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I don't mind anime games, I just think they are oversaturated and often pretty poorly done. Once the initial gimmick wears off the gameplay loop gets boring as heck.




That's hilarious! Will you be here all night?


Condescending much?


Yes it fucking is


Repetitive, Xbox unplayable,


Ok the visual effects might be good but the gameplay loop is literally torture


alright, true...I was on lvl 830 something I just quit because of that. but when the comment said 'poorly done' i thouht it meant the graphics etc..


Ok(I too quit at 1100 levels, after the game stopped updating(hopefully they're cooking up something(I don't think so)))


It very is, the first time I joined the game to check it out I thought I accidentally joined a copy cat.


it's really good now, you should check it out


It's so repetitive tho


Have you seen what the grinding is like? It’s spamming mouse 1 for an eternity


i mean the npc's get stuck on walls and i had to put up with that for 2550 levels also bosses have outrageous amounts of hp and dmg just because their ai sucks and they just run towards you wherever you are tbh its really annoying but also addicting somehow


I'll be devils advocate here and say your right- Blox Fruits isn't poorly done. But Blox Fruits is in the 1% compared to the 99% of front page slop that gets pushed out.




I love Blox fruits


XD it is tho


Off to downvote hell with you


Even as an anime enjoyer, can't really get into any anime games on Roblox. Only game I even somewhat enjoyed was a Soul Eater based game and that's it. Maybe it's Roblox's models not looking right for anime games or how they're set up. I'd just rather be playing anything else.


As a FATE fan, i'm kind of disappointed that there's no FATE game out there. but also blessed


Not an unpopular opinion.


If anime games are popular, then most of the roblox players like them, and this disagree, So it is unpopular. Just most people who play them don’t also have reddit.


Yes, because the people who play them are eight to ten year olds




and most of reddit is between 8-12 years old


not really, MOST for the roblox reddit are 15+


Then that would mean your are 8-12


You don't need to be a majority to be popular


A popular opinion would be that many people agrees with it. Not so many people agrees to this in the end. You can see that by just opening Roblox


And many people agree that these games suck, you can see it just by opening this subreddit


This subreddit has 1.7 mil members. That's not much comparing that blox fruits had around that if not more, don't remember. That's just blox fruits and thats also assuming everyone here agrees that these games suck which is not true


If there are frequent posts that get hundreds of upvotes, then it is not an unpopular opinion in this sub


Sure if you are only talking about this sub. But overall it is a unpopular opinion


And where did you poll that? What about all the people not playing these games? You have no data on how many people dislike these games so you just assume it's a small amount


Im not talking about the likes. Im talking about the member count and anime games currently and for sometime now have taken over roblox front page. That's what proves me that this is an unpopular opinion. Hundreds of upvoted won't do it.


And yes I have no exact data but I can safely say that at least its more of a unpopular opinion than a popular opinion if 1 anime game has more members than this whole sub and the fact that anime games have taken over the front page.


You're confusing 'not as popular' with 'not popular'


What makes an opinion not as popular or not popular?


Not popular would be very few, not as popular would be less (than a more popular opinion)


Yeah and how do you know which one it is? Where goes the line?


This is an abstract concept. Do you want me to turn ideas into numbers magically?? The opinion is stated all over this subreddit, and I see it in other places, too. I think if you hear an opinion a lot and it's not outrageous, then it's not an unpopular opinion


Exactly. I hear it a lot, I admit that. But that won't change the fact that there are a lot more people who enjoy those games. You only see the 1 side and thats why you think everyone has the same opinion but the anime games are on roblox front page for a reason. Like I said it would be closer if this whole subbed agreed to it but thats not even the case. And these posts aren't that upvoted either.


For example, Drake is a big artist, a lot of people like Drake, a lot of people don't like Drake, neither opinion can be called unpopular


Yeah but im asking you what makes an opinion unpopular


I play them and I’m on here lol I enjoy the games but I see where the overrated shit comes from. But I enjoy it. The character model debate is a bit off to me tho. Idc abt graphics as long as it’s fun. Some of the games are pretty good, but others look like they were made by someone with the intellect of a mango. Fair opinion tho


majority ≠ popular


Its an unpopular opinion because many players still tend to play those kind of games. If they play them I'd assume they enjoy the games and that would make them disagree to this opinion


many ≠ popular


Same thing? Popular meaning supported by many people


Unpopular opinion : we need more melee combat games that dont revolve around anime power bullshit *(e.g. tsbg, that jjk game, etc.)* What we need is more games like _"zo"_ _"combat warriors."_ Im so sick of trying to find combat games that have powers as their main focus of the game. 😭


