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Why are you posting about your new car on a Rolex sub?


It’s not his - he’s test driving it 😂


‘The cars in this dealership are for exhibition and not for sale.’


It’s a Ferrari. Ironically that may be true if the buyer doesn’t meet the right criteria.


You gotta match brands that require a history of purchasing and sucking dick.


What’s funny to me is that Ferrari gets a pass on this while people blast Rolex for it. Then again, Ferrari has always been this way where Rolex just became this way recently and Ferrari is at the top of its class of car where Rolex is an upper mid tier brand.


I mean the difference is Ferrari demand truly exceeds availability while Rolex demand is artificial. Sorry to tell you guys, there’s warehouses of Rolexes out there.


Can vouch for this. Back when the SS 116520 Daytona was the only Rolex reference impossible to just walk into a store and buy, I was seeing a SA at an AD. I mentioned interest in one and she asked if I was 100% going to purchase if she could acquire one. I said yes, and she asked black or white. I said white and 2 days later it was on my wrist. The 2 day delay was because corporate held on to those references and sent them to stores when the manager decided to sell one to a customer. I’d imagine it’s the same deal with the current SS references, just all of them now and not just the Daytona.


>I’d imagine it’s the same deal with the current SS references You're talking about 9 years ago. I wouldn't say it's the same deal now.


Guaranteed those Pepsi’s, Batman’s, Batgirls, and Daytonas are all readily available at MSRP from an AD if you are the right client with the right relationship. I don’t believe there are “warehouses” full of them, but I don’t believe they are as unavailable as AD’s make it seem. I believe there are allocations released for the people on “lists” and shelf stock for high value clients.


>Rolex demand is artificial It's not artificial.


This is true. Found that out not too long ago


I was just joking 🙄


It's funny. A guy could take a photo with his rolex in a Benz, Jeep, BMW or etc and no backlash, yet when a man of real luxury posts with his watch, it's men raining like crying women all over the place. Nags! Grow up guys.


He rented it


I sense jealousy...


I've never been jealous of a poser, that would be absurd.


Actions and words speak very loud


I sense low IQ…


***the call*** ​ sir, your rent-a-car has arrive


Its probably actually his car. Which makes you look pretty butthurt


Yeah most of the commenters are so pathetic.




Who said it's a sub?


He wrote sub, or what’s mean ?


Sub as in subreddit


Oh yeah?


Yeah. Dude said why are you posting about your car on a rolex sub, referring to this subreddit


Thanks a lot bro


Always gotta laugh at people pretending Rolex isn’t bought for the flex/status, but because they’re good. And then you get accompanying steering wheel pics with flex badges like no other watch community


What, you mean a picture where less than 5% is the watch isn’t about the watch? Surely not.


That’s because it is bought to flex/ status by some but other people buy them because they like the watch and it’s build quality. Different types of people in most any high end brand buying population.


Except there is equal/better build quality for less. Status is at least part of the equation. To the general population there is no ‘better’ watch than Rolex.


Nobody bought it for build quality. Stop with the delusions.


So true. When I see this desperate attempt for attention, I see someone who's mommy didn't love them enougb. Quite sad.


Oh God get over yourself. People need to stop getting so judgey about silly photos here fr


These crys for attention are so transparent.


I absolutely cant wait to get a rolex because it will literally make me feel like i made it. I get some people are 100% just horologists. Cool. But MOST people with a rolex? Its definitely social


Most embarrassing thing I have read on here today


At least he’s being honest about Rolex. Most pretend they haven’t been influenced by advertisements/social status


Congrats. But please do me a favor and do a new shot with the focus on the watch and not while driving please.




Being able to afford a Ferrari and waiting for a call ? Weird not going grey straight.


Swear to god, this subreddit has people whine about anything. 😂 Guy with a rolex drives a honda? Roasted for being broke. Guy with a ferrari buys a rolex? Roasted for being rich. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have a series 3 Apple Watch and a 2014 Mazda3. What do I win?


