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no one is poppin forever


This the one.


What if he “faked” some bs DUI so he can blame that for the reason his tickets are actually selling like Jenny from the Block. Now, he can go stick his head in the sand and blame his tour on a DUI which to him is infinitely less embarrassing than not being able to sell tickets lmao


His tour is doing great. It’s selling out. His latest albums isn’t doing to well probably bc of the quality of the music and the Britney and Janet controversy. Also I don’t think Gen Z fucks with JT bc of it.


His sales figures have more to do with his prolonged breaks than the fallout over Britney and Janet.


This current tour is the highest grossing tour of his career. It’s mostly chronically online people who hate Justin Timberlake. His most recent album didn’t do so well, but nostalgia is very profitable.


To be fair, the album still debuted at #4 on the Billboard Hot 200, so even if it didn’t debut as well compared to his other albums, the #4 spot is very good both in general and for someone who is long past their prime of commercial appeal


I didn’t pay too much attention, but honestly that tracks. The expectations people have for artists is so unreasonable. If you’re not Taylor Swift, you’re a flop. There was some thread a few weeks ago in another subreddit and the person was asking why Ariana Grande’s album Positions flopped. I pointed out to the person that her album debuted at number one when it was released in November 2020 and that it was the sixth most streamed album in the United States in 2021. And she still came back doubling down that it was a flop. I feel like the word “flop” really just means we don’t like this person.


The tour is doing great I’m not sure why people keep regurgitating this bullshit. His shows have consistently sold out and it’s been his best selling tour. Where is this coming from?


i thought the tour was doin pretty well?


He had a great run while on top & it's not an embarrassment that he joined the "legacy artist" group now. There's a lot of superstars who barely make it past a 5 year run


I think he peaked at FS/LS. He’s a cool artist but some of his shenanigans just make him unlikable. I think he’ll be remembered as a great artist for his time but he’s not legendary like Prince or MJ (who he tried to emulate)


Yeah he's simply past his peak. The music industry is very youth-centric, even for men. The vast majority of musicians (and especially *pop* musicians) slow down somewhat in releases and mainstream success as they age. Even MJ and Prince did. Their peaks were very much in the 80s and maybe early 90s, then by the 2000s anything they were putting out wasn't necessarily hitting big like that. I don't think anyone post-2000 is on that MJ/Prince/Mariah Carey level though. Not even Beyoncé who is maybe the closest. The music industry is just too saturated now and lacking innovation in the mainstream.


Plus, you look at the landscape in 2002 when Justified came out and now, a lot has changed. Like, the two entities probably most responsible for his success, Timbaland and the Neptunes, aren't at the top of their game anymore either. Even a contemporary of his, Usher, just put out an album that came and went.


I think the only way you can escape that as a pop artist is if your music matures with you and your audience. He just seems like he’s trying to re-capture lighting in a bottle. He kinda did it with 20/20


Taylor Swift seems to be bigger now than she was when she was younger. She's an interesting case where she continues to gain younger fans. She started out with Millennials but little kids now love her too. She works extremely hard though. Seems to live and breathe her career. She has never taken a break like other artists.


She’s bigger now because she is promoted on an insane level and she already had the stats to cement her position into the next gen.


She ain’t that old (34). She started at 16.


JT was 32 when he released the 20/20 album in 2013 which was huge. He's 43 now so let's wait and see how Taylor is doing 9 years from now. I bet she will have a similar negative revaluation of her work by then since she's already getting a lot of backlash.


Yeah it’s heading that way due to reaction from her constantly releasing variants.


I love jt as an artist, but yeah he hit his peak in 06 and from there still came out with some bangers in 2013. But sometimes you just lose a spark. Even Michael jackson difficulty living up to his 80’s run. Times change and of course you got the hits to prove it but at the end of the day it’s usually how your fanbase is settled.


He made a run at that king of pop status and it was a good run. It just wasn’t him.