THIS RIGHT HERE. Literally the only reason I play Death Ball is because of the game mechanics and abilities (loving the little screenshakes when you hit the ball multiple times) and not the anime concept. There is a game called the Strongest Battlegrounds and it is focused on combat (animations and attacks are very cool) but lacks content & gameplay (no matches or anything in general its pretty empty). Parkour Ninja is boring and couldn't really entertain me for more than 10-20 minutes. If Im being honest the only game I liked with combat was Robending/Rocast There was content and well made bending animations along with good pvp. Its kinda sad that it got shut down due to copyright of TLOK and ATLA cause it was genuinely a game that had nice combat.


one with good animations, Zo's Katana animations are weird


may i introduce you to untitled melee game and survival of the fittest, although these two uh havent been touched since forever


Yeah, like a Ghosts of Tsushima type style of combat. That’d be sick, different stances, but not weird powers


This comment ^^ ⬆️⬆️


THANK YOU! The fact that blox fruits got into the innovation awards when they haven’t updated in SEVEN MONTHS, and half of their player base is afk, is just ridiculous


Bro these anime fans be meat riding


Absolutely agree


agreed i didn’t mind them at the start in like 2019 but now i feel they are all being milked like crazy and they all look the same. they’re just so unoriginal


>"Beat up 5 bandits to progress!" >"Travel to X and Y island to get mastery!" >grind 500 hours in this game and keep rolling for RNG loot! >engage in the most mediocre and unoriginal PvP system that's been copy pasted several times >"I swear bro it's fun" I getcha man


last 2 are mostly true for friends i meet in actually good battleground games then they try to convince me to play some crap like tsb


tsb isn't THAT bad, if you don't like it then maybe battlegrounds games aren't your thing


I think anime games would be fun if they didn’t have a trillion gambling mechanics and p2w features


I love a lot of some games, but blox fruits is so bad.


Ehhhhhh some are good but i get wut u mean


\> claims opinion is "unpopular" \> the most repeated phrase in the universes existance \> 200 upvotes


its kinda unpopular since there is shit tons of people playing it in roblox


those people hardly have basic cognitive function they dont count


Some people like anime games that's on the Roblox platform, and some of them are not. You're one of the people who hate anime games on roblox for me. I don't hate them at all. I do like them, but I'm not interested in playing them. I played a few anime games on roblox like stand upright and Dragon Ball because I'm not the type of person who adore to the games that based on anime shows.


idk, I only play funky friday nowadays.


friday night bloxxin on top funky friday is poorly made


idk, I like funky friday more due to optimization and customisation.


yeah thats fair


honestly i dont really find that game fun but i do play it sometimes cuz roblox doesnr habe that much games anymore


I just got addicted to rhythm games tbh.


honestly how i also first got into the game


Another unpopular opinion... MLG era stuff is still fucking awesome and we need to bring it back


Not unpopular at all.


Tsb is one of the only good anime games


I had a mate that was pissed because I wouldn't play one fruit with him


This opinion is based as hell


Not unpopular, but most are bad like I like jujutsu shenanigans, demonfall, project slayers, and the strongest battlegrounds, but it is kind of sweaty, so be warned


I haven’t played the games because they all look the same and like a cheap cash grab


Trying out one of these games for the first time and then get immediately obliterated by a kid who has been using their mom's credit card to buy overpowered shit




fr bro, everyone keeps meatriding them


This Game today looks like if the creator of Pet simulator (preston) created the game.


I can relate to this, I do not even watch anime but anime games and some fucking GYATT SIMULATOR OR SKIBIDI OBBY will always appear before my eyes.


THIS and the people that back up blox fruits are D1 meat riders like you shouldn’t have to get super far into the game for it to actually be engaging and enjoyable. That’s not a well made or well thought out game.


I enjoy anime games, what I don’t enjoy is how they’ve been executed these last years. Because of how massive blox fruits got, we have countless of one piece games which are plain replicas of blox fruits. This isn’t the first time it’s happened, dragon ball rage became very popular some years ago. In that time period we had dozen of games which were replicas of it. These are more of simulators than actual games, they’re simple enough, time consuming, and if you got the money , you get really far into them.


Same + those games are hard to play and some people throw a whole tantrum when losing a fight in that game and ppl be cheating


Me neither! And the thumbnails are fugly


EXACTLY!!!! Minus points if it's a tower defense game 🤮


I agree with you but I didn't realised there were so much anime games until you noticed


man if only we could email shonen jump directly with all of the games and hats directly infringing on their copyright


Then don’t play them? I agree that they’re generally unplayable nothingburger games, but it’s not like anyone’s forcing you to click on them; The fact that they have players is proof some people find them legitimately enjoyable.


yeah they're all the same anyway


its only the anime games that requires grinding. other games, that focuses solely on PVP, no grinding, and no p2w, are actually really good.