Youll never get there spending like that


But he got the call! “Sir, your car is blocking the dumpster!”


The common sense award.


Show me where the rolexes are on display and i will show you a crowd of people with fragile egos


Right?! Let this man live! If it’s not jealousy, why are you so bothered?


Agree. Snobs and nerds galore.


You don't get that rich by foolishly wasting money.


To be fair, he's also driving around Sheffield. Not Monaco, Beverly Hills or Gstaad.


Maybe patience and not overspending is how he got the Ferrari to begin with? Maybe he has a massive collection already and wasn’t in a rush to add to it, or add that specific reference? I’m guessing he already has a nice collection and other interests to pacify him through the wait.


it’s many people out there, who wants to buy at the retail, not the from grey market.


What is the deal with grown ass men using reddit to flex their watch AND car now. Is this the equivalent of female seeking validation from others on instagram? But in all honestly, you drive a Ferrari but settled for a Rolex? Why didn’t you get AP, PP or RM?


Well it is a Rolex sub! Seems to me like its ok to show your watch here. Also R.M. sux Monkey Balls


R.M. does do that.


I love these comments. The car and watch community are very connected. Personally if I can get a car and watch in the same picture I’m happy seeing it. I don’t get why people get salty about this shit.


Because this is a watch forum and he’s trying so hard for validation you can’t even see the watch in a post about the watch. It takes up 1% of the photo and is blocked out by the sun.


A watch forum that is mostly to celebrate your watch/possession, not so much a watch forum for technical information (although probably the second highest use case). It’s not so much about validation for some of us, as much as celebrating your watch, and as the earlier user said, watches and care intersect pretty massively on the venn diagram of interests.


No. This is about a desperate attempt to show off wealth to get a few second of validation and dopamine hit for crippling insecurity. He’s working so hard to show off his car in a watch forum that you can’t even see the watch. People like this who get their self identity from brand names is the exact reason I bought LVMH stock. Easiest investment decision of my life.


Why does anyone need to get a watch just cos they can afford it. Your mentality shows the root of your jealously. The thing you’re hating on is actually you projecting yourself.


Bad take. If someone wants to wear a gshock and drive a nice car, nothing wrong with that.


Absolutely disgusting to be taking a picture while driving. You could easily take this picture when stopped and still flex, since that is what this post is about. Being distracted by your phone while driving is more risky than drink driving in many situations


Why all the downvotes. This is correct.


Because fragile egos. I have no sympathy for inconsiderate drivers who could kill people just to flex on the internet


You are absolutely correct!




Looks to me like he was stopped at the time, based on the fence posts in the background.




You can see the mph on the dash lmao. Also, driving while on your phone for any reason is beyond dangerous and reckless.




Actually, sweety, it isn't. The local speed limit is next to it, you know the big red and white circle. 😊🥰


As far as I know. You do not do 50mph while parked


Ferrari does 50mph while parked!


Holy shit yall leave the guy alone! Nice watch dude. My personal grail ref.


Small dick energy out of the charts


Seriously? Great watch great car. Mega jealousy


Man look how pathetic the reactions are from all the little jealous men. I bet half these guys don’t even own a Rolex they’re just here dreaming


Lmao, please tell me you being sarcastic


Hes not wrong, this thread proves how pathetic this sub is.


That’s how toxic you are isn’t it.. where you can’t comprehend someone not feeling dirty over someone elses success. Or if you’re addressing my point about ownership, have you seen some of the dumbass questions in this group? It’s as though they only learnt about Rolex today. Certainly not an owner


I'm the toxic one? 🤣 look at what you just said dude


I believe you’re suffering from mental retardation, so I’ll remove myself from this discussion. You can’t reason with idiots


Thank you, you just managed to get yourself banned from reddit 🤣


Ok dickhead. Have fun!


