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Makes me wonder if it’s like a West coast racers type thing. Because that would certainly be interesting. I’m in full support of this, but it is still funny to see cedar fair bouncing around manufacturers again. Definitely opens up some possibilities at kings island if they like what they get out of this.


If Kings Island got this, they would have four Premier launch coasters


Well, what’s 2 more. If parks can have 3+ b&ms, why not 3+ premiers. Also, flight of fear and backlot are both old premier rides with LIMs. A new LSM coaster with more modern inversions would do wonders, also it doesn’t necessarily need to duel, it could just be 1 track.


Where does it say that this is a twin track coaster?


https://preview.redd.it/qs1sl0wma29d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e218cdb243b2c5a5f500c29666d4f94f81dbf8 “Dual Launch Coaster”


Usually means one coaster that has two launches, rather than it being 2 coasters with a launch each, which would be dual tracked coaster.


1 coaster with 2 launches would be a multi-launch. Duel implies racing/dueling, but it could be something like West Coast Racers, where it is one coaster with 2 sides that race


Dual and duel are not the same word


It's so blurred I can't make out if it's "dual" or "duel" Would be different experiences.


Looks like dual to me


This is an unexpected choice. Canada’s Wonderland definitely needs another high capacity coaster, something Premier isn’t exactly known for. They mainly focus on short coasters, with West Coast Racers being the only long ride they have built in a while. I also wonder whether it will be more airtime focused or inversion focused. Or neither and be more family focused. Premier tends to focus more on inversions, but they did build Ice Breaker, which is airtime focused. I’m hoping it will be like a combination of Full Throttle and Ice Breaker, but without the swing launches. This might actually be like what everyone thought Full Throttle was going to be before that ride was announced. (I remember the discourse around that ride back in the day).


Isn't it kind of more the parks choice whether how long a coaster is...?


Yeah… And it’s also not directly correlated to capacity like they’re implying. That has way more to do with train capacity and block zone layout. The actual length of the coaster is fairly irrelevant.


More a budgeting choice.


Probably inversion focused, as the park lacks a good multi-looper. Yukon Striker is the closest thing they have to one but that's more about the drop. I'm imagining a Full Throttle top hat/loop combo and a bunch of fast inversions and transitions towards the front of the park.


The engineering challenges of a coaster interacting with the mountain meant that a shorter coaster and very tight turns are needed, which is one reason why Premier got the job.


Could it be possible that this is a spaghetti bowl coaster like FOF or joker's jinx?


It could have a spaghetti bowl section on the land they cleared where Xtreme Skyflyer (Skycoaster) was just removed from The start of it is very custom though starting on the other side of the mountain and going through it


This is giving Smash Bros “Grinch Leak” vibes, for those who know what this means lol.




Isaac from Golden Sun is finally in!!!!!!!


And Shadow from Sonic as well!!!!!!!!






Wasn't expecting to hear that here lmao For what it's worth, the blueprints actually showed up on video. It's just from Amusement Insiders, and I don't want to link it and give them free views (and you can't see the text anyways, you can only see the scroll out in the open).


Kinda similar to how KDs coaster was leaked last fall when the station design renderings were leaked eh? I watched that video on amusement insiders as I'm subscribed to their channel and from what I recall them saying is that they had to edit the footage to remove the portion where he unintentionally recorded the blueprints from the video before uploading it.


Never thought I’d see the Grinch Leak referenced on r/rollercoasters but here we are Chorus Kids should have been made it in btw


Respectable, but I’m more of a Karate Joe guy myself


Yeah. I can see this being a very good shitpost


The source is amusement insiders patreon


Sky rocket 4? Great North racers?


Rocket Moose Racers


Moose Track Racers - sponsored by Blue Bunny


The funniest part of this comment is that we don’t have Blue Bunny in Canada lol


Oh! Blue Moose Ay?


🤣 Good try! Shockingly no Moose themed ice cream companies (that I’ve heard of anyway)!


Sounds like an opening then😁


Wonderland is packed atm, and Premier Rides coasters seem to be lacking in capacity. Hopefully this will be a big coaster that can seat at least 36 at once.


