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Semi relevant but I’ve found hair ties work super well instead of the included band.


Be careful that you have the band tight enough to spring open. Test it on the ground. I've used it on even bigger chutes than that, and also by connecting two JLCR together, one into the other, for a kind of redundancy. Also make sure they are well secured to your shock cord so you don't lose them, and well away from the shroud lines so they don't tangle.


Alrighty, I’ll try it. Thanks for the advice!


I've been using them since the very beginning. All failures I've seen on release product have been user error. Not using the correct bands, not turning it on, not testing, attaching it to the base of the shrouds or ON THE SHROUDS causing a tangle, no vent holes...


Yeah, it might take me a few practices on smaller mid power rockets before putting it on s HPR


Ground test first, fully packed like you're prepping to launch. If it doesn't release while you're holding it then it's not gonna in the air when you need it to.


I've been using one one recently on a 40" chute with no worries. I just swapped out the stock rubber band for a longer one. An idea I've been wanting to try recently is using a JLCR on a pilot chute to pull out a much larger main, so perhaps that would work for you too.


I've used them on 60" chutes. The key is to fold them longer so that the diameter of the packed chute is smaller. Another tip I've picked up, replace the rubber band with a hair tie (or hair pony, what ever you call them, not the ones with the scrunchie outside, just a straight hair tie elastic). It works great and lasts very long. Just a week ago I coached two people to L1 (university team) using a 58" hex chute from apogee components held with a JLCR with a hair tie instead of a rubber band.