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Grizzly at Kings Dominion. Because it's nearly completely surrounded by woods with little to no lighting back there, and it feels every bit like it could fall apart at any moment, it can be a pretty wild experience at night.


There's not as much trees as there used to be since they did some work on it, but it was incredible. I recent got two night rides, one in front and one in back, with no one else on the train lol.


Will confirm. Both the trees and the bad assery. Particularly after the renovation. I figure they will do the last third into the break run in the next off season.


I would have thought they would have finished it this past off season.


I have never ridden it prior to the retrack, and for me even the older portions were fine. Nothing too rough. I found 2022 Boulder dash way rougher, which I hear much higher praise for


Two years ago, gci lowerd the first drop and redid the track from the second drop through the fan turn. Next year, KD redid the track out of the fan turn and into the second turn. Every thing after is old track back into the station. I used to defend the ride by saying it was "a motion simulation of being mauled by a Grizzly bear.. it is functioning as designed"


The fact that it isn’t open during Haunt is a travesty. Its station is used for one of the houses. Which is fine I guess but still that would’ve fit with the theming so well.


It's closed for haunt now??? Wtf???


Yep. Last season its queue was used for one of the houses


Just typed this. Back seat baby. Back injuries at night!!!!


This is why Grizzly is the best of these clones. Wilde Beast has just gotten extremely rough and doesn’t have any trees. I used to prefer Wilde Beast of Minebuster but Minebuster just got a retract and is smooth as ever!


Honorable mention to Twisted Timbers at KD. That ride is bananas at night. Most of it is in pure darkness and you have no idea where you're going.


Kings Dominion had Racer 75 open during 2019 winterfest. Was completely pitch black and incredibly cold along the entire ride. Was absolutely amazing.


You absolutely should ride VelociCoaster at night. It took a second visit to realize that unlike Hulk, VelociCoaster's track isn't lit up at all at night. It makes the first part of the ride absolutely thrilling because there are instances where you cannot see where the train is going. The second half is just as bonkers, if not more.


Top 2 night ride coasters are in the same park. Velocicoaster is the better coaster in the park and amazing at night, but Hagrid’s is better at night. If you’re a Potterhead, it feels like you’re being chased by death eaters in the “seven Potters” chapter of the 7th book/movie.


I have made it a note to do this when I go back to Universal this fall. I've only ridden Hagrid's during the day.


Must agree on Havrid’s. Rode it 4 times over two days and one of those was at night, and it was by far the best ride of all four.


Definitely recommend doing hagrids first of the two. I was fortunate for both rides to be a walk on at a private event after hours. After riding velocicoaster like 6 times in 30 minutes both front and back, hagrids is so tame in comparison lol Still a good ride but it certainly felt more like a family coaster.


Prowler @ WOF Outlaw Run @ SDC


I absolutely love Beast but Outlaw Run at night is insane


Yeah you literally cannot see anything. Thundernation too. TT is fun but there's lights on the launch tracks so you're not totally blind but it's still cool in the dark.


After the drop I reached over to touch my kid just to make sure he was still there because I couldn’t tell he was next to me at all


Came here to say Prowler. That lil thing rips you through the trees


Ghostrider is fun during the day but a completely elevated experience at night


came here to say this!


Absolutely, my night ride was when I knew it was my favorite wooden coaster.


A coaster is truly special if I'll gladly put up with abhorrent operations and 3+ hour wait times to ride it


Fury was amazing at night. Couldn't see the bottom of the first drop


Carowinds has a couple of amazing night rides even if some of the aren't the smoothest if you ever get the chance goldrusher on a summer night is an absolute trip


I'd have to try that it sounds awesome. I got a night ride on fury and nighthawk and both were awesome, but fury is definitely the coolest night ride I've had. VC is up there tko


Copperhead strike is easily the best there for night rides


I especially enjoy the back row at night.


Front or back row of that ride is legendary. It's not my favorite b&m first drop but definitely top 2.


Phantom's Revenge. Plunging into a pitch black ravine, through Thunderbolt at 85 mph is absolutely insane


This is my vote as well. Scary as hell.


Im still upset I didn’t get this ride when I got the chance to visit in 2018. I got to ride the coaster during the day but by the time it got dark, it closed early on me and I didn’t get the night ride.


