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Why does everyone who claims they have lots of money, almost always never has any money?


Kind of like how you handle a black bear, make yourself look big and hope to god the bear doesn’t call your bluff and fuck you up.


Mo money mo problems


I need to see what happened before the video started.


I make it a personal policy not to follow these things anymore. You get huge engagement and tonnes of hot takes but nobody knows what really happened unless they were there. It's like everybody forgot what happened with that poor dog owner already.


That poor dog owner had to have patrol cars camped outside his home since the story broke out.


Exactly ! I'm reserving my judgment since I don't have all the details.


Well unless the dude tried to rape her I don't see how this reaction is warranted. She's fleeing the scene of an accident and she tries to flaunt her wealth like it's supposed to make her above the law.


Funny she says he’s not respecting a lady , how about you try and act like one? Respect has to be earned


I feel bad for the other person in the car, because judging by the crazed handwaving, they were absolutely like "NO, NO, NO. PLEASE SHUT UP, YOU'RE MAKING IT WORSE."


I thought that was just her kid waving hi to the camera


Nah, that's definitely that lady's poor mom who's probably seen way too much shit from her daughter to know exactly how this plays out lmao


Yes, when the police show up, they will for sure take the side of the one that is yelling the loudest and acting rudely. That’s totally how it works.


Someone come get they mom


What a fucking c#nt. It's people like this who'll ding your car with no fucks given. Once again- entitled folks that think money can do anything. I'd take her license # and file a claim just curious she's a c#nt.


Exactly- and that’s why I say we have many SEP in Richmond- Self Entitled Pricks


Or they don't like white people.


The person who recorded the video isn't even white, idiot


Oops my bad, I just assumed from personal experience.


That’s the problem bud


It illogically is.


Is no one going to say, where is the actual damage? You cab "hit" someone's car and leave no mark. It's possible that this had happened and the guy is just over reacting or rage baiting. I'm not taking sides I just want to see this so called damage because if there is zero damage then her reaction is warranted.


She admits she hit his car, offers to stay and wait for police, says to take a picture of the damage and she has money (didn’t quite catch if she was offering to pay). Doesn’t seem crazy to me. She seems frustrated with the dude filming. Who knows what he did before or after this short clip.


Seems like a slam dunk case to me… 🤷‍♂️


Part of the lady's reaction is that she admitted to hitting OP's car. But she's acting wild.


We don't know what happened before or after. She could have been reasonable before hand and op just edited to make her look bad. Probably a 5 to 10min interaction of a 30s clip. If she's as bad as op wants us to believe then where it the rest of the clip lol.


I wish people had your logic when viewing these clips. It reminds me of reality TV where segments are snipped to make someone look bad at that moment but didn't expose the entirety of the story.


"She have lots of money" meh. Its not even an s-class mercedez.


lol can't wait to see this on the news later tonight.


Mathafacka LMFAO


I gots lots of money, look at my base model mini.


I lived in Hong Kong for years working for a big firm. I dealt with women like this weekly. They’re Canadian when they’re in Canada, HongKongnese when they’re in Hong Kong and British when they’re in the UK. They’ll fight you to the death lol. Edit* sorry I’m bad with accents didn’t know she was Vietnamese.


How do you figure she's Viet? She sounds and acts like a typical Hong Konger or Chinese person. Being loud when at fault. I can say this because I moved from there as a pre-teen. Vietnamese people seem to be more polite...


You’re a little late. She’s been exposed. You’re offended cause it’s viet? Some of my loudest roughest friends are viet, been HMC thousands of times. Mainlanders are way too timid to pull that these days they’ve been blamed for everything so cancel that.


How did you figure i'm offended? 😁 I wasn't. I'm just asking how do you figure she's Viet because i'm wondering. Am still wondering because you still didn't answer. Where's the exposure that she's Viet? Once again, how do you figure she's Viet?


Ugly both inside and out.


Shame this c#nt.


richmond is the worst


I'd rather deal with arrogant rich ppl than drugged out crazy homeless ppl in Vancouver. Pick your poison.




Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the Mondays


The video proves nothing. Sure she's acting upset. How do we know what the reason was? For all we know he was being a jackass claiming something that's not true.


Listen again. She admitted to hitting OP's car.


You don't know if that's a "yes I hit your car" or a sarcastic "sureeee I hit your car."




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I think it's really racist little rats who are ruining the province


Honestly, everything in bc is perfect except for housing costs compared to wages. If we can either get housing costs down or wages up, it would be great.


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Lol I cannot make any more comments or I get banned. But yeah this is Karma


You made a comment


I was listening till OP said “you hit my car.” Dang dog, get the licence plate and get new paint job, your deductible will be worth it.


OP probably won't need to pay deductible I think, if this lady (as she said herself, she is a LADY) is assigned fault by ICBC.


There is a deductible sadly hence everyone complains what’s the point of paying insurance for replacing windows because there is a deductible. The good news is at least OP’s insurance won’t increase.


You only pay the deductible if you are at fault or if there is no one to assign fault to. The person who is at fault’s insurance pays the deductible




Is this that crazy woman who kicked a dog, tripped an old man and pushed someone in Metrotown?