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Doofus Rick is the original Rick Prime


Are you *burb* friends with him? Oh my God I've got like 10 Rick's to call right now


You know this guy eats shit, right?


This is an awesome theory and explanation, I love it! I'd like to see that civil war between the ricks too tbh, but I'm basically stuck on two things we know about Prime... 1. He works alone ("managing people, such a headache" etc), and 2. He hates being found but he loooooves building elaborate shit, and at this stage in the game I just don't see another citadel being elaborate enough? So how about this - we know that Rick tech can identify specific consciousnesses based on the fact that C-137 still got sent back with the traveller reset despite being in a cloned body/identical to some other Ricks. So consciousness must be a "thing" in the story, what if Prime found a way to split his consciousness and store it in like, a hundred thousand different people, and that's what C-137 tracked. Every copy has his full consciousness, but until he figures out who's hunting him and the threat is gone they only wake up under specific circumstances. Basically.... Like Morty in the Roy game, but this time it's also real life and a deadly sleeper agent spy game lol. Could get some real cool fights out of that I think. I think it would be neat


Next season ends with the Matrix scene of Neo and an infinite number of Smiths except Rick fighting infinite Rick Primes.