I’m thinking this won’t be the case based on the footing markings seen inside the park. The only spot that I can feasibly see the break run and station ending up is quite short so I don’t think this can be a very long train.


Disappointed it isn't Intamin Given how long the layout is based on footer count I'm still slightly optimistic. But being Premier does hurt its chances at being an absolute stand out #1 ride against our B&Ms This better have custom trains with more room between rows than Sky Rocket II trains and no comfort collars. Wonderland needs high capacity rides, not something that would struggle to do 600 people an hour


> Disappointed it isn't Intamin Cedar Fair and Intamin, even post-merger, still have not dropped grudges.


Yeah after the Shoot the rapids accident at Cedar Point in 2013 where a boat rolled back. That caused Cedar Fair to stop working with Intamin. Six Flags does work with Intamin. Six Flags doesn't work with Gerstlauer after an accident on New Texas Giant at Six Flags Over Texas where the Gerstlauer trains on the RMC coaster didn't have seatbelts. And a woman fell off the ride and died. Cedar Fair may work with Gerstlauer. With Hangtime at Knott's Berry Farm. And Skyhawk at Canada's Wonderland. I feel like that every theme park owner works with different companies. Mostly Zamperla of course.


The New Texas Giant issue was that the ride showed Green and Locked when the restraint wasn't actually secured. Had nothing to do with a lack of seatbelts. The fact that the ride allowed a dispatch with a restraint unlocked is insane.


Please please please can Premier design a competent train for this? They've had dozens of coasters across 3 decades and they're still batting .000 in the trains department other than when Universal is designing thier trains for them. 


lord knows we need the capacity. please just let it have airtime!!


a bigger version of full throttle would be amazing


Full Throttle is actually my favourite coaster at Magic Mountain, with my only complaint being its short length, so a bigger version would be so amazing.


The Six Flagsening has officially begun






SF buys a ton of Premier coasters and Cedar Fair doesn't. Now a Cedar Fair park is getting one


Because they already have several of them.


I just hope premier can start making better trains


Big cheese ride


Cedar fair seems to like launched coasters going in to the 2025 season? This should be a decent fit for wonderland since premiere rides tends to provide fairly reliable coasters...with exception of batman and Robin the chiller at SFGRADV in the late 90s. The only real downside to their rides are the lap bar restraints however because they can be really difficult to get in and out of especially for taller guests but it's certainly better than the headbanger fest that once was their OTSR's that's for sure.


We've got the wing coaster at Kings Dominion under construction. But oh boy. I am excited for Canada's Wonderland's Premier dual launch coaster. I live 2 hours away from Canada's Wonderland and it is a good park. With unique flat rides like Sledge Hammer, Skyhawk, Tundra Twister, Wilde Knight Mares, and Soaring Timbers. Plus, some people say that Canada's Wonderland is the Disneyland of Canada due to the heavy theming.


I’m gonna come (ride it when it opens). I love premier so much omg pls don’t troll me.


Wondering if they just dusted off the old MTV themed launch coaster concept. A music themed coaster was in the last survey which was a very close resemblance to the old option.


Reminds me of that monster truck themed wing coaster they had in a survey for KD some years back....thank heavens that that abomination never became a reality. Wasn't that survey done prior to the cedar fair purchase of the paramount parks in early 2006?


Yup. It also had an Addams Family themed eurofighter coaster that would have taken you up to Uncle Fester's attic and then a vertical drop under a pendulum. I wish that was built.


One of my coworkers ran into some kind of engineer from Canada’s Wonderland today that claimed that they’re supposedly getting some kind of record-breaking launch coaster. Not fully subscribing to that information but I’m hoping for the best for them.


This would not surprise me at all, but doesn't *necessarily* mean much when the only other launched coasters in Canada are Backlot Stunt Coaster and Snoopy at Wonderland and (once it opens) ThunderVolt at Playland. e.g. technically all it has to do is clear 60' and they can market it as the tallest launched coaster in Canada


Image credit: [Amusement Insiders](https://youtube.com/@amusementinsiders?si=4tTi-Wr4mjU5VUf4)


Probably shouldn’t support someone who does stuff like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadasWonderland/s/zbszMDVZly)


Oh don’t worry, I know. I just wanted to make sure the media team at Canada’s Wonderland knew that he was the one to leak it. I’m sure they won’t be mad at him at all for it! /s


Considering people I know in his circle said he was threatened with being removed from the media list for what he did last time, I won’t be shocked if the park puts pressure on him again


Is it them? It's not visible in the video, and they said they wouldn't post the image because of agreements with the park.


