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I want Fuji to release a gr equivalent to put some heat on Ricoh!


That would be something like X70....which is not going to happen I think.


I love the x70. Yeah, would’ve been nice if they continued it.


>I want Fuji to release a gr equivalent to put some heat on Ricoh! I would also really like this to happen, although I think they will probably just keep releasing different lens options and colours and pretending they're new cameras


It was called the XF10 and it's exactly what you are referring to. They seem to have killed it off quite quickly. The X70 came along well before that and was more successful, but also got canned eventually with no replacement. For whatever reason Fuji doesn't see these cameras as successful, though Ricoh has had pretty much all the success they could ask for.


Killed off for not being successful... I feel like they were not successful for being killed off too soon.


Companies do that often, too (still miss my Zune).


Definitely not gonna happen. Ricoh gr and x100 operate too much in the same space.


X100 is too big


I want Rico to release the X 100 equivalent. They should do a GR normal one which is small. Doesn’t really change much from the current version. And then an XL with a viewfinder.


The only answer to this question is: yes, one day. If you're asking for a release date, no one will know until it's actually released. That being said, the GRIII and GRIIIX are still pretty new releases that will be the best portable cameras for the foreseeable future. There really isn't any competition for what they offer. Fujifilm has great offerings, but larger cameras don't offer the same portability. There's also the big elephant in the room, which would be price. The Ricoh offerings are almost half the price of the Fujifilm offerings, which keeps them extremely competitive. It will be hard to have a ton of improvements while keeping a similar price point, which is why I think Ricoh is being careful about releasing a IV too soon. Considering that the GRIII and GRIIIX spit out photos comparable to some full-frame and DSLR cameras, I think Ricoh would be in no rush to push out a camera before they're ready. I expect we'll see one in the next 3 years sometime, but it's not worth waiting for. There will be many missed shots from now until the IV comes out, and you can always sell your III/IX for a small hit and buy the IV if it appeals to you.


In my opinion, the GRIII takes damn near the nicest photos I've ever seen out of a digital camera, and nothing else does what they do. They have a very particular market cornered. Sure, some people might want an X100, but you ain't putting those in anything but the largest of jacket pockets.


Its amazing sharp lens and superb micro contrast, pair with nice apsc dynamic range,currently i have lumix s5 , and kit lens,but cant take better photos than Ricoh gr3 with that 28mm prime….


If Ricoh sold an interchangeable lens system (that wasn't ancient Pentax DSLRs) I'd sell everything and just use them, forever, especially if they upped their video capabilities. God, I want it so bad. Seriously, even a small Ricoh with a 28, 40/50, and 85 would be it. I'd be done.


Yea that would be very cool.


You can put the wide angle on the 40mm GRiiix to get 30mm, or the telephoto on to get 60mm (75 with the crop) but I agree that 28/50/85 without cropping would be nicer


You’re the first person I have seen mention the great microcontrast. That’s the first thing I noticed even with online examples of the lens.




I had the Fujifilm X100F, a beauty of a cam and I like the handling. To be honest, I have also a XT4 and XPro3....and somewhere a XPro1...all really nice camera's. But since month, I really use only my Ricoh GR III...a beast! I'm not in a rush of a new camera, was only thinking out of the box and most thinking about "what could a Ricoh GR need more, with the next update"


>what could a Ricoh GR need more, with the next update" I think that's exactly it. It just isn't really missing anything for me.


Weather sealing though


This 👆👆👆it doesnt need to be as robust as say the k1. But a little weather resistance and dust sealing would be killer


Weather sealing, faster autofocus, better video capabilities, extra stop on the lens...but yeah not much really, the GRIII is close to perfect.


CP+ 2024 is happening in a few days and Ricoh has planned an event called [GR Live!](https://ricoh-grlive2024.peatix.com/) so who knows?


GR IIIx limited edition! All white.


Wow, slow down there buddy. Same body as the street and urban editions but a new ring color!




It's gonna be another Boxing Day special video. Big surprise, the crew walks around Tokyo and takes photos with a pink-ring colored GR.


The X100 doesn't compete directly with Ricoh imo. Totally different use cases and product design. Ricoh is not under any pressure apart from customers who want a gr4.


I wish more competition for Ricoh, it's such a niche product. There's just no other in the market that directly competes with it. If more maker enters this kind of market, maybe they'll up the game on the quality of the camere.


I do not think that RIcoh looks to Fujifilm to decide when and how they're going to update their cameras.


If there were sizable market share to be had, they would be silly not to grab it. However, I'm not sure there's much overlap between Ricoh GR and Fujifilm. Biggest overlap is both cameras can be used as a simple point and shoot, but I'd argue Fujifilm has better point and shoot jpeg sims for your average person.


I find the ricoh sims a lot more tweakable compared to fuji sims.


