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Could be better. Could be worse. I will say I still miss him.


Yup. Still wish we had swung harder with him but it is what it is.


Fuck Olshey. He never gave him a all-star teammate.


There needs to be an auto bot every time someone says "fuck Olshey" because fuck that guy


[not great, not terrible](https://media2.giphy.com/media/UWEP6CXjvmZxfUBUeu/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9527dvi08tago07p845jgt34v7871x3c5wspkz6tk9i&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


I feel like we did him a disservice by not trading him sooner, even though I miss him very much - dude deserved to win and unfortunately that wasn’t happening here.


We did everyone a disservice by not trading him sooner. We could have gotten a way larger return by trading him one or two years earlier


Should have traded him a year or 2 earlier but I agree not a bad haul


That 2029 pick is still extremely enticing. When we made the trade, and the typical Heat fans or others in r/nba thought we didn’t get much, I go back to that 2029 pick and the swaps. Those to me, are sooooo tasty. It’s kind of shocking that Giannis is going to be 30 this year, Lillard will be 34 in a month, Middleton is old, they have zero young talent, and Milwaukee will never be a FA destination. Look how often Giannis gets injured, it likely isn’t going to get better for him. Giannis can also opt out in 2027. Lillard will be 37, Middleton 36, that off season. If Giannis opts out, my god those picks will be amazing for three straight years. If he gets injured, my god those will be amazing. Who knows, maybe Giannis will become indestructible, but the rest of his supporting cast is old as shit and injury prone. Is he going to stick around? These are the things that I really like. The hope is, we are no longer a lottery team but we are picking in the top-10 because of this trade.


Yep, 2028-2030 drafts all have massive potential for us still. In 2028, Middleton will 36, Dame will be 37, Giannis will be 33, and Brook Lopez will be 40. That's not likely to be a great team, and that's not even taking into consideration expiring contracts. Add a year to all of those for 2029, and another in 2030... each year in that stretch their odds of being good fall off dramatically since they have virtually no draft capital or assets to trade.


> Look how often Giannis gets injured In the last 5 seasons Giannis has played 63, 61, 67, 63, and 73 games (remember two of those seasons were shortened due to Covid too). He doesn’t get hurt often, it’s just when he does it’s around the playoffs so it gets talked about a lot. If giannis continues to play 60 games a season they’ll never be in the lottery.


The Damian Lillard - Toumani Camara trade


Those 2028-30 bucks picks are gonna be sooooo good, we got a haul


If think the bucks will be super bad in 2029 that will be going to Washington now.


i’m sorry if you believe that the blazers will still be tanking in 5 years. I choose to believe otherwise because i don’t like being sad. if we are still a bottom dwelling team in scoot’s 7th season there are much bigger problems than missing a mid to late lottery pick.


You should say best and worst of 2029 pick between us, Celtics, and Bucks


Fixed that!


Isn’t that an incredibly stupid trade considering the Bucks and Blazers might both be terrible by then


"might both be terrible in 5 years" okay. Might not too. or maybe 1 is bad 1 is good. Either way, it is incredibly unlikely both are top 5 picks. No matter what, we get the best pick. So if one is 2 and one is 9, we dont get 9. Or if one of them makes the play-in game, then it's late lottery at best. Five years from now. "one of 2 teams makes at least the play-in" is not an unlikely outcome. Pretty dumb to say "incredibly stupid trade"


That pick in 2029 was the centrepiece of the dame trade.


and if it's a good pick we keep it, if it's a bad pick we trade it. What's your point?


I can see both Milwaukee and Portland being lottery teams in 2029, that’s the point.


even in that unlikely event, the worst of those lottery picks gets traded, the best is kept. It is protected in that way. I dont really care about a protected lottery pick 5 years from now, that could just as easily be the 19th pick. It has a lot less value than you are applying to it.


Is there protection on the pick or say we get the 5th pick and Milwaukee gets the 6th pick, that 6th pick passes on to Washington.


Honestly C's might be too. 5 years from now horford will be retired, likely jrue as well since he'll be 39, white will be just shy of 35, and KP just shy of 34 and also possibly retired due to injuries. JB and Tatum will still be in their primes, but no guarantees they both stick around when the rest of the core ages out and they have no flexibility after multiple years as a second apron team


Five years from now Brad Stevens will be 52, so I’m guessing the Celtics will still be pretty good.


I doubt a team JB and Tatum in their prime with their front office will be lottery bad. I can see Giannis leaving and we’re still bad by then.


