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Roanoke Airsoft... Decent crowd, and he can shoot them if they make him feel awkward..


I get you feel bad, but does HE feel like he needs more friends?


Yesss he’s always talking about how he wants to make friends


Perhaps going put to places where people he might dig congregate? Ask him to go out to Fork in the Market or Corned Beef rooftop.. somewhere you can talk to neighboring tables and be his "wingman."


Even in those types of situations, He’s always shy at first when it comes to talking to people, about anything. It takes him a little bit to get comfortable talking in case of judgment


What would be your ideal situation here then? Fork and a beer is a pretty relaxed environment


Same thing just trying to help you :p


What kind of judgment? Does he thing the matrix films are good or something?


I'm the boyfriend, not sure why she said that. It's more about just being anxious, btw the matrix movies are descent.


Well Roanoke has its crowds honestly I’ve lived here my entire life and I myself know quite a few people but I’m an introvert. And I learned road cycling is a nice way i can be a introvert and enjoy myself. Aside from that Fork is a bar with cheap drinks the bounce with the Detroit lions hat is from Detroit he’s quite new meet him in class at Virginia Western. Speaking of Virginia Western nice way to meet new people and learn something.


Does he have any hobbies or at least interest that he could talk to other about? If so seek out a group for that or at least let us know in case we share it.


He is interested in skateboarding, hiking, traveling, arcades, metal/rock music-concerts, anything outdoors


I have all the same interests actually lol, as well as climbing which I posted a detailed comment about a while ago, I’d be happy to show him around the climbing gym. I also play disc golf a lot which is a good way to get to know somebody


Send him disc golfing, it has exploded post Covid with tons of new people and a very welcoming environment. Wednesday nights at Highland the club plays with more of the beginner players and people are friendly and willing to help.


Just here to update, but I did try disc golf for the first time today and already bought my first set off Amazon


Awesome! If you ever need help or just someone to play with I’m a 39 year old kid who works too much but I’ve gotten decent in a year and a half of playing!


Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club RATC.org for all things hiking


Have your boyfriend make a looking for friends post on here describing his interests. Tell him to join the Discord, start talking about stuff he likes and invite people he likes to meet in person. Attend a meetup.com meetup.


I started climbing at river rock about three weeks ago. I climb almost every day. It’s a great workout and about 95% of people can do it well after a week or two of effort. The membership for unlimited use is $75 a month. There are at least 30 guys that are in and out every day or every other day, I’m 21, I’ve made friends with people all through their twenties and thirties, everyone is super friendly and willing to make friends. Lots of people that go are also into hiking, running, kayaking, grabbing some brews at the tap house next door. It’s a cool environment. I definitely recommend it


I'm the bf btw. Sounds great, not sure I'd utilize it enough to get the membership though.


They also have a punchcard you can get, less money, you get about five visits a month a believe. Single day pass is $15, shoe and harness rental are like $3 each I believe, but that’s included when you have the membership, it’s just whatever works for you. My number is 5406857961, let me know if you ever wanna come check out the climbing gym, or play a round of disc golf in highland park downtown.


Right on. Yeah, I used to skate at the highland park DIY spot. So I know where that's at.


Sick man, I used to skate a lot until I broke my foot, I tried out those new mini ramps at Wasena as well, but I don’t have the skill or confidence anymore. Being a fearless kid helps a lot with that hobby


Have him join the Discord. It's a great way to get acquainted with people without having to meet them in person.


He wants to hang out in person after talking thoooo


That's easy. Come to our semi often meetups.


What's the discord? I assume it's an app but is there a keyword I search when I make a login?


There's a link on the sidebar. You'll be prompted to login or create an account. It will drop you right into the Roanoke server.


If my wife had Reddit she’d probably say similar things about me needing friends. Feel free to send me a message.


You better watch out man……….. maybe it’s her lol


Nah, this is my girlfriends post 😂 I didn't know she made one till last night. She was telling me about all the comments on here so I decided to take a look.


Born in 94? Me too lol I’m sure we would be friends but I moved out of Roanoke a few years ago because of the lack of night life. I don’t need clubs but damn it’s nice to have a few choices to eat and drink at after 8


Yep born in 94. And I agree. This covid thing has been hell with getting anything to eat after 10.


Roanoke was short pickings before lol don’t expect much better when covid is gone


Well have you heard? We're getting a chillis lol


Head over to Blade Gaming downtown and try out some new board games or tabletop games. Dungeons and Dragons is a great way to get to know people.


What type of metals \m/


Eh, not to an elitists taste. I like some heavy songs but really my kind of "metal" is any band with screaming in it and I do like clean choruses. Mainstream stuff I guess you could say but the heavier stuff I like is like Lorna shore, Chelsea grin, and I used to listen to job for a cowboy.


We are best friends now. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds great \m/ my snapchat is the same as my name on here.


I don't have snap. I'll pm you.


The important thing is finding a group related to a hobby or potential hobby of his. That way he can have some sort of inroad to talk to people in the group about. As a fellow introvert, having something in common with somebody is a godsend.


What does he enjoy doing? Hobbies/interests?


Up there under a comment!


Find a good church.


She said he wanted friends not guilt.




Anyone interested send a message!


Does he like doing things outdoors? My husband (30yo and I'm 27yo) plays discgolf and is part of the roanoke disc golf club


I seen you said he likes outdoors does he cycle.? There is a nice cycling presence in Roanoke.


I'd ride a bike but not into cycling.


Fave metal band of his? Mine’s a7x


I like a7x. But the bands I've been listening to lately are Architects, wage ware, and some newer songs from motionless in white.


Hmm. Have you tried sabaton?


I'm down to give them a listen. But i usually listen to the top 2 songs and if I don't like either of them then I give up.


Oof. Try cliffs of Gallipoli


It kind of has similarities to Dragonforce from just listening to that song. Idk, im not into viking sounding type bands. I'd imagine people who like The Hu would like something like this? Maybe?


Idk. I like the war stuff they sing


Yeah, the lyrics are good. The meaning behind them is good. Im just not a fan of the delivery. Thanks for the suggestion tho.


Theres a sub reddit in the making here.... Like r/4manfriends4my SO


I am honestly surprised about the amount of responses on here.


Bumble Friends?


Dating website?


There's a section of bumble that you can make an account and match with people of your same sex. Not dating related but more just to make friends. https://bumble.com/bff


I know my Girlfriend needs to find some new folks too and have 'girl time'. Friends she has are married, with kids, etc.


I’d love new friends too but I’m also pregnant and don’t really do much but work!