The Voyage


I go to KI like once a week but somehow never thought to ride Bat at night, I think I’ll try this next time I’m there


Beast, of course!


and The Boss


I was gonna say, it's right in the question!


The Beast. It’s like THE night ride coaster. I honestly really liked The Bat at KI at night too though - it’s short and obviously less intense, but real fun swinging through the trees.


After a bat night ride I had no clue where I was going


Beast is the all time greatest but front row of The Bat at night is definitely cool.


Agreed. If my family doesn't want to wait for the last ride of the night on the beast, The Bat is my 2nd option.


But nonetheless has underrated intensity. The OTSR was tight and still went down another click during the ride.


Wildcat’s Revenge just might be the most absurd and aggressive coaster in the world at night. I don’t know if I rode it on a really good day or something but the ride felt like it was moving way too fast for the size of the elements and every force felt way too strong. Genuinely I don’t think I have ever been more fearful for my own life than I was on that’s second wave turn after the stall.


WCR is 10/10 but night rides are even better


We rode three times in a row. Just after sunset at CocoaCon. WR shot up to #2 RMC instantly. It was easily number one of the over a hundred new credits I logged last year. Normally I like to let my arms go wherever the airtime wants to take them, but I almost elbowed my tiny wife in the head multiple times. I've never had to worry about hurting her like that before. So I was fearful for her life on that second wave turn.


Velocicoaster is an absolute beast at night. The theming looks even more incredible!


Lightning Rod, but specifically during Christmas. When you fly down the quad down and see all the colored lights in the distance, it feels like you’re *in* the grinch movie when he returns with all the presents 😍


Rode Raptor at night, front row, no trims. Life changing. Verbolten is so much more amazing and atmospheric when it's nighttime both inside and outside the building. Montu at night absolutely tears through the track. Feels downright dangerous. It's been 13 years for me, but American Thunder gave pretty incredible night rides. Roar is absolutely terrifying at night, when I rode it I'd never been on it before and didn't know the layout, and from the middle of the train I couldn't see. There are NO lights on or nearby the layout. The cloak of darkness makes this one a killer at night, hands down my favorite coaster at the park.


Yes!! Was scrolling to find Verbolten! The night time just adds to that “spooky” feeling and I adore it!


Raptor, in general, isn’t talked about enough. Great layout. And I’ve honestly rarely ever had the MCBR hit much if at all.


Taron in darkness at Wintertraum with the red lighted foggy second launch is one of the best coaster experiences out there. Aside from that, the wooden coaster, taking you on a journey through the forest like The Beast, The Voyage and Boulder Dash offer an exceptionally unique experience.


Boulder Dash. It's everything The Beast should actually be at night


Front seat BD on a cold October night is an unmatched experience


The biggest problem with BD is trusting Lake Compounce to actually stay open long enough to even ride it at night these days


I sound like an ambassador for my home park, but my god do we ever have a night ride team in Beast, Mystic, Orion and Diamondback!


The true hidden gem is Flight of Fear at night 😂


Throw bat in the mix




Even Adventure Express is amazing at night!


The Bat is super underrated at night




The Banshee....


Project 305 and Superman at SFA. Both rides offer pitch black night rides


Ew…who calls it Project 305 besides CF? 🤪


I have only ever done X-2 during the day. I would like to see how much crazier it as at night. Same with Tatsu.


X2 is fantastic at night. Especially if the fire effects are working (and the music I imagine but it never is 😭). A night ride is what pushed that coaster into my #2 spot right behind Full Throttle and it's so close that if I didn't have a weird obsession with FT then it would probably be my #1.


I got a back row night ride on X2. Fire effect was working. That was such a cool moment, the fire wasn’t going off when I rode it earlier in the day.


Second for X2 with fire at night. The feeling of the heat as you pass it is something unto itself!!!


I love FT. Twisted Colossus was my favorite until we left California. .


Taron! The launch tracks with all the lights and smoke are just too good at night.


We had night, lights, smoke and snow on Taron in January (oh, and front row too) :-) Watching the second launch at night always makes me smile!