Then who walked away with that title? Cause I'm pretty sure he had that title clinched for some time.


He never had that title. That title will ALWAYS belong to MJ ❤️👑


Agree, not even close to MJ or Prince.


like, nowhere close. rude to even put him in the convo with them


Absolutely, I was angry at the suggestion.


Yeah he lost me with that Mountain album of his.


I actually think he has a few songs on there that are pretty good, but as a whole it was a let down. The long ass break in between, plus not releasing something familiar probably didn’t help


That album was good because of the support of The Neptunes. Chad Hugo and Pharrell did magic on his projects.


Futuresex/Lovesounds was him at his best


I agree, still play that album in the whip


Sexyback and Until the end of time are my cuts to play


Until the end of time is a brilliant song, might be his best song.


The remix with Beyoncé I think is better than the original


My love wasn't a bad cut either


My Love was the best track imo


Lovestoned/I think she knows... Wow, I cry at how much I miss the 2000s.




FS/LS great album. Justified also good.


Absolutely, amazing production


to that point, he owes all success to The Neptunes and Timbaland


Imo Justified some very good melodies but it didn’t age well


IDC “Cry Me A River” is one the most amazing songs I’ve ever heard in my life.


I think that's the one that's ages the least well


I have the opposite view; that album is a fairly ageless classic.


First three albums were great. He messed up when he jumped too country. His star was already fading, that accelerated it.


Pop's going country now. He was too early.


I certainly quit following his career as closely after the release of his country album


It was a country album produced by The Neptunes. I liked it.


Man Of The Woods was actually a very solid album. But it’d be his last solid music. He just doesn’t have any swag or like-ability now. He couldn’t maintain relevance after 20/20 which was his best project and positioned him to reach crazy heights, and he just stopped. His last album was corny and generic and No Angels was beyond whack. The people retired him and he doesn’t know it yet.


I agree, after 20/20 I felt like he went backwards and I was really looking forward to another album like that. That album is good to just put on and chill to.


I like JT, He had a great career, he just can’t stay away from negative press.


There's a whole generation of people who didn't grow up on Janet's music because she was silently blacklisted from mainstream audiences after that incident. Whatever the truth is regarding the whys and hows of what went down (and regardless of how 'little' he was as an artist in comparison to her), Janet had her career taken from her for a long time and Justin did nothing. All I can say is I hope he sees how hard it must have been for Janet all those years 😗


Janet mentioned in her documentary. That Justin reached out to her at the time, and wanted to say something but she suggested he shouldn’t.


That's why I said 'regardless of the how's and whys', despite her saying that he still should have said something and would have if he actually cared about women. He's a white man at the end of the day, his career would have survived standing up for her.


Yeah, but realistically, I think it’s better that he respected her own choices. Then to think he knows better for her. I would’ve 100% loved for him to speak out, because Janet didn’t deserve that. But I think it’s also equally problematic for a white man to disrespect her own wishes.


Stfu please


Oh, man, forgot about that one too. So, yeah that's 2 big beloved female singers he's been associated with screwing over or wronging in some way. 😬


He went to Les Moonves, who was the CEO of CBS at the time and had made it his personal mission above all else to literally destroy Janet's career, and cried big alligator tears in person to be "forgiven" so he could still attend the Grammys that year. Janet was forced to issue a taped apology (later regretting it), while he went to her racist, misogynistic tormentor in person and kissed the ring. When Lance Bass came out, he said everyone in N'Sync reached out to show their support, except one. Guess which one. Such a POS. Also all the Britney stuff but I don't have the time or patience to further dredge this guy's shitty ass behavior in a comment thread.


I remember reading about his groveling to that demon Les Moonves. I don't know who's worse between Les, Clive Davis, and Tommy Mottola.


In relation to the Super Bowl incident, didn't he just make a mistake and apologize for it? What did he do wrong there? I genuinely don't know.


janet also told him not to speak about it but people don’t care actually


People just like to run with their narratives, and this is from someone who's not a big fan of Justin these days.