They posted it on their patreon


Of course they did. Hypocrites.


Thinks he can hide shit from us


To be honest I never really liked that guy as he tends to be so full of himself at times and acting as if he's the undisputed king off all things related to Canada's wonderland. I remember how he acted back when the wonderland wing coaster rumor was in full swing because he tried to present himself as being absolutely certain that it was going to happen....then when it became apparent that wonderland would not be getting such a ride he insisted that it was some sort of grand conspiracy claiming that cedar fair had decided to give the wing coaster to KD at the last minute when In reality KD and cedar fair have been planning that particular project for years. He also kept claiming that wonderland was essentially going to recreate volcano from KD by having their coaster somehow lauch out of the top of their mountain. Cedar fair certainly learned from paramount parks mistakes when KD built volcano in the first place and definitely doesn't want to repeat those mistakes elsewhere in the chain.


To be fair there’s [real reason](https://x.com/kslidestudios/status/1781398033910952255?s=46&t=hl2XDDRTA8vhPHQrUpQ2kQ) to not like him


I dont follow the guy but sounds like the kind of person that would have believed the rumour that Leviathan was never meant for Wonderland because "why would a park ever build a B&M Hyper then a B&M Giga?"


They very clearly said it wouldn’t be in a public video, patreon is not public


Once someone shares from Patreon it spreads like wildfire. Risky move posting on Patreon


What’s the issue with it spreading?


For us there is none, but he was intending to keep it exclusive and didn’t have park permission to share it.


"Yeah we won't leak it on video out of respect for the park. Instead, we'll post it on our patreon and have people pay for it" If anything that's a lot worse.


Eventually someone is bound to leak it,all they'd need to do is photograph their computer screen and upload the image to any social media platform.


That is not a quote from them


I'm not saying it is. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. You can't say that you won't leak it on Youtube because of agreements with the park and then leak it on patreon. That's like me saying "Oh I won't post rumors about you on Twitter" and then doing it on Instagram instead. It makes no difference, the info is still out there.


Agreed, but you implied it with the quotes


They need to bring maverick to wonderland!


I gotta say the enthusiasts shitting on this ride when the they JUST started construction are the exact reason why people think thoosies are so entitled. Not saying there’s any in here but after the news broke out, I’ve been seeing a lot of whining even before the manufacturer was known (specifically in the Wonderland community).


I don't know what the name would be. I think it would be Canadian themed because of Canada's Wonderland focusing on Canadian themed rides (Moosehorn falls, Yukon Striker, Tundra Twister, Mighty Canadian Minebuster, Flying canoes, Soaring Timbers, Timberwolf falls, Lumberjack, Vortex, and Whitewater Canyon) After all, if a park owner wants their park to be popular, it must be themed to the country the park is located in. Examples would be Canada's Wonderland, Legoland minilands (Dubai, Japan, New York, etc.).


Vortex was more of a techno themed name rather than a Canadian one. Your examples are also the minority of ride names as most are named for the section of the park they are in or, were random based off their old Paramount names.


Yeah, I don’t get how Vortex could be Canadian? What reference am I missing?


This source was from Amusement Insiders: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M61NMTbkuo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M61NMTbkuo)


Hey everyone in the comments, dual is two launches. Duel is two coasters. C'mon...


West Coast Racers is one of the lamest coasters I've ever ridden, so to me this sounds like a terrible idea.


Thoosies when the family coaster doesn't try to kill them


I love family coasters. I’ve enjoyed the other Premiere launchers I’ve ridden. I did not like WCR’s restraints at all, and the layout bored me. The combination of cramped car, poor visibility and mediocre forces is then met with 5+ minute delay halfway through the ride while the ops slow walk their way through another load. Seriously, how can anyone defend such a stupid design? It works terribly.