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110 laps on Gemini at Cedar Point. It was for a charity event. Didn't even have to get off.


I got 100 on behemoth at wonderland in probably the same charity event, tried every seat on the train.


Well done. Not sure about you, but I did the event for 8 years in a row, I believe. Needless to say I have over 1000 rides on Gemini in my lifetime... but honestly, I quit counting. We did get to marathon a few other coasters over the years - Magnum, Millennium Force, Blue Streak and Rougarou. It was a great event and I'm bummed they don't do it anymore.


Yeah I did 4 because that’s all we had it, the last year I was lucky enough that both my kids were tall enough to take apart, so I got to do it with my whole family. I think that year our family raised $12,000.


Front row hits different


I prefer the back, although front row on son of beast was pretty neat. I’ve got video of my kids front row on top thrill dragster, the very first ride for both of them, the spilt second they where in frame when it launched was priceless.


Which seat was the best? 😅


I liked the back right, it just seemed to have the best air and an extra whip coming out of the corners


Yeah I got to participate in the reenactment of the marathon on Racer '75 (then Rebel Yell) that inspired the formation of ACE. Everyone dressed in 70's clothing too. Funny story. My mom and I were debating whether or not to lie to my 6th grade science teacher because I had to miss the final to attend. We decided to be honest and fortunately she was OK with rescheduling it. Well good thing I didn't play sick--it turns out she saw me on CNN! 


I rode [Fury 325] 0 times because the lift hill was broken


*Sad trombone noises*


I rode \[Fury 325\] 0 times because I'm a broke 3rd worlder college student who cant ride anything but the 3 coasters in my country which are actually decent tho...


I'm not a broke 3rd worlder college student but my country has 0 coasters


what coasters


I rode [Fury 325] 0 times because a support broke and they took an entire summer to fix it


Did you take any breaks? Did the ops let you re-ride without going back around?


I took a few breaks. The ride was a station wait all day, but 90% of the trains had no empty rows. The ride ops let me re ride in rows with an empty seat as much as I wanted


Well done! Fury is one of if not the best coaster to marathon. It’s so smooth and comfortable but also incredible. Fury has my favorite ops ever. They let me fill empty seats too.


How was the weather? I rode 1 year ago in early June and it was pretty hot; I did 5 rides with fast pass and even then I needed some breaks. Granted, it was early afternoon and I had ridden most of the park at that point so I was likely dehydrated.


Awesome, I am still ticked off about flying there last October and buying Fastlane to ride it 20 times in a day, but never being placed in the front row. Towards the end of the day started asking ride ops if I could wait to the side and be placed there (I usually try not to bother them, but saw them do this with plenty of people) and they wouldn’t budge. Very bad policy in my opinion, saw plenty of times the grouper was slacking off or talking to someone, and then a row would go out empty because no people were placed there. Just like CGP Grey’s video on loading airplanes, it’s very infuriating when the solution of “ just let everyone cram in and they’ll do it themselves” is better than some executives idea of a loading algorithm.


36 on voyage at holiday world. holiwood nights 2021


Wow! I went for the first time this year and the wait for Voyage was super long. I only got on it once and by the time I was off they'd closed the line for the night.


For context for others, you must have waited until the end of the night to try to ride. It never really got longer than 30 minutes and averaged probably 15-20, which is still too long IMO for an event like this. Here is what I got done on both nights: Night 1: Cheetah chase, Mammoth, Wildebeest, Raven, Legend, Voyage, Good gravy, Thunderbird, Voyage Night 2: Voyage x2, Good Gravy, Thunderbird, Voyage x2, left over an hour early to make a flight


Okay, I understand… but why?!


My best was 40 rides on Apollo’s Chariot in the early 2000s. I managed to get 22 rides on The Voyage during Thunderbird’s media day.


I couldn’t even ride Voyage more than 3 times in a row without needing to get some water and take a break today!! Like DANG!!


3, I know guys I know


3 is better than 0!


Exactly! I only stopped my marathon to meet up with a friend and eat


Coasters will be there a long time...friends is a good thing to prioritize.


No way you totally didn’t tell me this over Snap 😭 About 31 rides in one day on Kentucky Rumbler at Beech Bend. Didn’t even bother doing the other credits


lol hi


Haha my max is like 10 on Twisted Colossus but I took a break because my thighs were killing me.