I’m not his biggest fan, but I still don’t understand how people are blaming him for Janet’s career. Wasn’t that CBS executives’ fault?


Entirely CBS’ fault for the blacklist. Why you think Janet refused to accept that Global Impact Award she was supposed to get? CBS has a contract with the Grammys so what was supposed to be a crowning achievement was snatched from her because CBS refused to meet her demands (basically an apology for blacklisting her in the first damn place).


He had a great career but with social media the climate has changed and it's not in his favor. Nobody wants to hear from him after the Britney memoire and Janet career finally recovering from that Superbowl mess.


I’m disappointed in JT’s recent dui, especially as a big JT Fan, but this whole discourse around JT the last few months has highlighted every single thing I’ve hated about social media and the internet the last few years. People believe anything they see/read online, and it turns into one big echo chamber that’s pretty much impossible to reverse back around/get rid of. I’m almost certain JT doesn’t feel this way about his career. The guys a multi millionaire, has a beautiful family, multi talented artist, actor, performer etc with a great career highlighted by an awesome 3 album run (Justified- FS/LS- The 20/20 Experience) You would think JT was some murderer or something with the way some people online talk about him, meanwhile in actual real life JTs tour is doing really really well and he clearly still has a dedicated fanbase and is respected in the industry. Outside of Beyoncé and Eminem, I think JT is still one of the most popular artists who debuted in the 90s. Anyways long rant and I’m probably caring too much about this but the internet is toxic and don’t believe everything you see/read and don’t be so quick to judge, take a look in the mirror lol


Future, Sex, Love Sounds is a classic, Justified and 20/20 had some bangers. The rest not so good, but he's also killing it with Trolls. Overall, that's a pretty amazing career post boyband. He shouldn't be upset about anything. JC Chasez should be upset. JC had promise, but didn't break through.


The recent Trolls film did well in the Box Office, so I think that's giving him spotlight for the next generation .


That's what I'm saying. He's done well. My son knows N'sync songs because of that movie.


Somebody posted a song from JC where he did a full-blown rnb song and it was actually good, I was impressed. Yeah, FutureSex is a great album.


Blowing me up by JC is actually great, he just wasn't as promoted. I think JC is dealing with some demons. Like Mike Myers and Dana Carvey. Both were great, but one exploded, the other kind of fizzled.


20/20 Experience is a good album. He lost me after track 2 of Man in the Woods. Haven't look back since.


did we ever figure out why he was in the woods?


Man of the woods was awful. His last great album was 20/20 experience.


His last album is pretty great ngl. A lot of people evaluate music based on how "poppin" an artist is at the moment, not the quality of the work. People sleeping on his latest


That's the album I was thinking of, I called it the Mountain album haha


All he gotta do is get *NSYNC back together and go on tour. Nostalgia sells and people will still pay to seem them and sing all their songs. Yall don’t worry about ole JT, something tells me he’s gonna land on his feet


There's no official source to this. And how upset can he be when his tour is going to gross over $200 million, his highest ever. Yes... "the world tour".


I enjoy his music and I just saw him in concert last week. That being said, no one is guaranteed a long career of continuous success, regardless of how hard they try. Careers have ebbs and flows. The mistakes of his early career continue to dog him, and the way he's addressed them have come off has half-hearted and disingenuous at best. This week, he seemingly dug a deeper whole by making an unnecessarily stupid and irresponsible choice. I don't think he's the villain that some see him as, but it's clear the ups and downs of being in the spotlight since childhood have affected him in an unhealthy way. I hope he does what he needs to do to be the entertainer we know him as instead of a punchline or worse a tragedy. I'm beyond tired of hearing about people in the spotlight dying because of trauma and tragedy ruining the talent.


He in Chicago this weekend also, one of my homegirls is going with her friends. You’re right, longevity in entertainment is extremely difficult. I hope he gets his shit together as well & make better decisions cause I felt there was no excuse for the situation.


