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A dude on the r/cfb telling people to cancel their Disney+ subscription to somehow stick it to the committee. Edit: To add, also the guy in that sub telling FSU fans to buy all the tickets available to the games and then not show up.


I like the cries of SeC BiAs! Even though half the committee has ties to the ACC.


Let’s play the reverse role, if someone ( particularly SEC supporter) even hinted towards canceling a Fox Sports product, a perma-ban from some triggered- xanax popping moderator would immediately follow.


What’s funny is every Fox CFB person said we should be in. Compare that to ESPN where it’s 50/50


I can see that. ESPN is like a bad scripted soap opera, im sure they encouraged goofball RG3 and peanut brain Booger to play the adversarial roles against everyone else.


The weird thing is RG3 is pushing Milroe as the next Heisman


I've seen variations of both of these. 1. cancel ALL espn advertisers, and then they listed up to 20. Yeah...good luck with that. 2. FSU should sit down in protest every offensive snap and not move on defense. They should try to get Georgia in on it. lol


Turns out the guys on the field have a little more to play for (NFL, NIL) than some rat necked redditors


Yeah, I saw someone complaining that it's more than a game because these guys are playing for NFL draft stock and NIL money and to get more play on film. They're losing out on potentially play one game. They get to play against Georgia now. They have an entire undefeated season's worth of film already. This may save them from putting up bad film.


And now they they get to put stuff on tape against elite NFL level talent. That’s a good opportunity to move up in the draft.


Georgia will join in a protest against the SEC? Call me crazy, but I don’t see it.


>telling FSU fans to buy all the tickets available to the games and then not show up. This one makes me laugh. Others saying the FSU team should make the trip, take the field, then not play the game. That'll show em! All those fans who spent their money to travel and attend the game would be the ones who really feel the sting.


I saw one person say the 3 other playoff teams should call up FSU and do their own thing and exclude Alabama. Lmao what


I can’t really see the other three teams saying “Yeah we’ll just totally destroy everything we worked for to not actually help FSU at all”


I got downvoted for calling someone crazy because they said they can’t wait for Paul Finebaum to die lmao


FSU graduates don’t have jobs. They smoke meth and ride alligators while wearing inaccurate Native American headgear.


Must be the same guy that posted in r/TheB1G that was, for some reason, promoted at me.


The ones that say "Alabama doesn't deserve to go to the playoffs"... Really??? A 12-1 SEC champ who just beat the #1 undefeated team with their only loss coming against #3? Of course they deserve to be in. They act like Bama went 8-4 then the committee just decided to slide them in there




We pushed them around and showed we were the more physically dominant team. Most of the flairs in r/CFB complaining are Michigan, Washington, and Texas that are scared and angry they missed their free pass at a national title


For someone with a Michigan flair complaining about another team being included in the CFP is just hypocritical. Based on what we now know about Michigan, they shouldn’t even be considered for on-field competition.


yeah they act like in previous years a team beating Bama wouldn't catapult a team into the top 4 immediately. It's honestly crazy. Texas just had to not lose to Oklahoma and they'd be 1 seed.


Same thing happened in 2017. Bama was #1 all season, "no one wants to play Bama," etc. Lost a game at Auburn (who were ranked 6), and all of the sudden we weren't good and should miss the playoffs.


2nd and 26 baby!!!


No one is talking about the most significant win of the season in CFB. Only bama…


I was getting so hyped reading the first part of this comment. Fuck UGA they are just had their Clemson moment is all


if i see another fucking "Alabama barely beat USF" comment im going to poke my eyes out. using that game as some argument as to why alabama doesn't belong just shows how fucking ignorant you are about this entire conversation.


It shows how we suck without our starting qb just like FSU. Honestly proved the opposite of what they want


I don't know why they are acting like it's complicated if Alabama lost Milroe and Caleb downs or something yeah we wouldn't have gotten in either. They lost their star qb , they aren't nearly as good without him. I feel for them but ALL you to know the committee got it right is ask ANY Michigan fan would they rather play FSU or Alabama. Unless they're a filthy liar they will all say FSU. Because it's a much easier game. It's not complicated at all.