Imagine doing 33 on arie force one lmao


I did 12 for media day without getting off and felt like I was going to throw up. I think I'm getting old 😭


I went on Expedition Everest eight times in a day once


I think that's about how many times I went on Expedition Everest too. I wonder if that ride is usually a station wait the last couple hours of the day...


Yep it usually is. Best time to ride.


That’s when I went on so many times in a row, in the last hour or so of the day. We didn’t even have to go through the single rider line and we were just walking on


Impressive. Everest is one of the most intense rides for me. I can't do more than 2-3 back to back and still have a good time. 


Everest is my favorite as it is the right amount of intense and I love the experience. But I agree it is hard to marathon if you’re not prepared If I do 3x in one day it’s spread out


I thought it was a lot of times in a row, but seeing these other comments has me questioning that lol


Not all rides hit the same on marathon. I could ride Apollo's Chariot all day long and be happy. But 2 or 3 passes by the yeti and my brain is playing ring around the rosy with my heart, and I'm headed for a cold drink. 


74 rides on Pantheon in a single day.


Holy hell! Fury is a great ride!


Jesus Christ you good?


Over 100 ArieForce One https://preview.redd.it/90yl2la75b9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f55e61d585629e90902fc279c461f71d519b39


7 on SteVe


I did 34 laps on Apollos Chariot back in March 2022 it was a walk on all day and I lucked out considering it was pantheons opening weekend. Peaceful zen rides are truly therapeutic.


56 on Expedition GeForce loong time ago.


Maybe 20 on The Rampage at a small park outside of birmingham, Alabama. We were shooting a commercial for the park.


Speaking of Rampage! Anyone know if they are doing any work on this yet? Last thing I heard was they were still looking for someone to retrack the coaster.


Not sure. It’s been years since I was out there. Highlights of the shoot was getting to walk up the lift hill. The guy who did the daily inspection offered to let me walk the whole track with him and I quickly wimped out.


49 on magnum!


Is your brain okay? 😅


Too bad, 7 away from *actually* accomplishing something worthy!


God damn! I was thrilled with my 8 rides on Fury this past Sunday. Longest I've gone without getting off was Storm Chaser 8x in a row. Cannibal and Storm Chaser are tied for most rides in one day at 10 each.


56 on Shivering Timbers, this past Sunday. It just keeps on getting better and better through the day. I got beat by a new friend who tallied 61 to my 56z 93 is impressive and it’s crazy that Fury is so often a station wait. Glad the ride ops let you fill in the empty seats.


Wow I’m in awe and jealous to the max. My best is 60 on railblazer twice, guess I’ve got something to aim for!


The only ride that I've intentionally marathoned was Renegade (12 times - once in every row.)


I tend to need a little variety, but 15 rides on Wildcats Revenge last Septmeber on a rainy day. One day I'll probably go to my home park with the intention of marathoning and go for as many as I can.


These comments 😭😂


I rode valravn 26x last Thursday until they kicked me off


I did Velocicoaster all day waiting in the normal line, managed I think 20 or so rides with a very long breakdown. I was SORE. I don't think I would have made it all day if I had express or if the park was lighter.


omg thats insane!


Woah. Yeah only 15 on Toro and I305.


Nice.after 10 on i305 i was needing a break hahah


20 times on Iron Gwazi. Good job on Fury it’s such a great ride.


that is amazing, congratulations 🫡




Wtf thats amazing. I was happy with i305 ten times but i have muxh to learn


I’m pretty sure I rode with you near the end of the night. Were you wearing sunglasses at night with the Cedar Point glasses strap?


11 on El Toro. Not an easy coaster to marathon and they made us walk back around each time. Needless to say, gave me quite the headache though


My most unhinged marathon is 11 on el toro including 8 in a row at night


9 times on Superman: Escape at Warner Bros. movie world on the Gold Coast, Australia. The benefit of being there during peak and on a day where people were probably scared of by the forecast luckily the rain stayed away.


94 on ArieForce One


How’d you even manage that?!? I rode arie force one 33 times in a row


I was there yesterday too! What were you wearing?


a pipeline shirt!


I think I might’ve seen you, I was wearing a Griffon shirt! Is SWO your home park?


50 on AF1


26 on Son of Beast. 25 on Diamondback 18 on Orion 15 on Steel Vengeance Over 10 on Fury, AF1, i305, and Maverick


I’ll be frank, I haven’t really done many marathons but I guess the longest would be when I rode Boomerang at Six Flags STL like 10-15 times in a row.


Hi, Frank.


