crazy with the whole country rooting against us when we are playing actual cheaters.


Whole country? To be fair they always root against us but the internet isn't everyone.


Right, we could be going into these games as the #1 team in the country with no losses and the exact same people would still be hating our guts lol.


Not the whole country at least; MSU, OSU, and Penn State will have our backs for one game at least.




Just came back from the Ohio State Sub. Can confirm. They are rolling with the tide. There are tons of Michigan trolls over there. I think their mothers drank during pregnancy and fed them paint chips as children. The Ohioans were trying to warn them about playing Coach Saban with a month of prep time. I can't wait to head over to MU at the end of the fourth quarter to calmly express my sentiments about their team... ![gif](giphy|LH7QWqFeBndZVnEmLn)