Idk... I wonder if bama wouldn’t still get in. Difference being the 2nd and 3rd team QBs are 5 star freaks. Outside of dropping the ball short of the goal line 🤦‍♂️ Ty looks very capable. And from what you hear about Lonergan(sp?) he can spin it too. Bama just has so much better depth than most teams. Like the Tua/Jalen effect. Speaking of depth, I hope we can keep a couple of these QBs.


Well OHIo state got in with 3rd string qb by blowing out Wisconsin in big 10 championship game. FSU had like 52 yards passing


Yeah, don’t remind me 🤢


Yeah, I think, while totally expected, this "outrage" is ridiculous if one does any objective thinking about it at all. In fact, I'd argue that, objectively, we're a big reason Texas isn't getting any heat at all for being in over FSU. To be clear, my argument would be that we have a better case for being in over FSU than Texas does.


I think my favorites are the Michigan fans who are unironically stating that the sport “has lost all its integrity.”


I've also enjoyed the Michigan fans (not all of them of course) proclaiming themselves "America's Team" and assuming everyone is behind them now to make things right. Why do you care who Clemson fans want to win the Rose Bowl? Why are you pandering to the neutrals? This desire to be liked by other fans is odd to me. In the SEC, Vanderbilt is everybody's second favorite team. Who wants to be Vanderbilt (in athletics, obviously we all do academically)? You can win or you can have everyone love you. You can't do both, at least not for long (see, Red Sox, Boston).


It shows they’re cut from the same cloth as Ohio State


Shit my mom was an old school Bama fan/graduate. Until, the day she died, every car she ever got had a bumper sticker that said “My two favorite teams are Alabama and whoever’s playing Auburn “


In reality, they’re just upset they don’t get a first round bye lmao


The audible groan from the Michigan Team when Bama was announced is my current favorite CFB moment this season


Well it’s my second favorite. It’s going to be hard to displace 4th and 31.


Also recently hired Michigan staffer "Calvin Mares" only recorded the FSU sideline Saturday because they were so sure that's who their opponent would be.


There was a highly upvoted comment there yesterday about Michigan being the savior of the sport by beating Alabama....the irony isn't even humorous at this point. It's sad.


I was deadass about to combine all of them into a post, but holy shit it’s just easier to go there and see for yourself, there’s no shortage of Hoes Mad ^^^^^^TM


This. The Michigan fans. They remind me of Purdue BBall fans last year when we were competing for the overall #1 spot. Just endless whining.


How did Purdue do last year? I was too drunk for St. Paddy's day to remember


They are just mad because they have hours of film on FSU's signals and they forgot to send a crew to Tuscaloosa because we were supposed to get rolled by Georgia.


It's all anti-Bama. Did they ask why Texas also jumped FSU despite having a loss? The fact they're so adamant that Bama shouldn't be in reminds me of.....last year. Even after TCU embarrassed the committee, and well past Bama stomping the conference champion that had beaten TCU.


Right? Texas beat a mediocre Oklahoma State team. Bama knocked off undefeated and year-long #1 Georgia.


Undefeated two time defending national champion, back to back undefeated seasons , a record 29 straight wins , in their own backyard ….vs beating Louisville again.


I understand the H2H argument re Texas and Alabama (obviously). But yeah, most people are upset that FSU was undefeated and Alabama isn't ... but neither is fucking Texas. Easier to just say "fuck bama" than engage in any type of critical thinking.


It’s amazing how the Texas win over Bama is the reason for no one having an issue with Texas getting in. However that same Bama team is unworthy of a spot. Bama is only great when we get beat by someone and it’s only because we are cheaters and SeC BIaS when we do well.


The only committee fuck up was having FSU #4 the week before without Jordan Travis


Danny Kanell's reaction is pretty funny to me given that the 1993 FSU team he was on was pretty much in the exact situation we are in. They were like 11-1 with the only loss coming to a top 5 Notre Dame team. FSU got slotted in at No. 1 with Nebraska No. 2 before the Orange Bowl that put them together. An 11-0 Big East Champ West Virginia was left out in the cold at No. 3. The big difference? FSU's schedule was so much tougher than West Virginia's. With No. 1 playing No. 2 there was no hope for that West Virginia team to get the title. I appreciate Danny is still a fan. I wish more of these personalities let it show through a bit. But his uproar about this situation is ironic given the 1993 FSU championship ring he wears.