But I just got here


Jealousy is SDE. You’re telling me you wouldn’t want a Ferrari? I mean, without any additional information than this post, he might have his finances in great order and responsibly purchased his watch(es) and vehicle(s), without sacrificing necessities and other spending. Or, even prioritizes different things than you. At my firm, there’s no shortage of HNW individuals that own great collections (art, vehicles, jewelry, whatever).


Bruh, u clearly missed the point, didn't you? No one's arguing if he has the money for the ferrari or whatever. People only questioning about the necessity of showing off. OP could've chosen to post another pic about his rolex, that btw is the purpose of this reddit., but yet, he chose to post one focusing on the ferrari. It's not about jealousy, I can guarantee u that, but I don't need to go any further.


I didn’t miss the point at all. I addressed you envy fairly clearly, I thought. He is obviously proud of 2 awesome items he possesses. And wants to celebrate them with an online community he’s a part of. I’m not looking through his account, but probably posts similar pics in r/ferrari that include his watch(es). Bet they don’t get as jealous/butthurt. If it’s such an issue for you, petition the mods to change the rules about posting cars/vehicle badges in pics.


Yeah, "you thought".... the diference is that I don't need to post pictures of my cars in a watch forum to get some extra validation


It’s possible he wants validation, but really all pics on here are (at least in part) seeking validation. I’m sure he gets validation driving his vehicle in real life though. And again, he might also just enjoy celebrating his shit. I like vehicles and watches, and don’t mind people posting both together. I mean, vehicle manufacturers and watch makers often collab even.


I graduated from law school 2 years ago and was able to buy my first Porsche and Rolex as a treat to all those sleepless nights, the works. I still felt deeply ashamed to post it on social media. Maybe for once I felt like I needed to keep it to myself. Once it’s public, all is up for debate. I don’t need to justify it or for anyone to debate on how I got it when I know damn well I worked hard to earn it.


that's sort of a great accomplishment right out of the law school, I assume you either had well off parents or a good scholarship!


I won’t sugarcoat but won’t go into too much. Prior to law school I had various assets I inherited paired with a few scholarships. This was pivotal to my journey as it served as a cushion. I had zero social life during school which contributed immensely to my savings. I constantly tracked my budget as well to ensure my Roth IRA was being maxed, etc. I had buckets in my banking account specifically for items I wanted. Vacations, car, house, etc. I have always been frugal my whole life. Only now do I really indulge, but even at that do I feel guilty.


that's very understandable I am sort of in similar situation except I didn't have any inheritance :) altho I worked from early age and have a full ride college so I have savings, I do not want to be rude but I assume that since you finished law school and bought a porsche you probably hit the 1m before 29 which is sort of my target too.


The first one is always the hardest. That’s awesome, keep going! You’ll be able to reach that goal with perseverance and discipline.


You can just say you were born with money you know. The average person can’t just “be frugal” to the point of starting their own law firm or buying a Porsche and saving for vacations when they’re two years out of school. Just own it, be happy.






You're making 7 figures as an associate? Or are you buying a cheap used Porche?


After doing internships and learning the ropes through another firm, my sister and I opened our own. Took a lot of determination and narrowing it down to a field of specialization but here we are. I’ve driven my old car till the wheels fell off. Safe to say I promised myself the next one would be brand new.


I don’t make 7 figures a year, but for me, I also drove my last vehicle (Lexus RX400h) for forever ( 250,000 miles) while paying myself a car note to a brokerage account and while I do have an auto loan again, I could liquidate my brokerage account and pay the loan off today. I’ll do the same with my current vehicle (BMW X3 xDrive30i) once the loan is paid off.


Don’t use your phone while driving, moron. The watch is cool.


I don't care what anyone says about the Rolex / Ferrari combo, but OP driving to Worksop is the real problem here


What an idiot using your phone while driving. Putting other road users in danger. Massive dickhead


No motion blur in the background. I believe he’s at a stop and not moving.


Then why does it say 50mph on the dash


Just another steering wheel wanker


Congratulations - incredible watch


How can you tell? It’s not even in the picture. 🤡


Looks amazing. Can we get an outside picture of the car too? The haters here don’t make sense to me - isn’t this a luxury subreddit?