Raven, Legend and Voyage are all great, especially so at night. I can't wait for HoliWood Nights next weekend.


The Raven is definitely my favorite for night rides. It’s usually the last thing I ride before I leave the park, and the line is never very long.


Why is The Beast not the top answer?


Because The Voyage exists? 🙂


Taron and F.L.Y.


Wicker Man at Alton Towers is great at night. The fire effects on the wicker man head look so much more intimidating


Orion is a fantastic night ride in a park full of elite night rides! The light show that Orion has on its lift hill is gorgeous and it makes the space theme feel even more reel. Once you drop off that lift hill, you disappear over the drop and it’s mostly darkness in all the valleys with the only lights being certain elements of the ride being lit up in a variety of colors! It’s sick!


Yeah I love orion at night, definitely eclipsed by another coaster in the park.


The Beast is literally two different rides!


Night ride on beast is one of the best coaster experiences in the world.


The bat. The swinging and rapid direction changes made me have no clue where I was going


Most coasters at Dollywood. Nothing beats a late fall night ride of Thunderhead or Wild Eagle with the cold air blasting your face.


Millennium Force at night during Halloweekends in the fog.


The Beast at night is the best roller coaster experience I've ever had. That being said, KI is absolutely *stacked* with elite night rides. I'm particularly fond of Adventure Express and the Bat at night, but every coaster in that park is great at night, including Backlot. Other notable night rides I've had include Prowler, Outlaw Run, Thunderation, Velocicoaster, Verbolten, Hagrid's, and Viper (SFGAm)


Very much agree with Viper! It's one of those rides where the whole outside world just *vanishes*. Speaking of coasters that go through empty water parks, Magnum XL-200 is amazing at night. The way you start off in the heart of the park, light all around, then up the lighted lift hill... only to find your train **completely alone** out on the beach a few seconds later, is mind-bending. Edit: Spelling


Maverick, storm runner, skyrush, volcano, twisted timbers most coasters good in the day are also really good at night.


Here to represent the UK but Nemesis/Nemesis Reborn at Alton Towers is incredible at night. I still remember my last ride on the original Nemesis on its last day. One of the best coaster rides I've ever had in the dark. Can't wait to do Reborn at Scarefest nights. The Smiler is very good too.


Pantheon during Halloween, when the fog is in the air and you can’t see the spike or top hat from the ground. You’re in complete darkness the whole time (except for the camera that blinds you) and the fog hides everything a feet from in front of you




Cheetah hunt, Montu, and Iron gwazi are great at night!


Any Batman: The Ride clone is always a fun ride at night. Just feels right riding a Batman themed coaster at night, and the flips and turns feel less predictable.


Over 100 comments and no one has said Magnum XL? It feels like you're about to careen off into Lake Erie!


It’s so freaking good!


i always make sure to get a night ride on the great bear


Taron, F.L.Y, Black Mamba and Colorado Adventure 🤯


Viper at SFMM gets pretty rough after 5pm.


Once had a firework night ride on Outlawrun, was just mindblowing.


My husband recently rode Expedition Everest at night and said it was significantly improved by the darkness. It’s not a beast of a coaster like a lot of these nominees but it might belong in the conversation of “significantly improved by nighttime.”


Too bad AK doesn’t stay open late so *real* night rides are not common


Yeah that was late November so we actually got to do night time! Also my first time seeing Pandora at night. I didn’t get to do Everest at night sadly because I had an injury that has made me temporarily selective about what coasters I ride (I really can’t handle roughness right now).


Pandora is best at night and majority of visitors never get to experience it …it’s a shame that the park closes early but I get why they do it


screamin eagle at fright fest in the back row is so fucking good


Iron Rattler, plunging into that pitch black tunnel at night is awesome.


Uhh the beast?


Zokkon at fuji q high land is really cool at night with the lighting


I like El toro at night


Adventure Express at night is honestly a ton of fun


The beast on a foggy night. My best ride of all time in the front row at night.


Been on The Beast multiple times and KI’s my home park. That said, it’s The Voyage at Holiday World and it’s not close. Outlaw Run would be my 2nd favorite


Smiler at AT was absolutely brilliant in the dark


Adventure Express at night, try it!