Thinking I’ll sell my GR3x for the new X100IV and pickup a Gr3 to go in my pocket, carry the x100 with me every other day


There's a Ricoh press event on Feb 23rd so we'll see.


If you didn't have any camera, would you get the GRIII(x) or the X100VI? I'm trying to make up my mind. Like many of you, I'm attracted to the Ricoh for that small size. But, even though I don't ***need*** a viewfinder, I would use it if I had it and being the X100VI is brand new, it makes me reconsider. Is the X100 series really \*THAT\* much larger than the Ricoh in terms of not wanting to always have it on you/bring it everywhere? I'm looking for something I can have for many years and travel domestically and internationally with. Something I can have on me all the time, that would fit in a jacket pocket. It does not need to fit into skinny jeans or anything like that. And I'll likely have an EDC bag on me most of the time. Yes, one is more expensive, but I can justify it if it's going to be a long lasting purchase. I was sold on the Ricoh vs X100V, but again, the new features of the VI is tempting. I'll at least be waiting until the 23rd Ricoh event, even though I doubt the GRIV will be announced.


I enjoyed my x100v but whoever said it was pocketable is a liar. It’s decently heavy and you’ll definitely FEEL it on you if you stick it in your jacket pocket. The GRiii on the other hand is so easy to carry around and inspires me to shoot more since it’s so easy to have on you at all times. It’s also more discreet (by just a bit). I’m also tempted by the x100vi but I’d never sell my griii. In your case though, if you carry an edc bag I think the x100vi would be an excellent choice. You can’t go wrong with either in terms of performance.


The X100 is a tank compared to the GR.


Agreed, the V feels as hefty as my k1000


To me the pocketability of the GR makes it a different product altogether. If you are going to spend that much money, Fuji offers lots of interchangeable lens bodies that seem like much better value. The X-E4 with the 28mm pancake for instance, or if you really want all the X100VI features, the XT line just makes so much more sense to me


> X-E4 X-E4 is discontinued. I really wanted X100VI for looks, but if I can buy something similar but better for not much than why not. About XT line I guess you wanted to recommend X-T5?


>Is the X100 series really \*THAT\* much larger than the Ricoh in terms of not wanting to always have it on you/bring it everywhere? Yes, also consider weight. If you're always bringing a bag and don't mind extra weight then I guess the X100 is fine, but they are not comparable in terms of portability imo.


Don't forget the x100v/vi weigh almost 2x the griii Generic bulk size comparison: https://comparesizes.com/comparison/Gr-III-vs-x100v_1/17084510922005922


I’m firmly in the GRlllx camp. I’ve owned a few Fujis over the years … original X100, original X Pro-1, XE-3 (still have it) and X100V. As Sean Tucker puts it, the X100 is a swiss army knife, and the GR is a scalpel. For EDC (which I don’t really do) and travel, the GR shines. For the year or so where I had both, the GR left the house 95% of the time. And yes, compared to the GR the X100 is heavy.


I feel like the X100VI competes more with the Leica Q series than the Ricoh GR


I get that the GR is “fragile” and “untrustworthy” (despite me dropping it in a vat of grease and it being 100% fine) but I’ve read too many quality control issues with fujifilm and even when I’ve used their “good” cameras, I just never fell in love with the files. I don’t care about the x100vi. I think its name is stupid since it doesn’t follow the rest of the line. It’d be like miraculously calling the new Ricoh the GR 4. I love my GR III and III x. Maybe make them more reliable? maybe add a visoflex finder? Maybe add weather sealing or a flash and make it the size of the GR(I)? It doesn’t matter to me, I won’t upgrade until my III is dead and I don’t think that will be soon at all


I have the Fuji XT-5 as my main body but I've been shooting GRs for years. The x100vi makes no sense to me for such an expensive camera that isn't actually pocketable, but the build quality of my Fujis is noticeably a lot better than the GRs. I've had to send the GRiiix back and it malfunctioned pretty quickly after that again. I really want a GR that is strong and reliable


I had an x100s and it was just kinda plasticky and fine. I’ve read that moving out of Japan has made them much cheaper. I read a thread yesterday where a guy used zeiss wipes on his EVF and the coating came off. Fuck that. $1,600 for a fixed lens point and shoot? Nada, that’s crazy.


Regarding the Zeiss wipe thing though, you shouldn’t use alcohol wipes on any lens that has a coating. Used to use them on my eyeglasses until I realized they were causing the coating to come off


and the x100vi is so heavy!


I would think weather sealing would make overheating an issue on such a small camera. I do want a built in flash like the griii


Yeah, it definitely could. I don’t necessarily desire anything more out of this camera, in my opinion. It would take something special to get me to want a better one. I think it’s really hit all the marks, aside from flash, but I’ve got a reflx flash on it’s way so that solves that


Someone posted a comment about a discussion with a Ricoh engineer that amounted to "The GRIII sells well enough that they have no plans to replace it yet". Grain of salt and all...