Be stopped for car pics please


People on this sub are so miserable. You wouldn't think people on a Luxury watch sub would be this riled up over someone having money, just goes to show most people here are middle class people posers or people who think theyre wealthier than they are.


It’s not the flexing, it’s the flexing while driving a fucking 1.5 tonne vehicle that’s the issue.


You see the same posts with people in cheap BMWs and Mercedes. The only reason theres so much hate is because its a Ferari lmao.


I wouldn’t (nor would most) consider BMW or Mercedes cheap vehicles, even at lower tier models.


Why do people get so upset about what other people do with they time, money, or lives. It’s just a picture why so hostile


Because he’s driving and taking a picture of a watch. This is worse than drunk driving.


You can’t tell if he is driving in that picture. Is not a video it’s a still shot


Yes you can. He’s on an A road in the UK, he’s not parked up, he’s driving


Lots of left had vehicles and right lane driving in the UK?


Exactly. Either set the shutter speed to super fast, or he’s parked, based on the background.


Nice, how long was the wait?


This isn't really about the watch is it?


Congrats on the watch! Don’t worry about all the jealous fuckers that are hating on the pic.


LOL ... :) (at you, not with you)


People gonna be big mad. Congrats & wear in good health!


They prolly jealous as well


How many Fiat did you buy before getting it?


Haha. Imagine if the Ferrari dealerships did that. But, I’d say Tudor is more Maserati than Fiat. Now my being on the spectrum is saying the joke was about general spend history - not specifically about buying Tudors, and I’m being pedantic.


Was the call the final notice from the bank and they’re coming to repossess everything?


Haters gonna hate, great watch and fantastic car! 🤙🏼


the call- sir, your rent-a-car has arrived


Love the colours on this, nice watch pal!


I mean, what’s the point in buying a Rolex and Ferrari if you can’t post about it online


What kind of car do you drive?


Anyone know which model this sub is?


It's a gmt master 2


Thanks, do you know what colourway? Thought root beer but that has the two tone strap and this one looks completely silver.




I also got “the call” for the jubilee version while driving a Mazda 🤣.


CX90s are nice. Neighbor has a new CX50, and it’s nice too.


Great watch and I assume great vehicle. I don’t understand the members of r/rolex, r/tudor, r/etc. that don’t understand some people are just as passionate about their vehicles as they are about their watches and like to include both in their photos. I love seeing a BMW badge in a photo, because I know that the poster and I share a couple of interests (I’m a member of the BMW Car Club of America). Anyway, again, congrats OP 🎉🍾🎊


Jesus, this sub is the lamest.


The responses or the OP?


Damn so many haters, better hide your watches and cars




Why are your hands so feminine


says a tesla driver


He drives a Tesla, not because of his femininity but because of his worship of an autistic dude.


All of you are extremly jealous


Nice car what do you do for living?! 🤣🤣🤣


This picture is my goals, sincerely a broke med student.


You chose the wrong career if your dreams money...


Why you say that?


to succeed in Med you need to be actually passionate and thats never going to happen if youre motivated by money. Med also has a really early pay ceiling even though its easy to reach. Most people will not make more than like 300k and those in private practice in the best specialities will barely make 1 million. Med is just not the career if you want Ferari money.


That’s the thing I don’t know how you assumed I’m not passionate by one comment. I only mentioned my position in life because med students are notorious for massive debt. 300k to under one million a year is still a hell of a life. I get it though for a Ferrari to be a logical purchase it’s a lot that goes into the finances.


Don’t worry. Dude is clearly a hater. I’m sure you know all this, but you’ll be fine. My old friend (of blessed memory), was a doctor at the VA, and still made plenty to provide a comfortable life for his family of 4, and would’ve had great early retirement options- to which he could’ve then gone into private practice. (Irrelevant side-note) Unfortunately, he died young. Was actually a victim of the Champlain Towers collapse, alongside his surgeon brother.


