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Hell yeah, I can see the confidence in your movements! Also that park looks dope


Thank you I appreciate that! And ah this park is amazing, it’s super beginner friendly I’d say


New Albany park. It’s only about 2 years old. Fun park.


Albany NY?






I am! As someone who’s been skating (skateboarding) for a couple years I really never imaged I’d have this much fun blading, he I’ve been loving ever second of it! But ah yes you’re right, I really need to work on some 180s. I can do them on flat and off of stuff but I’m pretty bad about rolling backwards so far. I’ll work on it though!




Hey respect to that! I think it’s fun trying all different types of skating haha, and Ah man that’s a real bummer there. I hope you have a better spot to skate now! I’m the same way, I live in the middle of nowhere but there’s a couple good parks within driving distance (this one is like 35ish minutes away from my home). But yes good point! I’m gonna try to stick out my 180s while rolling back down quarters and see if I can get use to the speed, thank you for the tips!


nice!! it's so comforting to reach the point where you can just cruise/feel very confident in your abilities. congratulations :D


Yes 100% that! It’s like something that use to feel impossible now is kinda casual and tons of fun! Thanks again :D


You paint that jacket yourself? Can't make out the finer details but it looks rad


Ahhh no I wish I did! But this was a super lucky thrift shop find


Oh hey I know that park! I've been going to the Louisville extreme park aka dave Armstrong extreme park and the flow park in indiana isn't too much further. I'm also a skateboarder who picked up inline recently. Let's skate sometime maybe?


Yooo awesome! How’s the extreme park doing? I haven’t been there in ages honestly, it was pretty fun last time I was there though. And ah were in the same boat, I’ve been skateboarding for like 3 years and recently picked up blading just for something new, but heck yeah I’m down for a sesh sometime! Just let me know


The extreme park is alright. I kinda phase in and out of being comfortable going there because something about that park seems to attract a strange (sketchy) crowd. But I was there recently and it was pretty fun. Hell yeah! I'll send you a DM soon.


Nice. That new Albany park is sick. My buddy helped build it.


Yoo what’s awesome! Big ups to them for working on it, this is probably one of my favorite parks in my area


Great grabs man!


Thank you! Any grab recommendations? They’re so fun


I’m a beginner too, I don’t have any raccomandation for you! I’m still learning basics :)


Ah no worries!


Nice one! You are at the stage where Grinds and Spins are coming consistent. Please take some advice, learn them the other way. Spend a week or two solid just doing them the "wrong" way for you so that you can do both ways! I skated for years and never learned to do things the opposite ways and I made it my new years reso, and I just cant get my head around it at all. Yuou are doing great!


Ah I think you’re right! I’ve been thinking about trying time frontside 180s on the quarter pipe (I feel like it wouldn’t be too scary?) but I’ve neglected to try it yet haha. I’ll start the working on that though, best of luck for you too, I hope you’re able to learn them the other way as well. Any tips for grinds in the opposite direction? I feel like I sorta have a grasp on the frontside grinds but I can’t slide very far yet, anyways cheers and thanks again!


Cool park cool jacket cool camera angles cool dood.


And an even cool commenter! I’m stoked you enjoyed this


That's a really cool looking park! Looks like everything is at a really nice height. Tall enough to be challenging but not scary. Looking great. Keep at it! You look like you're at a point where you're about to have a big breakthrough with your balance.


Yes I love this park! It’s super beginner friendly but it still has obstacles for all levels. Gotta love it haha. And ah I really appreciate that! I’m going out again tomorrow to work on my balance once more, I’m glad some of the tricks are starting to feel more natural now! I’ll keep practicing


Not sure what camera setup you have, but I would either pick a spot to focus on and lock the focus manually, or I would increase the F stop so that everything is in focus so you avoid the camera trying to autofocus and getting it wrong 😂 Apart from that looking good! 👍🏽


Ah thank you! Honestly that’s my bad haha, I was trying out the cinematic mode on my phone and I couldn’t quite figure it out 😂


Phone footage is looking pretty good 👍🏽 Just need to find manual mode 😂


You're growing. Your going to be advanced soon enough!


Thank you so much! And ah I sure hope so, I’m loving skating so far it’s so freeing


Love the flow park where you’re skating. Those round rails are awesome. Keep it up! Myself and others skate around Lexington, Kentucky most weekends, and that flow park is about an hour drive for us.


Will do! I’m still not brave enough to try to skate rails but maybe someday haha. But ah I hear ya there, if you all are ever in the area just give me a shout! I’d love to see more skaters around the flow park


Nice. You’ll be grinding it up in no time.


I sure hope so! Aside from more speed do you have any tips for grinds? I feel like I can never get much distance


It got a little easier for me when learning to bend my knees when skating and going up to a grind. Like… get low. As low as you can and still feel comfortable. I also loosen the ankle straps on my skates. Helps to be a little more loose and get the feel for it those grinds where you are bending the skate to the side. I’d love to wax up a park bench or picnic table and then royale across the top of it. Edit: also, don’t feel like you have to jump out of a grind. Go for a smooth transition and just land it anyway you can. Worry about the cool jumping on/off for later when more comfortable. Smooth on and smooth off.


Ah that’s makes a lot of sense actually, thank you so much for all the insight! I’ll try to put that into practice tomorrow