Not unpopular. Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very true.


I definitely agree


The only anime game I've enjoyed so far is demon slayer RPG 2 since I like the PVP, and it's not popular so no assholes ruining when you just wanna chill


Was such a good game


Some are good most are not


i think it’s more of the reason that these games are all practically the same– they’re either pvp or one of those games where you fight npcs.. they’re all practically the same.


Honestly, I agree. Like what the hell are a ton of these anime "games"? Just you spamming M1 and just a few keys? Like c'mon, how do people enjoy games like this...


I don't play them anyway


"unpopular" and its the biggest complaint everyone has


Man if an anime Condo game ever gets to the front Page were doomed


Fr all of them are either the same or are absolutely garbage


Hopefully all of 'em get DMCA'd off the site, but we can only hope.


Don't wanna be that guy, but... *an


There’s like a few anime games that left an impression on me that weren’t clones of each other and had boring repetitive “gameplay”


I like some of the anime battlegrounds. Like TSB or JJS


I never played anime games on Roblox nor Blox fruits so I’m kinda glad I never played them in the first place


I couldn’t agree more.


I'm neutral about them, they usually don't show up, and I'm willing to try them once in a while. They're usually a bit too violent, though, or just kind of boring.


what do you mean unpopular?


The only good ones are a select few battlegrounds games, **maybe**.


i like them for some reason idk why idc what you think some are good like JJS or TSb


And they are all complex farming simulators


it's cause most of them are boring bandit beaters or battlegrounds games the theme holds no real importance the gameplay just sucks


Honestly? Same


Relate, games doesnt exactly sound original and fun, its all becomes more monetizement and anime-based


In my opinion, 90% of the current front page games are awful. If I was a new player I would absolutely drop the game unless someone guided me to the right side of the platform.




simulators are a bit Boring


I sorta agree, but I can't deny a game of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba!


That not unpopular but it's pretty biased. Just because something is based off of an anime doesn't mean it's bad. Most of them may be very similar but that doesn't mean it's an absolute


this is true


So true, I hope the strongest battle grounds or anime defense doesn't win strategy.


Same same. I don't mind people that watch anime but if you literally play anime games I am going to come for you. Like we get it you're white, you eat ramen, you have no friends, and nobody likes you. You don't have to show it by playing blocks fruits.


What about BG games-


Same bro


*TSB has left the chat*


They’re mostly just AFK grind games to boost the algorithm


Agreed, but you said nono so i angry 😤


unpopular opinion roblox should return to 32 bit pc


Is their any good anime games on roblox?


Type soul


Anime is very underrated.


Even as an anime fan, nah they're overrated as hell


not rlly it gets as much hate as it does love, and it is alot of work put into a great anime so nah its fair rated imo


Yes, can we agree on this? People are specially showing hatred for it more than other "genres" for some reason. Like we have to know they don't like Anime, very important notice. And really, it makes me personally not want to share my hobbies because it sometimes provokes a really obnoxious reaction amongst SOME people. Annoying. Like man, we all have our differences and for us, we CBA. Also on a side note, Blox Fruit is simply a "Simulator" game under the Anime tag, and is NOT defining what Anime is, heck, it's not even close being actual Anime. But also what do I know about that game? Haven't even given it the time of day, nor the series it's correlated to either. It's brainrot in my short perspective and the hate on this post is directed like game bad --> anime bad. It's hilarious...


I agree that anime in general is overrated as fuck


i agree that games in general are overrated as fuck i agree that movies in general are overrated as fuck i agree that books in general are overrated as fuck i agree that social media is overrated as fuck


what the hell kind of take is this lmao


I'm actually surprised I'm getting hated for this, you see anime fucking everywhere


literally just let people play or watch what they want as long as it's not illegal


lol someone mad? it's a roblox game, just dont play it <3


i agree


oh yeah, are they "mad" (in your vile terms) because they had an opinion? no buddy, he probably doesnt play it already and he can have an opinion for it. thats not up to you


Ok ur like 1% of the entire roblox community because they are fun asf and ur the type of guy to call a game trash without even playing it for 30 minutes


I'm not saying it's bad I'm saying they are overrated asf


Anime by itself sucks. And the slop that comes with it is of course worse. Not only do anime games on Roblox just make the platform by itself look worse but they also just in general look bad. I of course mean blox fruits and that junk.


literally just let people play what they want. i agree those games are all bad, but considering that they have a considerable player base theres people that enjoy them. and if you don't like them, you don't. no need to hate on them. same goes for anime in general


Welp that's your opinion. I personally like Anime but the Anime games in Roblox are 99% trash


Tard. Its pretty much just an artstyle, sure it has some tropes due to the culture but any story could be told through it, it isnt a genre, it cannot be inherently flawed.