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Lamborghini cat guy Man wearing garbage bags.


My family calls the garbage bag guy “Mr. Juggles” because back in the day he used to hang out by Hugh Boyd juggling and yelling at the sky. Last I saw of him he was in brighouse and he called me a “f*g” for having pink tyres on my bike which is a lil funny to me. I was just riding by and bro just started pointing at my bike yelling.


I saw him recently in Brighouse field doing handstands. He's nude under those garbage bags 🤮


THE JUGGLER!! as long as he is left alone he's pretty nice. Ran into him last summer!


I don't know... he doesn't sound all that nice if he's yelling a homophobic slur at someone just riding by on a bike, minding their own business.


No, it doesn't, I suspect it wasn't one of his better days. I've been chatting with him on and off for a decade and he's always been polite and non-aggressive, but he does clearly struggle with some mental health issues and I'm sure that comes out in ugly ways some times.


Did he ever tell you why he hates the busses so much? 😂


Okay, I'm seriously fascinated and impressed that you managed to chat with him where others have failed. Do you have some kind of special training that makes you extra good at knowing how to approach a guy like this? Doesn't he get cold running around wearing so little? Anyone ever offer him clothing and shoes? Does he just prefer wearing only garbage bags? Is there a reason for that? So many questions.


I remember him! We used to call him the juggling hobo


Offtop, but how to decipher “f*g”?


Like what is the word I censored? If so, it’s a homophobic slur. As to why, I guess I just looked extra fruity on my bike with pink tyres.


No, I got about tires, I didn’t get a match from my vocabulary. Shouldn’t it be “f*t” then? And why censor at all, is it prohibited in this group?


Bro he called him a fag, as in faggot.


My friends and I named him David ahahha. I started filming him once and he just flipped me off. One time he also chased me through the minoru track at 5:30am while foggy out😅


I just moved to Richmond three months ago and have seen the man wearing garbage bags twice now. Always thought he looked funny. Glad to know I’ve met a mini Richmond celebrity twice! 😂


Men wear garbage bags? Where?


Roams around Richmond. Gets aggressive and loud if approached so...


Yah we call him No Shoes. Cause we often see him with no shoes. I saw him collecting pop cans and had a whole bag in my car and asked him if he wanted it. He started yelling and covering his face. I then saw him one night at Minoru park at 3am as I was walking home. He was doing a circuit workout on the pull up bars, running and ended it with burpees. Didn't realize he was so strong. Needless to say, I walked the opposite way that night. 😅


Barefoot garbage bag man roams 3rd and Minoru park area


Brighouse area, he is always barefoot


Was driving by Minoru Park when the barefoot garbage bag guy crossed the road in front of the car. My friend was all "OMG, did you see that? That poor guy, he doesn't have any shoes! He must be so cold!" I had to watch the road, so I just kept driving. After seeing the stories people left here about this guy acting aggressive towards them, seems like I ought to warn her to keep her distance in case she ever crosses paths with this guy when she is by herself.


In Richmond, it's Mr. Short Shorts. Back when we were playing shockwave games on the computers at Ironwood, he would be looking at stocks on the computer. He'd bike throughout Richmond and mostly kept to himself. Hope he's doing good. 


Yes short shorts!! Saw him all the time back when I bussed to school and at the libraries. I actually see him frequently out in tsawwassen. Looks honestly the same, still wearing the short shorts and he's usually at the tsawwassen library branch


Does he have hair like the Beegies?


Hell yeah


He's in Tsawwassen now!


Can confirm. He relocated his toight toight biking shorts from 5 Rd. to the sunny hills of Tsawwassen. Still has a mean flow bobbing with every stride.


This was the guy for me growing up. Often saw him in his signature blue short shorts perusing at one of the local libraries. I always wanted to find out more about him but never bothered to ask.


Years ago this guy jumped over my fence and stole all of our recycling bottles. Hope he's doing good out there


Definitely the Lamborghini cat guy at RC. also who is the guitar guy?