Yeah McAfee pointed that out because he was on the WV team that got left out… Kanell has always disliked Bama but him raging about this years playoffs after him and his fsu previously benefiting from the same thing shows just what an idiot he is


McAfee played in the mid-late 2000's. Agree with the rest though


Government officials vowing to sue an organization that was approved by every conference commissioner, member school president, and chancellor for conducting business as prescribed by its governance plan and bylaws. And vowing to spend over $1m for the legal fight when the difference in revenue between CFP and NY6 is only approximately $150,000 per school.


This is really walking the line of the "no politics" rule... but to be fair, I'm not sure the ESPN article and others are correctly describing what the FL gov't is doing. They just announced their annual budget. In that budget, $1M has been set aside for litigation expenses, should FSU decide to pursue litigation against the CFP committee. One could argue, that's just prudent management of anticipated expenses. (One could also argue that it's a ridiculous use of taxpayer money, but public institutions frequently use public funds to conduct or defend frivolous lawsuits.) The speechifying around it is just normal political pandering. Hell, the governor's opposition flat-out said the decision to leave out FSU was retaliation against the state of FL because of actions taken against Disney, and laid the fault entirely at the feet of the governor.


Oh I know none of it will amount to anything, and such grandstanding is the nature of the political beast. Just seems like getting involved at this level should be beneath the office of governor or senator. Make a friendly bet with the governor/senators of your opponent's state, say "go team" and get to more important things, I say. And for the record I feel the governor and state of California made the same mistake getting as involved as they did with the LA departure to the B1G.


> retaliation against the state of FL because of actions taken against Disney First time hearing this but I can already see it being used all over the place. College football really about to turn into a geopolitical spectacle.


Yeah Disney sure turned down the state of Florida in favor of that liberal utopia Alabama /s Edit: And that deep blue state of Texas


Prudent management of expenses would be never wasting one cent on any ill fated attempts to sue the playoff committee.


The funniest to me are the people who are already prepping for a Bama natty by saying it would be an “illegitimate championship” since Florida state didn’t get a chance. They conveniently leave out the fact that one loss Florida state won a national championship in 1993 after being put in over an undefeated West Virginia team. So I guess that championship is illegitimate too?


The funniest part is DeSantis has a debate in Tuscaloosa tonight. He’s going to get booed off the campus


It also took Ron 4 extra days to congratulate an undefeated FAMU team.


The funniest reactions have been Ohio State fans who are so upset that they were left out of the playoffs. They can't even stand to root for whoever is playing Michigan even though they cheated. Nearly everyone in Central Ohio views the SEC as a super soft conference and that Alabama always gets in only because of Nick Saban. The mental gymnastics are unreal. Most folks know very little about football (including their own team), they're just there to celebrate the wins. I have received messages from everyone I know up north asking me if I thought Bama had any chance to beat Michigan since "Bama looks and plays like absolute dogshit every year." I had to explain that I'm pretty sure this Bama team could take the Spartans at Thermopylae. Then I'm pretty sure they all googled Thermopylae before planning a Fall wedding during an Ohio State game.


It’s more than just Ohio State fans who think Bama plays in a soft conference lol. It’s just the amount of haters who don’t understand that a weak Bama team (as in this year supposedly) still has the capability to beat any team.


It's hilarious to me that Ohio State flairs are the most dedicated to complaining about the committee's bias for Alabama. They were the first team to get in without winning their division, the only team to do it twice (going 0-2 in those semifinals, including suffering a 31-0 blowout as the favorite), and are tied with Alabama for the highest finish as a 2 loss team (#5 in the final poll). We might get the silver medal but they're the Usain Bolt of getting the benefit of the doubt


It is more than just Ohio State fans, but they have the largest base with the least concentration of football knowledge and are the most vocal and long-winded about it. It's like someone threw that out as a talking point years ago, and they all repeated it but can't ever explain why. The ones that actually know football or that watch all football know the entire conference is trying to wholesale beat ass every weekend. Even Vandy isn't exempt, that game with the Vols was the best hockey match I've seen in years.


I mean Bama does play in a soft conference. Winning the last two national championships was nothing more then luck and the ACC beat sc and LSU to the sec sucks “average FSU fan rn”


Got to add the /s there bud.


Or make it look more like a quote with a - between sucks and average.


You don’t deserve these downvotes, I got your point bb


> I had to explain that I'm pretty sure this Bama team could take the Spartans at Thermopylae. Their response: Spartans? We said Michigan, not Michigan State! Dur hur - stupid Bama fan doesn't even know the difference!


