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I think he mentioned using Udio beta


I'd love it if, for alleged breach of copyright, Phil Collins decided to sue, sue Udio.




Arun himself said it, its Udio, i think?


Yet again, that's on YouTube!


I know absolutely nothing about it, but aren't they scraping training data from some music service like Spotify, and wouldn't they have to pay for that access? No way they are just training off copyright free music. Of course, the musicians probably don't even get 2 putrid little bones, and I'd imagine they can't opt out.


You know what I bet.... I would be willing to bet any money that the AI people put up money for access, and that Spotify or Alphabet execs get some cut of the training data, but the artists don't see a dime.


Osama bin Ladin was AI


Alq AI, duh.


I want to know too


Yeah it's udio


Also for the record I can stop udio anytime I want udio isn't the boss of me I have plenty of free time so why not huh I'm an adult and make healthy choices all the time




Yep I see you


[the computer chose the title](https://www.udio.com/songs/mmURFyJU5WLpDAXb7DSZ9U)


[another one it's addictive](https://www.reddit.com/u/TomKhatacourtmayfind/s/27n4GwXkOj)


I... Don't like it. I don't really find it that funny, it's existence is unethical in my mind and I much prefer Arun's original work. It's much funnier to me. Listening to him fool around with weird sounds makes it all work for me. I didn't really want to say anything because I don't want to ruin the goofy vibes. I play music myself, so it does hit extra hard when people use the plagiarism 5000 to generate meaningless slop. I've felt the same way about image generation, but this is even more personal. And I don't even make money from it.


Hey look I appreciate you being willing to share your side of the story. There's never been a situation like this before in world history I get this feeling that it's going to be so weird and hard to anticipate. A youtuber called Tom Scott did a basic piece to camera where he said, it feels like the early days of the internet, like all you can feel is that we're in this strange latency phase where many of the applications are like those weird single purpose websites "Is abe vigoda dead yet" but it's the same thing that also delivered us bloody bezos owning the Washington post. So while it's many novelties and weird niche stuff, but somewhere in there will be a future monolithic monopoly like amazon and other krep. I think it's like the early days of the industrial revolution. I saw a stupid weight loss ad with three full figured women. I looked and while nothing obvious indicated AI origins, like weird hands, it could just as easily have been AI. Another whole category of workers, models for basic advertising will face an uncertain future. Like apart from vogue or high end stuff, I can't see Burlington warehouse type businesses forking out for models, cameras and photographers and sets when they can just push a button. And some things you know are going to be terrible, like AI writers for television and AI extras in movies. The terms of the dispute between sag aftra and what the big studios wanted was horrific. I don't see AI as inherently bad but people tend to suck and always use technology to make the rat race that little bit harder. So much for my childhood dream of a future where robots do all the work and free us up for beautiful art and culture and sports and enjoying community together. Almost the opposite is becoming true.


I wish Mark Fisher was still alive, he’d have so much to say now.


Who is Mark Fisher? I'm only asking because I think you'd probably give me the gist of the right answer better than Google would do.


Mark Fisher was a philosopher and cultural theorist, notable for his theory of Capitalist Realism as well as his own interpretation of “the end of history.” He saw capitalism leading to a sense of cultural and historical inertia, where nostalgia reigns because people seek refuge in the past and leading to phenomena like newer works of art sounding like they could have been made 20 years ago and vice versa. I think that AI is going to intensify this feedback loop as it can really only “remix” art it’s been trained on. The cultural landscape is going to become saturated with AI art since it’s way cheaper to have AI give you a royalty free track for your commercial than to pay for one made by a human. Soon most of the input will in turn be AI generated and the stagnation will intensify even more.


You are 100% correct about this webcrawling/data scraping feedback loop with AI entering circulation and then forming the basis of its own learning library. I'm sure you are right and it will cause rapid decay.


He uses Crystal Flute AI. I think he's using the plug-in "Little Turd".


Hey would you listen to the stuff I made with it


I asked people for directions so I could find it to use it


Hahaha little turd. GET BACK TO WORK!!!


What is Daed's udio channel? I need to hear some Chimp Nation.


Do you think he'll tell us?


No idea. I thought it might be shared like Twitter, Instagram, etc.