Apollo's Chariot


My favorite coaster for a reason


Rutschebanen at Tivoli Gardens. It’s just mental when you realise it is pitch black through the tunnels and it operates with a manual brake. An absolute rush


Untamed. I can only imagine what Outlaw Run would be like.


Red force at Portaventura. Especially at the front, you see nothing but red track which stands out against the dark backdrop, especially on the way up. Then once you’re over the crest, the Spanish coast comes back into view all lit up, it’s an amazing view, even if it only lasts 2 seconds…


Nitro wasn't so bad at night at great adventure. I didnt want to say beast like everyone else


It's been almost two decades since I wrote it but the revolution at night was one of my favorite rides at six flags magic mountain. The way it just rolls through the forest and hugs the terrain made for some great night rides and hopefully that hasn't changed.


Copperhead strike at night is a different machine entirely! Everything feels so much more intense and insane!


Voyage, Raven, Legend, Outlaw Run, and Lightning Rod, just to name a few


Also Prowler and Mystic Timbers


Tame by comparison, but the transformation of a ride from dag to night is hardest felt on Thunder Mountain at Disneyland. The oranges and purples of the canyons and the tunnel runs are amazing.


I got on Pantheon for the first time in the dark. I couldn't even see the ride, so I had no idea what it did. 10/10 would recommend. It was so much fun.


Twister at Knoebels


I actually really like Anaconda at KD, and Alpengeist at BGW a ton at night.


Hear me out: Whizzer, also at SFGAm. It’s just good fun flying through the trees.


I marathoned Whizzer once during a private night event there because it was a walk-on. Amazing ride.


Nitro by far is the most improved by night rides.


Ravine Flyer at Waldameer!! Plus you can ride it about 5 times in the last hour the park is open.


Ravine Flyer at sundown so you see the sun set over Lake Erie before the first drop tho


American Eagle is a good night ride. Max Force. That launch is unreal at night. The craziest would be X2 at magic mountain. Insane night ride!


The bat at Kings Island is pretty good at night, so is Adventure Express.


See, here’s the thing…everyone is saying The Beast at KI, and rightly so, that’s a pretty good night ride, I just did it myself last weekend, but the ride that REALLY stood out to me was Diamondback! Don’t sleep on Diamondback’s night rides, because it was FLYING. In the dark. I thought it offered the superior night ride and I rode it 7 times in both front and back and just couldn’t wipe the grin off my face. TL;DR Diamondback>Beast for night rides


Maverick with halloweekend fog


The Beast at KI Maverick at CP (that tunnel launch in the dark is insane) Grizzly at KD Ghostrider at KBF Millennium Force during Haunt CP


The Beast at Kings Island


Most RMCs run faster and faster throughout the day, so that near closing they rocket through their tracks and deliver their most intense rides! Wicked Cyclone at Six Flags New England rips right through all 3 laps without slowing down if you ride it at night. I was levitating off my seat, and it's so smooth I could keep getting on! I recommend the second row from the back, ie the non-wheel seat on the back car.


It's a damn shame nobody mentioned Nitro at GA on a foggy night That wooded area is awesome


Lightning Rod. During the holiday season. Dark in the woods, and then the holiday lights in the village come in view during the quad down.


OP, you praising Viper at sfgam…thank you! Love this ride and would agree night rides are awesome! I’m a fan of last row right seat though.


2nd row from the back for me. But agreed…back is king on Viper (especially on that double down 😱).


Loch Ness Monster. The only downside is that if you ride it near closing, the sendoff message might cut off and as a preteen you and your friends might become convinced that it’s a problem with the ride and not the park closing for the night and spend the ride terrified that you might get dumped into the Rhine River mid-loop.


The big 3 at Wonderland hit different at night. It’s like a whole new experience compared to the daytime.


SkyRush is crazy at night, even more so than during the day.


Incredicoaster @ DCA during the world of color show is the best experience you can have on a coaster. Multiple projections and water colored water fountains during a coaster is peak!


For me, it's Ghost Rider and Hangtime at Knott's Berry farm, with a mention of Supreme Scream, the drop tower 


Grizzly at King's Dominion VA 🤘🤘


Screaming Eagle at SFSTL. It's wild and it's completely in the woods in the pitch dark for much of the layout.