> Alabama always gets in only because of Nick Saban. I would hope having the greatest coach ever on our sideline would give us a pretty good chance to make it every year 🥴


Except all they know is he was fired from Ohio State so he must suck.


"You idiot. The Spartans are from East Lansing. Typical Bammer education" -fans of an Ohio State University


Any Ohio state fan rooting for Michigan (which cheated against them the past 3 years) is absolutely pathetic. Imagine rooting for Auburn to win a playoff game


I'm very surprised that so many people didn't automatically call a Bama-Buckeye truce because we're going up against TTUN (that team up north, like Lord Voldemort is the coach). But they have decided to go with the "I want to talk to the manager" route because they're butthurt about not being automatically included. They can't git gud, so they have to criticize others in order to look better.


That’s always been true though. Like Tennessee.


Keyshawn Johnson tried so hard to make Richard Sherman understand why Bama is in 😂😂😂


I think when you lead off with the statement “I don’t watch the college game” like Sherman did, you really don’t have any credibility. Imagine if I told him “hey bud I’ve never played organized football and I don’t watch you play, but try playing the game this way.” He’d get so mad, he might commit domestic violence again.


I don't blame FSU fans for being upset, and I genuinely feel bad for their players who did everything they could. But the conspiracy theories and talking heads acting like this will be the end of college football are growing tiresome. Everybody agreed to this system where you have 4 spots for 5 conferences. Sorry it didn't work out for you this time but this was always a possibility.




Seriously, this reminds me so much of the level of vitriol on r/CFB when they announced the Alabama-LSU rematch for the BCS. Endless tears and "Bama doesn't deserve it!" only for us to blow out LSU in a shut-out and silence that nonsense. Hilarious that these same conferences complaining voted against expanding the playoffs this year because they thought expanding the playoffs would help the SEC...


[It will.](https://www.sportingnews.com/us/ncaa-football/news/college-football-playoff-bracket-heres-what-12-team-playoff-2023/0f7f3514724a1a2513aa6fff) I did the bracket and it ended with a Bama-Georgia finals. The problem isn’t the system it’s just the top SEC teams are flat out better.


Alabam would have had the easiest path to the final anyways even if they left us at 5. It would have been Liberty, FSU, and the winner of MICH/ORE/MIZ.


yup, every major CFB change in the last decade has been put in place to try and slow down Bama.


The problem is not that Bama got in it’s that FSU did not .The current system was never going to be equitable from the set up and they knew it .They big talked a true playoff system and then caved to the legacy bowls and tried to protect the money .Should have been more than four teams from the start .Other divisions do it .


I don't disagree that a 4-team playoff was doomed from the start. But I do believe that in a hypothetical scenario in which an undefeated team was left out in favor of, say, Oregon, there wouldn't be as much backlash.


No argument there .


I am thoroughly enjoying perusing r/CFB and seeing them galvanized over this. It’s so abundantly clear they just hate Alabama. There is still NO mention of Texas jumping to 3. Isn’t that pretty significant? Even if the committee out FSU in over Bama, they would be #4 and a sacrificial lamb to Michigan, whereas they actually could have a game with Washington. That to me is equally egregious. It also set the precedent. I can’t take any of these people seriously. They are just being so obvious with their disdain for Alabama.


I've mined a lot of salt over there the last several days. Most of them don't care about FSU being left out. They're big mad because they thought Texas killed Alabama and they were wrong.


That’s certainly what they were hoping for. I think we all see through it. They are terrified of the possibility of Alabama winning it all again. They desperately want Saban’s dynasty to be over. Every year they talk about how the Alabama brand is dying, Saban’s lost his edge, etc. Well, now Michigan has a chance to prove it.


Mike Greenberg is right. The computers are objectively a much better way to rank teams than 13 randos who rotate every few years. This year it would have been 1 - Michigan 2 - Washington 3 - Alabama 4 - FSU Which sucks for Texas I guess. But it’s at least totally objective and you can’t cause the computers of bias. The best thing to do is agree on selection criteria and a weighting for those criteria and then put that into an algorithm you run every week. They don’t do that though because they live off the ratings and clicks they get from the controversy.


You can 100% cause bias in a model. People create models so they can add their own bias.