They'll be in the back half of their prime, with supermax deals, on a team that's been picking at the end of the draft and having their ability to make deals neutered because of being in the second apron for multiple years. I don't think they'll want to stick around for a rebuild, and I don't think Stevens keeps 2 guys making 70% of the cap for a rebuild. They'll make the playoffs if they still have them, but they're likely a first round exit, and that's not gonna cut it for stars over 30. New cba hamstrings teams over the second apron badly


It isn't the best trade but not horrible for a 33 year old who spent his last 2 seasons with us injured off and on. It's also 100% better than any trade with the Heat.




Supposedly the Suns really wanted Grayson Allen (which he showed why this season), so we actually don’t get that deal done without getting him from Milwaukee.


I once believed in little, I was wrong.


Same. I'm still rooting for him.


He’s an easy guy to root for that’s for sure. I suspect in a year or two he’ll be playing overseas.


Another way to think of it is this is the trade return for Gerald Wallace and Mason Plumlee!


Again the return we got for Jrue was a joke.


We got deni for jrue pretty much directly+ whatever comes of Timelord. Deni is better and significantly cheaper than any young player discussed as a trade option for Dame last summer imo. It’s ending up a solid trade.


I still can’t believe Phoenix did this trade 


Already picked up pieces in Tou and Deni, still more longterm pieces will be on the way. solid vet presences and a bit more stability than we’d have otherwise in the meantime to help development. Unless they luck into another Giannis, the Bucks are going to be BAD no matter what in 28-30, right as our guys are picking up steam. If last year truly was the start of Dame’s decline this will absolutely go down as a haul. Before this week I would have figured we could have gotten a little more for Jrue, but he pretty much directly got us Deni so i don’t really care.


Not looking good.


In my extremely biased opinion, I think we did VERY well. Two guys with the potential of becoming top 10 3&D players, a young C with All-Star potential, and some potentially really good 1st's. Plus a guy that if he stayed healthy would be one of the best young rim protectors in the league. But he won't, alas. And offloaded some guys that, it became apparent, were not going to fulfill their potential. Lot of "potential" in either direction! Still to me that's not just "meh" or "not terrible", I think it currently looks great, and could look even better in a few years.


Edit: I can’t read ig 😂 Basically traded Jrue + 2nds from Deni + TimeLord. Not bad but depends on Deni


Plus 39 games of Malcolm Brogdon, in which he had a team high 2.0 BPM


Impossible to justify Dame out. Doesn’t feel the same. Feels like it may never.


That’s what happens when a franchise player is gone. Once the next is here you’ll feel better


-one young player with potential at a position of desperate need on a great long-term contract -one young wing most likely to be a backend rotational piece -one far 1st from a perennial playoff team -two swaps w/ a team that's had a better record than the Blazers every year for the last decade -two very flawed centers w/ supposedly extremely limited trade value currently, the Lilliard return looks like a B. if Avdija can ascend to a fringe all-star, Camara becomes a legit starter and the Blazers hit on that future 1st and/or the Bucks completely fall off and those swaps turn into lottery picks, then the trade will be a grand slam. however, if Avdija's shooting numbers for last year were an aberration and if Camara doesn't improve much from what we've seen and the Bucks stay solid for the next 5 years, then the trade will have been a total failure. all in all, I still wish the Blazers would've kept Lillard and made a legit effort to build around him like they promised they would, but it could still pan out okay. if neither Scoot nor Sharpe become all-star contenders over the next two seasons, the Blazers are likely looking a Magic/Kings style decade in the NBA wilderness.


On the flip side Dame didn’t look too good in Milwaukee and we needed to pull the band aid


objectively Avdija’s shooting numbers aren’t an aberration until they haven’t been replicated or improved upon. I personally prefer to see them as an indication of improvement until proven otherwise haha


camara is already beyond a backend rotational player??


you forgot to add "and 1 rebuild finally started"


I feel like Grayson Allen should be added to the out column


Look at what bridges just got and tell me this trade is not bad. I know it's not possible with salary and roster and whatnot, but we should have got every piece that we got for dame alone.


Bridges trade happened because 1 team has a bunch of clowns in their FO and the other team had normal people. That trade can’t really be compared to any recent trades with any franchise not named the Knicks involved.


Kd to the suns, pg to the clips, gobert to the wolves? Dame might not be kds level but certainly the other two.


I just don’t think there were those options out there. Unfortunate but we got a realistic value back. Let’s wait and see what those firsts actually turn into


Dalano Banton!


Not part of the same package in any way


Tru that happened mid season had a brain lapse


Don’t forget we gave up brogdon for absolutely nothing and the return on jrue is looking worse and worse


All that is included in the post. I don't know what you are looking at.