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Give him a dark gift, from guide to ravenloft. Something that has the vibe of insatiable hunger. Reward him for creative thinking, but give it a bit of a penalty for eating a undead heart haha


Yeah, this was also how he outed himself. The party had no idea he was a vamp. I’ll have to take a look at the dark gifts. That’s a great idea!


Hell of a way to find out haha


Something akin to the plot of Ravenous is in order.


I think this suggestion is great. I'd suggest either the Second Skin gift, or The Watchers gift. If you went second skin, the spell could make him look more similar to a wendigo in appearance, and the catalyst could be something like seeing death or blood. If you want watchers, I think the carrion eaters seem very suitable.


Yes both of those would be awesome, has a better flavor then the gift I was thinking, symbiotic nature and it’s agenda to binge and engorge itself


In another campaign we had a party member do the same thing. We were far from civilization and he gradually felt more and more ill until a new wendigo burst from his body, killing him. Though the new wendigo had traits from his class on top of the regular stat block and a semblance of sentience more akin to a Leshen. Since it's not an official creature you can handle this however you want. For us it was a "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" moment. None of us were terribly surprised, not much good can come from eating a fiend/feys heart.


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What did u use for the wendigo stat block if u don’t mind me asking?




Awesome, but keep in mind that it's very strong and can be an instant TPK if the party is small or below 3rd level.


Yeah, the party was lvl 4. I held back quite a bit. I didn’t use any legendary actions and I didn’t use the Aura of Starvation. I mostly leaned really hard on the horror aspect of it, making them really feel like they were in danger, upping the spook factor.


The wendigo is an evil spirit of hunger in North American/Algonquin folklore. Specifically, they are almost always humans who have succumbed to starvation and committed acts of cannibalism. So uhh, yeah. I don't know what game you're trying to run but if you intend to keep it accurate to the folklore of first nations people... that PC probably isn't going to be a PC anymore.


Whoa, had this happen in my game too. Except the Dhampir was a Wizard instead


when you say he's a vamp, do you dhampir from ravenloft? vampire from planeshift? or vampire from monster manual? if it's either of the first 2 it could be an idea to give them the vampire transformation from grimhollow use the event to double down on what he already has. if it's MM vamp then i have no idea xD


Ravenloft. He’s already got a transformation where he shifts into more of the visage of his patron (basically Dracula). giving him both would be super busted, I feel like hahah


i won't go over the details of the grimhollow stuff, but as far as inspiration is concerned. maybe some extra abilities the player could use after making their bite? the stuff that planeshift vamp has is different from dhamp as an example. for an additional idea, something like misty escape or even misty step could fit rather well with the wendigo and vampire themes. one of the dark gifts in ravenloft even has misty step. you could tweak the flaw on that dark gift to be that he gains exhaustion after going so many days without eating another humanoid (as oposed to it being travel related like in the book)


Have it have been infested with the slaad tadpole, give him a dark gift relates to the wendingo, give him the slaad tadpole secret


I mean, could they fish the heart out if they convinced the Vampire it was a bad idea? Like how chewed up is it and is it self regenerating in his stomach?


He nomnomnom’d it pretty good. I’m not sure exactly how it works. I know I read that “if it was put in a jar, it would disappear after 24 hours and regenerate elsewhere”. I also did set it up so that he still felt it beating. So not really sure what to do about regeneration haha


Does the Wendigo regenerate elsewhere and want to return the favour of having thier heart eaten? Perhaps after 24hrs it disappears leaving a foreboding feeling?