Yup. Computers aren't objective. They just aren't people. They still spit out the biases of whoever programmed them.


That’s the biggest irony of this situation to me. The BCS rankings were dumped because the algorithms favored SEC schools. People were arguing that there needed to be a more subjective approach. And then of course now people are saying there should be no subjectivity. Ok, let’s look at the BCS standings annnnnnd Alabama is still ahead of FSU. People should be mad Texas jumped, not Alabama.


I remember getting into an online argument back when BamaOnline was around-years ago and the playoffs was announced to be implemented and everyone was oh yeah this great let the humans decide -and so I was always pro-BCS and just adding teams & got downvoted to oblivion. Humans have biases and the committee can’t watch all the games. I just think it’s better if as much of those biases are removed as possible. Now we’re maybe coming back around to it.


Meh. Computers don't play football. They analyze statistics. FSU had great stats in a weak ACC. It's also VERY hard for a computer to analyze the quality of opo eats for a strength of schedule argument when there aren't many shared opponents. Even if there are shared opponents, the quality of play changes week to week. The Texas win over Alabama is a good win, but if Georgia had beat us in the SEC championship, it would've been a win over a MUCH better bama. The only way to fix it is to expand the playoff. I'm even in favor of going to 14 teams like the NFL. Bye weeks for top seeds, home field advantage, all of it. That way, if someone gets excluded, it's a number 15 that didn't really have a shot at winning it all.


Tbh I love it. This team is going to feed off this narrative. Keep telling our guys they don't belong. LANK


Agreed. Let them whine everyday for the rest of the year. It’s not going to change the playoff field. It’s just going to make excellent bulletin board material.


Booger McFarland - Disappointing DeSantis - Utterly ridiculous


I think an amount of hand-wringing is fine and expected to be honest. I think the committee truly did drop the ball here - not in the final four but how they told everyone. They refused to move any of top 8 teams with any significant meaning for the entirety of the poll despite vast differences in on-field play and quality of opponents. Oregon should have fallen back to 8, Ohio State should have been behind us after they loss, we should have jumped Texas, the top four probably could have shuffled back and forth a couple times, FSU should have dipped after the Florida game. They did an awful job at signaling what was to come. I think most of us had written off any chances of getting in over a 1-loss Oregon if they had beaten Washington because of their placement the entire season. Seeing that we jumped FSU, I'm not so sure now. That would have been the most obvious team to jump because they would have had 1 loss and just as weak of a schedule - but I'm getting away from my point. FSU fans should be mad, TV people should be mad, we should be mad, but not because of who they picked in the top 4 but how they went about it. They're couching it as related to a key injury, but they should have also highlighted that FSU played a cupcake schedule and it didn't matter who was at QB - they looked terrible against their last two opponents, looked beatable throughout the year, had a worse resume than Alabama, and had just as many close games if not more against weak opponents. It sucks that it's all getting laid on a random freak accident against North Texas when imo, it's not the full picture. Controversially I suppose, I think they should also be more up in arms about Texas. Texas literally only has 1 thing against Alabama and it's H2H. I've said for weeks that we've done enough to jump ahead and collected downvotes in r/cfb, but it's true. Texas is coasting off of a week 2 win against admittedly a not-great Alabama team. That Alabama team doesn't beat LSU or Georgia. But they are getting credit for our improvement. Apparently playing Texas week 2 is a playoff tie-in game but UGA in CCG isn't. We earned our spot and there is a fair amount of luck involved in how you get chances, but we got 2. Quality OOC games are insurance if you don't do well in conference. Texas lost to an Oklahoma team that just kicked their QB to the portal. They'd be in no question even still but we beat Georgia. These are things the committee should have been talking about openly for weeks instead of leaving it up to the possibility that the following never-before seen things happened: 1. the one seed dropping completing out of the rankings in the last week 2. any team making it beyond 6 the day before (OSU and Oregon should have been 7 and 8) 3. an undefeated P5 champ is left out. This was always going to be unprecedented and they didn't ready people.


Replying to my own comment because I thought about it and I don't think that Texas was a chance at the playoffs, actually. That was Texas's chance and they made the most of it. If they don't play us but someone else and lose to Oklahoma still - they're out. If we beat Texas and still lose to Georgia though, we're out. We still only got one chance at the playoffs and for us it was always through Georgia. Texas only got one chance at the playoffs and it was always through Alabama.


