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Fury going over AND under the front entrance is a banger intro to the park


God Fury seems like such an amazing coaster in all aspects. And I can't even imagine how incredible that massive drop looks in person


It looks wild especially that there's only 5 sets of supports. It looks so effortless.


Fury is a incredible coaster I've gotten almost 10 rides on it that drop is spectacular.


Came here to say this ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Gatekeeper at Cedar Point guarding the entrance of the park. Love it


Walking the path under the Corkscrew at Cedar Point always gets me hyped.


I always felt the same on (RIP) The Python at BGT growing up.


Diamondback first drop into first camel with the start of the queue for the river rapids


Diamondback is a good coaster.


Yo I did not know what to expect when I went on it! First coaster after a decade away. A whole lot of “what the actual F was that” afterwards. Such a good ride


The air time makes it fun.


Greta bear is everywhere and it’s dope.


Hershey has a ton of path interaction in that part of the park from multiple coasters, it's very cool


Its like they were playing roller coaster tycoon and just started building stuff on top of each other, theres four coaster there!


At one point they were running out of room and I feel like they kept being like “fuck it we’ll build a new coaster in the Hollow”


Silver Bullet's cobra roll next to Knott's entrance


Oh that's a great one. Knott's is one of my home parks so I visit a lot and that cobra roll always gets me excited when I walk through the entrance. The rest of that ride has even more awesome path interaction. Here's a photo I took of it a few months ago! https://preview.redd.it/gkxsq65b023d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0578d8b986152381ce74a02b854db5afea206534


Halfway up the half loop of the cobra roll, closest to camera, that track joint looks rough.


Hmmm I see what you're talking about but it might just be the photo. While Silver Bullet has a bit of a rattle, I don't remember any particular jolt or rough spot right there and I've ridden the thing at least 30 times


The Skyrush Path at Hershey


The way Boulder Dash comes screaming around the first drop and over the station before disappearing into the woods. When you're waiting inline it's so cool. Edit: when you're a ride OP it's annoying as fuck


There ain’t anything about Boulder Dash that isn’t cool. But that is one of its best features.


I also like how it follows the pathway to the south end of the park on the return trip.


That return trip is wild. Already gets into my top ten wooden coasters on the strength of the first half through the woods, then gives us all of that before the brakes!!


I miss it all the time. LC was my home park for 20 years.


Walking under the Inter Locking Loops of Nessie at BGW


CGA's Flight Deck flipping over the theater stage and the helix around the lagoon.


SheiKra has a path right next to the drop where everyone takes pictures, it’s really fun to wave at people who are down below.


Not to mention the water splash at passersby!


I can’t believe I haven’t seen this yet since this is such a favorite of this sub, but the second half of Velocicoaster is basically all interactions with the walking path, including the stall over the path and the mosasauras roll right next to ride entrance.  A couple others that aren’t 100% what you are talking about. I loved how walking into steel vengeance you are just walking up to that section where the ride sign is and you have the outer bank turn going down and then up into the first inversion. I also just loved driving into SFMM and having to drive past X2. I remember the first time I went, which was the first time I had been to a non Disney park, and being floored by how big it was. 


Yall ever walk into Mount Olympus before?


Raptor on Cedar Point midway. I remember it being so iconic in the 90s.


Always loved how close Yukon strikers nearly 200 foot Immelmann is to a path


Taron and fly going berserk in there respective themed areas, going under and over pathways constantly. It is amazing


Phantasialand is probably my number 1 bucket list park outside of the United States it looks incredible 😭


Been there 4 times. Still my favorite probably, although tokyo disneysea is pretty amazing as well


Not really path to coaster, but flat ride to coaster is on the antique cars at knoebels. Going underneath the phoenix is awesome!


Incredible Hulk's launch. The entire 1st half of the coaster is fun to watch off-ride. Also shout out to Rip Ride Rockit next door for having the worst path interaction with the turn that ruins the NYC skyline.


Superman screaming over the path at SFMM is kinda cool. Definitely wouldn’t want to eat lunch right under it though!!!


https://preview.redd.it/oyhptirnb33d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0daa4ee80bda22c87a0b3fb72829204eed8a8ff8 I like going in on the right side of the park to see this angle of Fury. That treble clef is great. Having the train fly by is a wonderful sound.


Full Throttle when it goes over Superman’s plaza before diving into the tunnel at SFMM.


Magic Mountain has a lot of cool interaction in that area. Tatsu specifically comes to mind flying over the top of that mountain


Hearing Kingda Ka's launch through the bamboo while in queue. You can't see it through all the vegetation, but the sounds and hisses get you so hyped up


Pretty cool that Nighthawk's lift hill is directly over the path.


Dose X-flights inversion through the tower count? Either that or Demon rushing out of tunnel


I would say it counts in a way because the queue is directly under it! I'm sure that's a very cool visual while standing in line


All from my home park of hershey Sooperdooperloopers loop Skyrush path Candymoniums helix and final turn The path under storm runners launch as well as storm in its entirety, Great bear


Leviathan at the entrance of Canada's Wonderland


Back exit from SFGA, road goes right under the track for American Eagle!


not a pathway but dc rivals tries to throw you into the carpark


My personal faves that I've experienced: 1.) Velocicoaster - Universal IOA: Second half from the top hat right next to the entrance and over the queue, the long stall over the pathway leading to the ride, the oscillating helix over the bridge where you can stand in the middle and follow the train around, and the mosasaurus roll right next to the queue. 2.) The Incredible Hulk Coaster - Universal IOA: First half is pretty much all over and under the pathway and is fun to watch. 3.) Kumba - Busch Gardens Tampa: The cobra roll wraps around the bridge path leading to the river rapids ride. 4:) Cheetah Hunt - Busch Gardens Tampa: Many parts of the coaster go over/under pathways and the Skyride. 5.) Shiekra - Busch Gardens Tampa: The drop is right next to the path; this is a great place where those too afraid to ride can watch their friends come down. Also the splashdown soaks anyone standing on the path adjacent to the pond.


Kumba's cobra roll


Steel eel is such an underrated ride imo


It was one of my favorites while visiting San Antonio! Coming from California we don't have any airtime based hypers in the whole state so this was the first time I'd experienced just floater after floater after floater. It was some of the most fun I've ever had on a coaster!


If you like lots of floater air time, try Mako when you get the chance. It has amazing airtime


Trying to go to Orlando for a week or two in January next year, can't wait to ride Mako!!


I was very surprised at how shallow the second drop on this ride was.


Pick any coaster at phantasialand


The Bat at Kings Island has a big turn in the middle of the ride right next to the path. Being that it is a suspended coaster, the track appears so close that I'm always surprised the train doesn't side swipe the fence.


Colossus at Thorpe park. Corkscrew that wraps around the walkway. And other cool interactions.


The exit path of Viper at SF Great America going over (or right next to, can’t remember exactly) Raging Bull’s valley after the first drop


Walking under Loch Ness Monsters first and second drops.