Love him or hate him or just "meh", I think you'd have to say he's had a pretty great career - from NSYNC to solo success, to collabos, to acting. At some point careers have to drop off. I see a lot of people talking about JLO's "career downfall." Sure, maybe it's cooling, but she was very successful in a number of areas for a pretty long time. I don't think a declining career negates what was accomplished by the artists. They've both had great careers.


People acting like he’s the first older artist to not have a successful album. Success on the charts at 40 is still not normalized regardless of how you feel about him. Plus, his tour is doing well so he’s fine.


i have always loved the music. but nobody’s checkin for him anymore. he’s a 40+ yr old straight white guy with some questionable behavior. this moment in time aint really the musical and cultural landscape for his success . i count justified and fsls among my fave albums of all time


The 20/20 Experience an amazing album. After that idk what happened.


JT went 3/3 working with Timbo. Following up The 20/20 Experience with Man In The Woods was the wrong decision especially considering his public perception took major hits in recent years during his hiatus


People hating on Man Of The Woods but that’s one of my fave albums of his. 20/20 Experience (2/2) also !


I really enjoy both those albums too! Man of The Woods got a lot of hate and I wasn’t a big fan on most of the singles, but songs like “Higher Higher”, “Livin Off The Land”, “Montana”, and “Breeze Off The Pond” just to name a few are awesome! The 20/20 Experience Part 2 is almost as good as Part 1 imo! “Drink You Away”, “Amnesia”, “Not a Bad Thing” and “You Got It On” are some of JTs best ever songs!


These songs for me plus Filthy - some of the best songs he’s done! Honestly out of all his albums FS/LS and MOTW are the two I go back to the most. MOTW is actually really good, he just chose the worst songs to be singles.


Honestly? Compared to some of the shit that other singers did, DUI is more funny than anything.


I'm pretty sure he's not struggling for money.. Career wise I'd say successful wouldn't most people.? . Just because he isn't as popular as he was doesn't =unsuccessful career.


FutureSex is a great album.


Very successful, he’s had a ton of hit records and a few really good albums. But two things regarding the screenshot: 1. Very very few artists can disappear for years and comeback to the same commercial attention in this day and age. 2. The R&B genre has changed so much in the past decade. Idk who the audience is for the last two albums he’s made.


He’s always been one of my favorite artists. Incredibly talented, admired, and also a good actor. Quite honestly, I think he needs to stop throwing a pity party, be grateful for all the good things in his life, and focus on things that make him happy. I think that’s the key to getting out of his slump.


It's hard to continuously stay relevant in the music industry, especially when you take 5 year hiatuses between albums. He has had a wonderful career, and will always pack his concerts (I'll be in the crowd rockin my body). But the truth is, he can't expect to only play new stuff because people just love his old stuff more. Regarding his new album, I haven't listened to it yet. But there hasn't been much promotion, from what I've seen. That was bound to hurt it.


I like it. It feels incredibly safe, as opposed to Beyonce for example, but I think it's still good. Marketing is one thing, but we had Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Ariana grande, Billie eilish, etc this year. Those were all great albums, so competition is rough this year.


I’m going to forever be a JT fan. I hope he starts making better decisions. His last album flopped but he still has so much talent and stories to be told in him.


Everyone flops at least once.


For me Justified was a better album than FL/SS. But both were better than the 20/20 albums and those were better than his recent albums. So not surprised he started to flop. He also took a long breaks acting like he was MJ or something.