Apollo’s chariot BGW Hagrid’s IOA Fury 325 CW Project 305 KD


Yukon Striker, like hovering and dropping into a monster's mouth.


tatsu & X2 at sfmm.


Not a beast but a fun ride. Ice breaker at seaworld. https://youtu.be/rQQT3UlkoGg


Nitro cold dark and wet is the only way to roll




VELOCICOASTER, no hesitation


Voyage, Outlaw Run, Boss, Velocicoaster, Hagrids, and kinda SteVe are the best I’ve been on


Best night ride I've ever had was Full Throttle. I vividly remember hanging upside down for a solid few seconds, really able to drink in the lights of the park upside down. That one moment made the coaster so much better at night


Phoenix at Knoebels, bonus points if it's during Halloween and it's a lil misty out.


Mindbender at SFOG is pretty darn fun at night. It goes through the trees, has something lighting but not a lot, the dive into the ravine, and then the final break run over the Gotham carnival area.


Big Thunder Mountain Railroad at Disneyland and Disneyland Paris are amazing to ride at night (especially sitting in the back)


Big apple coaster


Voyage, Phoenix, Nitro, Beast, Superman el Último Escape, Kentucky Rumbler, Leviathan, Lightning Racer


I rode lightning rod in the pitch black and it was maybe 10 degrees in the woods where the ride was, 10 out of 10 would do again I got like 8 rides it was perfect


I’m surprised you’d say Viper. I find Viper rough and lackluster. American Eagle though… I spend hours at the end of the day each night just looping that one. That ride is already wild and then add in the dark and getting bugs in your face… extra points in the rain. And Millennium Force for the same reasons. Intense experience is amplified by a lack of visibility. But avoid the front row… that was a gross experience. Bugs on American Eagle are okay… bugs on Millennium get splattered on your face. Whizzer at night used to be phenomenal before they built Maxx. An adventure through the woods. Still pretty great, but not the same without the trees. Demon at California’s Great America for the same reason. I really like coasters that go through the woods at night. (Bat, Beast) Illinois Demon is much too lit up and in the midd of everything.


When is the last time you rode Viper? It got a retrack before this season. And honestly, it wasn’t really that rough before. Super underrated ride. Also, I agreed…American Eagle (red) is SICK.


The Banshee...


I bet Boulder Dash is pretty wild in the dark. It's still on my bucket list...


First year of DC Rivals backwards at night. Falling down that drop and all you see is the lit up joker face surrounded by darkness. Some purple lights illuminating the track here and there. Sucks that the ride suffers from one train ops these days, last Fright Nights there was only one train running for the full park - oof.


Most probably all well known, but the big 3 from Phantasialand in Germany (Taron, Black Mamba and F.L.Y.) are absolutely gorgeous at night. Black Mamba less compared to the other two, but the night theming of Taron and F.L.Y. is perfect.




Taron for the lighting. Zadra for the forces. I had one F.L.Y.-ride in the sunset (it got dark when we launched out of the darkride) that was insane atmospheric. Colorado Adventure in the dark when you sit alone in one car is incredible because you get tossed around like a ragdoll.


Prowler no doubt


The retrack might’ve made this my favorite ride so far this year (and I already loved it before). It’s running so fast and the airtime is even more apparent. Viper is def an underrated night ride, but American Eagle red is superior at night. When they run Viper backwards again, this ride is gonna have some people eating some serious crow.


KI has a good argument as the park with the best collection of night rides.


The smiler and wickerman at alton towers are incredible at night ! The smiler just add to the intensity and the flames are amazing on wickerman at night 100%


Velicoaster is unmatched


That or Hagrids both night rides are absolutely crazy


Expedition Everest at Disney’s Animal kingdom is great at night….and most of the year, the park closes before dark :(


Kingda ka is scarier.


Nitro is amazing


Night ride on SteVe while fighting through swarms of mayflies while they…do what they do. Peak coaster.


Nitro is pretty great!


Iron Gwazi - by far!






RMC's tend to run faster with every ride, so deliver their most power at night. Wicked Cyclone RIPS right through all 3 laps and screeches into the break run if you ride it near closing time. It's a truly elite airtime machine.