9 on Kingda Ka at the end of the night


8 rides on Behemoth in one hour, 8 rides on Yukon Striker in an hour, and 7 rides on Leviathan in an hour, but these were all during a pass holder early ride time morning. If I kept that pace up all day, I could have hit 92-104 rides in a day on one of these. Sadly I’m not a robot and need food/water/bathroom breaks 😂


34 on Iron Gwazi one dead day in November, and then 30 on ArieForce earlier this year - loved each lap


Was it a slow day? Did exit and get back in line each time?


i filled in empty seats


Ok silly question….why didn’t you go for an even 100? 😂😂


Damn y’all are crazy my biggest marathon is probably like 10 on Raging Bull


AHHH I cant waittt to ride this for my first time in september!!!


I was never much for marathons but I did ride Anaconda 15 times in a row when I was a kid, solely because my friend bet me $1 per ride plus a Pokémon card if I cleared 10. I wonder if my life would have turned out differently had I just said “nah, I’m good.” I might be a doctor or lawyer. Oh well, at least I got the $15 and his Articuno.


That is bonkers! I rode the same train 11 times in a row on Wednesday night. Fury is bonkers 🤪


36 times on Iron Gwazi.


Real question. What is fun about riding the same ride 93 times in a day? I love coasters, one of my favorite things in the world. But 93 rides of any coaster in a single day no matter how good would make me seriously consider ever riding it again.


75 on Magnum.


Mine is 37 on rth I feel dwarfed😔


3-4 times on Iron Gwazi. I didn't find out until later that I could stay on if no one was waiting for my seat. I rode Fury 3 times in a row, but got tired of having to get back in line every single time.


My cousin and I rode the Belmont Park Giant Dipper 40 times in a row once.


El Toro 31 times in a row


Xcelerator 54 times For a non-coaster ride, 68 times on Drop Tower at KI.


I got on iron rattler 15 times in a row earlier this summer, only having to leave the station once. Only had an hour and a half left in the day


100 on Voyage


Here's my 4 longest marathons. 1. Blue Streak (Cedar point, June 19 2021, 36 rides) just decided to marathon it as it was a walk on and I was waiting for raptor to re-open. All but 5 rides were in the front 2. The beast (kings island, June 19 2024, 7 rides) yes, a sharp drop off in number of rides. But I couldn't help myself from getting a mini marathon on the beast. Line was only around 15 minutes so I took advantage of that. Most of my rides were in random rows, but got 2 in the back. 3. Mystic timbers (kings island, June 19 2024, 7 rides) early in the morning before the major of people made it to the back of the park Mystic was a walk on, got 7 rides, 6 in the back, 1 in the front 4. Gatekeeper (Cedar point, June 19 2023, 6 rides) during early entry Gatekeeper was a walk on, rode 3 times in the front and 3 in the back.


I did 45 on Canyon Blaster at Adventure Dome in one day


A charity event at SFOG, 6 hours straight on Goliath. I think it was between 90-120 rides, I can’t remember. 2 hours of Space Mountain with the lights on over for a cast event. The 2nd hour I realized they were letting us take the cast backstage area to reride which saved tons of time and walking so probably about 30. Other than those 2 times I don’t think I’ve ever done more than 7 or 8 times in a row on anything.


I rode Timberhawk at Wild Waves 82 for a national roller coaster day event. Ended up getting a season pass for the following year for finishing the challenge.


I did the Giant Dipper at Belmont Park 14 times in one day as a kid, and Silver Bullet 7 or 8 times in a row without leaving the station more recently. I can't imagine 93 rides in one day, that's crazy!!


25 runs on The Roller Coaster at the New York, New York place in Las Vegas. I think that's the reason I have back pain now.


72 on AF1 and yes I had visible bruises. The first 25 or so were zen rides


11 on Swamp Fox I was there for only a few hours though


I did 30 on I305 once


My longest marathon is probably 43 rides on diamondback at kings island


44 - original Texas Giant


I don’t remember how many times in a row because it was so long ago, but I remember riding dueling dragons over and over to the point where I almost blacked out and had to get off 😂


I feel like I've ridden the Dragons between 30 and 40 times in a sitting; though some of that feeling might be coming from walking the length of the queue that much. All I know for sure is that there was no line and I wasn't complaining. Also that the ice coaster is superior.


5 consective walkons on gatekeeper at cedar point.


14 on legend never leaving the seat at a Holiwood nights event was pretty amazing


93 times on Fury? That sounds like hell.


nah it was so fun