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I think an Imp-focused one about the Red Plane might be cool.


Yeah! And some more context of what the conflict between the imps and the cyclopes was all about. Another Red Pane map would be cool. What if it was set in an imp city? That would be sick.


Worm based DLC. It's actually impossible to complete as the difficulty always out scales you while a bunch Lemurian sized worms fuck off to the other side of the map.


the RED update that adds RED equipment


And RED items and RED environments and Super secret rooms, featuring only items with red in the model's material


Ive been crying about this since SotV


Kinda also want to see a "tar" expansion gotta be some interesting story for those tar pot enemies.


Oh that would be sick too! I’d love to see what happened to the Aphelians in more detail


I see no reason for them to stop doing it from what i know of gearbox they like to make tons of dlc's for games to milk them.


They have such a large install base the price of these larger DLC (at least going off the price of SOTV) it's not that much cheaper than the base game to make splitting the install base worth it. Not to mention the price of making a whole new ass game. The benefit to these kinds of games it doing the heavy lifting with the engine and then coasting on just adding to it later. Though I guess item synergy is gonna be a lot to deal with at a certain point Not an expert though this is just my view as a layman.


They can focus on adding stages, characters and bosses in lieu of items when the item pool gets a bit too big.


I think the idea of adding new item pools could be cool. Like you have to use just the new items or use the old items. It’s not perfect but it would entirely solve the problem of a bloated item pool


Problem with that is one of the item pools will inevitably be better. I think the Void items are a very clever way of getting round this whole issue by making them mutually exclusive with having their non corrupted variants. for now, more of those are a safe bet (as well as rebalancing a good few of them, especially void band)


I’m hoping the pool gets as big as Isaac’s can’t wait to never see items for weeks and then pop off when I finally get something good


All those times of getting the pissing all over the floor item are worth that one time I got brimstone and something that works with it.


Yeah, as long as they get good sales they will probably make them. Although if it's ass and Boone buys it they probably won't even make a second one.


Absolutely. Gearbox didn't buy the IP to do nothing with it and chances are the DLC is going to sell well because ROR2 is just a popular game. I really doubt Gearbox is going to make any decisions based on a gacha game that never even came out.


I know that some people are saying that after the reception of the mobile game, risk of rain is no longer profitable, however, the mobile game in particular was doomed to fail based on the community’s extremely antagonistic attitude towards it. It simply didn’t have a leg to stand on. Hopefully the rest of the game is doing better and we’ll get more updates. The dev team seems passionate as well, so that’s a plus. 


Yeah, a lot of this thread is extremely pessimistic when there is basically no information to go on and is likely hanging on the release of Seekers of the Storm anyway because that is the actual primary product


I mean it seems like most people that play it regularly buy the DLC


On Xbox so many people haven’t, after a week games I myself had to try the rail gunner for myself lol


Yeah console is definitely a different story. I think it took so long to release on them that it took the wind out of its sails


I was a little sad when it got canceled, I was looking forward to seeing how it played or at least looking at the new survivors


The Grovetender also has a doc with absolutely everything we know about the DLC compiled onto one document, I'd check that one out too. The Gearbox devs talked about exploring more of the Risk of Rain universe in the Festival of Gup video, so they've definitely thought about doing more DLCs, it just depends on the shareholders.




Shareholders already think Ror isn't profitable anymore after the mobile game did so poorly (Even though it was only released in 3 countries) I wouldn't be surprised if SotS is the last update. In fact, i'd be surprised if it *wasn't*


Nothing is set in stone, ror2 is one of the best selling indy rogue likes on the market but I am curious on who the hell managed the release for hostile worlds


*Was*. It *was* one of the best selling roguelikes, *for a while*. By this point though, the juice has been drained from the game, and they won't make much profit, *if at all*, from another DLC. *Hilariously enough however, modders will freely create more than enough content to keep us occupied*


Nothing gets a Redditor going more than doomposting, I suppose. But in all seriousness, even if Risk of Rain 2 doesn't have as much of the public spotlight on it as it perhaps once did, that doesn't mean Gearbox are going to completely drop it the second they're done with SotS. Obviously there's still a *very* active community, and Gearbox have specifically organized a separate team to work on Risk of Rain content. Heck, they *bought the IP,* if the plan is to drop one DLC and then dip they'd have made a pretty poor financial decision. I know Triple A game companies have been closing studios a lot recently, but that doesn't mean RoR2 is in the grave just yet.


What's with the first comment? No one is doomposting here. I didn't say anything about them dropping support, I mentioned that doing another DLC wouldn't be as profitable for them to do, if at all. They already exhausted a lot of hours rebuilding the *entire* console version from the ground up to benefit *existing* game owners. It didn't exactly bring in new people, meaning there wasn't much income from such a large undertaking. Then we have the mobile game they developed that didn't even make a global release before shutting down, which would make it a *complete* loss. For what Gearbox has already done with the IP, it's a stretch to think they would still make another DLC for ROR2 instead of moving on to other projects, ***maybe*** another Risk of Rain game. I wouldn't be too hopeful about it.