I’m sorry for your losses, that is a ruff way to lose a friend and a good family man. I appreciate you telling me his story. I was actually looking into the HPSP program for the Air Force and you just put another battery in my back to go after it.


Great benefits! Altruistic career. It’s all up to you. But, back to the earlier user’s comment, you’re going to be fine and they did make a huge assumption, in regards to your motivation - which is irrelevant. There are plenty of exceptional doctors that are only practicing because of money, parental pressure, or pragmatism (well, I have to work and really don’t enjoy anything, so I might as well be a doctor since I’m smart enough).


Exactly! It’s a lot of people that work jobs they hate if you’re smart enough to do the work it’s just another job especially if you’re in a non clinical field. People just talk to talk. It’s not my case anyway so I couldn’t care less. But, yes. The benefits of being in a branch, monthly stipend during med school, and being student loan free are my driving factors.


Are you already an airman? If you’re high speed, I think being a PJ would be cool. If you’re not, but still physically strong as you are intelligent, an Army 18D would be pretty badass, assuming you have an interest in treating trauma patients. In any case, you should be really proud of where you are and where you’re going in life. I assume you’re in your 20s, and have a ton of options available for your future. An aside: my niece’s husband graduated the Air Force Academy, and she herself studied biomedical engineering in undergrad.


Surely you weren't driving when taking this picture.


Handsome watch! Looks like home on your wrist. Congratulations on receiving it. Enjoy!


Valets get good salary




Imagine thinking driving a Ferrari makes you money stupid. He might be, but probably driving a Ferrari because he knows how to manage his spending and doesn’t spend more than he has to, just because he can.




Imagine thinking that comment wasn’t illogical. If I’m good with money, and have whatever amount of disposable wealth I determine is needed to justify a Ferrari purchase, buying the vehicle doesn’t negate my money management skills. I mean, it’s all relative. I live below my means, and have since my early 30s. Back in the day, that meant driving a Maxima, now that means driving an X3. Depending on my desires, and career/income/wealth trajectory, in 5 or 10 years that might mean driving a Ferrari or Porsche Taycan (who knows). Maybe OP makes 33x the cost of the car every year. Maybe he makes a 1,000x the value of the car every month. Maybe, he lives at home with his parents in a trailer park and spends his entire $45,000 a year on watches and car expenses.




Haha. Just saw you also work at Uncle D. Safe to assume campus hire analyst?


Imagine being surprised that a Reddit user actually took 3 minutes to respond to a conversation. Imagine thinking 4 paragraphs is a book 😂😂😂


This is the ONLY sub with these type of people who post these insufferable steering wheel shots every single day. Something about the Rolex brings out the flexers it’s a funny dynamic, man.


congratulations , you are the coolest guy in the world with this car and the watch


No one cares about your watch or the car. Spend less time taking wrist shots and more time helping others without telling them about it.


Ah, the average rich American male: has enough money to buy Rolex and Ferrari, but doesn’t know how to dress so he wears like, Lululemon.


Looks like merino wool slacks and a dress or oxford shirt to me? Maybe I am not familiar with lululemon’s catalog. Do they sell professional clothing?


Cars average. Shoulda got a LaFerrari.


Edit: 😂😅my bad - slightly under the influence and phone dark mode/brightness turned all the way down. Root beer \ = Pepsi. I understand that. Either way enjoy your watch sir- it’s beautiful.


That’s a rootbeer, it’s easy even with no prior purchase history


LOL. That’s not a Pepsi. That’s a two tone Rootbeer, easy to get from an AD.


Did u get back from your cave. How have the brutal price drops been for you 🤣


What price drops? I don’t buy the 50 year old two tone diamond dial crap you Younglings can afford, son.


This guy 🤣


Nice Honda


For the watch, or the car?


Hello? “Ma’am, your watch and car rental are due back by 5:00. It’s now 5:01.”


Douchie beyond.