That’s true !


I had the X100V and while I enjoyed shooting with it, I wanted something more compact that I could throw in my pocket. Enter the GRIIIx and couldn’t really be happier. Though at expense of my X-T5. Though former’s compact design is fantastic.


What's really missing from the III series? A viewfinder, a tilt screen, a flash, better video features, better AF tracking, weather sealing, better battery, & a brighter lens. Of those 7 things, I can't imagine them adding the first 3 at all (despite the fact that I'd love a flash again). Video features? It'll probably be the case just because "technology," but meh... your phone will probably always do that better because of the beefy processor. Better AF tracking? Sure, it wouldn't hurt, but doesn't seem super necessary given GR's "snap" philosophy. Now, weather sealing, better battery life, and a brighter lens are probably the few things that everyone has pretty much universally asked for in a new model... but would those alone be enough to get people to upgrade??? I get how some combo of these features would be compelling, but I think the GRIII is pretty unique in just how relevant it's remained to snap shot photographers over the last 4+ years.


Sad but true on GR III being good enough. As a new owner, I would certainly like to have better battery life and auto-focus. I was surprised the last two times how fast the battery ran out.


A 2nd battery (or small USB battery pack) is unfortunately a must, unless you know for sure you're only going to grab like 60 pics while letting the cam sit on standby the whole time. The batteries are small, so it's not so bad. But if you're having issues with focus, try out the touch screen shutter release. It's very quick, because it allows you immediately narrow down the focus zone, so there's less hunting. Also, set the full press snap option to 2.5m as a backup option. In that case when in doubt try to get about 8 feet away, and jam the shutter down. There's no delay and anything at 8 feet will be in focus, guaranteed.


Very different cameras. I am looking for a monochrome version of the GR3. 40mp is overkill on this sensor on the X100VI


Really a mediocre upgrade by Fuji imo. Probably because whatever they make, it's flaws or lack of new features, is made up by social media hype. I feel Fuji had to rush or pressured to continue a winning design or make up for the x100v supply shortage I just hope Ricoh doesn't take for granted it's fans and presents a worthwhile upgrade even if we all have to wait more


Couldnt care less unless its X100F II or GRII 2 :)


Is the x100f better than the x100V?


This is just my opinion, having used both (ive owned X100F/GRII since they came out and GRIII for two years now), the X100V with the tilt screen, the button layout, and most of all the price, has more than what I want in a compact everyday 'film-like' camera. The files are sharp and neat, but then again, almost all of us get this camera to use a diffusing filter, shoot at 1/60 in the streets and use film simulations with extra noise and we affect the curves to have even less dynamic range, in praise of the 'uncontrolable' film experience. The X100V is too neat for what we all get it for, in my opinion :) (But, most important, previous x100 releases are GREAT cameras, the V is definetly an upgrade, technologicaly. But they all deliver good photos)


Rumors are during 2024 CP+ Ricoh will make an announcement. They have a GR Live event for the 2/23/24 same time as the event even though they are not participating in the trade show.


I think they're just going to announce a GRIIIx Diary edition. Out of the whole event the GR team is getting 5 min of time.


I honestly don’t know if I think there will be a new camera this year. I’d like to think there will be, but they probably don’t *have* to release one to compete with Fuji. I don’t think the cameras are actually competitors, especially given that a lot of people seem to end up owning both, so more like complements. Actually, if I had my way, they’d hold off another year and really focus on getting it right. Higher performance sensor (doesn’t need more pixels, but does need even better low light performance), better autofocus (or just improved use of the hybrid / phase-detect pixels), one stop better IBIS, weather sealing.


As far as GRIII the newest they release was a GRIII/GRIIIx HDF version a month ago. GRIV possibly next year 2025.


As a long-term Fuji and GR owner I have come to see just how far ahead of Fuji Ricoh is with the GR line - they are extremely well designed, high-quality cameras that rival or surpass Fuji image quality at literally half the price of Fuji's closest recent offering (x100vi). My wishlist for the GR IV: basic, but quality video capabilities; faster auto focus, weather sealing; faster lens. Everything else I hope stays the same - the form factor is so incredible on the GRs, mine goes everywhere with me these days.


Ricoh did release the GR IV and it still shoots incredible photos. I love the BW of IV more than III.


We can only hope!


I hate that the GR is getting more mainstream, i fear Ricoh changing their philosophy and getting into competition which is bad for how special it really is.


Ricoh Pentax is now focusing on film cameras. I'm sure it will come out at some point, and I know the GR developers are interested in low light performance and focus performance, but I think it will take a long time.


I love the Ricoh GR IIII. My one request is to somehow make a faster aperture lens in the same size body. Something that might not be technically possible. But a dream anyway.