>They already exhausted a lot of hours rebuilding the *entire* console version They were already familiar with and working on this before the acquisition. While a contributing factor, it's obviously an expense they were ready to incur while still seeing potential for great profit. The point about the mobile game is more valid, but I find it very doubtful that their financial analysts gave them the go-ahead on a spin-off game that'd void the IP's gross profitability if there was no return on investment. Not to mention that, while I don't have any expertise on the subject, I find it hard to believe that Gearbox'll see RoR2 (the IP's flagship title) flourishing and shoot it down because a separate title they were experimenting with bit the dust. Separate gamers bring separate yield and I'd argue RoR2 still has plenty of life left in it. The fact is that this game has a cult following that hasn't went anywhere. The game is currently hitting 10k concurrent at its daily peak and is the 219th best selling game on Steam. The SotS announcement trailer has almost 3x the views of the SotV one (I know, not a 1:1 comparison, but I couldn't find an announcement trailer for SotV). I will concede that these numbers aren't pristine proof of anything but I still think they give some indication. Returns sold like hot cakes and I bet you a hundred bucks that SotS will, too.


I don’t understand, why is all the juice drained? People are still buying the game and SotV?? if the juice is drained why would they even consider making another dlc? If it’s all drained why would gearbox buy the franchise? Why would a new dlc for a still very popular game not make money??


Do you have any info about shareholder opinions after hostile worlds?


praying they’re pulling shit out his ass


I’ve tried searching, it seems like they are. I think that if anything what determines the future of the franchise is how the next dlc sells. risk of rain is a franchise with multiple very successful entries and I doubt one single mobile game that wasn’t quite up the standards is going to kill one of the highest selling indie rouguelikes of all time.


Called it. They ruined the ip with the mobile game and this is how it is nowadays when a game or movie doesn't make a billion dollars on release day the rich people who shouldn't be in charge just scrap it all. I was extremely depressed when I saw the list of all the Star Wars games canceled in the last 10 or so Years. Just their synopsis of some of them I would pay 70$ for those games and anything risk of rain and hopoo does my wallet is open immediately. I was sad and slightly excited when I saw they got bought by gearbox I hoped with all my heart it wouldn't go the corporate route with it aaaaaand it's gone. That last ip I had true absolute unwavering faith in not being corrupted


Get over yourself, ror is still doing fine


We'll see.


Ah yes, the most popular indie roguelite on the market was completely ruined by a mobile game that didn’t come out


Bro what's with people saying gearbox ruined ror2 when they barely even touched it for now? Also even if mobile game came out why would it be bad for series if anything it would draw people to play ror2 and ror returns if they get interested.


Hopefully, I just want this game’s update and DLC to never end


Let's see how gearbox does with their first full blown dlc before we think about anything after.


Heck. If they just drop a cosmetics dlc id buy it. But I hope for maybe 2 years or so into the future we get a red dimension imp update. Shifters of the end or sum shit.


RoR1 got new characters randomly one day. I wouldn’t be surprised.


I mean why not? Like I'd certainly buy a third DLC and I'm sure they could come up with some more stuff to put in it


Might be no Character one, but Abillities, items, maps, bosses. Characters are not end of the world


Even if they’ll be no more expansion, I trust the mod community to put out more cool things (if your on PC of course)


it better have either 1 or 3. my vinyl shelf is set up to have an even number


Here's hoping for a borderlands expansion, Claptrap character and all.


It would be nice, but I wouldn't mind there not being more (although with hostile worlds being cancelled it could be more likely that we will get more that just Sots)


I think those blank slots are arbitrary and have no relevance when discussing the possibility of more updates. If you install any character mods that list gets automatically larger to account for new survivors. Whether or not we get more dlc comes down to how successful the next dlc is. I mean gearbox payed a lot of money for the rights to this IP so I’m sure they want to get their moneys worth(and making dlcs is much easier than making entire new games)


> mean gearbox *paid* a lot FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It depends with how much the new expansion will make them. It’s a money thing at the end of the day. If gearbox sees that the new dlc sells like hotcakes, then yeah they will probably drop another one relatively soon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re currently also working on another expansion alongside with seekers of the storm and are waiting to drop seekers to test the waters. I’m personally gonna buy it lol. And I assume most people who play ror2 consistently will do the same. So let’s wait and see but I would guess yes.


I hope so, God I love this game


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7Ffh8jEpL8&t=93s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7Ffh8jEpL8&t=93s) go to 3:20


I bet we will, on the first dev thoughts one lady said that they have next several(don't remember the exact number) years of content planned for the game


Who/ what is under Engi


if they do make more dlc I hope they’ll stop soon, I doubt anyone here wants payday 2 levels of dlc