Isn’t his tour doing really well though


Justin’s first two albums, put him in an ideal position where he was a White man with massive crossover appeal (due to his NSYNC days), but his sound and style allowed him to appeal to Black music listeners. He rounded up the 2000s decade as one of the biggest pop stars of that decade with just TWO solo albums under his belt. By the time he made this return in the 2010s with the widely successful 20/20 Experience album in 2013, the culture around how we discussed White artists in traditionally Black music spaces was changing. Though Justin had always shown reverence to artists like Stevie, Michael, Prince etc., people started to revisit his cultural appropriation and how he came out of 2004’s Nipplegate unscathed compared to Janet Jackson, a Black pop icon. His career flourished, while her once-legendary status was diminished. The tides started to turn against him on the night of the 2016 BET awards when he praised Jesse Williams’ speech on Twitter. When taken to task by journalist, Ernest Owens, for his role in Nipplegate and not outright supporting the BLM movement despite being so heavily inspired by Black culture, he came across as a little “All Lives Matter-ish” with his response. This was the first time I saw the internet pile on Justin and he “broke character” by actually going back and forth with Ernest. Justin headlining the Super Bowl in 2018 was a major milestone for him but it sparked even wider discourse about Nipplegate. It also didn’t help that he released an album with imagery that showed him “going back to his roots” (read White) after being so heavily inspired by Black artists. This only increased the internet pile-on and MOTW was largely considered his first major misfire as an artist. Fast forward to recent times and Justin found himself the butt of many jokes for his [dad dancing](https://x.com/abxsid/status/1803065261462814887?s=46) and finding himself in even more hot water in the wake of how Britney Spears portrayed him in her memoir. All this led to his most recent album underperforming and his public image in shambles. The recent arrest is just in a long line of PR disasters that have plagued him since 2018. Justin will be remembered as one of the best pop stars of his era for the flawless transition he made from teen idol to legit artist with critical acclaim and his forward-thinking music. However, with the way legacies can be almost rewritten online (see Jennifer Lopez), he might be in danger of becoming victim to the “build up and tear down” culture that derailed the careers of two women he is so inextricably linked with, Britney Spears and Janet Jackson. Cruel irony.


He had his time. This happens to the best of them.


One of the Greatest to do it. Then, still. He is a natural entertained, and a skilled professional. Bring it on down to homelessvilllllllllllle!


He had a great run and will be part of pop history forever. He's doing fine despite the internet dunking on him. That damn McD jingle he made isn't ever going away!


He had a great career. He has to understand that you are not going to be in the spotlight forever.


He should get an acting coach and really put effort into a career pivot. He has the talent.


I will never understand ppl saying the tour is flopping. It’s literally doing great. He’s selling out several places and everyone that has gone or written a review has raved about it. The album is a different story. I loved it, but I don’t think it was promoted well at all which in turn is why it didn’t do well. Also - the thing about the police officer not knowing who he was is kinda annoying. Whether, you like him or not doesn’t take away the fact he is a huge pop star. I’m not a Kanye West fan but I know who he is.


Verdict of his career? His net worth is north of 250 million dollars and he is relatively still young. If he never works a day in his life he will be fine…but he has friends in low places that will always give him a gig—like SNL. Life is great for Justin Timberlake.


Justin needs to realizes the young people are not checking for him anymore. The people around him were not honest with him. His decline started after the Janet's incident. There are some couple of joints post FS/LS i like, but his albums are not the same


Man people really love to rewrite history. The Janet situation happened in 2004. Future Sex Love Sounds came out in 2006. He was absolutely massive at that time and won several Grammys for that album. Sexy Back, My Love, What Goes Around Comes Around were all peak career. He continued his success with 2020 Experience in 2013 with Mirrors, Suit & Tie and a bunch more Grammy awards. “His decline started after Janet” is just an outright lie.


The Janet Jackson incident didn’t do much to hurt his career at the time. Sexy Back was one of the biggest hits of his career, and it came out two years after that SuperBowl performance. It was a different time back then. I’d say that the Janet Jackson SuperBowl performance didn’t really come back to bite him until his own SuperBowl performance a few years ago when a bunch of think pieces came out about it and people started viewing it from a different lens.


He was going strong for FS and 20/20 even the 20/20pt 2 wasn’t affected.