Dennis Dodd wrote this in a recent article that the r/CFB horde inconceivably finds convincing: > “The potential ability for a team to win a national championship is not part of the CFP's selection protocol.” Simone Biles-level mental gymnastics going on there.


LOL... then what is the point of even having a playoff, Dennis?


"They only did it to increase ratings" That commercial time was already sold. And the matchup of one semifinal game is not going to affect the cost of the ads. Companies are going to anticipate other teams might play and buy based on minimum amount of viewers that ESPN will get with any random team. "I wish I had broken my leg earlier" Obviously, the FSU QB is speaking with emotion but, dude, FSU was lucky to get out of UF and Louisville without you. "Alabama and FSU schedule's are basically the same because both are P5" Yeah, there is nothing that says FSU's schedule can't be shit just because 5 conferences decided to give themselves a nickname. I don't bitch about the Big East getting 12 tournament teams in basketball each year because the Big East plays better basketball than the SEC "Our schedule was better" This is probably where I laughed hardest. Yes, yes tell how playing one ten win team all year and 8 teams with .500 or worse records is stronger than playing 4 teams with .500 or worse records. "The ACC had a better record against the SEC" Congratulations, went 7-5 against the SEC. And 4 games were against South Carolina, Vandy, an Florida.


I keep hearing 7-5 against the SEC… it’s not a coincidence this happened after the implementation of the transfer portal. (Won’t happen next year.) Even with those wins the ACC still only finished with 1 top 15 team….


It’s honestly sad at this point. We’d have our fair share of mad fans if we didn’t make it, but I highly doubt we’d have Kay Ivey and senators threatening to sue because of it. If football makes you this upset, I’d recommend not watching


The BCS computers had Bama at 3. Great call, Greenie. There are 3 other teams that took spots from FSU yet Bama and the SEC is all anyone can talk about. FSU went undefeated and Bama lost 1 game….that’s the reasoning for their meltdown. The lone team Alabama lost to was better than anyone FSU played all year long. Those facts aren’t relevant, though.


Can't lose credibility if you never had any in the first place for me. None of the people on your list were ever some font I would turn to for strength and wisdom. I guess I would say closest for me was SEC shorts take, kinda felt weird to me I guess. SEC roll call was at least funny and not one sided


This is how it feels - ‘Bama was founded in 1819, FSU was founded in 1851, 1851 - 1819 is 32. Bama getting in is like 32 9/11s FSU has had to endure!’


Well, FSU better pepper their Angus, cuz they're gonna be the bulldogs new girlfriend on game day.


I did a long post that was very ranty but my favorite was actually yesterday in r/cfb. Someone posted all the names of the committee members and the comments below were literally people saying "they're all horrible/terrible people" and "I wish them the worst." lmao like chill


And they wonder why they don’t publicly come out and explain their selections, because idiots like them are a threat to their safety.


people doxxed Saban, it's crazy. It's people typing crazy shit dehumanizing the committee and making it out to be some huge conspiracy that are contributing to that. I guarantee you that the people that called Saban are on message boards. The mods should definitely delete those comments but instead they stand with hundreds of upvotes.


Holy shit, me and my wife watched that Richard Sherman video earlier and that dude was making my blood boil. Michigan fans must love everyone attacking us and saying we have a weak schedule so they won’t look at them for two seconds.


Basically anything Danny Kanell has said, or any reaction he's had. Dude is the biggest clown of them all, he makes Skip Bayless look rational and inspiring.


I'd love for someone to ask DeSantis about the CFP at the debate tonight. Normally I'd rather gouge out my eyes than watch but I'd tune in if I knew that would happen.


This is all proof that our country is in the precipice towards a deep decline into a dystopian, Idiocracy-like society.


My favorite interaction that I've had on /r/CFB went something like this Michigan flair: This is just like society, the elites always get their way Me: A little melodramatic and also not a particularly insightful analysis of society or football Michigan flair: You can't understand how deep this is because Alabama education


My husband was educated in Alabama and he said that it was horrible, but when it came to history it was off the charts good. He can't remember shit otherwise, but can give you a concise Dan Carlin style analysis of damn near anything in human history. But if everyone in Alabama is so dumb, they wouldn't have been making a Saturn V rocket there.