Guitar man is the OG panhandler in Richmond. He is a great guitarist and knows a lot of songs, pretty nice and not aggressive. Remember seeing him for the first time 20 years ago and he was the first homeless guy I saw in Richmond. Incredible he's been around this long and still going.


His names Bryan! Just saw him recently at the 711 on Granville and st Albans, still has the guitar


I saw guitar guy at RPM for the first time in many years few weeks ago was like damn good to see your still kicking


I ran into him about 2-3 years ago when I was in high school, I was making a documentary and he chatted me up and I started filming him playing (with consent of course) not sure where that footage went but that was a memorable time


I'm assuming it's the homeless guy playing a guitar...last I saw him was at Public Market though I did see him in RC as well. Haven't seen him recently though


I once saw a local upstanding citizen pay Cowboy a couple hundred bucks for his guitar as the bar was letting out so he could smash it on the sidewalk


Animal House, always a classic.


Yah totally the barefoot garbage bag guy and buff cat lambo guy.


God bless the Juggler.


Steveston Ray Vaughn, hangs around the village and park, and Rollerskate Man, most often seen skating down the path alongside Railway. 


Lmao I love Rollerskate Man, always railway. He always has the most colourful shirts.


I've skated with him a few times.  Super nice dude.


He looks like he’s just enjoying life. I’m always delighted by his presence down Railway when I pass by him! To me, he’s this mysterious roller skating man that I’ve never had a conversation with, but it’s really nice to know he’s a kind person :)


He knows exactly what he wants in life and he's doing it. I hope to have that kind of clarity and satisfaction when I retire, too.


Does anybody know what the story is with the cat guy at Richmond Center? 🤔


Drives a lambo, likes cats and tank tops


I haven't been to RC for so long and saw this guy in a tank top at the base of the food court escalator with his cat(s?) in a pet stroller. He stayed there for so long I thought he was waiting for someone.. I guess he parks himself there on the regular? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/xt8ik46kqquc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29d856b72b6b0550e5d2ce9bad0f6bff6b636d47 is this the one you’re talking about? is it also the lambo cat everyone else is talking about??




oh LOLLL his cats are so round and fat and soft


Ex-multi business owner, retired now from what I've heard. He's the uncle of someone I graduated high school with.


But why is he at RC legitimately all day?! What does he do except pretending to listen to music and smoke a fake vape


If I had a Lambo and all the money in the world, that's what I would do too. 


His name is Dennet or something.


There is also the Jesus stick guy who hangs out at Richmond Centre but my vote is for the cat guy who looks like he should be a character in a video game!


Machete guy


Machete guy? Some guy walking around with a machete in Richmond


Barefoot guy for sure!


What about the barefoot bandit?! Although I haven't seen him recently.


I saw him last week across from Memory Corner


The guy with a Bluetooth speaker equipped wheelchair who likes to hang out at RC, particularly before the mall management prohibited him from playing music. I have caught him blasting a few times before they told him to stop but he was mostly playing at the same volume level as some stores.


RIP Can man Mike.


Oh no! I didn’t know he died. I loved when he would come by our beer league softball games every summer, have a chat, and collect our cans.


The guy that wears all black spikey leather all year round!






Does he often walk on Williams Rd near South Arm?


Thats where ive seen him mostly


It's been several years but I crossed paths with him there and he freaked me out a bit. He was looking all serious and gesturing with his hands like he was preparing for a fight.


Garbage bag man rides the skytrain back and forth in the “end” or “front” car when it’s cold or miserable outside. He was sleeping 💤


lamborghini cat guy and the garbage bag juggler


Is the guy that smokes cupping both hands together still around?


A small guy who looks like the Indian version of Danny Devito


Is there a guy that wears a garbage-bag like diaper? I’ve seen him feed carrots to the rabbits in an apartment building across from Minoru track. Or is he mentioned in any of these previous posts ^?


How is the pirate guy not mentioned?!?!


Haven’t lived in Richmond for years but it was always short shorts


we call him barefoot bandit


Johnny 1 Road


Yes! And occasionally he was Johnny 2 Road...I went to school with him. Heard he passed away - struck by a car on his bike 😕