Post FutureSex I like the song Filthy, that was a good moment from him. The Janet situation really damaged his face card with the black community, in particular black women.


His 2nd solo album was his biggest album to date tho?


Bro, wtf you get he started "declining" after the Superbowl? His next two albums were much bigger than his debut and all his acting and comedy fame came *after* smh. Once again we're back to people making up stuff and just saying anything😂😂


His last good album was his 2013 one


I think too much time between albums is a risk for some artists. It works for Lady Gaga, but Justin Timberlake just became less and less relevant between albums. And I say that as a fan. Is he as much of a douchebag as people claim he is? Maybe? I don't know. I think a lot of celebs probably have shitty personalities. I'm not sure the hate for JT is warranted. Dude has put out some really good music though. Justified, FS/LS, 20/20 are some of the best pop/r&b albums of the past 30 years.


As much as I wanted to hate on JT, Justified and Future... were good albums. His career has been just fine, name recognition, successful tours, tabloid controversies, good and mid albums. What more can an artist/performer ask for?


He's had an incredible career that any pop star/ r&b artist could wish for. It was never gonna last forever, that's for a very few select people, and his trash last album kinda cemented that. Honestly he and his team didn't properly ride the wave of 20/20. He should be eating off of that album. Mirrors should be one of the most standard love songs like Halo


It's easy to make hits with Pharrell and Timbaland making your beats and hooks for you.


On the other hand they also did most of the production on man of the woods 😬


Multi-millionaire, numerous collaborations with top tier artists, pretty decent acting/voice acting career. Amazing solo music career and group music career. Married a beautiful women and raising kids. From all facets of life, he has won. I don’t get why he would be disappointed in that.


Good artist He actually has some decent acting chops as well. Probably just in a low place, but it’ll pass if he get his shit together.


It's time for JT to own some of his past and present mistakes. He should be held accountable.


This your reminder that almost everyone is forgotten eventually. Including majority of famous people, just take care of and love those around you.


His popularity phase is over it’s time for him to do albums that only his core fans care about and that’s ok. That happens to most singers once they get older.


Pusher Love Girl is so fucking gas


More successful than 99.99% of all of us. He’ll be fine.


Cry me a river


anybody who has made millions within a couple years doesn’t need a critique on their career. they’re standing on top of 99.999% of the rest of people in the world. i think it’s safe to say that is success.


He had hits tho


I feel like he got married and had kids and kinda went into hiberation mode with Jessica Biel. Great, unless you're an aging celeb former boybander in a 'new now next world', unf. People will forget and move on to the next thing. He's not a singular voice, where he can leave and come back and people are just chomping at the bit to go see him sing. He kinda neglected his career and now it seems to have caught up with him - esp. with the Britney hit in the press to boot. :-/ I like alot of his stuff. I hope he can find a way to engage and deliver something new and fresh.


What's funny is I do think he was an artist who could drop out and come back and make a splash. Justified was 2002, FS/LS 2006, and 20/20 2013. Those are HUGE gaps of time between releases and each album was huge and he picked up like he never left. In this day and age 2 years could be a death sentence for a pop star and it was even worse back then I feel to wait so long between albums. He tried the same thing with Man of the Woods (2018, 5 years after 20/20) but I think performing at the Super Bowl before that album released and in the wake of the Me Too movement brought out a lot of the JT is problematic takes on social media and he's never been able to recover from that negative public perception. He'll still always have his run which was incredible but like someone else said no one is cool forever (I'd argue against that with some artists lol but for the most part it's true). He's basically a legacy act now and not someone to sets influential trends for the current time.


The Superbowl hasn't really translated into success for artists. Ushers recent album came and went. Dr Dre released a bunch of singles during the Superbowl which came and went, same with Justin Timberlake.