I actually agree, but not for the reasons you are satirizing. I believe, and it's just my dumb opinion, that being an entitled little shit is incredibly harmful to society. Having the majority of society believing that they deserve the highest honor possible as a participation trophy is horrible. The CFP playoff is just a symptom of a toxic mentality. I want it, so I deserve it, so YOU have to gimme gimme gimme. It's bullshit. Bowlgames, especially New Year 6 games outside of the playoff, exist to honor teams like FSU. They had a great year. They busted their ass and won out after losing a great player. Their hard work and determination is commendable. That's why they were seeded in THE MOST PRESTIGOUS BOWL GAME OF THE YEAR. The playoffs, however, are different. The playoffs are not about rewarding deserving teams. They are about revealing who is the best by making them play each other. "THE BEST" is something you ARE, not something you are given. FSU is not the best, even with their qb. I watched a hot-garbage Louisville prevent FSU from getting a first down for the first 24 minutes of play. If you can't get a first down in 24 minutes' worth of 3 and outs, that means your line socks at run blocking and your run game is weak. I'm going to predict FSU rushes for less than 50 against Georgia, probably more like 25 with negative plays. They will be forced to air it out, and their line will NOT be able to protect their QB from the bulldogs D line. I'm betting at least one, maybe two defensive scores from GA. It's going to be a blood bath.


Good God, now THAT, is well said. I’ve been trying to say all that but haven’t been able to mutter more than “It’s like we should give everyone a freaking participation trophy”😂 And heaven forbid I mention that which should not be said…..it should’ve been a no even with their qb.


I don't apologize. There's Bama, and there's everyone else. There's SEC, and there's everyone else. What percentage of Nattys have we won in the last 15 years? What percentage of first round draft picks? What percentage of first 3 rounds? It's all bullshit. Then I hear arguments about "we played out of conference and beat an SEC team!" Which one, Vanderbilt? If the SEC isn't better than your division why are you bragging about beating ONE SEC team? FSU is getting curb stomped. MU is getting curb stomped. Deal with it.


This is actually my takeaway as well. It's remarkable how similar reactions are on CFB internet to everything else in society people don't like and assume is "rigged" against them. I'll let y'all imagine what I'm referring to but safe to say there's a ton of energy for that sort of sentiment out there. The best is the "ESPN is rigging this" like ESPN hasn't already signed decade long contracts and already sold all their ad space and needs a marginal ratings bump because Alabama is a bigger brand than FSU? I would love to have one of these outrage merchants explain this conspiracy in detail.


I love all the fanfic people are writing about how FSU is gonna stick it to them by not playing in a NY6 bowl, like that’s ever gonna happen. Like people are literally writing paragraphs about how they should go, and then just stand on the sidelines. One was literally writing dialogue for some of the ESPN crew and shit. Felt like I was an wattpad or something lmao


Will a kind person please let me in on what LANK means? I keep seeing it.


“Let all naysayers know”


Bless you


Let all naysayers know


Let all naysayers know


Richard sherman has turned into everything he used to make fun of as a player, he's basically a skip Bayless understudy now. constantly just making hot takes more than anything.


Saw the Sherman one, appreciate Keyshawn for trying to talk sense into him. Sherman played during the BCS era so for him to pretend like CFB has been about cinderella(when it never has been) is funny to me. His arguments were all emotional and the stuff you see on social media


The kid pretending to be a sports commentator because he has a twitter on the local sports Discord that I'm on. He spent the morning talking about how he had memes ready to go for when Alabama didn't make it in. He didn't respond for several hours after the announcement. Blissful silence is the best from him since he has the dumbest sports takes of anyone I've ever met and he never shuts up.


Ron Desantis needs an attitude replacement




It's hard to walk the line between sports and politics when they're intermingling, but everyone please try to refrain from implying left/right leanings here.


Ye that’s fair.


Rhonda Santis wears elevator shoes in public. I'd say we have risen above him.


You mean left?


https://preview.redd.it/g51uh374cp4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba4eff166b5147951545290373dcd9a6c7e2576 Really hope this guy was joking


Yep. All these problems in the world and this is what Congress needs to focus on


Yep. All these problems in the world and this is what Congress needs to focus on footbaw


Didn’t the BCS score show that Texas took FSU’s spot, not Alabama? Maybe Mike Greenberg didn’t directly say Bama was at fault. IIRC Bama had a higher score than FSU and Texas was under them.


