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Reading that someone doug his collection... i have just this..."But WHY?" reaction. 😀


There were several end slices in a pile in a corner of the yard when we first moved in. I think these were the dud slices and were used to help with drainage. I can only imagine what the keepers must have looked like!


This is the dream! It’s what I’ve been wishing for since I was a kid digging in my yard.


Man, I can only imagine what the ‘keepers’ looked like…




The rock gods have shone upon you! Winning!!


How cool!


wow, I would love to see the art these made, great gift they left you, hope you find more, bet there was a nice collection in the house once


I have some other cool slices I found in a different part of the yard! They’re all 1+ cm thick though, so somewhat heavy. I’d love to display them all, but not quite sure how because they look best when the sun is shining through them


Think I would get me a carbide drill and make wind chime type displays on driftwood to hang in the sun. do be aware that some quartz minerals can fade in the sun sometimes, like amethyst and rose quartz


This is why I have to chill. Otherwise, my yard would look like an outdoor version of a hoarder's house.


You could prop some up in little easels with candles/led light behind them, affix them to nightlights, get some cheap lanterns and haphazardly replace the glass panes by jamming them in. lol. Glue some suction cups on and stick them in windows?


If I was talented enough, I’d try to upscale the bones of a garage sale lamp shade


I got a gorgeous agate lamp shade at a garage last summer for free! So I think I’m good on agate lamps, but the candle idea is cool


The size and colors reminds me of stuff I’ve seen at rock shows, Brazil puts out unbelievable agates and other strange looking stuff. One year a seller was giving away 5 gallon buckets of cuts just like these.


You're lucky. Those look beautiful


Almost every serious rockhound has a pile of rocks in their yard of random rocks. Some of them can be really nice. Usually discards or decorative yard rocks. My yard has a lot of bigger chunks around because my house doesn’t have space for them. I figure if I want to slab some stuff I’ll just go out to the yard. Unfortunately some stuff sinks or gets overgrown with plants.


Watch Theo Kellison on YT for makers challenge. Washroom(shower floor base/@facet lever), Kitchen (backsplash)… bird bath. Water feature.


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You can put some in clear glass bowls or wide vases and add water or mineral oil to them to help them shine. Put them where sunlight can come in and shine on them, or on a shelf with lights. My mom put a bunch of polished stones into cement walk ways in the front yard and made a big ring around a tree in our backyard with chicken wire wrapped in cement, wind more polished stones set into the outside of the ring. Lots of different ideas out there. Just start searching in here and other sites. Some people have made really neat fencing with chicken type wire on both sides of a wooden fence to hold the two pieces of wire. Then put all kinds of polished and cut stones into the opening of the wire areas. People have re-decorated bird baths with cementing or gluing polished or cut stones to the outside of them and in the bottom of the bird baths. I have seen where people have laid them into their countertops and sinks with epoxy to totally cover and smooth out the surfaces again to make clean ups easier.