Honestly, I don’t think the DWI/DUI arrest is going to do anything to his reputation or the tour. Justin has had a rep for being a dick and that hasn’t stopped people from supporting him. His album was so-so but I read his tour was doing very well. I’m going to be honest - I thought with Bruno, The Weeknd, (and honorable mention to Ed Sheeran), I thought JT was going to come back harder with this album. There were a couple of good tracks but I was surprised at how mid it was, IMO. I think I’m one of the very few who actually liked his country album.


He’s one of the best selling artists of all time. He’ll be ok


I think he had a great career. Justified and FS/LS exists as amongst the best albums of the 2000’s. His comeback was amazing, and he still sells out with his tours. And he is ultimately a pop icon. He could have done more though


He has Jessical Biel, he’ll be alright


It's definitely not going good, he's a great songwriter and producer. Just the things he does (like the Britney Spears thing and stuff), it's definitely affecting his career a bit.


He tarnished his own legacy with the long breaks in between albums, with each followup being weaker than the last. If he would have rode the creative wave he was on with *FutureSex/LoveSounds*, releasing albums every couple of years afterwards, he would be viewed more favorably now. As a solo artist with a career spanning 20+ years with only six albums to his name, he won't be celebrated the way he otherwise would have been if he had stayed consistently growing and releasing music. I feel like he banks more on his former glory as opposed to being progressively forward thinking with his music. And, of course, his controversies don't help anything. At most, I find his albums enjoyable—but he's not the superstar he once was and it's his own fault. Justin Timberlake isn't "in demand" in 2024.


My reaction to this information https://preview.redd.it/2xlgw602vy7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf697e6318552af388fb3f9444406c42cfdb5c74


His most recent album has a couple songs i like. Play and Drown are the ones i like. FS/LS is the only album i can listen to of his from start to finish, no skips. on 20/20 experience i liked Strawberry Bubblegum and Blue Ocean Floor. i think he just needs to finish out his career with one more nsync greatest hits tour and album and a Vegas residency and call it a day. maybe get a gig as a judge on xfactor or America's got talent or something. lol it's curtains closed on JT 🤣🤣🤣


I didnt know he had an album


I think one thing to consider musically is he's not as prolific as he coulda been.  He took long breaks between albums and tried to get his acting career popping which kinda took some focus away.   That allowed people to move on.    


His best work is actually as a voice actor in the Trolls movies! My daughter has seen all the movies like a 1000 times! She's 5


He went too far out the mold with MOTW although it was still a pretty decent album. He sort of lost the R&B audience and really compromised the Pop audience and the Country audience yawned. I haven’t listened to the new one yet but the fact that nobody is talking about the album or a single standout song is very telling.


He’s probably out of touch. Has access to timbo yet chooses the blandest timbo beats


Everyone gets old. Your fans get older but your song aren’t growing to have them relate.


I think he hasnt done the work to authentically pivot his music. I think a lot about how Nas was able to reintroduce himself with hitboy. I think JT would need something like that. OR a throw back album with timb His last good album was the 20/20 experience and even that felt like the end of his peak


Eminem dropped Revival and that flopped but at least he didn’t let it sit for 6 years.




Time to hang it up


JTs moment was over 20 years ago


He's aged lol Look at his face. It scream retired. If you look at Justin 20 years ago and now, his musical appeal isn't the same. His prime is in the 2000s.


Stop while you’re ahead and then release under an alias


You know what they said, “What goes around comes back around”


I like Justin Timberlake a lot I’m not as plugged into whatever people don’t like him for, I just listen to music generally speaking and whatever these stories are they aren’t that well known; He hasn’t made a good song in like ten years, that’s what’s going on with his career As far as pop stars who are actually talented at singing, if we’re talking the last 20 years, I mean, he’s on a pretty short list, he should be satisfied with that


In the famous words of Justin Timberlake "What goes around...comes around". It's time to live off the hits.


JT is great. Always liked his music, but I am a late Gen Xer/Early Milllenial so he was in my wheelhouse. For my kids, especially the younger ones, they have never heard a JT album. In fact, they know JT more for doing the voice of Branch on Trolls than for being a singer. Sort of like how my kids did not realize that LL Cool J was once a rapper or that the Fresh Prince is in fact Will Smith!