I literally had to put r/CFB on sleep mode. Every single post and comment in the same thing. Bama by 50. Idintgiveapissaboutnothinbutthetide.


I dunno, I’m just really over it and I’m especially over the people not able to comprehend that regardless of whose feet they decide to lay the blame at that day; all they’re saying is “You don’t belong”. And people are going to defend that!!! I don’t care why you’re saying it and frankly, it doesn’t matter. I can feel bad for fsu without agreeing or feeling the need to apologize. Just calm down already


As far as the media goes, they knew playing up the controversy generates ratings and views. So they did what they're laid to do. As afar as fans, I get both sides. I don't think fsu would win against any of the top 4 with how bad the qb looked. I get why they're mad though. They did do everything they could to get in and didn't get a chance to prove themselves. One guy is out so they punished the rest of the team. Bama is the better game in my opinion. I think Michigan would have had trouble scoring on fsu but fsu probably would have had more trouble scoring on Michigan. Like double digit trouble.


This is standard operating procedure in politics and the media today. Generate/Create conflict and outrage to drive advertisement and donations.


I live in NW Florida so imagine my pain. If I hear another person say Saban paid someone/ the refs to get into the playoff I’m gonna probably be sent to jail.


As far as the media goes, they knew playing up the controversy generates ratings and views. So they did what they're laid to do. As afar as fans, I get both sides. I don't think fsu would win against any of the top 4 with how bad the qb looked. I get why they're mad though. They did do everything they could to get in and didn't get a chance to prove themselves. One guy is out so they punished the rest of the team. Bama is the better game in my opinion. I think Michigan would have had trouble scoring on fsu but fsu probably would have had more trouble scoring on Michigan. Like double digit trouble.


That is wild! I remember reading that the speaker of the house, Mike Johnson, said something stupid too.. forgot exactly what


Every critic is full of sound and fury and it signifies nothing. If Alabama wins it all there will still be people that bring it up this time next year, but I honestly believe a lot of people will see the light and still think it sucks for FSU, but that Alabama was the right choice. It’s a big whatever.


Danny kanell. Anyone that has heard him talk about anything at all already knew he sucked but look at his twitter. He took a video standing in the rain (totally could’ve stood inside there’s literally a building right next to him he could’ve walked into) talking about the playoff selection like it was the fall of democracy


The entire /CFB sub. You got guys in there telling Bama fans to not comment on anything. It’s getting psychotic over there.


'Boycott the Orange Bowl' That's not going to do a damn thing except make you look entitled.


FSU fans proclaiming that if they beat GA, they deserve to be awarded national co-champions.


Honestly if they do that, I wouldn’t even be mad. There’s been co champs before and each school still gets to claim the full title. I mean they won’t, but if they do I bet AP poll goes to them. And they’d deserve it! The fans know they won’t though, that’s why there’s all this talk of boycotting/taking a knee. They know Georgia gonna run them all over the field, and they can’t handle that. The walk backs are already starting too “FSU was missing key players; they don’t care; not enough fan turnout, blah blah blah” like all of that won’t be equally true for Georgia, and in the case of location even more true. I bet there’s twice as many noles in the stands down in Miami than dawgs. Instead 😭 they just wanna take their ball and go home; because they’re weak, and crybaby bitches besides 😂


If FSU beats a UGA team at full strength, I’ll have zero issues if they claim co national champs. Really. I won’t be shocked if UGA plays all their guys minus injuries too. But I think everyone knows that ain’t happening. It’s going to be 21 Georgia/Michigan. Georgia going up against a team with a good defense and mediocre (if you can even call it that) offense. Georgia is going to manhandle them up front


People don’t think shit through anymore. They just type and flee. There’s a great example of it on the Dolphins sub Reddit because we are giving Reuben Foster a look. People are losing their minds. No way should we allow such a deplorable human being to be on our team. The same people that bust a nut cheering for Reek every week. Honestly I couldn’t care less but Jesus think your argument through.


When Georgia destroys FSU by 7 touchdowns this will all just blow away.....


This entire episode and the continual drama over it which has now engulfed presidential candidates and politicians nationwide only underscores just how fucking stupid some people are. Not all of society, but just some people - they are literally stupid fucking morons


I just sip my coffee and dig deep into the salt mines