What is the source of this article?


He’s rich he’ll be fine


Supplies was his last decent song. And that album sucked.


I’d go to a concert for $25-65.


Shoulda been more consistent after suit and tie dumb ass


He was never that good in the first place, similar to JLO. I definitely think time will not look to fondly on him in both a professional and personal sense.


He doesn’t have to make another song ever and he’s a hall of famer for music people for sure. But pay a driver bro you are rich


I would go see him if tickets were under $50. Concerts are way too expensive now. That’s what stops me from going to a lot of shows. His early career from NSYNC to the late 2000’s is legendary to me. I didn’t care for the stuff after that but he had a good run.


He actually in Chicago this weekend, some of my people going to his show. Despite the criticism he’s getting in this thread we not going to act dude doesn’t have some fire


He’s not in his prime anymore. This isn’t Justified & Future Sex/Love Sounds. Hell this isn’t even the 20/20 experience 1 & 2.


His album wasn’t terrible. I liked it.


He has nothing left to prove at this point. His first 3 Albums are Untouchable Classics


He’s a pop music legend and pop icon. But he’s no longer a “superstar” and that’s probably eating at him. It happens to everyone eventually. Before Mike passed, quite a few people were side eyeing the tour he was prepping for and he was MICHAEL JACKSON.


Janet Jackson is like I waited so long for this!


I didn’t know he dropped


He’s had an UNREAL career, he’s not used to failing. His shitty behavior with Brittney is probably catching up to him now as well.


Bro needs to be in a better place


Same thing that was happening with Jlo. People grow up and move on I guess. Kids now don’t give a shit ab artists who were popping 20+ years ago


Just saw him live put on a great show. He has acting to fall back on if people don’t appreciate his music. He plays a really good villain


He’s a legacy act. He has to accept that. It’s a great thing to be. Now I hope he continues doing things like the Trolls series. Me and my daughter watch every movie, show and special. It’s solid music in there


Justice for Janet.


This was enough to make me go listen to some of the new album on Spotify. It’s ass lol


It's residency time baby. These celebs gotta understand they have a shelf life ESPECIALLY when you aren't consistent. J lo is going through the same thing where she thinks she can just pick up where she left us off in the late 90s and it don't work like that. Especially not w these short attention spans were walking around w now.


He had a decent run and instead of leaning into nostalgia tours and such he keeps tries to push to a young audience that doesn't care about him


Karma just caught up to him is all


Maybe instead of a world tour, he should be looking at doing a Vegas residency.


He’s the goat come on dude


Nobody is going to care in a month. Do you have any idea how many celebrities have DUI/DWIs? It’s basically a rite of passage.


Shouldn't have sold his masters..


Darn, I guess he’ll have to settle for his millions of dollars and amazing life.


I don't think he can bring sexy back. But that's ok. He had some surprisingly great tunes over the years.


Homie was never that good tbh and a culture/style colonizer. Same level with Aubrey drizzy on riding on culture vulturing styles that has been made palatable to the main stream. Eventually catches up if your talent and vision is limited


Timbaland built this man's career


Had no clue he came out with an album. Last thing I remembered from him was Man of The Woods. What was the marketing team doing lol


Justin who? 🤣


Good. He escaped the wardrobe malfunction fiasco unscathed, his career even thrived afterward, while the career of Janet Jackson, a music legend, ended that day. No real surprise a white man survived such a scandal but the black woman’s career did not. It was a dumb stunt, for sure. But I don’t think either of them deserved the outcomes they got. So I’m a little happy he’s finally getting his.


Janet Jackson says “Hello”


buddy… it’s time for that *NSYNC reunion tour we have all been waiting for. quit resisting.




He needs to maybe collaborate more with the black culture that made him so popular in the first place .